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"I'm All Jacked Up On Mountain Dew" !

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MemberOvomorphMay-21-2012 9:19 PM
Hey, Well, I haven't checked my inbox yet and I see there are 2 messages. Never the less I have been at it all day here in my living room and the thing I discovered is that not having my old video capture card really sucks. But I was inspired by that Poster Juxtapose did such a great job on to finally put together some kind of Trailer For Prometheus featuring "evyones" favorite original cast member, "Jonsey". By the ay his poster Pops up at the end , I asked him for a larger copy of it and will susb it in wehn I receive it !!! So here is what I quickly put together. I see why there was so little interest as things are moving quick these days and we are only about 2 weeks away and I think that's awesome and am [b]"all jacked up on mountain dew"[/b] for it !!! So may I present...[b]The directors Cut: Jonsey's Prometheus Trailer !!![/b] [url=]DirectorsCutJonsey[/url] *edit courtesy of craigamore" Please Turn up your surround sound once you get to the Space Jockey {You'll see the card intro for jULY 13TH, 2061 or something close to that...Turn it Up at that point !!!} ~Enjoy !
74 Replies


MemberOvomorphMay-21-2012 10:42 PM
Oh...Damn...I um... I wasn't too far off...


MemberOvomorphMay-21-2012 10:42 PM
I just checked I was wrong she says... "Stupid Cat" ! My bad.


MemberOvomorphMay-21-2012 10:44 PM download it and watch it that way turn up the sound when you see the space jockey and... "DON'T FEAR THE REAPER" !


MemberOvomorphMay-21-2012 11:14 PM
she says you [b]"little shit head"[/b] final tha'ts what she says...seriously man sorry I must be exhausted. download it and watch it that way turn up the sound when you see the space jockey and... "DON'T FEAR THE REAPER" !


MemberOvomorphMay-21-2012 11:19 PM
Good job man, looks great and the song was too funny LOL


MemberOvomorphMay-21-2012 11:39 PM
too cool eh? lol, i like the mix too thanks man!!!


MemberOvomorphMay-22-2012 5:53 AM
if you hit the download button and select original wmv file it plays right away a lot better without downloading !!! again hope you enjoy it !!! even though ti seems simple this took a lot of work yesterday !!!

NCC 1701

Veteran MemberMemberOvomorphMay-22-2012 3:34 PM
RIGHT ON Mr Spart''' Nice one , love the TUNE , REALLY ENJOYED IT ...... May be you should shoot weddings hA jUST KIDDING ,, l`ll watch this again on the weekend ...


MemberOvomorphMay-22-2012 5:17 PM
thank you NCC so glad you "like-a da juice" Spoken like Rob Schnieder in Deuce Bigalo Male Gigalo {The Original}! hit the download button people and turn up the voulme when you see that Space Jockey !!!


MemberOvomorphMay-22-2012 5:47 PM
I just watched my own video again and I have to say this...I wish more of you could see it somehow as I struggled big time to get it done...I used windows movie maker because my cap card broke and I have to get anew one. It had some kick as software for editing and creating videos that came with it called "Winfast"and the old HD died as well at the same time so I lost this incredible Java based program I forget the name of right now that let me make my own images and pics as titles, and the effects I can do with it are astonishing...all of it gone...this was done on a bare bones system using windows movie maker and conversion apps to import the clips and render them including the clip of Juxtapose's Poster which IMO is AWESOME. I also placed a template on each individual frame to give the thing that OLD FILM STOCK look...and then I busted my ass to get the sound synched perfectly which involved a lot of sound editing and mixing. A;ll this to let you know if when you get to the video you could be so kind as to hit the download button at the bottom, it will allow you to watch it right away without downloading it in it's original AVI format...and if you do this the video will play much better and most importantly without skipping any frames at all allowing you to see it the way I intended you to. Thanks very much for your understanding on this little thing as it is important to me during this stressful time as we approach this film to loosen up and worry less about my own expectations and more about making this place somewhere entertaining to be for all of us!!! One that isn't just about "Spoiling" what we will see, but appreciating what we have seen and are about to see!!! Lastly Please turn up the volume when you see the Space Jockey to get the full effect of the soundtrack I stuck in there and manipulated! ~Engadge [url=]DirectorsCutJonsey[/url]


MemberOvomorphMay-22-2012 6:00 PM
Bump, gonna keep doing it periodically till you all see this...lmao...I can't help it I am just built that way. signed Jessica Rabbit ! Hit download and select Original AVI, and it'll play right away no download perfectly I discovered...turn up the volume when you see the Space Jockey "pulsing" & Tx.

NCC 1701

Veteran MemberMemberOvomorphMay-22-2012 6:05 PM
No Prob i can tell this must have a takin a while ,,and i bet ya the hrs just flew by i ow you for a job well done [img][/img]


MemberOvomorphMay-22-2012 6:32 PM
Hey "Captain Kirk Man"...all anyone seems to care about these days is spoilers and yet I created this from scratch and just want to share it and Honor RS and The Alien Franchise he gave us and am HAVING A HELL OF A TIME GETTING IT SEEN...PROBABLY My own ego weighing the effort I gave against the results...I should know better, but really all it is a need to entertain when everyone seems so angst filled and obsessed over spoiling this film for themselves...while I choose not to and to Continue to entertain you all as best I can.

NCC 1701

Veteran MemberMemberOvomorphMay-22-2012 6:51 PM
I LOVE IT ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, All this Activity going on around here is,,,,AND ITS going to get more crazy , i just blow by it and have fun ,,,, all i can think of is how pumped i will be on JUNE 7 , wakeing up on this FINE FINE DAY , rocking all day and into the night after all, its only been What ,,,34 years till we know about those god dam S/J .. and,,,,,,entertain away its great Later


MemberOvomorphMay-22-2012 7:13 PM
tx man I really appreciate it and I just can't be one of them, i;m too much like the %^$& am I saying....? LMAO.


MemberOvomorphMay-22-2012 9:18 PM
sooo...have you seen this yet?


MemberOvomorphMay-22-2012 10:32 PM
So may I present...[b]The directors Cut: Jonsey's Prometheus Trailer !!![/b] [url=]DirectorsCutJonsey[/url] *edit courtesy of craigamore" If you hit the download button at the bottom it'll let you stream it as an avi file which works perfectly without it having to download and won't skip one frame. Please Turn up your surround sound once you get to the Space Jockey {You'll see the card intro for JULY 13TH, 2061 or something close to that...Turn it Up at that point !!!} ~Enjoy !


AdminPraetorianMay-22-2012 10:58 PM
LOL! Awwww! :)


MemberOvomorphMay-22-2012 11:01 PM
tx Svanya so happy you saw that


Co-AdminMemberOvomorphMay-22-2012 11:25 PM
Love it Sparty!
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MemberOvomorphMay-23-2012 5:40 AM
yeeaaaaaaaa finally freeze him....yeeeeeaaaaaa


MemberOvomorphMay-23-2012 4:52 PM
Bumo by request for Juxtapose


MemberOvomorphMay-23-2012 4:57 PM
Here it is Juxtapose


MemberOvomorphMay-23-2012 9:14 PM


MemberOvomorphMay-24-2012 7:30 AM
Bump for Juxtapose, and for everybody... great way to start your day today...If you scroll down on the Vimeo video screen at the bottom is a "DOWNLOAD" BUTTON AND IF YOU SELECT IT AND THEN "WMV" {NOT MP4} IT WILL play right away with no download and it will not miss one frame in the playback. Please turn up the volume when you get to the Film Intro Card for July13th 2061 and The Image of the pulsing Space Jockey !!! HAVE A GREAT DAY "EVYBODY" !!! [url=]DirectorsCutPrometheusJonsey[/url]


MemberOvomorphMay-24-2012 7:48 AM
Bump for David1


MemberOvomorphMay-24-2012 7:57 AM
Bump for Irish


MemberOvomorphMay-24-2012 8:07 AM


MemberOvomorphMay-24-2012 8:14 AM


MemberOvomorphMay-24-2012 8:25 AM
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