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David's agenda

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MemberOvomorphJun-09-2012 1:37 PM
Although David's primary agenda is supposed to be to aid Weyland in his mortality problem, he certainly seems just about as devious and following a separate protocal as Ash was in Alien. In Alien, Ashe's prime directorate was to collect the xenomorphic life form as a probable bioweapon, All other priorities secondary. Crew expendable. David seems to be programmed just like Ash with the same prime directive so what about Weyland? Is he also expendable and didn't he program David either directly or indirectly? Something is kind of haywire with David judging him based upon his behavior.
4 Replies


MemberOvomorphJun-09-2012 1:40 PM
He is the cause of the entire "Prometheus Incident" IMHO. He steals the vial and brings it on board, he challenges the Jockey in defense of Shaw and enrages him and directly causes the death {by murder} of Holloway!


AdminPraetorianJun-09-2012 1:51 PM
Everything David did was at Weylands request. Weyland asked him to "try harder" at finding a solution to his mortality. Holloway was simply a guinea pig to test the goo on a human. Remember, David hadn't found the live engineer yet so this was the closest he had to their tech/science. Shaw even asks David what he will do when Weyland is no longer around to "program him", and David responds that he will be free once that happens. Holoway was a total a$$ to David, insulting him over and over. Did you notice David's face when Holoways said "Because you are not a real boy" when David said "no thank you" to some Champage?? David was crestfallen. My guess is yes he did choose Holoway because he was so mean to him.


MemberOvomorphJun-09-2012 2:56 PM
I found it interesting how little sympathy he had for Shaw when she was impregnated with the alien baby. It seem clear that he knew that this thing was probably going to kill her and out of curiosity perhaps actively tried to stop her from getting it out of her body. He was also quite mean about it when he discovered that she had NOT died and was able to successfully remove the creature herself. Then of course later in the film he tries to warn her when the engineer is coming after her and seems worried when he thinks she might have died. I wonder if these changes in alliance are all due to the passing of Weyland? It seems clear that David is capable or at least developing the use of emotions, could this also be part of the reason for his actions - an attempt to test the boundaries of his own capabilities? Either way, I know he might have been Shaw's only option for escaping the planet, but I wouldn't have trusted him if I were her...


MemberOvomorphSep-28-2012 1:29 AM
I guess when you think about it since Prometheus proceeds the period in time of Alien, David would have been even 'twitchier' as a pre-hyperdyne series synthetic as Bishop would have remarked in Aliens. So its no surprise that he, lacking the behavioral inhibitors Bishop referred to, acts so devious. I just wonder what trouble he is going to cause Shaw in the sequal,'Paradise'.
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