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Darth Prometheus
MemberOvomorphJun-11-2012 9:39 PMI just watched the film for the 3rd time. I believe the brisk pacing of the film is the main cause of confusion. The pacing also kills a lot of the tension in the film. I would like to see the 20 extra minutes in the "Extended Cut" be merely extended shots/scenes. Thoughts?
9 Replies

Darth Prometheus
MemberOvomorphJun-12-2012 3:27 PMThe "axing' scene will be included in the "deleted scenes" section.

MemberOvomorphJun-11-2012 10:12 PMYes. Talking for myself and from what Ive been reading around here, Im pretty sure that we all just want mere extended shots/scenes in the extended version.
I wouldnt mind some minor changes with how the score is used too.

MemberOvomorphJun-11-2012 10:20 PMAs I said in my review, there IS an obvious absence of material that the viewr can phantom toe........

MemberOvomorphJun-11-2012 10:54 PMYeah, the movie, opinions aside, without a doubt, was too fast.
Prime example: Prometheus crashing into the Engineer ship.
Janek's "HAND-JOOOOOB" and crash, after the fact.
Pretty ridiculous.

MemberOvomorphJun-12-2012 12:28 AMHaving recently re watched the Aliens Series and only seen 1 trailer to Prometheus
I just saw Prometheus and the editing was disappointing.
The start was Crap - why did we even need the first 5+ mins of the movie with people clambering around rocks discovering a cave with a pictorial of a star cluster which got carbon dated how? - there was no bridging, no real reason for it, the next cut scene of a space craft and a few years passed, WHY, What, How, Huh?
There was zero plot at all as to why anything was - a total bodged start "this carbons dates civilizations before the others" - BAM space ship - I blinked I missed something important?
Would of being much better to start the movie from the space craft, and spending that time on much needed character development with the crew bickering and captains humanity/loyalty, conversing cant wait to see what we find and etc...- then having a piss poor after explanation we got in the conference room, very poorly acted, let down by serious lack of leadership, explore report back... what¿ who wrote that a 5 year old?
Some things just don't gel at all, the crew for instance, to try and make up for some poor acting, we have a variety of crew... These hard arsed almost convict types pissing there pants with the first discovery of a dead corpse ? what - a Billion dollar space craft with scared Goons as muscle ?...
The rest of the movie lacked suspense, several of the actors really played there parts badly 1/2 never got into there roll, mind you there rolls weren't that clear so what can you really expect - there was really no care as to what actors died as we didn't care for any of them - they were just monkeys on a ship. (Squid girl & her Boyfriend, Captain, Daughter & Robot guy did play there rolls well) the others did a poor unconvincing job.
Special Effects were excellent, lovely dark and scary ship corridors which poised no threat, no suspense at all not even a hint of fear... the fun we could of had if just a loose rock had landed on someones shoulder and they Gasped in fright would of had the theater in suspense --- but nothing - so disappointing so many missed opportunities to add suspense and thrill.
With so much teaming life and so little suspense. So much more could have being done. We had ooze, slime, squiggles and a Snake - would of being nice to have someone slipping over and getting covered in goo and seeing slugs sliver over there helmet and freak out and run off (no we get a tough guy pissing his pants at the sight of a decapitated corpse , while everyone else is like "this looks interesting"... the possibilities of suspense were so sadly lost.
Oh look a cute snake thing zzz BORING (CGI + CGI = CGI)
- Now if that Snake has just slivered up onto idiot's 1suit...
Idiot 1 "hey stop Poking me"
Idiot 2 "I'm 10 feet away from you"
Idiot 1 "What? I feel something on my suit,"
Idiot 2 "..." "~'"!" etc
I mean lets play with the Snake thing that's much better for suspense and yeah that also makes sense (DUH) lets show off some CGI suspense is not required if the CGI looks cool... WRONG - we all knew exactly what was going to happen next, 0 suspense and cool CGI
I mean towards the end the captain was going to go down with the ship the other guy says "you cant poilet for shit" - best line in the movie, who was the 3rd guy really he forgot his line - this cameo filling person - would of being more convincing for him to abandon ship and die in a escape pod failure or crash - more entertaining for one.
I mean squid baby grew to the size of a Elephant ?... that makes sense I buy that, I see how that fits in well. we needed a HUGE alien face hugger , bigger is scarier... Fail
I was expecting an exciting movie, I got an Eye Candy documentary.
All in all it could have being so much more...
10/10 for special effects, visuals & settings
6/10 for acting and implementation
5/10 for suspense and story
7/10 overall

MemberOvomorphJun-12-2012 1:11 AM@markkk ..I lol'ed reading your report on the movie..and I agree with you..too funny.

MemberOvomorphJun-12-2012 1:15 AMOh and I wanted to add..that Fiefield character looked like an excon..but what was he a Geologist? really, and a total wimp kind of seemed out of character..he made me cringe when he was wimping out and insisted on leaving.
I found myself cringing a lot during the movie..having said that..I find myself on the fence regarding Prometheus.

MemberOvomorphJun-12-2012 1:28 AMI'm not totally convinced ... 20 minutes of footage is a long time, cinema-wise. Look at the goddawful mess that was Aliens Extended. Home movies from the colony. Hours of robot sentry footage. Wasn't needed.
Hope the EXTRA TWENTY MINUTES (and then the extra scenes, like Shaw axing Engineer) are actually value adde content, rather than scene-stretcher content.
Will DAVID share his language skills with us, this time. Or is that all part of the OBVIOUS TRILOGY Fox-mystery?
2013 sci-fi horror novels 'Custodian' and 'Tandem' available from Amazon, B&N, iTunes etc...

MemberOvomorphOct-16-2012 3:58 PMJust rewatched prometheus. Although I think the film is great I can't get over the massive editing flaws at the end of the film. Namely the action taking place during the waking up of weyland. The bodyguards/heavies are in both scenes at the same time & one character is killed & then reappears & then disappears again. An obvious rethink on Ridley Scott's part. But if you pay attention to these secondary characters it only seems to be a total mess. I personally think a re-edit is required to make this film make sense. Also the final cut of the engineer fight is far to abrupt. Please correct this film so I can enjoy it.
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