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The xenomorph in the end

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MemberOvomorphJun-11-2012 1:27 PM
The way that xenomorph in the end came out of that Engeneer was strange, it already had legs and arms, in Alien it came out as a giant worm. Is that xenomorph at all? Or is that a queen? I mean, it was planted by bodyhugger, not facehugger.
14 Replies


MemberOvomorphJun-11-2012 2:34 PM
It's definitely 2 different things: The Prometheus creature is a genetic result of the LV223 Engineer impregnated by Shaw's baby. The xenomorph is a result of a human (Kane) impregnated by a facehugger that came from an egg that was layed by whatever came out of an impregnated LV426 Engineer. The "X factor" has to be the "goo" since humans have the same basic genetics as an Engineer. Different sizes imply different varities of mutations which mean different results.

Xenomorph 54

MemberOvomorphJun-11-2012 1:29 PM
It's another species similar, the same way the bodyhugger is similar to the facehugger. It's not a xenomorph for sure.
Have you heard of phoenix asteroids? They glow in every color of the rainbow...they travel endlessly through space...


MemberOvomorphJun-11-2012 1:39 PM
It's a xenomorph as is crossed with an engineer. The ones you're comparing it to are as crossed with regular humans. At least that's what I got out of it. There's so many questions raised and left unanswered in this movie!


MemberOvomorphJun-11-2012 2:57 PM
All the Xenomorphs we've seen have been slightly different, but with overall similar visual characteristics. The original was very lithe and slender. It's head carapace was longer, translucent and actually contained the outlines of a skull. It's tail was more hooked than a piercing barb as well. We never see this type again. The Xenos in Aliens are larger, more armored and appear to have been bred as warriors. Sharper, more defined serrations on the tail, larger heads, thicker carapaces, etc. These are the ones we're used to seeing the most. In ALIEN 3 we're showcased with a newer type that contains the characteristics of a dog/bull (depending on whether you've watched the DC or not). It's reddish, not black, and contains a slightly more quadrapedal build. Resurrection was...a joke so I leave the meaty, watery-slick, drool-babies outta this. The queen in this looks more insectile than in ALIENS so we simply see more evolution the more times they breed. With this Xenomorph, we're also seeing something new as well. There was no egg, only Shaw's womb (wanted to make a Resurrection joke but it made me wince) to birth the "bodyhugger," and therefore is more organic in nature rather than biomech and insectile as we saw in ALIEN. It still retains the same basic shape, feel, and look (the "second mouth" resembled more of a Shark than anything else though). I think this is significant. Organic breeding organic through natural (kinda) birth process.


MemberOvomorphJun-15-2012 9:36 AM
Why does a bodyhugger grow inside of Shaw instead of a xenomorph? My understanding is that the life cycle of the aliens is a chicken-and-egg loop of: Xenomorph>egg>hugger>host>xenomorph The surgery pod removes the premature creature from her womb, and it apparently grows into a massive, tentacled creature that obviously acts as a facehugger, implanting an embryo/egg into a host (in this case, the engineer), which then emerges as a xenomorph. Let me know what I'm missing here.


MemberOvomorphOct-08-2012 2:46 AM
Basically it's suggesting it's the beginning of the xenomorphs. Take note of the early date (2094) while the first xenomorph we see is in "Alien" which the year is 2119. That gives it some time to change its biology going from body hugger to face hugger. Not to mention the reason why it gave birth to a body hugger would be to mixture of the black liquid (infection) he drank mixed with human sperm. Remember, she was impregnated through intercourse. Not forced induction through her mouth. Face huggers lay eggs which use the human body as a incubator. This was reproduction combined with infection. Now let's look at the cargo hold. Remember the snake thing? It bled acid just like a xenomorph. Let's also look at the formation or layout of the containers holding the infectious black liquid. Funny how it's laid out just like the face hugger eggs before they jump out. That's Ridley Scott giving you a hint. Also, how the snake like being jumped into the mouth of the guy to finally kill him. As well as the xenomorph like objects you see moving on the ceiling which seem to be sleeping. This also explains why the engineers were running. In short, the engineers created an infection on a deserted planet. They were gonna use this process to infect and wipe out earth. They had it in a controlled environment. They had a target. But the outbreak occurred killing all but one. We walked in curiosity rebooted everything and thus we ensured the survival of the xenomorphs. Prometheus is the prequel to all the alien movies....and I'm anxious for a sequel. Maybe there will be a tie to predators.


MemberOvomorphOct-08-2012 3:45 AM
the classic Alien and classic egg/spore from the 1979 film are both depicted in one of the ceiling frescos found in the ampule room (we only see it for a second. keep in mind, i am NOT referring to the bas relief that charlie shines his flashlight over etc. im referring to a completely different piece of artwork in the ampule room). In other words, the egg/alien seen in the 1979 film existed prior to the events encountered by shaw and company on LV 223 (ie: prior to the birth of the "deacon" seen at the end of prometheus).


MemberDeaconOct-08-2012 6:34 PM
@dank Well the process seems to be one of two things and not that the Deacon leads to the Xeno. 1) The Goo in the Urns is some kind of substance that mutates organisms into new organisms that contain Xeno DNA. This substance created the organisms in this movie and also created the Xenos but at another time. 2) Basically the same as above however the Goo is not what creates Xenos, it is created from Xenos... basically the Urns contain broken down XENO DNA. There are threads that go into this in more detail but here is a run down. Xeno Broken Down = Urn Substance = Infects Holloway = Infected Sperm transmitted to impregnate Shaws infertile Egg = Squid Baby = Face Hugs Engineer= Deacon Chest Buster. Thus the Deacon is created via Hybrid Human/Face Huger that implants Engineer.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphOct-09-2012 5:05 PM
need i point out that the face hugger in alien that facerapes kane is the progeny of the poor jockey gunner/engineer with the huge hole in his chest. It sat in stasis for 2200 years (around 100 ad) which far pre- dates 2093 They did not envisage humans gettin infected and nasty on lv226 and creating "the deacon" but they had the means and motive to abduct humans to create a weapon to eliminate us! the overlooked a mammalian quality when doing so though, the uterus! They allowed an asexual super adapter to morph with a creature with reproductive organs


MemberOvomorphOct-09-2012 5:11 PM
Not realising this for the danger it holds for them, due to the arrogance of the species, which ironically we later display in alien and aliens, they put the super weapon into production, render down to its molecular level and then, send out the war machines. Dont forget the captain of the prometheus tells us there are other ships on lv223, not just the 1 they found!


MemberOvomorphOct-09-2012 5:21 PM
im essentially saying the engineers had 35000 years to figure out what to do with us, so they abducted specimens, bred the goo to be super efficient on said specimens with a the end product being a creature that will tidy up the mistake they made then die as they couldnt pass on their dna parasitically due to the lack of hosts! but life found a way for the xeno and they produced eggs that would sit in wait to ambush future life as it did in the derelict of lv426.


MemberDeaconOct-09-2012 5:40 PM
I find the Xeno and Urns to be a far from perfect Weapon. A Nuke is also not a good weapon, the only use for a Nuke is to wipe out all life, maybe the Same as the Xeno? You see if say Argentina wanted the Falklands back, then dropping Nukes would wipe out the indigenous people that are now there, but then you have Radiation from the Fall out and the land would be useless for the Argentinians for hundreds of years. Same thing goes if you drop the Urns on the Falklands or Xeno Eggs, your going to have a lot of hostile Xeno DNA Organisms to deal with. I do agree the Urns are a more ideal Weapon, but thats assuming that any created Organisms can not procreate, and the Urns would kill more lifeforms and replace them with deadly hybrid ones. I plan to go into detail of these in another thread... But to me the Xeno and Urns are useful to either. 1) Destroy a Worlds Life, but leave behind a deadly one. 2) Be used to some how harvest something, but again a deadly way of doing things. BOTTOM LINE.... Xeno/Urn creates Perfect Survival Organisms, but a Very Flawed Bio Weapon.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphOct-09-2012 6:00 PM
The xeno is perfect, thats the point! a nuke isnt bred with a survival instinct in mind! its the failings of its creator that render it dangerous! But not to itself, its ultimately the engineers that pay the price for the arrogance they portray. The xenos work as a hive mind, like ants, they dont share the desires of individuality they work as a whole, prescisely why the engineers want to destroy us, because we do not! The most succsesful species are all sharing in 1 common trait! They are perfectly adapted to their surroundings.


MemberOvomorphOct-09-2012 6:04 PM
After destroying all else on the planet, what happens if you cant reproduce! the species then dies. and you are left with a planet devoid of life. The engineers didnt need to rush! Thats what i meant by they made mistakes in their calculations which ultimately destroyed them
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