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MemberOvomorphApr-30-2012 9:17 PMtwo thoughts and then off to bed:
1.) in space you can wear flip flops...David and Holloway are wearing them at the rubics cube/star map briefing...what do they call those in the uk? thong sandals? you cannot properly run from mutants & aliens while wearing those.
2.) has there ever been another director to exceed 33 years between his own movies that are related like ALIEN and Prometheus, is this a world record?
thats all, nite nite
25 Replies

Co-AdminMemberOvomorphApr-30-2012 9:36 PMThey are known everywhere else in the world as thongs. Americans are the only people I've ever heard calling them flip-flops.
"Is it dead this time?" "I dunno, poke it with this stick and see."

NCC 1701
Veteran MemberMemberOvomorphApr-30-2012 9:38 PMWhat are they called when you wear socks with them

MemberOvomorphApr-30-2012 9:40 PM@ncc1701....with socks? They are then called a fashion faux-pas

MemberOvomorphApr-30-2012 9:41 PMDavid looks to me like he is wearing sneakers. Is it really "flip flops", {Damn I hate Those} let me go look again...
MemberOvomorphApr-30-2012 9:44 PMNcc1701 with socks it's just pure and simply getto, if you ever heard the expression.

NCC 1701
Veteran MemberMemberOvomorphApr-30-2012 9:47 PMnope ,your a canadian getting your beer out of the snow bank ....

MemberOvomorphApr-30-2012 9:56 PMHippies in space! Are we to discover the origins of hippies!

MemberOvomorphApr-30-2012 9:59 PMhahaha...i have lurked on this forum for a while now. this post brought me out into the open though. Flipflops as they are called in the UK would indeed be a most impractical item of footwear for the ensuing carnage. As a UK expat recently moved to Australia I was briefly confused by the term 'thongs' in relation to aforementioned footwear. I was under the impression momentarily that I would have to wear a g string to the beach..not a good look for a middle aged chap. Happily for all I discovered that the 'stralians meant flipflops.
Excellent forum by the way.

Co-AdminMemberOvomorphApr-30-2012 10:04 PMWith thongs and socks, in Australia we call it "bogan" I think you can Google the term ;-P
"Is it dead this time?" "I dunno, poke it with this stick and see."

MemberOvomorphApr-30-2012 10:06 PMThe question is, if you wear them on a starship in space, when you inevitably stub your toe on a bulkhead, can anyone hear you scream?

NCC 1701
Veteran MemberMemberOvomorphApr-30-2012 10:06 PMhahahahah No, could be called married life also

MemberOvomorphApr-30-2012 10:07 PMdontburstmychestman:
Hope your move was a good one, and WELCOME!
Whatever you do, don't call them 'jandals'.
You don't want to be mistaken for a New Zealander!!!!!!!!

MemberOvomorphApr-30-2012 10:09 PMCypher:
Bogan is more someone who would wear thongs to a wedding!

MemberOvomorphApr-30-2012 10:15 PMthanks 'theSnark'. Yes, I reckon the move was a good one, thanks for the welcome. i just hope we are not delayed in getting the awesomeness of Prometheus in our cinemas down under.
Jandals....laughs, is that what Kiwis call them?

MemberOvomorphApr-30-2012 10:21 PMdontburstmychestman:
Yep, Kiwis call 'em jandals. Why? Who the hell knows!!
As for the delay in seeing Prometheus.
We got The Avengers a good week before the US!
It could happen again!!

MemberOvomorphApr-30-2012 10:23 PMLove The "Roos", and "Auzzie Rules Football" Rules Dude!!!

MemberOvomorphApr-30-2012 10:29 PM[img][/img]

MemberOvomorphApr-30-2012 10:52 PMcheers Snark....sounds promising, that reminds me I must convince my gf to go and see the Avengers soon.
Spartacus? Fosters? Now that's what I call horrific liquid.

Co-AdminMemberOvomorphMay-01-2012 1:12 AMAnd we no longer own Fosters, the Americans do.............. And it's shit beer anyways........ They can have it......
@TheSNARK, but the whole wedding party would more than likely be wearing thongs............... And the bride would more than likely be turning up in a taxi......... :-D trust me, I've lived in Boganville. Western Sydney........
"Is it dead this time?" "I dunno, poke it with this stick and see."

MemberOvomorphMay-01-2012 1:57 PMHahahahaha!
I never knew flip flops were also known as thongs!!!!!
Off on holidays next month, must remind the GF to pack my 'thongs'.

Co-AdminMemberOvomorphMay-02-2012 3:57 AMAnd she'll probably wonder where your miniskirts and garter belts and high heels are Cylon :-P
"Is it dead this time?" "I dunno, poke it with this stick and see."
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