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2 Races of the Engineers in Prometheus, the Black Liquid

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MemberOvomorphJun-07-2012 9:09 AM
Hey guys, Here's another take on "The Engineers" in the movie Prometheus. There are 2 clans, tribes or sides of The Engineers shown in the Movie. (Pretty much like we humans have differing cultures, philosophies, set of rules and belief. So the engineers being of higher intelligence would most likely adopt certain philosophies on why they are doing what they are doing.) 1) Creators One was the Creator, the peaceful side. This is the one you see in the beginning standing by the river and causing the creation of life on earth. This is probably, also indirectly, based off the Bible, since all life was created from water and mankind was created beside a great river also. The creators didn't have clothing. Also their neck is a bit different. The spaceship hovering above Earth was different. It looked more elongated in shape, so it's more likely these are the peaceful engineers. Spreading and pollinating the Universe you might say. 2) Destroyers Those on the distant moon were destroyers. They probably have a different philosophy or some beef with the creator and don't like them creating other life, especially life that looks and thinks just like them (That's probably why it was pissed off at us and probably more so with the Android David). So they engineered some other biological lifeforms, the xenomorphs that can adapt to virtually any planet and wipeout all life there. a Counter-Life you might say, but got out of hand. The destroyers all had the bio-suits on unlike the naked cloaked guy. The spaceships were shaped like horns, so most likely offensive types. different from the circular-ish ship that was hovering on earth. So call it politics, philosophy or just a different point of view from different clan members, the human race just got caught in their opinions. ------------------------ You can refer to this theory like the one in Predator. There are the noble hunters, following a strict set of rules and philosophy in hunting. Then there are the killers, just there for the purpose of killing something. Totally contradicting each other so they kill each other off. This is also probably one of the reasons why predators prefer humans as prey so they can study how to beat their older foes, the engineers. ################## Black Liquid - There might be one singular purpose or many. - But basing it from the limited details in the movie, it can change the form or affect the biological structure of a living organism. - Just like anything artificially created, the specific purpose and reaction of the liquid is most likely different. 1. The one on earth was designed to break down the biological make-up of the engineer, making the engineer the beginning link to life on earth. 2. The one on the moon was probably designed for a different purpose. Most likely for improving the engineers since these engineers prefer enhanced biological suits, so they're probably more interested in the offensive application of the Black Liquid. - something went wrong with their engineering experiment and they lost control. This is most likely why mutated creatures or partially violent organisms are trans-figured after it is ingested. This can be observed from what happened to the worms, to the crew of the prometheus and probably the octopus or primordial face-hugger. - it can also be observed that the container of the black liquid in the ship we're also kept in smaller separate containers. Probably like medicine, each of those would serve a different purpose. - The xenomorph mural was probably an indicator, kinda like a warning sticker or label on a door or room, of the final weapon created by the black liquid aboard bomber ship. - Primordial Soup, Fountain of Life, etc. ########################### - The rest would probably be extended on the next film.
11 Replies


MemberOvomorphJun-07-2012 9:44 AM
Why does everyone thinks, that he creates life??? Who said it was Earth? Who said it was in a past time and not a flash-forward from Prometheus2? :))))


MemberOvomorphJun-07-2012 10:00 AM
I thought it seemed like the engineer at the beginning was being executed; plato given the option of killing himself by drinking the hemlock. The engineer falls into the river and life springs forth and not at all on purpose hence the reason they want to wipe us out. The cave painting are the engineers comming to check up on their accident and when they realize what a disaster we are they plan to clean up their chemical spill. Like space hazmat.


MemberOvomorphJun-07-2012 10:34 AM
To Kirill, The DNA strand indicates the most basic building block of life. The young sacrificial engineer disintegrated into the water. It was Earth. You can ask around or even check the plot on the other review sites. Scott likes to leave it to the viewer to make sense of how the movie unfolds. Because the earth was still chaotic and forming. If you read the first passages of the Bible, the beginning part is virtually similar to it. So Scott based some of the elements of how we fostered our religion and beliefs on the gods of religions(That's also why they came looking for the god creator). So it's a mix of ancient knowledge and science. Lindelof and Scott backs this up in different interviews. You can google it.


MemberOvomorphJun-07-2012 10:38 AM
to get_l, Site crashed and erased my answer to you. Ok, here it goes. According to Daniel Twiss, the actor playing the young sacrifice engineer, he was there as a sacrifice to create life on Earth. Lindelof and Scott based this from religions. Judeo-Christian, Greco-Roman, Egyptian, Mayan, etc. incorporating it into a sci-fi film. Basically Lindelof said the first part was the Garden of Eden scene. Spirit of God on the trembling waters, the circular-ish spaceship hovering over the lake near the gushing waterfall. The young sacrificial engineer drinking the Liquid falls to the River creating life, DNA building blocks of life. Man according to the Bible was created by the great river Pishon.


MemberOvomorphJun-07-2012 10:42 AM
Indeed that cup of poison came to my mind, too, the whole scene had some kind of trial/verdict/punishment flair to it with the huge ship leaving while he drank that stuff. On the other hand, the fact that they have biological weapons is an indicator of conflict, either amongst them or with others, I doubt you would have an industry dealing with weapons just for small accidents. I also dunno, as Shaw said, why they would destroy us, "what have we done wrong ?".The engineers sure know pollution, abuse, war, hunger, pain and fear. We arent doing so badly methinks.


MemberOvomorphJun-07-2012 11:24 AM
to emme, I expanded on my answer to get_l. If you remember when the Engineer woke up he killed or tried to kill virtually everyone. He then focused on his merry way targetting Earth, the next planet to extinguish the abominations from. Long story short, the warriors wanted to improve just themselves hence the enhanced bio-suits and weapons. Creators probably wanted to improve the Universe giving it life all across. The warriors you could say are based off(just a tiny bit..) the Mayan religion wanting to repeatedly destroy their creations since even the best one, humankind, is still incomplete. Shaw was simply curious why? That's why she's going to their homeworld to ask. If Scott and Lindelof can get the needed budget they will explain the loose ends in the sequel.


MemberOvomorphJul-02-2012 7:10 PM
the beginning of the film was after a deluge, not the beginning of life on the planet IMHO (don't care what Lindelof said about Eden)


MemberOvomorphJul-02-2012 9:52 PM
Remember when Scott says there may be "two" androids in PROMETHEUS. Ever consider the possibility that the last Engineer woken up by the crew is the second android after David 8.


MemberOvomorphAug-20-2012 11:57 AM
As a reply to the initial post, I say forget the AvP universe. Predator was never intended to take place in the same universe as Alien / Prometheus. It started as a "wouldn't it be fun if..."- idea, much like cross-over comics by Marvel and DC, etc. It became a graphic novel, games and lastly, movies. Pretty terrible movies IMHO. AvP is just glorified fan fiction, and should be treated as such - insignificant sidestories that have no bearing on either universe. Otherwise I pretty with TheEngineer's points. They're kinda what I gathered as I saw Prometheus as well. Either there are two factions of Engineers, OR they changed their minds about their creations when they saw they were flawed (humans being rash, small, aging etc). A third scenario is that the Engineer in the beginning of the movie acted on his own. Maybe he had committed a crime either by action or differing philosophy and was sentenced to be stripped of his biosuit, and marooned on a desolate planet. He could have smuggled with a vial of black liquid in order to complete his intentions, and now the other Engineers intend to correct the percieved damage he did by wiping us out. I'm just spitballing here, and there may be details I haven't considered blow holes in my reasoning. But that's the best thing with Prometheus, and why the movie is so awesome. It grabs hold of your imagination and makes you take the story further. Let's just hope the story writers for the sequel does a better job than us, otherwise we WILL be disappointed.


MemberOvomorphAug-20-2012 5:12 PM
Maybe the engineers lost their way because of technology and playing god Much like Humans then turned out as well Hence they didn't want history repeating itself


MemberDeaconAug-27-2012 10:55 AM
We have not even scratched the surface as far as the Engineers and their Agenda goes we have barely been shown a thing about them. We will find out much more in Prometheus 2. The deleted scenes and translations of the Engineer Dialog Scenes would given us more answers, these are most liken cut from the movie because Ridley Scott wants those answers to remain a mystery until Prometheus 2. There are so so many possible outcomes but to me the story of the Engineers could well be more closer to the Anunaki tale. As far as the goo, well there are plenty of clues that the Xeno may had gotten lose on LV 223 and not a creation via the Goo. I think that the LV 223 outpost was used as a Factory to produce and test and store a new way of weaponizing the Xeno Bio Weapon. Like a Slaughter House would have live animals that would end up as cuts of meat, the LV 223 outpost i think had live Xenos that was then broken down into a substance and stored into the Urns using a similar process to what the Sacrificial Engineer had that broke down his body to seed life. All the Evidence seems to point to such.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

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