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We Do Not Know Where Eggs Come From

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MemberOvomorphMay-23-2012 8:11 AM
I just wanted to start a discussion thread on this because there seems to be a great deal of confusion about what is meant by "Alien Prequel". Personally, I believe that Ridley Scott is only interested in creating threads that tie into his own Alien universe. This means that it is likely that Prometheus will not have strong ties to other Alien films or the comic books and novels based on the film. We must remember that Scott's Alien is likely much more complex than the Cameron insect-like carnivorous animal or the simple-minded invader bugs that Predators breed to then hunt as a ritual to ascend into adulthood. This could mean that there is no Alien Queen and that the explanation for where the eggs encountered by the crew of the Nostromo come from could be much more complex. We must remember that the Alien Queen, and subsequent dog alien, alien/human hybrid, and Predalien, are not a part of Scott's Alien universe. They were created by other directors and may have nothing to do with the breeding cycle Scott envisioned for his alien creature. If we take a look at the original Alien, we can see that there is no answer provided for where the eggs come from, what the Alien was doing to its victims on the Nostromo, or if the alien creature had even finished maturing. The whole "it was a worker drone" explanation was given to us by Cameron, not Scott. As of right now, we do not know if the creature in the original Alien was created by the engineers on purpose or resulted from something else. It could be possible that the genesis of that creature will be a consequence of the clash that takes place between the crew of the Prometheus and the Engineers. If so, it could mean that the Alien we see in Scott's original film is just the first step in a much larger breeding cycle.
24 Replies


MemberOvomorphMay-23-2012 9:48 AM
Wouldn't make sense for Ridley to cherry pick only certain elements from previous sequels and say this is canon, but that isn't and then admit that Prometheus exists in the same universe as the others.... At minimum, Scott has made it obvious that 'Aliens' is canon 100%, if not the others....


AdminPraetorianMay-23-2012 8:14 AM
Well, we kinda do. Ridley showed one version (DNA changing) and Cameron showed another (Queen). Both versions show that the Xeno's biology can vary depending on the situation. Link--> [url=]Deleted scene, Dallas and Brett turning into eggs on Nostromo[/url]

private problem

MemberOvomorphMay-23-2012 8:16 AM
Hi there if you watch alien directors cut ,you will see where the eggs come from :)

Mark Cawley

MemberOvomorphMay-23-2012 8:21 AM
Really? I watched the directors cut and im still none the wiser. Ill bet that you mean Bret turning into an egg......sorry but that doesnt stand up with me cos that SJ ship was rammed full of eggs. Their trying to tell us that they were once people? And i still want to know where the SJ came from. It better get answered or ill turn into an egg.

gameover man

MemberOvomorphMay-23-2012 9:17 AM
I have to agree with PP, simply because thats the ONLY explanation that we have so far. Ripley presented those two ideas (the way an egg was created from an "organism", and that there were so many eggs on the derelict), in the same project. no reason to throw it out, simply because you dont completely understand it. the whole concept and idea behind the story is completely absurd, and there are plenty of questions that can create doubt. fact is that, i believe im correct here, the nest scene that was cut from Alien was removed because scott wanted to leave that a mystery. theres no real reason to thing that so many eggs couldnt be created, not without a good reason. the xeno that created all those eggs on the derelict could have encountered some other sort of organsim on LV-426 to use...and when it ran out of food/material, it died off somewhere. id be fine if they decided to go in another direction, but i dont like big queen aliens pushing out eggs.


MemberOvomorphMay-23-2012 9:20 AM
Actually..... If anyone had been following the viral stuff as well as the Weyland Industries website, you'll see a ridiculous amount of tie-in with latter Alien films (except AvP, of course).... I don't think Scott would spit in the face of the other films bytrying to ignore their canon, in turn quietly saying 'only my film counts.... Ignore those other guys.... It's silly, if you really think about it like that.

gameover man

MemberOvomorphMay-23-2012 9:23 AM
@Nate...actually, i believe RS did make a statement along the lines of "Aliens is the only one that I might consider canon." Although I used quotations, dont quote me on that, but i remember hearing from someone that he said that (but you know how the game "telephone" works) he mentioned it in the speech he gave originally about this film at a sci-fi convention i believe. im not going to look it up, but im sure its out there.


MemberDeaconMay-23-2012 9:24 AM
Well i for one think that the Aliens ideas made a lot of sence... And the Alien Dog concept etc i am sure Ridley had said or someone on his Production crew that it made sence and that the orginal design was from a Space Jockey. I could go indetail about simularities to Embryos on Earth and it would make sence that the Face Hugger Embryo then takes on a lot of DNA from its Host/Mother as in how Embryos do while in the Womb. So looking from a science stand point the Aliens ideas made a lot of sence, these Xenos was simular to the life cycle found in many insects, bugs and arachnids etc. The Alien concept was a bit odd, sorry to upset people but its basically The Thing meets Body Snatchers.... We shall see how weird things get by the processes in this movies transformations. As far as the Eggs we just dont know, here are my 3 best views that are logical. 1) Some Organism created or found layed the Eggs, thats not to say its the Queen or that they was layed on that ship, they could be layed somewhere else and harvested then stored on the ship by the Engineers. 2) The Engineers created a Organism that starts off as Eggs, so that the concept of Queen does not exsist maybe, just they Engineers some how create the Eggs and they then do their bidding i.e they act as a Weapon and then die out.... 3) After seeing Prometheus trailers, maybe somehow what ever is in the Urns can mutate and turn what ever is inside those Urns into Eggs. The other example would be the Organism/Fluid in the Urns infects people like Fifield and they change into .... some Eggs, some different kinds of Organisms. Bottom line we dont know, there has never been any explanation. Myself i dont think the deleted scene was them being changed into a Egg as per those in the Derelict, i think it makes something that can then use the DNA of the Victim to create some other Organism.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphMay-23-2012 9:36 AM
I just got this reply in another thread in Alien discussions: [quote][i]"Hmm..i dont know if your referring to something in Prometheus or alien..ive purposely avoided anything about Prometheus so i can see it fresh without spoilers. I know all about alien the original interviews with ridley scott and the script writers (shusset/obannon), they talk about the space jockey at length,,,,according to them the space jockey was the pilot of the croissant shaped ship (found by the crew of the Nostromo) who for one reason or another landed on the planetoid purposefully (the ship had clearly not was in good condition). The ship carried biological weapons in the form of the face huggers,,,their purpose and the conflict for which they were needed was not made accident occured...some of the biological weapons (facehuggers) escaped and killed the crew...being the only one left and knowing he was impregnated, the space jockey was able to send out one last message (an acoustical beacon repeating a warning message at intervals of 12 seconds), a warning not to come near the infested ship... he was then killed by the chest burster inside him as he sat at the console. Who knows..they might have invented some new details for the prometheus movie but what i just described was what the makers of Alien said in interviews recorded 30 years ago."[/i][/quote]


MemberOvomorphMay-23-2012 9:42 AM
@gameover man: Ridley had stated in an interview years ago (I believe when the Director's Cut first came out - it may have been on the laserdisc commentary) that the "nest" scene was cut from the theatrical release due to it cutting into the pace of the climax and changed that whole dynamic. Had nothing to do with it being "a mystery".


MemberOvomorphMay-23-2012 9:45 AM
Basically discount Cameron's films as canon... This is leading up to one film and one film only. The same one directed by the same guy. Once.


MemberOvomorphMay-23-2012 9:48 AM
I think my main reason for believing that Cameron's Aliens will not be a strong part of Prometheus is because Scott said the creatures will be biomechanoid. The alien creatures in Aliens were simply giant versions of insects we have on planet earth ( like the Spider Wasp) and were more like giant bug invaders than advanced nanomachine engineered lifeforms that hyper-evolve. What I mean by that is, that Cameron's aliens seemed to have a relatively stable life cycle (egg-facehugger-drone or queen) like an animal we would find on earth and not something more nebulous like that hinted at in Scott's original Alien.


MemberOvomorphMay-23-2012 9:56 AM
@ gameover man: There's an "Alien Documentary" on YouTube, and forgive me for not providing the link, where it states that RS was actually a fan of the two Alien sequels (Aliens and Alien 3), despite not being asked to return to direct the second film. Even though I don't like Alien 3, I only consider the first three films, at least in my mind, to be canonical. For instance, I like most of the Star Trek "TOS" films, but I do not accept Star Trek V: The Final Frontier as canon. I only accept it in the way one might loosely accept a nightmare as reality. I say the same about Alien Resurrection and the two AvP films, which were both regurgitated shit, IMO.


MemberDeaconMay-23-2012 10:11 AM
@MVMNT Yes i remember him saying that ages ago but not in that detail... He had since said simular again, that yes all points to them as a Bio Weapon. Thus Aliens concept... does not comply and the deleted Alien scene also does not comply. The Xeno at that stage prior to Aliens was just indended to maybe just wipe out life on a planet. Thus if we compare this with say Cockroachs or Ant, you want them to go in kill off but then have a lifespan where they would die out. You would not make no Bio Weapon that can reproduce itself unless you plan to wipe out a planets life and never visit or use that planet again... But if thats the case surely a advanced race could just nuke them.... You see if we wanted to teraform a Alien world that has some life on their that would get in our way, say if we found a planet like Earth that we could use instead of our dying world only it was populated by Intelegent Primates like say Planet of the Apes.... what do we do... 1) Nuke them..... 2) Infect them with some kind of viral infection that we have vacine for so that these Ape Men all die out, then we land with our vacines just in case and then populate said world. That would be how i would have seen the Xeno in context of a Bio Weapon... I think Ridley has respect for Aliens and he would not want to damage the credibility of that movie, and indeed he may think the concept of the Queen was a good one and logical as far as the scope and plot of the movie. And who is to say that the Bio Weapon may be able to addapt and thus somehow it creates a Queen that can reproduce, maybe something the Engineers never desired or thought would occur. It would be like my Viral Infection to wipe out a Planet of the Apes, actually just change them into Planet of the Zombie Apes.... in which case the plan for the Virus would not work as the Apes would still be there only more deadly. Thus the Xeno would not die out once it had done its job, but reproduce.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphMay-23-2012 10:32 AM
You guys are making pretty good theories. I see some intelligent minds at work which is awesome. I believe that the aliens were created for biological warfare and in prometheus, the crew sees that the engineera are trying to reach earth to destroy it. The ship Prometheus then collides with the derelict ship to keep it from taking off. At that point one of the eggs in the cargo of the derelict hatches and destroys the engineer in the derelict.

gameover man

MemberOvomorphMay-23-2012 10:48 AM
@darthmango...thanks for clearing that up. i guess what i would take from it is that he didnt delete the nest scene because he decided it wasnt how he wanted to egg to originate. so i can only conclude that, until we hear/see differently from RS, thats how HE intends for the lifecycle to be. @azalard...i agree that alien IV and the AvP's are garbage. ill still watch Alien Res if its on a movie channel, but i might laugh through it. I actually liked Alien 3. I liked the idea behind it. They didnt go crazy with trying to do something new. the CGI alien ruined for alot of people, and I totally get that, but over all I still think it was pretty good. Im still not sure if being a "fan" of the two sequels means that he considers everything about them "canon", and will adhere to it.


MemberOvomorphMay-23-2012 11:06 AM
I think it is pointless to count out the Queen theory and the Xeno turning people into eggs theory. If you unleash thousands of eggs and impregnate thousands of people or organisms on a planet filled with millions, then the numbers don't add up. If Xenomorphs have a life span of just a few days, like RS has said in past interviews, then before the thousands of Xenos make a dent in the population they would all be dead. They have to have a way of making more eggs without the help of Engineers. So I believe that the Xenos can reproduce on there own with out a Queen to try to create a one so that they can mass produce. It would take to long time to turn people into eggs. The process is more of a last resort when there is no Queen to lay a bunch more. The queen is needed for any of this to make sense weather RS,fans or haters want to admit it or not. I think the Engineers would have made sure that there weapon work correctly, so if a Queen is no hatched emidiately then the male Xeno can produce one egg at a time with a dead organism so that it has a chance to do what it was meant to do. Produce a Queen and lay a shit ton off eggs.


MemberOvomorphMay-23-2012 12:33 PM
How about we wait for the movie to come out before spouting pointless drivel and acting like you know anything


AdminPraetorianMay-23-2012 12:36 PM
@Grindolf; Because this is a forum for discussion on the subject of the upcoming motion picture Prometheus, that is why.


MemberOvomorphMay-23-2012 2:08 PM
@grindolf...was that necessary? How about this...two movies, alien and aliens...two different life cycles due to the simple fact that they are two movies from two different times...Cameron had a good idea about the life cycle assuming the issue would not arise about the alien deleted scene. So, If we were the writers, how would we put the two together in a way that would make sense? I would say that the xeno was designed to have a very short life span and turn victims into eggs, BUT WAIT, the bioweapon evolves! Over a couple of reproductive cycles a queen is born and xeno life spans increase! Accelerated evolution. An unintended and undesired result of humans visiting lv-233 and screwing with things they no nothing about.
ALL generalizations are WRONG!


MemberOvomorphMay-23-2012 2:11 PM
One theme I see revisited is that the xeno who popped out of the SJ's chest laid all the eggs in the silo. But based on Ridley's bomber theory, wouldn't that make the eggs intentionally placed there by the crew as weapons cargo? That would in turn make the blue containment beam and/or proximity alarm a protocol that the SJs were following. Could the xeno(s) have activated that beam to preserve the eggs? Unlikely because the egg silo has a clear sense of "neatness" to it. In support of this (and because Ridley is willing to accept Cameron's work as canon) remember that in ALIENS the xeno hive is a rather messy affair. We can further speculate that the Nostromo crew did not reach far enough into the derelict to witness the remains of the rest of the crew, or the SJ in the chair was the only crew member on the ship to begin with. Thanks everyone for sharing your theories and ideas.


MemberOvomorphMay-23-2012 6:21 PM
To add to my 'what to regard as canon' comment: New interview with Rolling stone magazine [url=][/url] What do you think of the other Alien films that followed your original? I don't count the last few movies. I know why they did it: to promote the franchise and, hello, it's about money. This is not denigrating any filmmaker, because it is hard enough, God knows. But I really was a little bit upset by how my baby was being misused. We came up with one of the best all-time monsters. Without that monster, I've got a nice, very well-acted, beautifully art-directed movie, but I ain't got that fucking heart-stopping son of a bitch that defies logic.


MemberOvomorphMay-23-2012 8:38 PM
i refrenced this before in a post about the origins of the eggs a while back... My theory is highly speculative, taking refrence from what we have seen, the weyland industries arg/website/wtf?, and general ideas of advanced behaviour. Gigers world and ridleys vision have both circled around the idea of bio-mechanics. What if the original eggs on board the derelict were in fact mechanical in origin but were somehow forced to become semi/wholey organic? According to the Weyland Idustries website, created to support some rather vague idea of an arg. The company manufactured and utilized a device known as the BIO-REPLICATOR POD [next bit lifted directly from the website] This remarkable device was introduced in 2058 for use by Weyland planetary engineers. However, recent advancements have made bio-replicator pods available to off-world civilians for home use. Each pod has a database of over 40 million seed varieties and plant DNAs. With the push of a button, it can replicate the requested sample. Growth rates are currently at about 55%, not factoring unsuitable planetary conditions for a given species. At 1 cubic foot in size, an array of thousands of bio-replicator pods can be outfitted to any seeder for industrial use. For household use, it is recommended to store bio-replicator pods outside the home. what if our space jockey /engineers/curious goo like substance tampered/manipulated these to not only contain plant dna but animal dna and become almost semi concious creating appropriate organisms for a variety of appropriate tasks with the ability to self replicate? what if i wasnt awake at 2:30am and this little gem was left un-posted?


MemberOvomorphSep-21-2012 11:16 PM
Here's what I got out of the films before I saw Prometheus. I think a lot of people miss these points when they only watch the films one or two times. I haven't seen Alien 3 in y-e-a-r-s and Alien Res really made me question if I should ever see a new film in theaters again, also the eggs are explained in the second film, Aliens. Alien: Called Alien because in the entire film, there is only one alien that the audience really sees. That hole in the GIANT (had to point that out) alien Engineer pilot's chest was the first alien that came out; it was a queen and bled through the floor of that ship on LV-426 and laid a bunch of eggs on the floor below. Where that queen went, I have no idea. I can only guess that it moved out of the ship in search for more hosts for the eggs. In the novelization of the Alien film, I may be wrong but I remember something like there was a "vase"-like thing that nobody recognized sitting on the ground near that alien Engineer pilot with the hole in his chest. Cut to Prometheus real quick: When I saw David grab one of the vases in that vase library (or whatever) I immediately went: "Oh man, David is the one who, well, poisoned that giant engineer!" But I could be wrong on that last part and we wouldn't really find out until Prometheus/Paradise comes out in a few years. Also, in Prometheus, those GIANT alien engineers are seen in the entryway of the ship on LV-223 (I think that's the name of the Prometheus planet). I think they might be memorial sculptures or something because it wouldn't really make sense for them to be dead and upright. Unless I missed something. Or maybe they're in sleep chambers that I don't understand yet. Aliens: Called Aliens because now we see more than one alien in the film, and also because it's a sequel and it sounds really cool that way also. In this film, they describe that Weyland Corp decided to go back to LV-426 and colonize it as an excuse to get hands on more of these aliens the Nostromo reported on initially. This film is where we meet the Queen. That's kind of why I think the Queen is the only one who can lay eggs and she was out searching for prey/hosts in the first film to make us think about what could lay eggs like that, and also, it's called Alien, singular and all. ... ... Prometheus: They kind of show that the raw primordial soup-like stuff can sort of blend with any host and mix their DNA together to create some new life form. The first one I noticed was that the goo made its way through the vase onto the dirty floor and made contact with some meal worms. Then they combined, mutated, and turned into the ancient face huggers that attack the two scientists, one through the arm sleeve, one through spraying his helmet and combining DNA via him being physically exposed to the goo on the floor, or perhaps through the acid spray at this early stage. Which is why I think in the Autodoc/Medpod thingy where that lady gets an impromptu C-section, the reason it looks squid-like is because it mutated from being goo, to being worm/goo, to being worm/goo/human: no legs or arms, to being lengthy, to being a worm mixed with human arms and legs which gave it a weird head with four legs on the bottom. Keep in mind these goo mutation creatures seem to mutate/grow at a rate of around 3 months to 1 in human years, remember David tells the lady she's about 3 months pregnant. So then eventually, when the goo/DNA combinations mutate with something that has eggs, it will favorably mutate to be a quote/unquote survivor as much as possible and even mutate to just lay tons of eggs. Prometheus/Paradise: Should clear it all up for us if they want to end it there. There was talk of religious stuff like the Engineers wanted to destroy all humans and start over. Something like the Humans were going nuts and warring all over the place ruthlessly and whatnot (Roman Empire) and they sent an Engineer/Human aka Jesus Christ but the Humans killed Jesus Christ which freaked them out completely thus the destruction. So this goo mutation stuff is definitely a weapon they would have used to kill all humans and make something new, as David saw in Prometheus when the planet Earth was on the Engineer's GPS or whatever. But honestly I think releasing this stuff on mankind would backfire because, well, look what the human/goo/worm combo did to the Engineer at the end of the Prometheus film: sat on his face...
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