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26 Replies

David 1
MemberOvomorphJun-08-2012 5:52 PMis it for the BR/DVD release?
[b]Ask nothing from no one. Demand nothing from no one. Expect nothing from no one.[/b]

MemberOvomorphJun-08-2012 5:53 PMNo..... I think it's what I predicted [url=]here[/url]
Also, 10/11/2012 is a Friday....and we all know what comes out on Fridays

Kanes Son
MemberOvomorphJun-08-2012 5:54 PMReplying to my own thread....sad.
Just seen on the Weyland timeline: 10th October 2012........
"Weyland Corporation is recognized as a legal entity and corporation under United States law and receives their Certificate of Incorporation from the Companies House in the United Kingdom. Due to the combined value of Sir Peter Weyland’s various patents and patent-pendings, the company incorporates with a higher fair market valuation than any other company in history"
Nothing very exciting if this is the reference........thoughts?

MemberOvomorphJun-08-2012 6:10 PM@Svanya........ [url=]I think so[/url]

Kanes Son
MemberOvomorphJun-08-2012 6:17 PM@Nate / @svanya
I would love to believe that I really would.....but keeping it quiet? Things like this always get out and I think we would know about it if this was true......
But it has got me thinking - how awesome would it be!!
An obvious point would be other actors on the set - surely someone on the crew would have let slip.....or more likely they would've been spotted by a nosy journalist ot something....unless the sequel just involves Shaw and David plus a load of engineers....avatar style you know?
Hmmmmmmm, food for thought.....

MemberOvomorphJun-08-2012 6:23 PMMisdirection is always key......... I wasn't paying attention for a simultaneously filmed sequel......... and i'm pretty intuitive.....

MemberOvomorphJun-08-2012 6:28 PMblue ray release sounds right lol in time for christmas

Kanes Son
MemberOvomorphJun-08-2012 6:53 PMIf you click on the flag icon next to ''october 11th 2012'' on the weyland timeline it takes you to another website called [u]whatis10.11.12?[/u]
The fact they have some more viral info around this date implies something is def gonna happen on that date....whether it's blu ray, new viral campaign or sequel we won't know until then I suppose!
(fingers crossed for the sequel!)
The link also points towards a wiki link and a book called 'Thus spoke zarathustra' - a clue to a potential sequel?

MemberOvomorphJun-08-2012 7:00 PMBlu Ray is the smart bet but how awesome would it be if was the sequel or an announcement that the sequel has began production!
Cant wait to see what it is.

MemberOvomorphJun-08-2012 7:09 PMleads to the new weyland viral and the book
Thus Spoke Zarathustra: A Book for All and None is a philosophical novel by German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, composed in four parts between 1883 and 1885. Much of the work deals with ideas such as the "eternal recurrence of the same", the parable on the "death of God", and the "prophecy" of the Übermensch, which were first introduced in The Gay Science.
DIR. 101112

Kanes Son
MemberOvomorphJun-08-2012 7:13 PMWhat's it all about? I'm tired, and just can't to grips with what Zathustra is all about - from what I can gather it's about the universe occurring over and over for all time, and something about humans and super humans i.e. their gods? If I have it right, there is certainly a link with the engineers right?
If someone figures out what the book is all about we may have our plot for the sequel!

MemberOvomorphJun-08-2012 7:14 PMSo expain to me why this' book' is so relevant after 4 month of Prometheus's release date...... it's something else

MemberOvomorphJun-08-2012 7:20 PM[b]Also, Weyland is only 22 years old when[/b]:
"Weyland Corporation is recognized as a legal entity and corporation under United States law and receives their Certificate of Incorporation from the Companies House in the United Kingdom. Due to the combined value of Sir Peter Weyland’s various patents and patent-pendings, the company incorporates with a higher fair market valuation than any other company in history."
[url=]Fucking eh......[/url]

Kanes Son
MemberOvomorphJun-08-2012 7:26 PMDon't know what the relevance would be between the book and 4 months after the films may just be a nod to the potential story arc the sequel might take, while at the same time giving us a a fate to look out for in terms of new info with regard to the new film (or blu ray/viral campaign!)

MemberOvomorphJun-08-2012 11:27 PMI'm digging the sequel theory the only thing would be who are the actors for the second movie? could they keep it under wraps? Are you basically talking back to the future 2 and 3 getting popped on us? Hopeful for sure

MemberOvomorphJun-09-2012 4:26 AMI love this idea of a sequel coming out in a matter of months. Highly unlikely though. It is most likey a dvd/blu ray release. Hell, it could be the announcement of the sequel going into pre production.
I just saw the movie tonight and thought it was great!!! I loved it! For Scott to say it's not a prequel is scetchy to me. It clearly is a prequel.
I believe he doesn't want to call it a prequel so people don't look at Prometheus as another Episode I.
Anyway, getting back on subject, they will be announcing something on 10/11/12.....not sure what.

MemberOvomorphJun-09-2012 4:52 AMMy guess is the first "teaser trailer" for Prometheus 2 AND the release of the BluRay (with said teaser trailer on the disc). My bet is that Prometheus 2 will be out in a year to 18 months.....pre-production is already completed and principal photography is close to being finished.

MemberOvomorphJun-09-2012 8:52 AMFWIW, from what I see the "official" date of Blue-Ray release is already out to retailers as 10/9/12: [url=][/url]

MemberOvomorphJun-09-2012 1:26 PM[i]FWIW, from what I see the "official" date of Blue-Ray release is already out to retailers as 10/9/12: [url=][/url][/i]
Nice detective work!
I think 10/11/12 is simply what is discussed here: [url=][/url]
[i]"There’s more to come, we’re sure — the site design itself hints strongly toward four more media elements. We’re wondering if they’re already on the timeline, in fact."[/i]

Kevin P
MemberOvomorphJun-10-2012 12:18 AMNateBlitz -
I've read your speculations, and I can't stop thinking about it!! Could you imagine how cool it would be if he actually already filmed the sequel, and 10-11-12 is the release date?! With any other film, I would have completely dismissed it. With [i]Prometheus[/i], however, everything has been a huge secret.
They announced two years ago that it would be two films, then a week later said that it wouldn't, and that what is now [i]Prometheus[/i] wouldn't even be an [i]Alien[/i] prequel. Now that we know that [i]Prometheus[/i] is (for the most part) a prequel, why couldn't the fact that they were originally going to shoot two films be true as well? It'd be quite an accomplishment for the studio to keep it quiet all this time, but pulling that kind of stunt would be highly lucrative for them...and they would surely know it. Think about it...[i]Prometheus[/i] had a huge opening weekend. Next week they announce that 10-11-12 is the date for the release for the sequel. This would generate even more interest in the film...people would need to see it again to search for clues they might have missed that a sequel was a foregone conclusion.
The Blu-Ray was announced last week for a 10-09-12 many movies do you know of already have a Blu-Ray release date BEFORE the movie comes out in theaters? That never happens! My guess is that this is part of their overall plan. By releasing the Blu-Ray two days before the sequel...who's not going to want to go out and buy it?! They know people would buy the movie, so that they could watch it again right before they go to see the sequel which would be conveniently released a few days later.
I don't think 10-11-12 would be just an announcement of the sequel. I just don't see why they would wait four months, just to announce that's it definitely coming. Also with the possibility that it could be the 6-minute Weyland video...why wait four months to release that? Sure it'd be a cool thing to see, but why get everybody excited about seeing a 6-minute clip four months after the film came out?
Then, of course, you have [i]Prometheus[/i] itself. Even before I read any of this stuff, while watching, a few things just stuck out. Why cast Guy Pearce for the role, when all you see of him in the film is as an old man? It just doesn't make sense...they could have cast someone age-appropriate and not had to worry about the look of old-age makeup. Of course they're going to say that the scenes of him younger were cut...but what if they were intended for a second film all along? The second thing that I questioned was when the space jockey was sitting in his chair, flying the spaceship away. We see him in the same position as the space jockey discovered in [i]Alien[/i]. Just as soon as we think they're the same, the space jockey fights Shaw in that separate room, and then eventually the chest burster comes out of him while he's on the floor. It's intentional misdirection...why show the space jockey in the exact position it would have been in to lead right into [i]Alien[/i], only to show us that it's not? Finally, you have the ending, where Shaw and David fly off to the Engineers' planet. This begs for a sequel! What will they discover? David mentions that getting there would be fairly straightforward. Why didn't they just go sooner? At the beginning of the movie, he was the only one awake...could he have purposely led them off course and made them believe they were in the right place? So many questions!
I could be completely off the mark here, but all this information out there just makes me think that we could be in for a real treat come October. If it truly were the release of the sequel to [i]Prometheus[/i], it would be one of the biggest secrets in film history!!

MemberOvomorphJun-20-2012 5:06 AMOn the Weyland timeline 10/11/12 is when weyalnd gets incorporated
the flag is klikable now, sadly just leading to whatis101112

MemberOvomorphJul-21-2012 11:40 AMThe Blu Ray release in the Uk is 1st October. and 2nd in USA I think
So it's not the Blu ray release,
I personally, think it may be a Directors cut run at the cinema to tie in with the release of the Blu-ray

MemberOvomorphJul-21-2012 1:37 PM^^^ I'm with that theory Beware...good way to look at it. Sequel would be epic but unlikely IMO

MemberOvomorphSep-09-2012 11:38 PMlooks like the release date of the DVD(itunes states this) nice to keep us guessing though.
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