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Goddamn Tropics in here
MemberFacehuggerJun-01-2012 12:44 AM[size=5][b]Note:[/b] This review has been marked "spoiler-free". Any spoilers posted will be removed (the entire post).[/size]
-----------------------------------------------------------------After my first viewing the words that describe Prometheus are :
Thought provoking
Well paced
Some great induvidual acting
I left the cimena with a satisfied feeling.....
If i was brutally honest the only criticism is with myself, for viewing too many spoliers prior to viewing. My sc-fi buddy who watched it with me, who had seen very little, appeared to be even more satisfied with the film.
Keep the faith, it was fantastic.
7 Replies

Co-AdminMemberOvomorphJun-01-2012 12:55 AMembracing your thread! Thanks!
[url=]Visit the Mad Max: Fury Road Forums today![/url]

MemberOvomorphJun-01-2012 1:10 AMWhat a great write up that;s what I want to hear Positive and thrilling..

MemberOvomorphJun-01-2012 2:49 AMThank you sooo much! Im just trying to go to the theater Jun 7th and have an open mind, and enjoy the movie to the best of my ability

Goddamn Tropics in here
MemberFacehuggerJun-01-2012 2:51 AMFor me the King that is Alien is still on it's thrown
Prometheus is something modern and unique and was enjoyable as Aliens in my eyes.
Just keep away from that Spoiler Board.

Goddamn Tropics in here
MemberFacehuggerJun-01-2012 3:08 AMSorry - Throne, 3 hours sleep and a slip of the spell checker!

MemberOvomorphJun-03-2012 7:22 PMI concur wholeheartedly with you Goddamn
I have not for a long time sat thru a 2 hr film engrossed the whole time
couldn't believe we reached the end so quickly
I didn't really notice the music (I think that is good)
Thought the ending was phenomenal (dreaming up the sequel already!)
Audience reaction from conversations afterwards was extremely positive
I took a friend who had seen Alien for the first time the night before
she has a mind like a razor and didn't find it confusing (like so many
dim-witted critics) she said it was amazing
we discussed it for hours afterwards
I will see it again (and again) - I think it will become a classic
Will do a separate review tomorrow
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