I Betcha Don't Remember That Scott Intially Announced TWO Back-to-Back Alien Pre
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MemberOvomorphMay-29-2012 9:56 PM[url=http://collider.com/ridley-scott-alien-prequel-blade-runner-hero-complex-film-festival/31898/]Here's[/url] one early article.... AND [url=http://screenrant.com/two-alien-prequels-in-3d-rob-56119/]HERE'S[/url] an even better one... And there's plenty more floating about on the net.
Look..... my point is, I remember when they "were" official 'Alien Prequels' and they weren't trying to hide it, for starters.... ALSO, it was extremely odd that outta nowhere they reversed their idea and went against their initial announcement and declared that not only were they not prequels anymore but then they were only referring to one movie instead of 'movies'..... But, what happened in the process that turned them from two movies into one? .... You know what I think?.... I think their are still TWO movies.... and with all these early 'spoilers' about the ending being, well..... "abrupt" ... I think, just like Sir Ridley & Company were adamant about 'Prometheus' "not being an Alien prequel, but yet it most obviously is..... I'm willing to bet that there's a bunch more footage waiting to be cut for part 2....
They're no strangers to BS'ing us about this movie..... why would an already planned and filmed 'part 2' be so different?..... We all know Ridley is budget conscious about his film making..... Shooting two movies on the same budget is the ultimate way to to do just that...... especially when Scott's been eluding to the 'prometheus sequel' in the press already......
Think about it.... then tell me how insane this idea really is.
52 Replies

AdminPraetorianMay-29-2012 9:57 PMHmmm, interesting ty. They probably did make a second all in one shoot like Lord of The Rings... SNEAKY BOYS!! Ok reading the articles. :)

MemberOvomorphMay-29-2012 9:59 PMI'm sure there will be a sequel but I doubt they already filmed shots for it.

MemberOvomorphMay-29-2012 10:04 PMReally.... think about it...... It's actually more logical than "insane"..... That was the publicly announced plan to begin with.... It's a HUGE waste of money to do one at a time if you are serious about doing the sequel..... He has the movie 'The Counsler' then 'Blade Runner' prequel......when exactly do you think he'll get back around to filming "Prometheus 2"??? Ridley Scott said and i qoute "I'm already wondering what i'm gonna do for prometheus 2".... Sounds like he's fucking with us, honeslty...... like he already freaking knows what the hell he's 'gonna do'..... Good one Sir

MemberOvomorphMay-29-2012 11:33 PMI think the studio wants this, but will wait to see the box office return first. I would expect to see "The counselor" then the BladeRunner movie then if all goes well a 2nd film in the prometheus saga. im thinking two to 3 years away. Keep in mind R.S. is over 70.

MemberOvomorphMay-30-2012 7:13 AMI'd like to believe that theory, but I'm not sure that they could keep a lid on that type of information. I do hope a sequel happens soner rather than later, while there is still some renewed interest in Ridley's Alien franchise.

MemberOvomorphMay-30-2012 8:55 AMI think this has to be the most unlikely theory I've read on here (and that's saying something).

MemberOvomorphMay-30-2012 3:25 PMNonsense. This never happened...although you will get some sizeable easter eggs in the blue ray Im sure
For those that have seen it will tell you....how would you shoot the sequel when youve run out of characters? Why would it be shot in exactly the same locations using the same set designs? This aint LOTR where you have the same set of characters running through all 3 films

MemberOvomorphMay-30-2012 7:13 PMMaybe they are using a lot of flash sequences. To the Prometheus crew which will be needed in the next film.

MemberOvomorphJun-01-2012 9:43 AMI think people expecting a "better" film in the Blu-Ray is nonsense

MemberOvomorphJun-01-2012 2:03 PMHaving seen it i don't think any of the sets built in this one will be in any sequel, maybe the orrerry, but that would be about it i think.
It'll be down to the box office now, i think its obvious angry fanboys are doing their best to kill off a sequel.

MemberOvomorphJun-09-2012 2:24 AMAt the end, shaw and david leave the moon with the second alien horse-shoe ship to go to where the engineers came from (home planet`?).
So the home planet must be a completly different planet with other look etc.
Maybe they shot some sequences for the sequel wich may apear as "flashback" scenes, but i dont think they could keep it secret to shot the WHOLE sequel on that moon as the things that happend on that movie are finished, and they moved on to "other worlds". And other worlds need other looks and other actors.
But i am happy that shaw and david will be seen again, the outstanding actors on prometheus1.

MemberOvomorphJun-09-2012 6:08 AMI really hope that this is true - that would be great - don't movies have to be registered somewhere though in advance? I know in the UK there is the BBFC - that site announced that Prometheus was given a 15 rating without any cuts made.

MemberOvomorphJun-11-2012 2:37 AMYou have me convinced NateBlitz, Scott had done those devious moves before when, back in '79 on Alien, despite admonishments from Fox execs, he went ahead and secretly built the Space Jockey chamber under wraps, so it's all very possible.
God, this would be great news. Don't ask me why, but I'd rather see a film like this in the dark months, lol. A Hallowe'en release of a much more intense and scary sequel would be.....PERFECT.

MemberOvomorphJun-11-2012 2:49 AMSounds like a wasted opportunity to have to remarket the sequel all over again a very expensive prospect when they could have saved a great deal of money by doing so in the original marketing budget.
I think your wishful thinking is getting the better of you if i'm wrong then accept my apology but it doesn't add up.

MemberOvomorphJun-11-2012 12:23 PMRead my thread about the 10-11-12? It happens to be that is the start of the NYC Comic Convention. A 9 month production schedule for Prometheus, tells me there is more than meets the eye and Scott is good at slight of hand and I cant tell you that at the NYC Comic Convention, we are in store for a treat.

Kevin P
MemberOvomorphJun-11-2012 12:12 PMColor me convinced too NateBlitz! I posted in another thread...just suprised more people aren't talking about this possibility!! Could you imagine how cool it would be if he actually already filmed the sequel, and 10-11-12 is the release date?! With any other film, I would have completely dismissed it. With Prometheus, however, everything has been a huge secret.
They announced two years ago that it would be two films, then a week later said that it wouldn't, and that what is now Prometheus wouldn't even be an Alien prequel. Now that we know that Prometheus is (for the most part) a prequel, why couldn't the fact that they were originally going to shoot two films be true as well? It'd be quite an accomplishment for the studio to keep it quiet all this time, but pulling that kind of stunt would be highly lucrative for them...and they would surely know it. Think about it...Prometheus had a huge opening weekend. This week they announce that 10-11-12 is the date for the release for the sequel. This would generate even more interest in the film...people would need to see it again to search for clues they might have missed that a sequel was a foregone conclusion.
The Blu-Ray was announced last week for a 10-09-12 release...how many movies do you know of already have a Blu-Ray release date BEFORE the movie comes out in theaters? That never happens! My guess is that this is part of their overall plan. By releasing the Blu-Ray two days before the sequel...who's not going to want to go out and buy it?! They know people would buy the movie, so that they could watch it again right before they go to see the sequel which would be conveniently released a few days later.
I don't think 10-11-12 would be just an announcement of the sequel eventually being made. I just don't see why they would wait four months, just to announce that's it definitely coming. Also with the possibility that it could be the 6-minute Weyland video...why wait four months to release that? Sure it'd be a cool thing to see, but why get everybody excited about seeing a 6-minute clip four months after the film came out?
Then, of course, you have Prometheus itself. Even before I read any of this stuff, while watching, a few things just stuck out. Why cast Guy Pearce for the role, when all you see of him in the film is as an old man? It just doesn't make sense...they could have cast someone age-appropriate and not had to worry about the look of old-age makeup. Of course they're going to say that the scenes of him younger were cut...but what if they were intended for a second film all along? The second thing that I questioned was when the space jockey was sitting in his chair, flying the spaceship away. We see him in the same position as the space jockey discovered in Alien. Just as soon as we think they're the same, the space jockey fights Shaw in that separate room, and then eventually the chest burster comes out of him while he's on the floor. It's intentional misdirection...why show the space jockey in the exact position it would have been in to lead right into Alien, only to show us that it's not? Finally, you have the ending, where Shaw and David fly off to the Engineers' planet. This begs for a sequel! What will they discover? David mentions that getting there would be fairly straightforward. Why didn't they just go sooner? At the beginning of the movie, he was the only one awake...could he have purposely led them off course and made them believe they were in the right place? So many questions!
I could be completely off the mark here, but all this information out there just makes me think that we could be in for a real treat come October. If it truly were the release of the sequel to Prometheus, it would be one of the biggest secrets in film history!!

MemberOvomorphJun-11-2012 6:53 PMi mean would be fantastic and i think the best rip off a director would of done in film history, hiding the 2nd part of a film till the first hits the fans and then just pop out the 2nd part that really hits the score to make even more sequels. but who know, nowadays its hard to hide something like this. it could be that he atleast shot all that has to be done on the sets he will use for the sequel and then when the shooting starts for the 2nd part he only needs to do half of it. on the other hand he could of shot all back to back. cause the reasons people wrote here that it can´t be done, cause there are no new actors involved and inviroment. who says he needs more actors etcetera. the home world of the jockeys could be total cgi and mixes of the stuff they had on set for Prometheus 1 and towards that in charakters, it would be enough to use the actors of the engineers and noomi rapace and fassbender. there isn´t more that survived anyhow. i guess ridley wants to get away from too many charakters and will keep it very simple and small in the next movie. only shaw , david and the jockeys i reckon with some backstorys of the xenos and maybe the saucer people.
anything is possible

MemberOvomorphSep-10-2012 3:04 AMI suspect the [b]SEQUEL[/b] to the [i]PREQUEL[/i] is already in the can - at least the PETER WEYLAND-relevant material - maybe even the David/Shaw-in-space material might be in the can already ... for me, the film ended TOO ABRUPTLY/TOO ENIGMATICALLY, with that sneaky cutaway to the 'reserve Juggernaut' blasting out of the LV-223 atmosphere.
Like it had SOMETHING ELSE UP ITS SLEEVE to cover the gap between DavidHeadInBag scene and David/Shaw travel to PARADISE.
[b]Prometheus 2[/b] might have a totally different cast/side story to intercut with this material, so that's always filmable during 2013-2015 ....
2013 sci-fi horror novels 'Custodian' and 'Tandem' available from Amazon, B&N, iTunes etc...
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