I Betcha Don't Remember That Scott Intially Announced TWO Back-to-Back Alien Pre
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MemberOvomorphMay-29-2012 9:56 PM[url=http://collider.com/ridley-scott-alien-prequel-blade-runner-hero-complex-film-festival/31898/]Here's[/url] one early article.... AND [url=http://screenrant.com/two-alien-prequels-in-3d-rob-56119/]HERE'S[/url] an even better one... And there's plenty more floating about on the net.
Look..... my point is, I remember when they "were" official 'Alien Prequels' and they weren't trying to hide it, for starters.... ALSO, it was extremely odd that outta nowhere they reversed their idea and went against their initial announcement and declared that not only were they not prequels anymore but then they were only referring to one movie instead of 'movies'..... But, what happened in the process that turned them from two movies into one? .... You know what I think?.... I think their are still TWO movies.... and with all these early 'spoilers' about the ending being, well..... "abrupt" ... I think, just like Sir Ridley & Company were adamant about 'Prometheus' "not being an Alien prequel, but yet it most obviously is..... I'm willing to bet that there's a bunch more footage waiting to be cut for part 2....
They're no strangers to BS'ing us about this movie..... why would an already planned and filmed 'part 2' be so different?..... We all know Ridley is budget conscious about his film making..... Shooting two movies on the same budget is the ultimate way to to do just that...... especially when Scott's been eluding to the 'prometheus sequel' in the press already......
Think about it.... then tell me how insane this idea really is.
52 Replies

MemberOvomorphMay-30-2012 2:08 AM Sir Ridley Scott is on a roll now. He is a visionary. He is also very aware that he is up there in age, so if any sequel to Prometheus is to be done. It has to be done as soon as possible. That is why I think that he filmed some of the sequel to Prometheus while filming Prometheus itself.

MemberOvomorphMay-29-2012 11:12 PMI would LOVE for Sir Ridley & Co. to just surprise us with with the Prometheus sequel.... "the surprise in the story"....so to speak

you"ll get whatever is coming to you
MemberOvomorphMay-29-2012 11:09 PMwell i think thats right on, but the would have advertised it as well to realese it next year, def its going to be a sequel-prequel to ALIEN with a significant tie-in, they would want people whom never saw ALIEN, to watch it as a new movie. Now, i hope this doesn't turn out as the prequel to star wars. if it does, who will be ja jar binks or whatever the hell the name is.

MemberOvomorphMay-29-2012 10:48 PM@Blood..... who said all that??? You don't know enough about 'Prometheus' to say what else he has on film.......

MemberOvomorphMay-29-2012 11:06 PM@Blood... Oh, ok, lol.... I missed that.... my apologizes..... lucky bastard.... Well, if it is indeed half a movie, then I'm confident there's more ready to be edited...... I just don't buy that they threw out their initial plan for [i]TWO PREQUELS.[/i]

Co-AdminMemberOvomorphMay-29-2012 10:47 PMI got what you meant Nate, filmed at the same time. I think it's a smart move if they did that!
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MemberOvomorphMay-29-2012 10:36 PM@Blood.... I'm sorry, but what you just said is absolutely the sloppiest thing Scott could do if he doesn't already have the sequel ready for editing.... You don't essentially create half a story and then answer the second half when you get around to it after TWO FILMS.... That would be critical suicide.... "Prometheus' will have to be a complete story, bro..... That's how movies 'are supposed' be actually.... you don't make half films....

MemberOvomorphMay-29-2012 10:38 PMI majored in film, by the way..... I know a little bit... just a little

MemberOvomorphMay-29-2012 10:39 PMYes, I brought up that they could have done this Peter Jackson style and had film for the next part already "in the can". I'm not trying to boast or anything, just agreeing wholeheartedly with you Nate. : )
In order to be effective, they will need to delay part 2 by 1 year (2 is too much in my opinion). You saw how we got drilled by Peter Jackson 3 years in a row. BAM. BAM. BAM. He had a momentum going....

AdminPraetorianMay-29-2012 10:29 PMThere are a lot of spelling mistakes in the first article... O_o

MemberOvomorphMay-29-2012 10:30 PMI frankly don't think that this movie can stand alone. Not without further explanation. It also naturally leads to a sequel.

MemberOvomorphMay-29-2012 10:30 PM@Blood.... Why would no one "ever do a two-part movie in secret"??? .... I think that fucking genius, in my opinion.... and an awesome treat for us ready-made fans.

MemberOvomorphMay-29-2012 10:30 PMMan, that would be just all kinds of brilliant. Truly. Like the Back to the Future 2 & 3 except all hush hush like....I mean, if we're not getting that glimpse of the Engineer world like we were kinda sorta promised, what better way than to sneak-attack it 6 months from now straight out of nowhere...start with some random updates about 1.5 months out off the Weyland site... creepy ambiguous and haunting... oh man, that would be delicious. I mean they built up SO MUCH behind the scenes and viral marketing...keep it rolling!!!

MemberOvomorphMay-29-2012 10:23 PM@NateBlitz Totally agree with you, the movie deserves a second part (minimum IMO)

MemberOvomorphMay-29-2012 10:27 PMFrankly no, I don't think that anyone would ever do a two-part movie in secret.
This is just one movie.

MemberOvomorphMay-29-2012 10:28 PMI'm reserving my opinion about what the 'Prometheus' story deserves until after I see it..... I'm of the mind that a single movie should [i]ALWAYS[/i] be able to stand alone... sequels are 'in-addtion-to' and not to help you finish what you couldn't in 'Part One'..... i.e. the Godfather movies (except Part III....Yuck)

MemberOvomorphMay-29-2012 10:18 PMI've been trying to tell everyone here that Prometheus is a two-parter....LOL

MemberOvomorphMay-29-2012 10:19 PMBut there is still time to explain the whole matter of the eggs

MemberOvomorphMay-29-2012 10:20 PM@Shambhala..... I'm betting on probably a combination of possibility 1 & 2..... I think a little too highly of Sir Ridley to let Lindleloff (or whatever his name) allow his creative material go to 'shit infamy' with a flat ending...

MemberOvomorphMay-29-2012 10:21 PM@abordoli..... I know you have..... [i]BUT[/i] I'm saying it's already been filmed... like 'Kill Bill Vol. 1 & 2'

MemberOvomorphMay-29-2012 10:13 PM@Blood.... he's already in pre-production for [i]THE COUNSLER[/i] and also mentioned he's in the creative phase for 'Blade Runner Sequel'....... "Right Away" means: I already have the footage and all's I gotta do is edit it..... I'm almost certain of it now.....

MemberOvomorphMay-29-2012 10:15 PMInteresting, and there are 3 possibilities:
-Prometheus is the prequel to the prequel.
-The starting point of a spin-off with a sequel in parallel.
-Or will be a mystery forever (I personally hope not, no more Lost please!)

MemberOvomorphMay-29-2012 10:09 PMI'm saying they filmed the WHOLE movie...... AND they planned it from the get-go..... they just hoped the initial two movie announcement would just fizzle away after they denounced 'Prometheus' as a actual 'Alien Prequel'.... I'm calling them out now

Co-AdminMemberOvomorphMay-29-2012 10:07 PMI'd be interested how he managed that in the time frame, but it's possible for sure! Very cool idea, hope you're right!
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MemberOvomorphMay-29-2012 10:05 PMWhat you just said makes a lot of sense. The money and time that it took to make and put up those elaborate sets we see in the clips, is time consuming. Why would he have to go through all of that again to make the second movie, when he could do it all at once now. I'm not saying that they filmed the whole movie( Promethues 2) as they were filming Prometheus itself. Maybe they just filmed some of the second movie.
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