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The Engineers; Good or Evil?

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MemberOvomorphJun-12-2012 11:48 PM
I really hope Shaw gets to their Homeworld, and things don't go berserk. Nothin' but friendly conversation. Friendly conversation and tea (pinkies up!). Seriously, though... Personally, i would find it super lame, if they end up being the antagonists. Which leads me to the whole subject of wether or not they want to destroy humans, and the fact that Shaw is content they are. I mean... in Prometheus, we saw ONE group of Engineers. Which could very well be a group of Outcasts, on their own mission to destroy humanity. Come on, now... it's a little moon with an Engineer base on it. Not their homeworld. I'd really hate for them to be the main antagonists of the series. Shaw/future characters should gain the knowledge they are seeking, and the story should move on from there. Yes, yes, i know... it would look like a happy Disney/picture outlook. But if anything, the Engineers' KARMA should be the main antagonist. The product of their wrongdoing should be the antagonist. The Xenomorph is just the tip of the iceberg in that department. I just like the Engineers so much. They're SO COOOOOOOOOOOOL! They're even starting to surpass the Predators, and i LOVE Predators. And that says a lot. it's starting to be Engineers > Predators So, what do you say, folks?
28 Replies

Cry Havoc

MemberOvomorphJun-13-2012 1:12 AM
If Ridley Scott based the Engineers on Zoroastric Archons like I think he did then they are malevolent. And think Earth Humans are nothing but weeds to be pulled and tossed aside in the garden of space. He even said in one of the interviews to think of them like a gardener and that the Engineer at the beginning of the movie was planting a seed.


MemberOvomorphJun-13-2012 12:02 AM
Well for me I think the "Outcast" group is somekind of rebel group who weren't happy with the creation of humans. Then Shaw will go to the "Homeworld" and find out that the Homeworld's population has been killed by the rebel group with all the goo shit they produced.


Co-AdminMemberOvomorphJun-13-2012 12:01 AM
From the first time I ever watched Alien I thought the Space Jockeys were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. I never imagined them as being evil or anything like that, but now we're being told they weren't all that enamored with us and that they are also our creators. Tried to take it too far I think......
[url=][img][/img][/url] "Is it dead this time?" "I dunno, poke it with this stick and see."


MemberOvomorphJun-13-2012 12:06 AM
I know they have two more movies to discuss the why they want to kill us, but for me its simple, they create something that its selfdestructive (we are hehe) and worst have the capacity to reach them or surpass them with time.


MemberOvomorphJun-13-2012 12:13 AM
LHeureux: Interesting, but that would SUCK! For the Engineers, not story-wise. Although i'd be very disappointed... I want the Engineers to be alive and well. And with that in mind, once Shaw reaches the Homeworld, the sequel should be what Prometheus should HAVE been. An incredible amount of discovery and imagination should be experienced by the viewer. That's what i wholeheartedly thought Prometheus was going to be. Not an intro. I seriously hope that's the case. Because if it is so, then i'll forget all of the movie's flaws. Prometheus = Intro Next movie = Actual first If Ridley Scott ends up treating it that way, i'll go NUTS!

Alien DNA

MemberOvomorphJun-13-2012 12:14 AM
I think a lot of this story is going to parallel what we know about God and gods here on Earth and weave it into the plot. A lot of the Sumerian stories are similar to the bible talking about outcasts and rebellion among the creators. I think Prometheus is going to be appreciated more as a whole once the sequel(s) are seen, a lot of people were expecting it to stand out on it's own as this great movie, but it's story was written depending on the sequels to tell this entire new mythos in the Alien universe.


MemberOvomorphJun-13-2012 12:18 AM
I'm kinda torn on that too. If they were the creators and thus elevated to a 'godly' level of being, this implies some form of omnipotence. So why would they need to create bioweapons? To destroy their creations, or to fight against a different faction? I'm gunning for the latter. =D Imagining friendly conversation between Shaw and Engineers reminds me of this: [img][/img]


MemberOvomorphJun-13-2012 12:21 AM
Alien DNA: Hhhhmmm... yes, yes. I'd say that's a very nice conclusion you've come to. I figured as much. Shaw will more than likely be visiting the Engineers, who will be friendly. The LV-223 Engineers = Crazy pricks I'm sure of it. Also... Again, this thread, as of now, as of your post, is officially on the list of threads to remember. Along with GigerFace's thread, and Mr. Zygote's post in an earlier thread. You can check them out. This is AAAAAAAAALLLLL being amassed into my theory, which i will not post yet. @Daniregald: Why's it remind you of a Predator and Xenomorph playing Billiards?


MemberOvomorphJun-13-2012 12:31 AM
Because of how unlikely, yet epic, such a scenario would be.


MemberOvomorphJun-13-2012 12:36 AM
Uuummm... Unlikey? I don't see why. Otherwise, Shaw's going on a suicide mission. Epic, yes, because she's speaking with Engineers! But, unlikely, i wouldn't say so. They aren't LV-223 arseclowns.


MemberOvomorphJun-13-2012 12:38 AM
I love the engineers too dude. But the one waking up from stasis was a prick!


MemberOvomorphJun-13-2012 12:40 AM
I'm posting here because Pren begged me to in the Status Board.....


MemberOvomorphJun-13-2012 12:42 AM
Honestly, despite the fact that the last Engineer ripped off David's cage, and domed Weyland with it, punted a person, and flung another across the room. I felt sorry for the guy. Call me an LV-223 Engineer, but. I felt sorry for the guy! Especially when he get's implanted by the Bodyhugger. BUT, again. This theory of mine. Makes you really hate the Engineers. The ones that don't behave, anyway. @Abordoli: Yeah, OK... Prick... lol.


MemberOvomorphJun-13-2012 12:44 AM
Fair enough. I don't trust David as a reliable translator to properly achieve 'friendly' conversation though, especially since RS didn't want subtitles when he spoke to the loony engineer. Unless they're capable of speaking English... which they probably would have to be if the next movie centered around them, hmm.


MemberOvomorphJun-13-2012 12:44 AM
Did you well up when the body-hugger looked like it was going to win? Then when the head-acles came out, you knew all hope was lost......


MemberOvomorphJun-13-2012 12:45 AM
[i]Unless they're capable of speaking English... which they probably would have to be if the next movie centered around them, hmm.[/i] I'm sure they have developed babel-fish technology.....


MemberOvomorphJun-13-2012 12:52 AM
@ Abordoli LOL & yeah, i thought he was going to get out of that struggle for a second. Oh well. I hope they compensate for that with lots, and lots of Engineers in the sequel, and more on them. Their behaviour should be shown more thoroughly. And of course. Them kicking ass :D.


MemberOvomorphJun-13-2012 2:32 AM
Me i think, they will find ruins of an extinct (quasi?) civilisation. or a Post apocalyptic Engineer world. I also think he is using all the religions/mythology in the movie. The movie could explain why we have that in history. All those seem to have fighting gods/demigods/angels/ etc. For the rest i'm afraid we'll have to wait a too ong time

Hadley's Hope

MemberOvomorphJun-13-2012 4:03 AM
[u]From the first time I ever watched Alien I thought the Space Jockeys were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. I never imagined them as being evil or anything like that, but now we're being told they weren't all that enamored with us and that they are also our creators. [/u] Cypher, who TOLD you that the space jockeys were our creators? The woman who was "so, so wrong?" A lot of how we (mis)interpret this film comes from how much 'faith' we put in our earlier assumptions.


MemberOvomorphJun-13-2012 9:15 AM
What happens if you are a foreigner detected approaching any country on Earth with a shipment of biological weapons, regardless of what you say to the coast guard and immigration officials on the radio. I think it's safe to assume that Dr. Shaw's expedition will not end well for her.


MemberOvomorphJun-15-2012 1:42 AM
I haven't read most of the comments, but I would say that the Engineers/ Space Jockeys are in a Neutral Zone... They are kind of similar to Predators in a way, they can be both good and bad. It just reminds me of "My Enemy - My Friend" quote. David should have just left the one in the stasis pod alone. When David starting speaking their language and started puting his hand on David's head, at that moment I said to myself: "Fuck... You should have shaved your head David" Haha. Again, the Engineer had the RIGHT to do the things he did to the remaining crew, after all the crew of Prometheus did aboard their ship and crossed the lines.


MemberOvomorphSep-29-2012 12:04 AM
A spacefaring civilization that visited Earth a billion years ago (moss and water...right before animal life came to land on the planet) and still alive after all that and even came to visit Earth and start coaching some civilizations...I do think they would be basically good. They spread life, and with a billion years on their backs they are probably vastly spread in the Galaxy by the time of the movie events. Of course such a large civilization will have splinter factions/groups/cultures. The Galaxy is huge, and a large civilization will probably face both internal and external pressures in time. What we saw in Prometheus should be the exemple of a faction that was in disagreement with their peers, or at war over whatever they hold dear or necessary...but at war they are, bacause we know what those creatures are, and what the derelict ship was, and that they were using bioweapons against someone. So there is a conflict, and we were dragged into it by some reason yet undisclosed, but we might learn in the sequel that what we saw so far were the workings of terrorists for instance, destroying the work of their forefaters because of what they perceive as right. There is a lot of room to maneuver here. We might see them revealed as a creation from another race to serve them (even to be used as living triguers to seeding missions - a cruel way of acting) and that are in a war against their masters and are stealing their tech to use against them...but anyway we might see Shaw arrivving at their Home System (I would love to see them arriving at a Dyson Sphere, where trillions of species thrive alongside the Engineers, who, faithful to their name, had over the past billion years even engineered their whole system to better serve them... Anyway I really expect Shaw and David to arrive at a living, thriving and powerful galactic civilization (a billion years to develop and spread is a long time) and that they start to address some of the questions left until now. And yes, the idea is sad, that soldier endured 2000 years in hypersleep just to be raised back to die horribly...sad.

Regular Parrot

MemberOvomorphSep-29-2012 12:32 AM
Nice reference. Maybe Paradise got the Vogen treatment...

Today I have been dedicated to post on as many topics as possible until I pass out from drinking too many beers. 


MemberOvomorphSep-29-2012 12:47 AM
You got me lost now...


MemberFacehuggerSep-29-2012 12:51 PM
Facts lead me to believe that this is an outcast faction. If they really wanted to destroy humans they would have done it long ago even if this faction got wiped out. They didn't which means no one else knew of their doing. Bob only acted strange due to seeing how long the humans have come in the last 2000 years

Want some candy?


MemberOvomorphSep-30-2012 9:17 PM
I agree with the others who say that what Shaw will witness is something of a disappointment when she arrives at the engineer home world. Given the fact that the engineers never returned to LV 223 to clean up the mess or at least protect the ampules, even after 2000 years, suggests that there was a problem at home. They wouldn't leave their black gold lying around for anyone to stumble upon it, and perhaps use it against them. And yes, we've got two factions of engineers for sure, at least. Just as an aside, it perhaps may be of interest to notice that all the ships on LV 223 were buried underground in bunkers. Why would there be a need to hide the ships? Hiding from unsuspecting humans roaming around? No. From splinter engineers? Couldn't be. For loading cargo? Surely not. It may be just what RS and DL wanted for effect.


MemberOvomorphSep-30-2012 11:17 PM
Humans: good or evil?


MemberOvomorphSep-30-2012 11:20 PM
Yeah, the last part of the post is what I pointed out before. That was a somewhat hidden base, maybe under the disfarce of some religious intent (the mountain resembles some kind of temple, with the giant skull thing on its top) Maybe they are not part of the main Engineer civilization, so Shaw might find her going (I hope) to a thribing civilization that is, or was, in conflict within itself and might even not be awae of what was happening on that barren moon. That or they were the ones that destroyed it, so she might even get in hot waters when approaching Engineer Flight Control near Paradise (homeworld) flying a terrorist military ship that should have been destroyed millenia ago...
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