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5 Reasons Vickers is a replicant/android

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MemberOvomorphJun-11-2012 7:00 PM
1. Immediately after cryo-statis all the other crew members are in a state of mental and physical shock, throwing up and convulsing. She goes immediately from cryostasis to pushups without even drying off. [i] (counter-point: she's just really tough).[/i] 2. Weyland calls David the closest thing he's ever had to a "Son". Vickers calls him "Father", which makes her his "Daughter" [i](counter-point: she's actually Weyland's daughter, but has a different last name).[/i] 3. The pilot asks her to have sex, and she agrees. You might see this as proof of her being biological, but don't forget about the replicants from Blade Runner (Decker sleeps with Rachel, and Pris is a "Pleasure Model"). A clever replicant would be programmed with sex drive, or at least, enough of a sex drive to throw humans off the scent.[i] (counter-point: sex proves that she is human)[/i] 4. She pushes David around like he's made of toothpicks. Not exactly the nail in the coffin, but I'm sure everyone remembers how strange this scene was. [i](counter-point: David is programmed to obey her and never harm her)[/i] 5. This is the big one. It's a throwaway line unless you actually think about it. When Shaw asks the med-bay to perform a cesarian it says it was not configured for women, only men. That means Vickers had a med-bay in her private quarters that was not configured for her. The med-bay was obviously for Weyland, but it seems odd that they wouldn't program it for Vickers as well. But then again, androids don't need medical attention. [i](counter-point: just because it's not meant for women, doesn't mean women can't use it with a little 'negotiating'. The reason I don't like this counter-point is because Vickers shouldn't have to 'negotiate' with the tech. She is in command. You would think everything would be setup for her)[/i] Anything I missed?
30 Replies


MemberOvomorphJun-11-2012 7:07 PM
Hmm I dunno, I thought the same too but then when you think about the over dramatic bit where she says "Father" she has tears in her red eyes. and The bit where she is leaving the ship to go after her pod before it crashes, she's moving to human, stressed, cursing and panicing. My two cents.


MemberOvomorphJun-11-2012 7:07 PM
Hate to break it up to you but Damon confirmed she's not a android/replicant, you can find the entire email conversation in this forum, posted a couple of hours ago...


MemberOvomorphJun-11-2012 7:10 PM
very good analysis, i believe aswell that she was deffinetly android but a newer model to david 8, she is vickers 8 or something, since i do not understand that only men are androids here, no female ones till alien 4 with call. i even tend to think that the something bishop women from the new viral seems very android like in talking and how she looks , facial reactions etcetera.

Hadley's Hope

MemberOvomorphJun-11-2012 7:13 PM
No she's not a robot. do robots need to do push ups? Would a robot have board room power struggles? Now, they are not running the company. She does not micro-manage the crew, but she does intervene very decisively in points where she feels their stupidity could kill them all including her. She's very strict about the deadline for closing the door before the storm. She's very strict about keeping the infected Holloway off the ship. If she were an android, she woulnd't care. And lastly... she wanted her father dead. And she died by a rather OTT bit of [size=200]stoning [/size] - which is the prescribed biblical punishment for cursing one's parents.


MemberOvomorphJun-11-2012 7:13 PM
@LordSoth True, androids don't panic. Replicants however... sometimes they're not even aware that they /are/ synthetic, like Deckard from Blade Runner. @Merc7 Damon says a lot of things just to keep you off the scent. The Lost Podcasts were so full of lies there was almost nothing of substance in them.


AdminPraetorianJun-11-2012 7:20 PM
Well, Ash did run in place in Alien when he was stressed. Not saying I agree Vickers is a replicant but you never know.

Mr.Yutani (Detective Hudson)

MemberOvomorphJun-11-2012 7:20 PM
You only needed one point, which was this: "More human, than human."


MemberOvomorphJun-11-2012 7:25 PM
@KingHippo But It's okay to pretend, if you wanted her to be a replicant. My suggestion, get over it.


MemberOvomorphJun-11-2012 7:29 PM
@Hadley's Hope: She's strict about security (closing the door before the storm, keeping Holloway off the ship, stopping fatal decisions) because Weyland is on board. The only real act of self preservation I see is when she puts herself in a lifeboat. But then, replicants/androids aren't benign. If you look at Bishop, he didn't want to "die". Even when he was just half an android bleeding milk all over the ground, he was still holding on so that he didn't get sucked into space. He saved Newt. Same thing for David. If replicants are so fatalists, why did he ask Shaw to pick him up and take him off the planet? Why did he even offer his assistance to Shaw? I don't think self-preservation is just a human trait.


MemberOvomorphJun-11-2012 7:29 PM
@merc7 Duder, you ever watch Lost?


MemberOvomorphJun-11-2012 7:31 PM
Counterpoint to the medbay... not only was it not set up for Vickers (woman) it wasn't set up for any of the crew essentially.


MemberOvomorphJun-11-2012 7:34 PM
@KingHippo Lost; an embarrassing moment in television history.


MemberOvomorphJun-11-2012 7:44 PM
towards merc7 watching the discussion , hippo is totally right. you know that lindeloff lied 6 years to us lost fans to get the scorboard higher in viewings. i do believe he can lie like no tomorrow to hide the truth. so the article you sent saying otherwise is no proof . as hippo said in the podcast to lost , they deceived us all the time for no reason other than to hide a terrible ending.....


MemberOvomorphJun-11-2012 7:53 PM
Towards MJD watching the discussion; regardless of what we think in this board, we'll probably never get to know the truth since we're talking about Damon here. Are you Hippo's henchman or something?


MemberOvomorphJun-11-2012 8:15 PM
sorry there's NO WAY, she clearly invites Janek to sleep with her in an obvious part of movie designed for and for the sole purpose of informing the viewer that she 100% is NOT a robot.


MemberOvomorphJun-11-2012 8:19 PM
Whatever she is.....or should I say, [i]was[/i]. ;~;


MemberOvomorphJun-11-2012 8:35 PM
@Merc7 Nice ad hominem argument, but no @mjd and I have never met. @Spartacus Agreed, but I think it was for the sole purpose of /convincing/ the viewer (or Captain Janek) that she is not a robot. You (and Janek) are convinced. I am not so convinced. Rewatch Blade Runner and tell me replicants don't have sex. Some are designed specifically as pleasure models.


MemberOvomorphJun-11-2012 8:35 PM
Maybe an inconsequential observation but she did have a glass of vodka where David refrained . Take care everyone.


MemberOvomorphJun-14-2012 9:57 PM
I just saw RS call David a Replicant on an HBO special!


MemberOvomorphJun-14-2012 10:46 PM
Sundar, Deckard drank like a fish and RS states he was a Replicant.


MemberOvomorphJun-17-2012 3:18 AM
I don't know if any of you watched this video call between Ridley Scott and an interviewer but the interviewer does ask RS about a rumor of robots being in the movie. Ridley Scott implies, and I quote, "There may be two..." But who knows he just directed the movie (not sarcasm, he literally might have misunderstood or attempted to create suspense).


MemberOvomorphJul-20-2012 1:30 AM
nice one, I was about to post (somewhere) about the PRIS [i]pleasure model[/i] from Blade Runner. :)
2013 sci-fi horror novels 'Custodian' and 'Tandem' available from Amazon, B&N, iTunes etc...


MemberOvomorphJul-20-2012 2:03 AM
About Vickers having sex with Janek proving she is human: Well if this story takes place in BLADE RUNNER universe, a Tyrell Corp manages to build a "pleasure model" (In Scott's BLADE RUNNER, it is called Pris played by Darryl Hannah) to service worker drone in those Off World colonies.


MemberOvomorphJul-20-2012 12:44 PM
I like this... a lot.


MemberOvomorphJul-20-2012 12:46 PM
It never occurred to anyone that Meredith Vickers might be her married name? She could have divorced and not returned to her maiden name. Weyland could also be Vickers' biological father and for some reason she does not share his last name. Perhaps Weyland and her mother were not married and her mother gave her her mother's maiden name? I don't believe that Vickers is a robot/android despite Scott's hints that she might be. Just because the character is cold and calculating, doesn't mean that she is a machine. It is a truism in the [i]Alien[/i] series that officers of Weyland and Weyland Yutani are heartless psyochopaths with little or no regard for the lives of others. Doesn't make her a machine.

Indy John

MemberOvomorphJul-20-2012 12:35 PM
"../convincing/ the viewer (or Captain Janek) that she is not a robot.." Well as I recall I came away thinking that was going to happen.. But when she starts to walk away..but then comes back to Janek.and (to my mind) becomes the agressor in the bed wars,,I thought he was going to have a great time!~ Still thought that she could be an android..
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life

Indy John

MemberOvomorphJul-20-2012 12:52 PM
"..that officers of Weyland and Weyland Yutani are heartless psyochopaths with little or no regard for the lives of others.." Humans acting like first genration androids! I think I might prefer the Androids..
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life


MemberOvomorphJul-20-2012 1:08 PM
If she is indeed a replicant or for the Prometheus franchise: an 'android' she may have been programed too precisely such as the case with the apparant role-reversal with Deckard in Blade Runner as possibly being a replicant himself and caught up in the 'great experiment'. He as well as Rachel and involving Tyrell, the entire police division (well, key figures within it anyway) and being pitted against 'his own' and not realising that he may have taken part in the 'extermination/retirement' of his own kind. If Deckard was a replicant, he was not to know this until the end of the trail was near. The same can be said for Vickers. She may have been a symbolic creation by Weyland himself, a last-ditch sentimental reminder of a life long since past for him and which, in some ways, he is trying to reclaim through immortality. I feel that Vickers could be an excuse to maintain the pretence of a father/daughter relationship much like Tyrell is supposed to be a replicant himself and trying to keep up appearances as a sort of front or a way to be immortal as well. The idea of you, the image of you lives on in android form and the real you dies and slips away into obscurity while the 'legend' of you lives on - metaphorically speaking and if you think in terms on this idea. "More Human than Human".


MemberOvomorphSep-12-2012 4:47 AM
Spartacus - Janek asks her if she's a robot and she doesn't deny it...if anything her apparent offer of sex ("my quarters, 10 minutes") is her changing the subject. I think it's deliberately ambiguous for a reason but I personally believe she is an android. The push ups at the beginning could simply be a behaviour she witnessed, admired and therefore imitated (she is struggling as she does them but for all we know she was on push up # 1000). This sort of characteristic is shown in David when he styles his hair and repeats lines from Laurence of Arabia. Plus, she is not shown in hyper sleep, rather she tells David to wake the rest of the crew up (note: I realise she is the captain and it would make sense for her to be woken first but she shows no sign of the hypersleep sickness displayed by the rest of the crew). For me, the biggest clue is a subtle one. When she first walks onto the bridge and Janek is putting up his mini Christmas tree - look at the way she turns her head and then her body before asking "what the hell is that?" It is VERY robotic. Her movements throughout the movie are similarly robotic and not to mention she also dresses in similar clothes to David. My theory, she is an old model and possibly of the same generation as Ash (Hyperdyne System 120 A/2). These models are prone to emotion and in extreme cases it can turn them violent - Ash went ape because pride got the better of him while Vickers is clearly jealous of Davids relationship with Weyland because I believe she was once his "daughter" (his right hand woman). Weyland shows no regard for the feelings of his androids as demonstrated when he says david has no soul so it's not too far fetched to think that he would cast Vickers aside for a more advanced model of android when it came along but compensate her by putting her on the board of directors or in a similar position of power. As we know androids have a superior intellect so this would actually make a lot of sense. Anyway, thats why she hates david (jealousy). He's the Buzz Lightyear to her Woody :)

Indy John

MemberOvomorphNov-10-2012 4:03 AM
After reading the various threads and comments on different sites,, I am not sure what i think! Maybe I don't have an original thought in my brain. Maybe we are all androids trying to be more human.. In th great design Vickers exhibits more what would call robotic features than human charactoristics. Something is happenning here when Vickers seems to be acting human..instread of just being herself. W have known people that are very cold,,stand offish,,controlled,,but there was never a feeling they were robots/androids.. Depending on what side of the debate ( is she..or not) a logincal case could be expressed. That is the point why is this even a question? Because RS wanted it that way. I lean more to the she is robot/android/replicant but doesn't know it. *Push up after coming out of stasis becausae that is what humans do when getting ready for the day. *Reaching out to Weyland because that is what daughters do when meeting elderly parents *Med Pod in her capsule becauseShe could take care of 'Father' if the machine was needed before meeting his maker. *Answering Janek robotic question with her invitation for him to join her in 10 minutes,,because that is what humans do. I'll post this before i think of a dozen reasons why she is not a robot,,,because that is what humans do..I think.
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life
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