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MemberOvomorphJun-08-2012 3:41 AM1) Well, I thought that when the engineer's ship crash landed back on the moon, that it would be in the exact position that it was found in Alien 1. I don't see why the "Jockey" or engineer couldn't of died in the way that he was found in Alien. Was it supposed to be the same one? Or does this first xenomorph give way unto another whole series of events including another ship crashing and another engineer's chest bursting in his pilot's seat? And that was just one of many "military bases" and so did the exact same thing happen to each of them?
How do we get from Prometheus to Alien?
2) Will the next movie (if one at all) take place after Prometheus and before Alien? Or is the entire Alien series going to be remade.
15 Replies

MemberOvomorphJun-08-2012 3:50 AMIn fact, it's not even the same moon/planet - different LV designation.

MemberOvomorphJun-08-2012 3:54 AMThe planet you saw on Prometheus is LV-223. The planet you see in Alien is LV-426. Two totally different planet, two totally different ships. Plus the one on LV-426 is 1 million years older.
...and y'know what's going to blow your mind? The creatures you saw in Prometheus are not the progenitors of the xeno's in Alien......They are their evolved and adapted "children". Xenos are an ancient bio-weapon, thus the altar and green gem thingy you see in the ampule room. Move over face-hugger, enter the body-hugger and sleeker, better, badder, stronger xeno!!!

MemberOvomorphJun-08-2012 3:59 AMSo this means an entire new series, including the adventures of the SUPER xenomorph?

MemberOvomorphJun-08-2012 4:01 AMThe way I understood it is that Prometheus is not a prequel or a reboot for the Aliens franchise. It's a story that happens in the same universe.
The way it ended, there is no connection into the Alien film.
So, they can pretty much do anything they want for the next film.
In my opinion, if they want to reboot the Alien franchise, they should reboot after the 2nd film (Aliens) and have James Cameron direct it.

MemberOvomorphJun-08-2012 4:04 AMGod this was a good movie. Maybe not for people who didnt like the other alien movies and what not but its just such an amazingly well thought out concept. Isnt it possible that the black goo evolves differently no matter where what species you are? So to the engineers the ultimate predator would come from their DNA. Which is why the drawings of the xenomorph appeared?

MemberOvomorphJun-08-2012 4:04 AMOk, the xenomorph is old...So if what we saw in Prometheus is not a Proto-Xeno...then...What is it?

MemberOvomorphJun-08-2012 4:05 AMI don't understand that either, especially that the planet in alien and the moon in Prometheus are two completely different areas. But I do hope that the sequel is Shaw reaching the Engineer's planet and getting the answers that she wants. The only part of Prometheus that I believe connects with Alien is explaining who the 'Space Jockeys' are and what the aliens are as well, and why they were created.
With the sequel I hope that Ridley Scott directs, and that it doesn't completely do away with the classic Alien horror atmosphere, but makes it a much smaller part of the film. I think it would be amazing if the next film focused on Shaw reaching the planet, and somehow either avoiding being killed by the Engineers or, with the help of David, convinces them not to kill her, and learns the answers to the two questions that she has. She could then either stop them from destroying humanity (not a likely plot development), or a third sequel could be set up where the Engineers attempt to come to Earth in full force to destroy humanity. I believe this could be a good idea for the franchise as the second film (googled and its supposed to be called "Paradise") could focus more on the answers, and the third could reenter the horror genre with the Engineers coming to Earth, unleashing the aliens upon humanity on our own home world. I believe that if the movie ended with us somehow beating the Engineers, it would be a very Ridley Scott twist to focus on the irony of us having beat our own creators.
But unfortunately this would destroy the Alien timeline as it would make it impossible for the crew of the Nostromo to not know where the aliens came from or how to deal with them. So maybe in the next movie either Shaw will somehow stop the Engineers from destroying humanity. Maybe (albeit farfetched) she somehow single-handedly stalls the Engineers' Alien invasion of Earth, to where the third film could be set after the events in Alien 1 took place.
Anyway, sorry to ramble. I just really hope that they were setting up for a sequel with Shaw flying off to the Engineer homeworld. That would be so interesting.

MemberOvomorphJun-08-2012 4:08 AMI do hope that they continue with this series then. It would be nice to see a different strain of the original aliens. They were becoming boring anyway. I just want to see that black goo in the next one and the things it can do to a species other than worms. Hopefully they (upcoming movies) will turn out good.

mr pest
MemberOvomorphJun-08-2012 4:13 AMSham
It's something different think of it as a sort of great white to the original xeno's tiger shark same species different breed IMO anyway were gonna have to wait awhile to find out that much is for sure

MemberOvomorphJun-08-2012 4:18 AMYea, I never really took into account the AVP series considering they just ruined two separate series.

MemberOvomorphJun-08-2012 4:23 AM@mr pest
thanks for that ...and yeah it is very plausible that it is a new fact the original is really old derelict (more organic) then maybe what we see in Prometheus is the future. The Juggernaunt, a ship more metal ... and biological weapons are not eggs ... are urns.

MemberOvomorphJun-08-2012 4:29 AMI took it like this:
They mention that it may be a military outpost planet. What if they created humans(The first 15 minutes of the film) just so they can test their bio weapons on us. It makes a lot more sense throughout the film. If the engineers had spread to different planets it seems reasonable tthat they will have different governments like we do on earth now. So when they develop weapons they would want to test it on humans. Just like we test things on chimps. We consider them beneath us. at least thats how i take it

MemberOvomorphJul-02-2012 2:46 PMwhat if.. Engineers = less-evolved/in different direction evolved predators?

MemberOvomorphSep-29-2012 1:58 AMXenomorphs are ancient weapons ... they are lethal they over run the planets killing everything ... but they dont destroy planets ... maybe they need a new weapon that can destroy planets resources ... ... send the HUMAN VIRUS to earth ...
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