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MemberOvomorphJun-01-2012 9:33 AMCould Prometheus get two sequels?
Posted on June 1, 2012 by weyland
Talking on the Mark Kermode and Simon Mayo film show on the UKfs BBC Radio 5 Live, Ridley Scott talked a little more about the links between Prometheus and Alien, and one little nugget suggests he may have plans for not one, but two sequels!
Talking about how the end of Prometheus links to Alien, he said that should the film be a success:
There wll be two more of these before you even get to Alien 1
Sounds like he and the writers have quite a details story arc planned out!
Prometheus is directed by Ridley Scott, from a screenplay by Damon Lindelof and Jon Spaihts. The film stars Noomi Rapace, Michael Fassbender, Charlize Theron, Guy Pearce, Idris Elba, Sean Harris, Rafe Spall, Logan Marshall-Green, Patrick Wilson and Kate Dickie, and is due for release on June 8th 2012 in the USA, and June 1st 2012 in the UK.
10 Replies

David 1
MemberOvomorphJun-01-2012 9:37 AMas long as Lindelof stays out of the way [and if Sir Ridley is envolved], bring them on!
[b]Ask nothing from no one. Demand nothing from no one. Expect nothing from no one.[/b]

MemberOvomorphJun-01-2012 9:41 AMYes, I just listened to that... makes sense with all the supposed script gaps. BBC Radio 5 critic gave 7.5/10.
I agree that the thing he loved about the original Alien was that real people (Space Truckers) were talking about small things (Payment). PROMETHEUS deals with massive themes that these characters discuss from the off.
Maybe too much SUBTEXT from Lindoef & co??? That can always weigh down a script.
WORSE SUBTEXT in FILM - Episode 3 Star wars -
Annakin: You're so beautiful
Pad: That's because I am so in love with you...[/i]
Pass the puke bucket

MemberOvomorphJun-01-2012 10:02 AMLet's hope there are no more. I'm just back from watching it and to honest I enjoyed it but ultimately disssppoined. I think the only reason they Said Alien DNA was so we all would go see it. Just far to rushed. The story I mean!

paul muadib
MemberOvomorphJun-01-2012 11:33 AMI for one will enter this with a completely open mind, too easy to be let down partway by bad reviews.
Though some of the Alien series were panned by critics, if you enter with an open mind and heart, I don't think you'll be disappointed.
This is a monumental undertaking, with CGI more complex and able, there isn't one thing that can't be composited anymore, left open to the imagimnation.
Unfortunately, audiences also want to be spoon fed these days, it eats at me when you go to the movie and every other scene, the crowd collectively says "what did they say?" or "why did they do that? " . If Prometheus is even a slight bit of a "brainer", half the audience will complain afterwards! Shame people don't want to think / use their imaginations anymore.

MemberOvomorphJun-01-2012 11:46 AMyes....the general IQ of the audience have dropped's sad!

MemberOvomorphJun-01-2012 12:18 PM@paul maudib
What you say, in general, is true. You won't satisfy everyone... some people like in your face, spoon fed movies... others like brainer ones. I happen to like brainer ones... but Prometheus is not that. I mean yes and no. It's simply incomplete, and it shouldn't have been.
There is one thing I dislike more than spoon fed, cliche movies... its movies dependent upon sequels. Enter: Prometheus.

MemberOvomorphJun-01-2012 1:35 PMYes Juxtapose, it has, but if this film makes money then it creates a case for making films with a little more credibility. A big long shot, but I hope it does, hope it makes loads. having seen how much the dumbed down tripe cameron peddles i don't think it is possible to make a ton of money off anything good, but i hope this does.
For all the lindelof haters out there, i'd recommend watching The Darkest Hour, it's written by Spaihts. No helping hand from Lindelof at all. And utter horsehit. I had to turn it off two thirds in as i couldn't have cared less about a single character in the ridiculous setting. if anything Lindelof probably saved this film.
it's great to have opinions, but without some objectivity it's a good idea to just keep them to yourself.

what is 10-11-12?
MemberOvomorphJun-14-2012 9:44 PM Sorry there may be a few spoilers in my post
Well I do hope that he will make the next 2 films. I went in yes thinking like a bunch of people that this was a sequel to the alien series. In a kind of a sense it is but isn't. Now yes before i go on the film was kind of well very fast paced. but then he could do a prequal before prometheus. But with out the human D.N.A. would this form of a face hugger have been created ( yes even though the other beings had human D.N.A. ) But then how many of those ships were hidden on that planet. when they were landing it looked like there were 5 of those mounds. I would like to know one thing though how did the robot figure out there wall controles and there language so fast? so yes I probable sound like a bumbling idiot but i say the film was very well done. And if you were a fan of the alien series I think you can figure out what happened to the xomorphs on that ship. I mean come on there chests were burst open from the inside. DO you really need to be spoon feed more to figure out what happened?

MemberOvomorphSep-12-2012 2:08 AMWell to get to the point, I am very pleased with this film, Its classic approach and simple foundation leads to powerful story and imagery. The story-arch begins with the creation of our species, moves to introduce the state in present technology, and reveals our main characters. Now with that said there's much to be explained if were going to make progress... As a director, I would find it rather difficult to "wrap up" an adventure like Alien(s) in one single prequel. Consider the fact that we've just now been introduced to the face and partial perspective of the ancient Humanoid race. Its just been brought to light that the dormant installation is in fact harboring a type of bio-chem weapon that seems to high-jack its hosts DNA to reproduce and advance its condition based on the environment (it speeds up evolution.) Those are some heavy concepts and they definitely leave large ripples to be examined. The technology fits well within Science Fiction while representing a hardy push into a plausible scenario. The Initial introduction of David was wonderful. The ship Prometheus is beautiful. Rather than placing the viewer into a persistent event hard lined to plug into the older films the concepts are delivered almost entirely void of qualities in the post Alien film. Im more than happy to accept (2) films to wrap up this adventure. As long as they are handled with care and devotion. The only complaints I have involve the random brute monster lurking in the shadows of the cargo bay, it just felt childish to push the story along with an entity like that. The other complaint I have is just how little the Ancient Humanoid race were fleshed out, to me they just come across as panic stricken, cold, and stupid creatures. So there's no time for diplomacy for the lone alien does that mean (he im assuming) should instantly move to destroy those that have awakened him? "oh hey gate crashers oh well killens afoot might as well get to it...." Im scratching a very big surface here though so ill leave it to the director to help explain this later.
My two bits,
MemberOvomorphSep-24-2012 8:23 PM
I like to listen to other people's opinions on why they do or don't like such and such or why they believe such and such, as well, but I am not swayed by them. Prometheus, is above them all, despite the criticism, it's fresh, distinctive and distancing itself away from where the studio have driven it.
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