Alien Movie Universe

FROM the UK - What is the vibe in USA?

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MemberOvomorphJun-09-2012 5:11 AM
Hello Americans, Canadians and people from Alaska... What is the vibe of the film across the pond... That's if you are still awake... Are the reviews better than that of Europe and are people talking about it in the pubs... etc...
11 Replies


MemberOvomorphJun-09-2012 5:23 AM
Yes curious from Denmark too :)


MemberOvomorphJun-09-2012 5:25 AM
To our gallant English allies. The feedback is generally that this movie sucked. As a alien fan, I was disappointed. I was wishing that ripley would travel back in time and kill everyone. To be fair, some interesting ideas but the movie itself was just horrible. Are we sure sir Ridley isn't a Frenchman?


MemberOvomorphJun-09-2012 5:25 AM
To our gallant English allies. The feedback is generally that this movie sucked. As a alien fan, I was disappointed. I was wishing that ripley would travel back in time and kill everyone. To be fair, some interesting ideas but the movie itself was just horrible. Are we sure sir Ridley isn't a Frenchman?


MemberOvomorphJun-09-2012 5:27 AM
I'm an American and I just saw the film last night. The reaction in the theater was hard to judge. No jeers or cheers to report. When the film was over I sensed a collective sigh as the Chopin piece started to play with the credits. The chatter as I walked out of the theater was just people speculating on what happened/was going to happen. I think (for my audience) people were at least enveloped in what they saw, though it's hard to say in general whether they enjoyed it or not. Personally, I enjoyed the film quite a bit and there was plenty of food for though/speculation if you know your stuff as far as Alien goes.


MemberOvomorphJun-09-2012 6:17 AM
I'm from the states, I took several friends who knew NOTHING about it and they both loved it. I had learned way too much about it from this site before seeing it and I loved it too. Here on the West coast it seems very warmly recieved. I think the real point is that saying whether you just "liked it" or "didn't like it" is by far the lowest form of art criticism. It's much more important to have fun talking about the WHY's and HOW's that make you feel the way you do about it.


MemberOvomorphJun-09-2012 6:34 AM
1st of all the UK is England , Scotland,Wales and Northern us British if you like but please not all in UK are English. Like all across the pond all are Canadians or Americans ..I think not ...minor peeve over ta .

Internecivus Raptus

MemberOvomorphJun-09-2012 7:14 AM
I saw it last night, and the vibe in the theater was pretty energized. Lots of people stayed through all the credits, talking, and more discussions were going on in the lobby and in front of the theater. Personally, I thought it was an intelligently written piece that set of the DNA of the universe rather well without being part of the direct bloodline, so to speak (not occurring on LV-426, for example). I think there will be, of course, a component of the audience that will lower the bar by being disappointed by the lack of certain elements, but I believe including 'fan favorites' like past characters, power loaders, and such, would have been a massive mistake and cheapen the quality immensely. (Though, I must say I loved the thematic echo in the score that called back to Alien)


MemberOvomorphJun-09-2012 7:16 AM
@davros59 lol, i'm Manx so have to do that all the time! I got the feeling that if you're a fan of the series, then you viewed it overall less positively than a general viewer. Personally, I loved it, thought there were aspects that needed work but its pace pushed through all that and left you thinking more of the big issues than stuff like how'd they find the ship etc. More thought-provoking than nerve-racking but I think a really good movie, I was entertained for eight quid anyway! quid..slang for british pound ;) peace all.


MemberOvomorphJun-09-2012 7:57 AM
After pondering the film a bit, I would have to say that I really liked it....yet it did feel a bit rushed. I wouldn't change the story line at all, but I would have enhanced the various aspects. 1. A little more blood and guts 2. More creative character development 3. Expand a bit on the engineer at the beginning 4. Explore the pyramid complex in more detail. 5. Explain overall science of what the engineers were playing with Maybe say, add about a half an our to the film. Pumpmup the suspence a few notches. I will have to say that I walked out of the theater asking myself and my friends, "I wonder about this and that?" and, "do you think that they will explain this and that in the sequel?" George, I think I may have liked it.
ALL generalizations are WRONG!


MemberOvomorphJun-09-2012 7:59 AM
To our sensitive "British" allies (apparently you dont wanna call them english) why are you guys so sensitive? I liken the engineers to the English, I mean British empire. They are the creators. Hail our Scottish Irish English Walsh and whatever else overlords. As I recall from history class, king George sent over some black goo in 1776 and called it tea. It transformed a peaceful farming colony into a homicidal gun toting society. When these infected colonists overthrew their overlords in a black goo rage, England has been trying to send more black goo over to destroy its creation in the form of Ricky Gervais. I also learned that a fifth column movement amongst our overlords decided to send us Kate beckinsale in the hopes of saving Americans. Thanks guys.....


MemberOvomorphJun-09-2012 8:02 AM
Here is a picture that sums up how we feel in Canada... [img][/img]
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