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MemberOvomorphMay-14-2012 5:37 PM
Why is he grinning? why is he cross-eyed? All i can say about this character is that i hope he gets killed off, or at least ceases to be classified as a human near the beginning of the movie. [url=][img][/img][/url]
21 Replies


MemberDeaconMay-14-2012 5:41 PM
I think this is the start of the love scene with Shaw, after they come back aboard the ship..... INAPPROPRIATE CONTENT REMOVED

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberFacehuggerMay-14-2012 5:45 PM
He's a douche. That's the answer to both.

Safe? Of course he isn't safe, but he's good!


MemberOvomorphMay-14-2012 5:49 PM
In the scene where he's explaining the star-maps, he's wearing sandals and a scarf.........That alone, tells us all we need to know about him.


MemberOvomorphMay-14-2012 5:51 PM
I'd probably prefer it if Milburn lasted a bit longer and Holloway had a run in with the Spacecobra! But alas, we're stuck with him now...


MemberOvomorphMay-14-2012 5:55 PM
Who knows what the inside of the helmet glass looks like...could be slightly distorted view at that angle.


MemberOvomorphMay-14-2012 5:58 PM
He looks like a derp in the picture. For those who say it's the beginning of the love scene, well, you made me think he was thinking "Heehee I get to bang my GF yay," but I doubt that. I just hope the love scene isn't something like out of Titanic where it's face-eating and wet, sloppy smack sounds and all that "nnnngh*weez*nnnng*weez*nnnngh" stuff you see in high school. If you think what I said's disturbing, you ought to see how I impersonate it with my hands (my two hands acting as lovers making out, of course). @[b]BigDave[/b] Lawl. @[b]artyoh[/b] A scarf? Damn I just noticed that now. If you ask me it could be worse. If it were an ascot, that would totally justify ridiculing him. But that's not the worst-case scenario if he had an ascot......Shaw is Daphne and Holloway is Fred. All we need is a giant talking dog and a whole pile of marijuana and we've got everyone's favorite overplayed cartoon franchise all over again.


MemberOvomorphMay-14-2012 6:06 PM
[quote=CrazyDave5581][i]If you think what I said's disturbing, you ought to see how I impersonate it with my hands (my two hands acting as lovers making out, of course).[/i][/quote] I think I'll pass. Thanks. Which is worse a [i]douche[/i] or a [i]derp[/i]? Whichever it is, voilà Holloway.


MemberOvomorphMay-14-2012 6:10 PM
I just posted exactly as follows on another thread. Who knew the fool Hollaway would be the only reason I have ever had cause to duplicate a post on this forum: My dislike of Holloway crystalised after I saw the "Landing Sequence" clip. It's been a slow build. First with the sandals; then with his, he's the, "Check it out - Ima just cock my leg up on the console during landing. You like that?....My crotch?...", guy. I can hardly wait for him to start suffering.


MemberFacehuggerMay-14-2012 6:19 PM
I don't even feel bad for him when he is laying there struggling to breathe and his irises have gone all red.

Safe? Of course he isn't safe, but he's good!


MemberOvomorphMay-14-2012 6:22 PM
@[b]sukkal[/b] It's less disturbing than I made it sound; my fault for how I tried to describe it, but I'll respect your decision. As for which is worse between the two you mentioned.....well, results will vary, but I think a derp may be more emotionally-tolerable than a douche, because a douche has the potential to be some stuck-up, officious, bossy prick who keeps pestering you and belitting you for who you are. And since he has a girlfriend, he has this God-given prerogative to be a douche towards any other guy with her, but in that case, he's not being an asshole; he's just got "confidence", but I'm just gonna stop there. @[b]allinamberclad[/b] Shows how much I pay attention. Until then, I've always just assumed "Oh; the main heroine has a boyfriend. Great." I guess your description completes it all now, and now I share your sentiments. Not saying I have a crush on Elizabeth Shaw or anything. I mean, yeah she's cute and all, but it's not some attachment I'm feeling. Her boyfriend in the movie just looks like the typical type, though I'm unsure if it's archetypical yet.


MemberOvomorphMay-14-2012 6:26 PM
[quote]I'd probably prefer it if Milburn lasted a bit longer and Holloway had a run in with the Spacecobra! But alas, we're stuck with him now...[/quote] I hope Milburn eats him... Before or after the whole cobra thing...


MemberFacehuggerMay-14-2012 6:32 PM
He assuages her fears before their presentation on board by basically saying "we'll be fine as long as you leave out all that stupid crap you believe." That's why he has to die horribly.

Safe? Of course he isn't safe, but he's good!


MemberOvomorphMay-14-2012 6:39 PM
Oh... and beforehand he could tell him he has "Red on him", because it's the same actor from Shaun of the Dead :3 It just seems like even though Shaw's really the brains of he outfit, that he feels he has to be the centre of attention!


MemberOvomorphMay-14-2012 6:59 PM
I actually like the cavalier attitude from the characters ... it shows a non 'by the book' type of place & environment ... and a bit of realism ... Alien had it ... Aliens had it too ... health & safety b*ll*x ... just use common sense ... I hate being told what to do ... and to be honest that's the sort of thing I would probably do ... lol ...


MemberOvomorphMay-14-2012 7:05 PM
I don't think anybody's really having ago at the attitude of the characters other than Holloway comes across as a bit of a prat Gem]n[... I liked the rough and ready characterisation in the previous films as well Don't even get me started on health and safety... I work in construction, it's a REAL headache LOL


MemberOvomorphMay-14-2012 7:21 PM
lol @ BigDave! hilarious, you got it spot on. The other acceptable answer was that he was having a great time smelling his own farts stuck in his space suit.


MemberFacehuggerMay-14-2012 7:23 PM
Health and Safety? I'm in the U.S. Army. I have to write a risk assessment if I'm taking time off and staying in town.

Safe? Of course he isn't safe, but he's good!


MemberOvomorphMay-14-2012 7:24 PM
LOL Myrddin... I have the same predicament any time I leave the office and head out for a site inspection...


MemberOvomorphMay-14-2012 7:54 PM
@Shawluv:D LMFAO! Poor Holloway, as if writhing eye-worms, acid burns and black vein-syndrome wasn't enough for him!

NCC 1701

Veteran MemberMemberOvomorphAug-17-2012 8:54 PM
lol i remember

NCC 1701

Veteran MemberMemberOvomorphAug-17-2012 8:56 PM
big bump
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