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MemberOvomorphMay-01-2012 3:42 PM
u were warned that this might be a spoiler when u pause it on just the right frame, doesn't this look like Fifield's Decapitated head after he goes on an axe rampage? TAKEN FROM THE MOST RECENT TRAILER (increased the contrast to see through the fog) [img][/img] --->for larger, better view! :
36 Replies

NCC 1701

Veteran MemberMemberOvomorphMay-01-2012 3:47 PM
yes ,,looks like a very very sad face


MemberOvomorphMay-01-2012 3:55 PM
Same swollen shape around the cheek and jaw. And part of his helmet is visible with broken glass. I see faint signs of his head tattoo. Not 100% sure though... Thanks for the pic!


MemberOvomorphMay-01-2012 4:02 PM
Its the Jockeys helmet....... after all s&*t breaks out and Fifield mutates do you honestly think they will risk taking his head onboard??


MemberFacehuggerMay-01-2012 4:03 PM
It seems the wrong color for fifield's dome.

Safe? Of course he isn't safe, but he's good!


MemberOvomorphMay-01-2012 4:07 PM
in response to BellasianAlien, the fight with mutated Fifield (the guy with the hawk and tattooed cranium) was in the hanger, he was already onboard the ship and the head is in the lab. like they are trying to figure out what happened to him.


MemberOvomorphMay-01-2012 4:09 PM
Hmmm, I think it still might just be the head from the dead jockey they examine. Perhaps during examination they find out that the face of the jockey is really just a mask and they attempt to remove it... no idea why it explodes though. Even the oval lights behind it indicate that it's on the same set as the jockey head. [img][/img] [img][/img] PS: This would also indicate that all the jockeys/engineers/whatever you want to call them with the very humanoid faces (like the one approaching the chair) aren't mutated crew members... that's just what a jockey looks like with his helmet off. PPS: Wasn't there something on the Weyland site about a machine that could restart brain activity for a while? Perhaps that's what they're doing to this decapitated jockey before he explodes (and that might explain the holograph like images of running, masked jockeys... last memories?).


MemberOvomorphMay-01-2012 4:14 PM
This was no, "boat accident"!...


MemberOvomorphMay-01-2012 4:14 PM
Like I said I'm not 100% sure, maybe the head is deep frozen since... Wait... Maybe this time they actually freeze it! Look at the cold breeze, pale skin and overall cold compartment. Good one, I'm so smart! But it could be the head of an engineer, other than that I don't see any other option :D


MemberOvomorphMay-01-2012 4:17 PM
no offense, but space jockeys are huge, and have neither a nose or a mustache and beard. look at the bigger image if you don't believe me, those are human eyes as well.


MemberOvomorphMay-01-2012 4:20 PM
I see no mustache or beard in that image. And the "blue guys" as they are typically called, have very human looking noses and eyes. [img][/img] See.


MemberFacehuggerMay-01-2012 4:22 PM
@Juston well done! You got the perfect screen grab. the lights and scale are the same for both heads making it clear that both depict the same object, just in a different state.

Safe? Of course he isn't safe, but he's good!


MemberOvomorphMay-01-2012 4:26 PM
Come on Shawluv:D let's just look at this, I can see why you are thinking of Fifhfield but: 1. the Jockey head is on exactly the same tray as the exploding head 2. in the trailer Shaw is in her scrubs axamining the Jockey's head and then in the same scrubs shocked at the exploding head 3. the trunk helmet, is a helmet, they remove it the Jockey is humanoid; nose, eyes, etc 4. the head is exploding, it's a frozen frame, so any parts can look like anything beard, eyes, mustache, etc 5. there is no way you can see relative size from the image as there is no comparison to a humanoid size / Jockey size head.... Not saying your wrong but IMO it's the Jockey's head........


MemberOvomorphMay-01-2012 4:32 PM
perhaps the case of the Space Jokcey sacrificed (played by Daniel James) and was sacrificed to give life to a biological weapon, long ago... [img][/img] [img][/img] and perhaps this is a story about it: [img][/img]


MemberOvomorphMay-01-2012 4:34 PM
There is one way to know for sure


MemberOvomorphMay-01-2012 4:34 PM
check out the newest trailer, there is a scene with fifield's head swollen like something is growing inside it as he swings his axe around. the explosion that follows this images is what was inside it. the alien artifact looks totally different so thanks for putting it up along side for everyone to see the differences. Wait for the movie if you need to know who is right for sure!


MemberOvomorphMay-01-2012 4:34 PM
Buy your tickets and let the title role!


MemberOvomorphMay-01-2012 4:43 PM
Tickets brought 1st June 9pm UK :))


MemberOvomorphMay-01-2012 4:44 PM
We will all be none the wiser once the movie opens and all this bloody speculations will vanish into the cold dark vacuum of deep space. This movie will take all our spectations and flip them upside down!


MemberOvomorphMay-01-2012 4:46 PM
Oh and that's not Fifield.


MemberOvomorphMay-01-2012 4:47 PM
LOL @ Xenophobia


MemberOvomorphMay-01-2012 4:48 PM


MemberOvomorphMay-01-2012 5:00 PM
@ Xenophobia Yes, but don't you think that all this speculation is part of the fun? For me it builds up the tension.


MemberOvomorphMay-01-2012 5:41 PM
it does resemble fifield, in the trailer where he is axing the poor fellow into the side of the vehicle, there is a large dark spot emerging on the side of his head, similar to the dark spot on the head I can see that similarity but I think this well placed clue of the synapse reactivator device...or whatever its called....I think it will reactivate the head, maybe even causing it open from the sj look we all know and exposing the humanoid contents...I think it may be a 1,2,3...helment opens, pushes up humanoid face, explodes one last argument in favor of the fifield theory: if the sj has been dead a long time, would there be flesh remaining on the face? just a thought...cant wait to find out:)


MemberOvomorphMay-01-2012 5:57 PM
Whats up with all the decapitated astronauts?


MemberOvomorphMay-01-2012 6:01 PM
I been looking at this. I thought, "You know, that's a pretty nice rig they have - what with the sliding table and everything - who's to say they don't use it more than just the once?" I looked again at that enhanced shot, which has a LOT more detail than the trailer...I got to thinking about all these heads. Heads. Heads seem such a strong motif in this film - among many others, (I'm guessing now, that this film alone will sustain Film Studies course worldwide for decades). Big Head, here. Missing heads, there... This SJ, "Helmet", that looks like a skull - what if it's not a helmet? What if that's actually a skull? Or a head? Or what used to be a head? And all this stuff about "scale"....seems, to me, the angles in these shots are a little different... The fields of view are also little different, one being a crop of a wide angle the other being a mid shot - that would account for a little background distortion that was confusing me for a long time as I pondered this (the proportion of the lights etc)...I notice, also, the metal bars of the "tray" in front of each head are of a slightly different design or the, "scale", and the, "this", and the, "that"..... There's room for a doubt. I'm starting to think we're being quite [i]beautifully[/i] misdirected. Look at the second shot, again. Very hard. Yes: it might be the contents of that skull-looking SJ, "helmet". OR - it [i]might[/i] also be a human head, sitting inside of what's left of the chest-rig of a human suit. Stay with me. Let's say - just say - "it [i]might[/i] be a human head, sitting inside of what's left of the chest-rig of a human suit". If I say that, damned if I don't see two human eye-sockets. Blow me down, if I don't then see a quite distinctive human nose, starting high in the eyebrow-ridge - and a dark, bow-shaped shadow of unmistakably human-like lips and mouth? Human-like? Well, it could be a blue guy - but then, fact of the matter - if I start looking at it from the perspective of "it [i]might[/i] be a human head, sitting inside of what's left of the chest-rig of a human suit" - good gracious if I don't start to see the curve in the cartilidge of the left ear... Saints alive, if I don't immediately start to discern what would nicely correspond to the sides and back of the distinctive collar of that chest-rig, rising up around the back of the neck - just like the collars rise up in the back of the neck of the chest-rigs in the human spacesuits.... Fifield, Shmyfield....maybe it's Fifield, maybe it isn't - but you wouldn't have to work too hard to make me believe it's what's left of the dude who got his helmet melted onto his face. How and why his head would be detached - and in such an unorthodox manner - others may choose to answer, either here, or in their nightmares: my point is, it could actually be his head; or the head of a human being. There it is. No bigger surprise to anyone more than me, but, with the benefit of that enhanced pic, I'm getting @Shawluv:D's back on this.


MemberOvomorphMay-01-2012 4:42 PM
"he alien artifact looks totally different so thanks for putting it up along side for everyone to see the differences" Well yeah, like I said, they take the mask off. They're both heads, on the same set, that appear to be of similar size compared to what they're sitting on. I'm not sure why positing that they're two unrelated heads is a more likely scenario than mine.


MemberOvomorphMay-02-2012 2:16 AM
Not fifield....


MemberOvomorphMay-05-2012 8:24 AM
If you look at the scene with SJ helmet you can see four persons standing there namely Vickers, David, Shaw and another person. If you then look at the scene with the exploding head you can see the very same four persons standing in almost the same position to one another... These two scenes are the very same one and since there is only one operation table in this room then the head must have been the one inside the helmet... I believe this was my proof number two on this subject.

Alien DNA

MemberOvomorphMay-05-2012 8:44 AM
If you're saying some of the proof is a beard and mustache appearing after you adjust the contrast then where'd the mohawk go?


MemberOvomorphMay-05-2012 9:45 AM
I always thought the original Space Jockey in "Alien" had very sad eyes, so my immediate reaction to the contrasted picture is, that this is definitely an SJ without helmet. I don´t really see any of Fifields features in this face.
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