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MemberOvomorphMay-05-2012 7:50 AMI am starting to think that we should prepare ourselves for the presence of some form of time travel, or at least its consequences, within the plot of the film.
As astronomers, we all know that simply by viewing a star in the sky at night a form of time travel-by-perspective takes place, as it takes light so long to reach our eyes.
I don't think the presence of such a plot element would automatically ruin the film. It would depend upon the treatment it is given. As long as they do their research and it stays within the realm of quantum physics, I'm cool with it.
21 Replies

MemberOvomorphMay-05-2012 9:22 AMSomehow the whole "beginning of time sequence" that was filmed or supposedly filmed is where some of this time travel idea got started IMO. Now it has gone onto ideas of actual time travel, but the more I see of the film from trailers and other video the more I totally dispel this idea.

MemberOvomorphMay-05-2012 9:11 AMI forgot to say 'No I wouldn't like to see this either' ... ;) ...

MemberOvomorphMay-05-2012 9:15 AMI think I get what you mean, Necrofan, with the "time travel by perspective". I get the idea from the trailers that the passage of time has changed the SJs dramatically since those pictographs were drawn. Sort of the same concept that a lot of the stars we see in the sky are allready burned out, but sort of in revers...sort of. Damn now im confused.

MemberOvomorphMay-05-2012 7:58 AMBest I get this Tshirt made up then :) ...

David 1
MemberOvomorphMay-05-2012 8:34 AMNOOOOOOOOOO... [lol]
eheh, Necrofan. hope that isn't the case. Can't see why to make it more complex.
[b]Ask nothing from no one. Demand nothing from no one. Expect nothing from no one.[/b]

MemberOvomorphMay-05-2012 8:36 AMDon't think we will be seeing any time travel in this film... That is simply too much of a "Back to the Future" and "Terminator" cliche.

MemberOvomorphMay-05-2012 8:44 AMI hope not, or we might as well expect Doc Brown emerging from a Predator ship at the end of the movie.
Ridley Scott will eventually tell us how the Queen was born.
Right now we have the Deacon; coming soon the Mercury, the May and the Taylor.

MemberOvomorphMay-05-2012 9:22 AMWhat makes you say that?
And what, "treatment", did you have in mind?

MemberOvomorphMay-05-2012 9:25 AMI think the problem here is that every nook and cranny of this movie has been philosophized over and over again. We're running out of ideas, the next step is to discuss the outlandish. I pray there is no time travel in Prometheus. That would be say the least...IMHO

MemberOvomorphMay-05-2012 4:34 PMBottom line: Faster than light travel does, indeed, invoke time travel upon a reference frame. That is the physics. Furthermore, any system which has mass cannot travel at the speed of light. The only conceivable way this is possible is if M-Theory will allow for space folding, but M-Theory is not fully understood or known to exist.
Absolute zero is not a type of energy. Matter of fact, it's the absence of energy. However, many postulates, observations, laws (specifically, the 3rd Law of Thermodynamics, quantum conjugate variables-the commutator [AB-BA]f(i), and the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle forbids it), and tons of experimental evidence in ultra cold physics have proven it.
So all this postulating of FTL is just science fiction psuedo science. Personally, if FTL is in Prometheus I could care less as long as it follows some rules in the movie that is used strictly and doesn't lead to some outlandish plot lines.
MemberOvomorphMay-05-2012 10:27 AMNO FLUX CAPASITOR IN THIS ONE!! I think Doc. Brown is sitting this one out kids. The idea of the effects of space or long distances on time are one thing but actual time travel as a plot device in Prometheus is null.

MemberOvomorphMay-05-2012 10:50 AMPlease make it stop...we already have the bullshit concept of FTL (and no quantum physics does not and never will support the idea)
I dont understand why the ships couldnt be just close to light speed (possible through progressive acceleration) and use the cryos to travel upto 100 light years away

Burf McGlure
MemberOvomorphMay-05-2012 11:07 AMI don't think the space jockey ship will go faster than light, but I do think that its temperature will reduce to absolute zero, or close to. This would explain the stormy weather, and seeming insta-frost in the atmosphere. This would also be an example of a highly evolved cryogenic sleep. The seat the space jockey sits in would act as a cocoon, protecting it from the inhospitable temperature surrounding it.
If absolute zero, or a temperature close to, is the approach the space jockeys take to time travel, their position in the universe would become fixed, and everything else would move around them. This jump would be almost instantaneous.
The space jockey technology will probably be some sort of teleportation, which would require time travel as a positioning system. If the ship can't go faster than light, it can slow down so dramatically, that the universe travels faster than light compared to it. If this were to happen, time and space would reverse, and the final position of whatever had slowed would be uncertain, and would therefore require time travel to determine the spacial coordinates of its final position. Even if the Space Jockey ship were to dip to absolute zero for a second, its position in the universe change dramatically. The distance traveled would depend upon the speed and direction in which universe travels as a whole.
The map room in the space jockey ship displays an immense, moving visualization of the universe. This map might be able to calculate a final position.
The issue isn't so much actively time traveling, but laying dormant, allowing everything else time travel instead.
One final note, the space jockey ship would need to be in space to reach absolute zero quickly, while not disturbing other materials. ALSO, the outside of the space jockey ship looks like a refrigerator coil. The entire ship could be a giant compressor of some kind. ~ Absolute Zero reading material.

MemberFacehuggerMay-05-2012 12:06 PMWeyland scientists discover the [u]inverse relationship between velocity and the flow of time[/u] making the long sought-after concept of faster than light travel a reality. The search for practical application begins.
While I'm fairly sure that's all gobbledygook, that's the official report on their FTL drive which seems to use time manipulation of some degree or other. I don't think time travel is involved in the same way meant by the OP, it may be part of how they get where they are going.
Safe? Of course he isn't safe, but he's good!

MemberOvomorphMay-05-2012 12:31 PMHas there been any hint,reveal or mention of time travel in this film?
If not there'd be as much justification for fretting that it'll turn into a musical in the third act, with a Xeno jazz Hands encore at the finale.

Xenomorph 54
MemberOvomorphMay-05-2012 5:03 PMMy reaction if they used time travel:
Have you heard of phoenix asteroids?
They glow in every color of the rainbow...they travel endlessly through space...

MemberOvomorphOct-22-2012 7:32 AMI'm not sure we should be pursuing this avenue either. But it may be worth pointing out that [b]Dr Elizabeth Shaw[/b] was an assistant of the third [i]Doctor Who[/i]. She joined him at a time when the Doctor was just beginning his exile on Earth.
She later travelled in the TARDIS with the Doctor after the Doctor regained his knowledge of time travel.

Indy John
MemberOvomorphOct-22-2012 7:48 AMWhen Vickers ask "... how long?.....David's answer is over two years..
Is David's time frame the Ship's time?,,It is not clear to me... in light years... how far they must travel to reach the Engineers' outpost.
A search says that the closest star to our sun in over 4 light years away. Based on the Prometheus storyline our crew did indeed experience a fast than light speed..which in my mind is time travel.
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life
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