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MemberOvomorphJun-10-2012 11:09 PMOk so there are many holes in this movie but what really gets me is the space jockey they find in the original aliens, he was dead right on that seat. While the space jockey aka engineer who survived the suicide bombing from the Prometheus ship goes after shaw and gets owned by this huge facehugger. That just made me think that it's a different ship. So is there still story between Prometheus and alien?,I'm also very lost of the beginning.,where the engineer sips this um jello thingy and dies, wtf was that thin, is this how they suicide? Pls help me. Also Did that alien cobra come from the worms in the ground? And btw when Charlie was looking at the xeon sculpture, what was in that tomb in front of it? Do those jar thingy have any relation to a xenomorph egg?????!
9 Replies

MemberOvomorphJun-10-2012 11:23 PMRead our sites official review...[url=]'s Official Prometheus Movie Review![/url] will answer a lot of your questions better than I could in a short response....

MemberOvomorphJun-10-2012 11:28 PMI can't help but lol at the number of threads popping up about how the Space Jockey is not in his chair at the end of the film or why he wasn't wearing his suit. Not trying to knock you kevin5fan but it is a little funny to me.

MemberOvomorphJun-10-2012 11:38 PM[url=]Filling the blanks: tying PROMETHEUS to ALIEN[/url]

Hadley's Hope
MemberOvomorphJun-10-2012 11:47 PMKevin, lots of people have questions, and if your question seems like a simple one... chances are someone else has asked and had it answered already. Please don't start a new thread without using the search function.
I'll give you quick answers but you can look up the reasoning behind my theories elsewhere.
Alien and Prometheus are set on a DIFFERENT MOONS.
LV-426 is where the Nostromo found the derelict ship which Dallas reckoned was dead for a long long time as it appeared to be fossilised (this is only 28 years after Prometheus, by the way)
LV-223 is where the Premetheus found the WMD facilities.
They are different ships, different space jockeys, around different planets in different solar systems. They are approx 10 light years away from each other.
[i] [quote]So is there still story between Prometheus and alien?,I'm also very lost of the beginning.,where the engineer sips this um jello thingy and dies, wtf was that thin, is this how they suicide?
Well, yes it was suicide, and it's a "mysterious liquid" probably something like what happens in lysosomes in our own body cells, breaking down parts. Did you not understand that he's supposed to be on Earth, billions of years ago, before life began, and when he disintegrated fragments of his DNA and amino acids spread through the water and stated off life, evolution, eventually resulting in humans billions of years later?
[quote]Pls help me. Also Did that alien cobra come from the worms in the ground?
Yes. Two worms, + black goo + two space cobras.
[quote] And btw when Charlie was looking at the xeon sculpture, what was in that tomb in front of it? Do those jar thingy have any relation to a xenomorph egg?????!
My guess is that it is a device that keeps the bioliquid and the worms dormant, unless someone opens the door who is not authorised to do so. - Had it occured to you that in the space of 2000 years, in a locked room there must be some reason that the worms didn't feast on the decapitated head?

MemberOvomorphJun-11-2012 6:27 PMok if this is a different place from alien, then who made that 12 minute recording warning people to stay away at the beginning of alien?.... it seems like the same place to me

MemberOvomorphJun-11-2012 9:39 PM"ok if this is a different place from alien, then who made that 12 minute recording warning people to stay away at the beginning of alien?.... it seems like the same place to me"
LV-426 is where Alien (and Aliens) took place. Prometheus takes place on LV-223. As other have stated, it's a different planetoid than the one the Nostromo landed on in Alien.
At the end of Prometheus, when David's head and Elizabeth Shaw fly one of the Engineers (Space Jockey) ships off the planet, they say they're headed for the "home planet" of the Space Jockeys. I'm assuming the planet they're going to is LV-426 (again, this is the planetoid that Alien and Aliens took place on). LV-426 is where the Jockey will have something burst from his chest while sitting in the pilot seat. It's also where the distress beacon from Alien will be recorded.

MemberOvomorphJun-11-2012 10:14 PMValgas, thanks for posting that information. I too was confused, thinking "Hey, but the space-jockey was supposed to be in the seat, with a burst open chest." but now I understand -- different planet.
There's really a whole new world of stories that could come about -- the adventures of David and Elizabeth Shaw.

MemberOvomorphJun-11-2012 10:34 PMThis movie really just makes the alien franchise look bad.
In Prometheus there are just so many holes and wasted characters.
The scientist taking off his helmet,"human technology 100 percent legit" - typical Hollywood shit
Elizabeth shaw going through surgery in like 2 minutes, giving birth to a prototype facehugger jr and then just begins to jump around and she suddenly just walks into a room with a man whose suppose to be dead and they don't even ask her what happen, they left the poor faceHugger alone :( in a room.
I finally understand the starting scene of evolution, but still is there like two types of space jockeys? The ones who like man kind and the ones who don't ???
I hope there is a directors cut. Props to Fassbender's acting even though his character was confusing as shit
This is not the Ridley Scott who directed Alien and Blade Runner

MemberOvomorphOct-21-2012 4:58 PMI love the film in its own right but have some issues which I hope are sorted out in the two other sequels/prequels;
1. During the film, we see, I presume the early evolution of the alien as we came to see it in the 1979 film (facehugger on engineer and mitrehead that bursts from his chest). However, if we are to believe the timeline AND that they are two separate planets how do you explain that the SJ on LV423 had been there for years and fossilized, but had exploded from the inside, when we are seeing the early development of the alien 28 years before he is discovered......the timelines don't add up :(
2. If LV223 is a weapons depot etc, why would the engineers be pointing to it in all the pictographs, to tell us to go there??
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