Alien Movie Universe

Have we seen too much? NO WAY!

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MemberOvomorphMay-23-2012 2:09 PM
I read an interesting article on UK film website Den Of Geek the other day. The piece talked about the amount of footage shown for the Summer big 3; Prometheus, Spider-man and Dark Knight Rises. The article made a really good point - yes, there have been several teasers, trailers, featurettes etc BUT they have - generally - recycled the same material. By their calculation, we have seen approx 4% of the film; whereas the other films have shown nearer 10%. This is really exciting as it really drives home that as much as people have speculated what the final film will be like, we really still dont have a clue. Do we really think that Ridley Scott would have allowed anything really "spoilery" in the trailer? He, more than most, knows the impact the surprises will have. That's my take anyway! The next week is gonna draaaaaaaaagggggg - roll on June 1st already dammit!
15 Replies


MemberOvomorphMay-23-2012 3:09 PM
I am so excited for June 8th!!! I doubt Ridley Scott would allow us to really know too much from just watching all these clips and trailers. I think he is just messing with the fans getting them pumped for the movie. Personally I feel like a kid again excited for the big summer movie to come out! I was only old enough to go see Aliens 3 and 4 in theater as a kid and was kinda left feeling like sad they were no where as good as 1 and 2. Hopefully this will be a great new Sci-Fi movie i can tell my kids I went to go see when it first came out. Excited for the creatures when they first show on camera!!!


MemberOvomorphMay-23-2012 2:11 PM
Good post... take that info, along with the almost sure intentional deceptive editing and intentional "red herring" and "rabbithole" chasing the film's trailers are sending us on, and no one should be arrogant enough to think they can "outsmart" the movie---that makes no sense.


MemberOvomorphMay-23-2012 2:15 PM
Excellent point! We should be completely stoked that an RS film of this substance has even managed to have been made, right? It will be epic if taken for what it is...Horror in space. That's all it was ever supposed to be anyway. Of course a few beers wouldn't hurt:O)


MemberOvomorphMay-23-2012 2:25 PM
Good point and good find on that article, it's definitive proof to all the nay-sayers and folks in general who are worried that we have seen too much. Prometheus still is a mystery and I know that we will get answers to many of our questions when the clock strikes zero but we will be left with many new dark and horrifying wonders.

Enzyme Black

MemberOvomorphMay-23-2012 2:29 PM
I actually don't mind what I've seen and I've seen all of the tv spots, featurettes and trailers. Sure some might be classed as spoilers but they've made me all the more intrigued.


MemberFacehuggerMay-23-2012 2:34 PM
I still feel that we have not seen nearly enough! I bet a huge twist will come about-


MemberOvomorphMay-23-2012 2:49 PM
My brain's gonna burn in anticipation of June 8th!!! Medical-induced coma to ease the waiting maybe...


MemberOvomorphMay-23-2012 3:13 PM
Thanks for all your replies peeps! I agree with all of you and second the thoughts that this has been the most excited I have been for a movie for a while. While some have complained that there has been too much footage, I agree with the article that I read in that it is mostly recycled footage - like 2 mins out of 124!!! This film is going to be immense - if anything it will be a sci-fi epic of the sort we havent seen in years. It, in my view, has been one of the best marketing campaigns I have witnessed for a film. And to make life even better...Jaws - digitally restored frame-by-frame - returns to the big screen on June 8th. I love being a movie lover sometimes - we are being treated well this year!


MemberOvomorphMay-23-2012 3:16 PM
Consider this, we have seen maybe 3 minutes of film... out of an Awesome 120 minutes to come. Please pinch me, I must be dreaming... (screams like a little girl).


MemberOvomorphMay-23-2012 4:23 PM
A great point and definitely right. Ridley Scott would not allow anything to be released to spoil the film. That would be crazy talk. I suppose like everyone you want to see a bit of the film that makes you go ohhh shit this is gonna be good like we have past month or so but I think there is gonna be some big big things to come to spur the imagination! Bring it on Ridley Scott.


MemberOvomorphMay-23-2012 4:33 PM
As with everyone else, I have to agree. It's sad to say that with most films (whether interesting or not) you see the whole thing or know at least every plot point by the end of the first trailer. Yet besides the theories on here and the ones that I'm trying to stop from forming in my head, we really know nothing. Not to mention the marketing is some of the most fantastic I've ever seen. It's one thing to update fans but to have websites set up by the crew making the movie to fascinate us more... Wow! IMO, I think Ridley is smart enough to know that mystery is a big selling point in movies, specifically his.


MemberOvomorphMay-23-2012 5:57 PM
Thank you, its awesome to finally hear some sense, im so tired of people bitching that they think they have seen the whole movie and then write a whole post describing what the movie will be about based on a tiny amount of footage. I know fox execs are asshole, doesnt mean thier also retarded

John D.

MemberOvomorphMay-23-2012 6:18 PM
Just to play devil's advocate here... there's at least one interview up with Lindelof (video interview, recent one online) where he mentions that in his opinion, the 3rd Prometheus trailer was actually right on the edge of what he called 'giving away too much' of the movie's plot. Make of that what you will.


MemberOvomorphMay-23-2012 6:26 PM
@Grindolf The speculation is part of the fun of participating in a forum. And if you do not like then you should just ignore the speculation...and buy the way, if you do not want to know too much about this movie then you simply run away as much as possible of the spoiler board...that's all. Regards


MemberOvomorphMay-24-2012 2:07 PM
these percentages don't mean anything... 1min of 117 :)
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