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My new suit-chair theory

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MemberOvomorphMay-09-2012 8:58 PM
Alright. Once i saw the new TV spot posted, i came to what is my final conclusion in regards to the suit-chair. Chair-suit? ...Might be missing some quotation marks, ..a..a-anyway. Basically, what i've said before; Pressurized, anti-vacuum (space), bio-organic-mech. WITH the addition of one thing. I saw the new TV spot posted. I saw a star map pop up whilst the suit was forming around the user. So, i think it also functions as the main controls of the ship. It's basically the pilot's seat/main ship control interface. YES, you might be thinking "no s*** Sherlocke..." . But this is more oriented towards me ending up being wrong, rather than being right. If it ends up serving a completely different purpose, then i will be pretty rattled. Anyway, thoughts? thoughts? ...
15 Replies


MemberOvomorphMay-09-2012 9:07 PM
Saw the star map as well and thought the same. Think this guy is driving the bus!


Co-AdminMemberOvomorphMay-09-2012 9:10 PM
I think you nailed it, the main controls of the ship, love the idea for a species truely connected to space travel, but why post for scrutiny? You don't have to be wrong you know....
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MemberOvomorphMay-09-2012 9:20 PM
I've never assumed that it was anything else.


MemberOvomorphMay-09-2012 9:26 PM
@Freeze Him (Quote reply feature, mr Site-Lord, sir?) Nono, you got it twisted, im just trying to not look like Cpt. Obvious. That's all.


Co-AdminMemberOvomorphMay-09-2012 9:47 PM
@Prenihility... I would love that new nickname! Can I have it? Lol I was just saying that I like your idea, and you don't sound like Captain Obvious. I know what you meant. Honestly there have been some no brainers around here lately. This topic has been touched upon, but I wasn't making fun of you. I like the idea that the suit is attached to the ship, I do. The detail of you brought up with the starmap plus said suit was enough for me to go look at the new trailer again... Good find! I didn't notice the first go around : ) Looks like the entire room goes into focus to the "captain" So, I hope we can be friends. Shake my hand...
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MemberOvomorphMay-09-2012 10:05 PM
Oh, no, man... You've gotten a bit more twisted. I know you didn't mean anything by saying i shouldn't have to be wrong. I love this forum. The most mature, and controlled/mentally stable bunch on the internet that I'VE encountered. Glad to see no-one is as sensitive as nitroglycerin on these forums, also. I swear it's the thing that i hate most about gaming...the GAMERS themselves. That's why i only find select group in regards to gaming. Worst fanbase=Gamers;more to it, fanboys :). Other than the seldom troll, we've had nothing but people with brains on here. Prime example of the best = This Prometheus community :). The beauty of it is; Why argue with ANYONE, about ANYTHING? We've got nothing to share but speculation, theories/ideas, and speak our mind in regards to how imaginative we are :D. And not arguing like a bunch of nerdy prats with serious cases of ass-acne. AMEN! I went WAY off-topic, lol... Eeer... Back on track. Now, yeah. The suit-chair. The single-manned control bridge of the ship. Also, what nickname...?


Co-AdminMemberOvomorphMay-09-2012 10:27 PM
mr Site-Lord, sir... I liked the ring of it, maybe it wasn't intended for me. Yeah, I get your drift. Thanks. Some games I won't even play anymore based on the "Gamers" I get you. Yes, this too is my favorite site on the net. So, again, you're spot on about the chair and the room, like what you brought it up. Captain sits in chair, the entire ship becomes one with the captain. I wonder if the chair truely controls all, like breathing and clean up, aka waste product. With our latest tech, I can't leave my house without my phone, truely sad fact. I'm already connected to my phone that bad.... Amen.
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MemberOvomorphMay-09-2012 10:27 PM
No way!!! All this time I thought it was a therapeutic massage chair for tired aliens with sore backs. Shit......back to the drawing boards....:(


Co-AdminMemberOvomorphMay-09-2012 10:39 PM
^^Arnis, you just made me spit on my computer! lol
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MemberOvomorphMay-09-2012 10:55 PM
@arnis I LOL'd. Hehehehe... Woah....HOLY ****! .............................................. Your joke... I JUST GOT ANOTHER IDEA! ...The sarcophagus is right by the chair... ( i thought of this thanks to arnis' joke; sore back; which led me to think about having to sit in the chair after spending time in the sarcophagus). I wonder why it's so close? ...Maybe it is required for the user of the sarcophagus to then use the chair AFTERWARDS. Maybe the sarcophagus is preparing them for something? Or just has some general correlation to the chair. It somehow relates to the Engineers' intentions. What they plan to use the chair for. Also, Freeze Him; i was referring to whomever is the webmaster :).


MemberOvomorphMay-09-2012 11:47 PM
I don't think its a sarcophagus. I'm pretty sure its a sensory deprivation tank for when there dropping acid. The massage chair is for when they're coming down and its not a star map. Its hallucinations.


MemberOvomorphMay-09-2012 11:53 PM
@arnis...Interesting... Interesting... But...If you observe the Engineers, you'll clearly see they ARE larger than Humans. More body mass=More acid to drop. I imagine their trips are trippier, to a much higher extent, than ours. I understand, i understand... The chair could also help with bad trips, though, too. A little relaxation after seeing George Lucas jumping out of the walls in the Acid trip - what used to be the star map room. Yeah, i'd be scared shitless. Especially if i belonged to another Sci-Fi universe that doesn't have anything to do with George Lucas. And if said acid-tripped Engineer thinks of the Star Wars prequels, even for a second, i think he'd just suffer cardiac arest, honestly... Poor Engineers...


MemberOvomorphMay-10-2012 12:08 AM
Definitely bad trips in the chair is the root of the problem. One person tries to light his pipe and melts his face mask, another can't fly and hits another ship, and Shaw has to hold on to the walls to walk.


MemberOvomorphMay-10-2012 12:19 AM
Alright, i pissed myself laughing at that one... I love how you saved the best for last. " Shaw has to hold on to the walls to walk." ROFLMFAO. But no, seriously, folks. Back to the discussion at hand, here...hehehe...


MemberDeaconMay-10-2012 11:41 AM
I still think the interesting things are... Why is their no oxygen etc on the planets surface that the crew cant breath but they can in the Derelict/Juggernaught? If this craft therefore can create its own Oxygen and breathable air etc, then why does the Space Jockey need a mask? Why also would he need to be strapped into the chair? Above the Chair is a Circle Window, maybe this can open up but why? If so then yes in Space you would be sucked into the vaccum and also would not be able to breath. Maybe its a Canon of some kind who knows.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

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