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MemberOvomorphMay-31-2012 9:04 PMJust saw Prometheus. I've no idea what my opinion of this movie is yet. Elements of it were outstanding. Others were very, very poor. As for the link to Alien? Very tenuous. Confusing even.
I liked:
The opening scene - Outstanding
The Space Jockeys - initially I was disappointed when I found out there were humanoid. But they are actually very cool.
Set design - Awe inspiring
Score - Epic
David - He's brilliant in it
I disliked:
Just about every character apart from Janek, Shaw and David - In fairness most of them were canonfodder, but others were just very unlikeable (Fifield especially)
Pacing - The film feels like a heavily edited TV version. It seems very obvious there is going to be a lengthy director's cut.
Protoxeno - Film would have been better without it. Seriously, it looks awful.
Unfinished - Clearly released as half of a story.
Lindelof's influence - The film stinks of it. More questions raised that answered. Seriously, It's like Lindelof deliberately does this to piss viewers off.
Alien Connection - In the final 8 minutes Shaw and David's head leave in a SJ ship. The final dialogue in the film is Shaw leaving a warning message advising no ship to come to the point of origin. It's like they are trying to suggest that the planet is LV426. If this is the case, the eggs, SJ in the seat with the hole in it's chest, remains of the Prometheus ship etc all remain unanswered points in Alien.
As gutted as I am to admit it, Prometheus is a mediocre film overall, however, I did enjoy it... I think. I'll need to sleep on it. A director's cut (and possibly a sequel) could go a long way towards rectifying a lot of the film's flaws, but ultimately I wanted to see a great story in a great film. Instead I saw a flawed story in half a film.
This score may change, but at the moment 5/10.
Feel free to ask any questions :)
45 Replies

MemberOvomorphMay-31-2012 9:43 PM@ Svanya
Not saying it's as bad as resurrection, but it's nowhere near Alien. I went into this one expecting some of the darkness and tension of the original movie and what I got was a big budget, CGI action movie.
With regard to the comments re gory scenes...Not any that are worth talking about. This film has been released as a 15+ cert in the UK. and to be honest I'm not sure it requires that. Gonna go to sleep now and have a look at the forums again tomo. Maybe have something nicer to say after a sleep.
Take it easy guys.

MemberOvomorphMay-31-2012 9:45 PMI hope it's not like a Michael Bay movie... I am dismayed to hear about the fast and confusing editing.. I really hate it when cgi is overused.

MemberOvomorphMay-31-2012 9:46 PMI didn't want this movie to answer all of the questions. The thing that made the first Alien so great is that it left us with questions. I really can't wait to see this movie. Been waiting all my life for this :D

MemberOvomorphMay-31-2012 9:48 PMI honestly refrained from seeing Alien to prepare myself for a fresh start.
I still have 7 days till I can see it and hopefully I like what I see.
If it gives me a bunch of un answered then they better make the sequel count.

MemberOvomorphMay-31-2012 9:51 PM@XxSkeletitsxX
We've all been waiting a long time for it. I was desperate to love this film. Then I was desperate to like this film. Now I'm just desperate for it not to be known as one of the biggest flops in years.
I genuinely hope you enjoy it. Someone deserves to.
(Even sadder than the last face)

MemberOvomorphMay-31-2012 9:51 PMI'd say it was just as good as Alien.... Resurrection :(
And the ending was a bit AvP

MemberOvomorphMay-31-2012 9:57 PM@Arkadine
No don't worry about that. It's not shallow like Michael Bay's movies. It's actually worse in some instances though because it fails to deliver a story and only gives you gore and very weird conversations. It starts very good with the tension but the rest is like a Midnite Shamalam (that's his name right?) movie.

MemberOvomorphMay-31-2012 10:14 PM@ Svanya
Hopefully! Just seen that BugHunter has enjoyed it. I'm glad someone has but I can't even see how that's possible at this point.
Well I'm going to turn in for the night. Maybe the film will grow on me after I've cried myself to sleep.
Night all (Sad face x Infinity)

AdminPraetorianMay-31-2012 10:23 PM@Dirtyjack; I never expected it to be anything like Alien. If it's just an action movie I won't mind. However, I do like a good story and it seems that is the major hiccup people are complaining about.

MemberOvomorphMay-31-2012 10:28 PM[url=][img][/img][/url]
[i]Click for remedies[/i]

MemberOvomorphJun-01-2012 6:05 AMIt went from "critics don't know anything, true fans will probably love it", to "Oh my god, as a fan of Alien - this movie sucked donkey dick!". I'm seeing it tonight and will try to erase all my prejudice.

MemberOvomorphJun-01-2012 6:17 AMI'm so disappointed because we didn't learn anything about the SJ. Wasn't that the whole point of the movie??? We know jack sh*t about them. The more I think about it, the more I wonder why it ties in with ALIEN....
You don\\\'t see them fucking each other over for a goddamn percentage!

MemberOvomorphJul-03-2012 4:51 PMI agree on most points of the OP.
eagerly anticipated..the true fans wanted something BETTER, not that half baken stuff. Seriously, the word ´ unfinished´ is a good description, or ´overproduced TV show´.
I was thinking more of ALIENS, too, after the first half..
after the first hour I this getting any better? If it just would have hold the quality of the trailers, tension-, characterswise, this would have been an ABSOLUTELY PERFECT prequel..( and I dont need a Xeno here, no problem)
I hope for a BETTER final cut.
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