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John D.
MemberOvomorphJun-07-2012 8:30 AMWARNING: SPOILERS IN EBERT'S REVIEW
Roger Ebert gave it Thumbs Up. That's the best endorsement it could have gotten in my book. :)
Here's a link to his review (not sure if I can post it here) [URL][/URL]
Warning - he's mildly spoilerish about certain scenes.
3 Replies

MemberOvomorphJun-07-2012 8:33 AMIf you follow reviewers as gospel, you need to have a word.
As soon as I read "'i'm a pushover for material like this" it lost me.

John D.
MemberOvomorphJun-07-2012 8:38 AMMVMNT:
You're posting comments on a fan-made messageboard on a site that's almost completely devoted to the film "Prometheus.."
And you're going to discredit Ebert's ability to be objective because he's also a fan of this kind of stuff?
You'll have a tough time selling me on that one...
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