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MemberOvomorphJun-02-2012 12:25 AMReading the mixed reviews on IMDB, i can't help but recall the same feeling when Star Wars Episode I came out. The same feeling of fans voicing their anger and disappointment.
Do you think its too difficult to make a prequel to a majorly successful film like an "Alien" or "Star Wars" and maybe they should just leave it alone? People already have too many preconceived notions in their mind of how things should be explained?
I for one will admit that i was disappointed when they made the space jockeys evil. I always pictured the space jockeys as friendlys since they were sending out a warning signal to stay away from their crashed ship in the original.
2 Replies
MemberOvomorphJun-02-2012 2:09 AMDid they make the space jockeys evil? I saw one that had presumably been asleep for 2000 years be awoken by an android in his spaceship where one assumes he was aware there was an outbreak of an infestation.
I think a human character in the same situation would have done the exact same things but not be called evil.
I liked the part that the ship was meant to kill earth but for some reason they decided not to.
MemberOvomorphJun-02-2012 5:25 AMJust thinking the same thing: the Star Wars prequels, The Thing prequel, the latest Indiana Jones, Prometheus, none of these films are any good...
You don\\\'t see them fucking each other over for a goddamn percentage!
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