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Original Derelict Signal

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MemberOvomorphMay-09-2012 3:57 PM
Ridley clarified that the derelict was in fact millions of years old and that the events in Prometheus take place a few decades before the events of ALIEN. Given that the SJ in the original derelict was fossilized and that the alien ship in Prometheus looks different (and is airborne at some point), then it's probably safe to assume two different ships. But then why did the crew of Prometheus not pick up the signal when they arrived at the other moon of the ringed planet (I know Ridley said it's not LV-426 but the designation was still LV-something, wish I remembered the number). If this has been discussed before, I apologize but the pieces are just not fitting together. =(
38 Replies

Id Rather Be Eatin Something Else

MemberOvomorphMay-10-2012 4:55 AM
Hmmm.. Thats really interesting 'thought experiment' as I like to call it. Perhaps that then implies that the planetoid (LV-426) had some interstellar signifigance, a focal point of activity for some possible reccuring reason. Or it could mean, this is the local system the floating 'Derilict' just happend tocome in to contact with do to the effects exreted upon it by the planetary systems gravity well and it just happens to be LV-426 that it crash landed upon. It's an interesting hypothosis and i had never really thought about it until you mentioned it here. It made me sit up slightly and do a doulble-take "Oh, yeah!" moment. Well done to you for that Probe_Ation. Well done!


MemberOvomorphMay-10-2012 5:46 AM
Ahem. Have I missed something or where is the indication that LV426 is even near the Prometheus moon? It's just a categorizing number for a stellar object, isn't it? Could be anywhere, so why should the Prometheus crew pick up the signal from there? I think we have to clearly separate the storylines from Prometheus and Alien once and for all. Prometheus will give answers related to the Alien story universe but certainly will not link directly to the Alien movie, maybe this is an option for Prometheus 2. Cheers, Aquila210


MemberOvomorphMay-10-2012 8:55 AM
I can see now that there are a lot of viable, technical reasons for Prometheus not picking up the signal and there's much you can do with this story-wise, too. I was making it too simple in my head, and you guys really blew the door open on this one. Now all I need is for someone to tell me there exists an official translation of what the SJ said during the transmission and I'll be happy. Nah just kidding... now I'm being too demanding. =)


MemberOvomorphMay-10-2012 9:03 AM
Cheers Id Rather Be Eatin Something Else & everyone else contributing to the conversation... Let's say LV-233 was the original target for the 'Derelict' (either for strategic or some other purpose); all of the Prometheus preview info seems to indicate this is the case. The SJ suffers it's fate in transit, activates the beacon as a distress / warning as a final act & the craft drifts off course due to lack of pilot control. Ends up on LV-426 well after it was due on LV-233 & this is where the events of Alien pick up the story...


MemberOvomorphMay-10-2012 9:50 AM
I think the major point that needs clarification for everyone: The derelict, according to Scott, did *not* crash. Aquila: *Ahem* As far as any correlation between LV-426 and LV-223 is concerned - LV-426 is in the Zeta Reticuli system while LV-223 is in the Zeta2 Reticuli system. They aren't on polar opposites of the galaxy. If normal naming conventions follow then Zeta was found before Zeta2 so Zeta2 may actually be further away. This would also follow the LV-426(10Mo) and LV-223(2Yr) travel times. Furthermore, LV-426 is even mentioned on the Weyland Industries website, which was created due to Prometheus - Direct link established. Cheers back atcha.


MemberOvomorphMay-10-2012 10:12 AM
Actually, LV-426 is in the Zeta II Ret system, not Zeta I Ret, so they're not far off from each other (LV-223 and LV-426). That doesn't necessarily imply that they are satellites of the same planet, though. The fact that the Nostromo takes 10 months to get back, while Prometheus takes 2.5 years, can be due to the fact that the Nostromo has better and more advanced engines than the Prometheus (which basically is a prototype).
Ridley Scott will eventually tell us how the Queen was born. Right now we have the Deacon; coming soon the Mercury, the May and the Taylor.


MemberOvomorphMay-10-2012 10:54 AM
@ donye_west The way the functional craft are presented in the Prometheus footage & the way the derelict (not functional craft?) is shown in Alien suggests otherwise, but obviously we should be acknowledging the director's information... Unless this is summore disinformation... So I think as it's seen in Alien; that ship has crashed.


MemberTrilobiteMay-11-2012 4:40 AM
1. Ridley said the technology was millions of years old, not the Derelict. 2. The Sj was NOT fossilized, its decayed/mummified. 3. The Prometheus probably didn't pick up the signal because they didn't know what bandwidth to search for, but after Prometheus they probably do, hence they find the Derelict.

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