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Ultimate Plot holes/questions and answers debate thread

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MemberOvomorphJun-14-2012 12:28 PM
********THIS THREAD IS A WORK IN PROGRESS******** These are truncated interpretations of forum members "plot holes" or unaswered questions along with answers and explainations from various members... 1)[u]Is sacrificing one of their kind really the best way they have to create life on earth in the beginning of the film?[/u] 2)[u]Why would Weyland spend so much money to fund a mission with no hard evidence that Shaw and Holloway's theories are correct?[/u] [b]He's a multi-quadrillionaire or mega-rich for that matter. Money is no object and immortality is his only desire.[/b] 3)[u]Why is Shaw portrayed as a Christian believer yet she forms a hypothesis that contradicts Christian beliefs?[/u] [b]In the film someone says that her beliefs are incorrect because the Engineers created humans. She answers with "Yes, but who made them?" She has her own beliefs that are obviously based in Christianity but every Christian does not believe or worship in the same way.[/b] 4)[u]Why was Weyland playing like he was dead and hiding in cryo besides plot reasons?[/u] [b]He was in cryo to preserve the short time he had to live. As far as why he hid it from the crew perhaps he's an eccentric multi-quadrillionaire who likes to mess with people's heads. Or, if the comany and share holders believe he's dead he could be doing it for some business reasons.[/b] 5)[u]Why is Vickers being Weyland's daughter kept a secret?[/u] [b]Vickers being Weyland's daughter is kept secret from the audience. Never in the film does it suggest that this fact is kept from the crew. She has a different last name but that doesn't mean that the last name was made up. Maybe a married name or she kept her mother's last name.[/b] 6)[u]Why does Vickers even go on the mission when it's against her best intrest in regards to taking over Weyland Industries? It's not in her best intrest if other "sharks" are on earth plotting to take over the company while she's on the mission.[/u] [b]For one Weyland is not dead so the company is still his. Also, Vickers obviously has daddy issues. Her father prefers a replicant to her. Her father is dying. She expresses that in her opinion the mission is a joke and will not be successful therefore she believes her father is going to die on the mission. She looks at the mission as her last chance to redeem herself or win her father's love away from David.[/b] 7)[u]Why does Weyland take the voyage instead of sending a probe and funding further medical research?[/u] [b]What medical research is going to uncover immortality?[/b] 8)[u]Why does Weyland think he can appreciate or understand immortality or the Engineers reasoning and capabilities when he himself states that his creatioin, David, cannot appreciate the immortality he has been given because he has no soul?[/u] [b]Again, he's an eccentric, multi-quadrillionaire. He created another lifeform. He also obviously thinks he is on equal footing with the gods or Engineers. He is incredibly self rightious. And, unlike David, he has a soul.[/b] 9)[u]Why does the crew rush into the temple instead of waiting for the pups to finish mapping?[/u] [b]They never go into any area of the pyramid that has not been mapped.[/b] 10)[u]Why would the crew remove their helmets when they admit that, though breathable, it could still be dangerous?[/u] [b]Once they find out it's breathable they never say anything about a chance of it still being dangerous. In fact, someone states that the air is, in fact, cleaner than earth's air.[/b] 11)[u]Why does David shine a flashlight at a hologram?[/u] [b]He's in a very dark place and has a flashlight in his hand. When most people are in the dark and hear or see something moving they usually will shine said flashlight in that direction.[/b] 12)[u]How does Fifield and Milburn get lost when Fifield is in charge of the pups?[/u] [b]The pup readout was loading to the display on the ship, Fifield had a piece of the equipment that showed them the readout however when he and Millburn decided to leave rather near their point of entry he had to leave the equipment with the crew who were staying so they could continue to find their way. Fifield and Millburn being men both think they can find their own way and don't bother contacting Janek for directions. Then the storm hits knocking out contact.[/b] 13)[u]Why are geologist Fifield and biologist Millburn not interested in the uber-important descoveries that the team make in the pyramid?[/u] [b]It's possible that they are too frightened to care about their careers at that point. Or better yet they are interested but are smart enough to hang back until the pyramid is found to be safe and without threat.[/b] 14)[u]Why is Millburn stupid enough to try to pet the hammerpeede?[/u] [b]Perhaps his inquisitive, biologist nature that was talked about being absent in question #36 has finally got the better of him. Also, Fifield had just showed him that he had marajuana in his resperator. This could explain why Fifield is super paranoid as well as why Millburn wants to pet the hammerpeede. Fifield is paranoid because he's stoned and Millburn is trying to show off in order to impress Fifield so he'll share the marajuana.[/b] 15)[u]How is human dna and engineer dna a match yet there are differences between them?[/u] 16)[u]Why doesn't the crew ask David to translate Engineer writing when they find out there's a contagion loose?[/u] [b]When they find out Holloway's infected is the first sign of a contagion. At this point they are in the pyramid and find Millburn's body and see that Fifield is missing. They also see the hammerpeede scuttle off which scares them as well. The sh*t has hit the fan at this point.They don't think about or have time to ask David to translate anything as they are trying to hurry and get to the Prometheus to help Holloway. Besides, David is off on his own mission at the orrey in the Juggernaut.[/b] 17)[u]Why does Janek go to have sex with Vickers?[/u] [b]Seriously??? All joking aside, Janek is the captain of the ship. He's not responsible for anything scientific which is what the mapping of the pyramid is. Also, at this point he has told Fifield and Millburn to hunker down and not bugger each other and all is quiet. Finally, at this point, there has been no threat. Just what he believes to be glitches with the pups.[/b] 18)[u]Why does nobody get angry at Janek for dereliction of duty?[/u] [b]See above answer.[/b] 19)[u]Why does David infect Holloway for no reason?[/u] [b]Before David infects Holloway he has a conversation with Weyland who is in cryo. When David leaves he comes upon Vickers lurking in the corridors. She askes David what Weyland said. "He said to try harder" he tells her. Weyland wants to find out what the "black goo" is capable of without being the guinea pig. Could it make him immortal? Could it make him morph into an alien? Could it give him the runs? He tells David to infect someone. David picks the person he likes the least of the crew. [/b] 20)[u]Why does infected Holloway act ok and return to the temple putting his girlfriend and crew in danger?[/u] [b]Holloway has no idea he's infected. He dosn't know what David did. All that happened before they left for the pyramid was what he saw in his eye in the mirror. He could have been thinking he was seeing things due to cryo or space travel or whatever. He didn't display any pain until they were in the ampule room and at that point he asked Shaw if what was going on was bad.[/b] 21)[u]How does David know what 3 months pregnant looks like in terms of an alien?[/u] [b]David tells Shaw she's 3 months pregnant BEFORE he tells her it's not human. He's telling her she's 3 months pregnant in terms of the size of a human fetus at 3 months. He knows they haven't been there for 3 months and that the alien fetus couldn't be that old as they hadn't been there 3 months.[/b] 22)[u]Why does David put Shaw to sleep when she asks him to take the alien fetus out?[/u] [b]First, putting Shaw to sleep and in cryo is the most rational actions he could take as the med-pod only works on males and they don't have the personel to do the procedure.[/b] 23)[u]Why does Shaw not mention David's behavior to anyone after the c-section?[/u] [b]Because his behavior was totally rational.[/b] 24)[u]Why is nobody, especially David,curious about what happened to Shaw and her baby after the c-section?[/u] [b]David trumped Shaw's pregnancy with the surviving Engineer. After he was found, anything else was secondary - which includes Shaw's baby. And David was the only one who SAW the fetus. I doubt he said much, of if he did, he was deliberately vague. Weyland's only concern was meeting his "maker", and since Shaw was obviously alive and coherent, why would Weyland even care? He was on borrowed time, only days to live - if that. He's not going to give a crap about what Shaw was up to.[/b] 25)[u]Why does Janek assume that LV-233 is an "experimental weapons depot" located far away from the Engineer's home world?[/u] [b]Janek explains this himself to Shaw in the film.[/b] 26)[u]If LV-233 is in fact an "experimental weapons depot" why would the Engineers give humans a map to it?[/u] 27)[u]Why is the ships control system started by a flute and controlled with buttons instead of being contolled by a flute OR buttons exclusively?[/u] [b]Do cars start up when you push the gas pedal or stereo buttons? No. They start with keys. The flute is the key the Engineers chose.[/b] 28)[u]Why does the awakened Engineer attack instead of finding out what's going on?[/u] [b]He has just been awakened early from a long sleep by inferior beings who he and his kind created and now want to destroy. These inferior beings have somehow found them and the rest of his beings on the ship are dead. He sees them somewhat of a threat. He has no idea what they know or what they're capable of. Not physically, he knows he can handle them physically. He's worried about what they know about the Juggernauts on the planet and their plan to destroy mankind.[/b] 29)[u]Why do Janek's co-pilots offer up their lives so readily?[/u] [b]First ands foremost the fact that the lifeboat can only sustain life for 2 years means they are going to die before anyone can rescue them anyway. Also, Janek seems to be a boss that they definitely look up to and they obviously respect him to the utmost. Plus, how often do you get a chance to save the entire planet instead of running like a coward?[/b] 30)[u]Why doesn't Vickers run sideways to avoid crash?[/u] 31)[u]Why does the Juggernaut fall straight down during the crash instead of at an angle?[/u] 32)[u]How does a rock hold the crashing Juggernaut up, saving Shaw's life?[/u] [b]If you look you can see that the part of the Juggernaut that lands where Shaw is is sloped inward which means the part of the ship that hit the rock was also lower to the ground when the ship hits. If the ship is sitting flat on flat ground that part of the ship would not be touching the ground.[/b] 33)[u]Why does the Engineer go after Shaw with bare hands when there are more Juggernauts?[/u] [b]See question #28.[/b] 34)[u]How does Shaw's baby grow so big in a confined area with no food source?[/u] [b]The trilobite fetus grew at an alarming rate while inside with what would seem to be little nutrition from Shaw as from the time she had intercourse and was impregnated to the time of the c-section she had not eaten anything. The trilobite just continues this trend after the c-section. Or perhaps the trilobite ate some of the crew members we didn't see much of.[/b] 35)[u]Why does Shaw head for the Engineer's home when she knows they want to destroy humans?[/u] [b]To get answers. She states this at the end of the film. She doesn't care the cost. In her mind she will get answers from the Engineers or die and meet her maker and get answers that way.[/b] 36)[u]How did Shaw manage to acomplish all the feats of strength and daring after a very painful c-section?[/u] [b]Shaw gives herself painkilling shots during the c-section as well as after. The combination of future surgical tools and techniques, the ability of future drugs to kill pain as well as good ol' adrenaline could have easily helped her along.[/b] 37)[u]How did the Trilobite survive the sterilization process?[/u] [b]The Trilobite does have some human DNA and perhaps the Pauling Med-pod's sterilization process is not calibrated for human/alien hybrid parasite trilobite.[/b] 38)[u]Why is the Prometheus no equipped with weapons to blow the Juggernaut up instead of having to fly into it?[/u] [b]Scientific expedition. Not an attack ship.[/b]
363 Replies


MemberOvomorphJun-14-2012 7:18 PM
I think the post needs to be a little more open minded then just plot holes. It needs to be about the general feeling of the film also and if you think in a way it is just a little silly or not very well made. These are not really plot holes as such. More so things that leave a viewer a little unconvinced. To me the people that ask these questions are the ones who are thinking and not fooled. To ignore these points without answer just seems like bad writing. In any case i still stand by the fact if any other movie had this many things to question it would be slated. I think we all know that. Why did Skyline get slated ? Poor writing ? Poor story? 1: The crew (17 i think) awake and the first thing they say is. "Hi what is your name" to each other. How did they all get on the ship then ? Get on in silence hide from each other? 2: No weapons other then flame throwers. Why? To me this is unrealistic. I am not saying it should have been an Aliens film at all. I am talking in common sense. A company spends a trillion on a whim that there are gods right? They take no sort of protection to a planet and the ship has no guns on it? Sorry not believable. Surely if this is so deep and something to think about those things should have been in the script. 3: The Engineer ship contains organic life of some sort which means there is oxygen on the ship. I assume the Engineer needs oxygen to breath like humans. Towards the end of the movie the alien ship is destroyed and the engineer does not seem to need any oxygen why? If he does not need any why did his ship have it? Does not make no sense at all. 4: This has been said many times but i do not buy it. The captain asks a number of times. "Where is this character" "I don't know how we will find this person" etc. There is a giant hologram on the ship which clearly shows where everyone is at all times. 5: The 2 guys that go missing. The whole crew go looking for them, including the captain. Why would he go leaving the ship empty? Again before leaving he says "Where are they". The previous night he went to Vickers room i presume. Yet there are cameras on every crew member that leaves the ship. Why not just check the footage on this hugely expensive craft ? They would have seen what happened and know exactly where they are. 6: Before leaving the ship a crew member displays a flamethrower to Shaw. She says something along the lines of "No weapons bla bla bla". No human being would do that. Also the company would not do it. They have spent "Trillions" as pointed out and would protect there investment. Simple 7: The giving birth scene. How comes 10 mins after this happens Shaw is running around like nothing happened? Why did nobody say anything to her when she was covered in blood ? 8: Old man turning up. Unless i am mistaken at the start there is the hologram video in which it is explained he is dead etc. Why is it when he turns up nobody questions it? Human nature would be at least one person saying "WTF is going on". 9: Birth of the Alien from the Engineer. Perhaps it was a time scale thing. I just don't buy the fact in any other movie the birth of any alien happens over time. Even with Shaw it was like 24 hours or perhaps less. The engineer is attacked by a squid type creature an in no less then 2 min screen time an alien has grown and burst's out. Rushed i don't buy it. 10: How they got to the planet. Again perhaps a time restriction but it put me off the movie straight away. "look there is a picture" cut scene "Here we are 2 or 3 years later." No reason nothing just here we are. That is like starting the Iron Movie the very first time and introducing Tony Stark saying "I want to make a suit that is powerful" Cut Scene. He is flying around fighting a monster with no reason behind it. Just poor directing to me. 11: The Biologist. He had 100s of dead engineers to examine but done a runner back to the ship which is when they got lost right? So if he was afraid and did not want any specimen why did he approach the cobra type alien? It does not compute with the character 20 mins previous. 12: The DNA of the alien Engineers is apparently a perfect match for human DNA, despite the fact that they’re like 8-feet tall with grey skin, no body hair, and completely black eyes.


MemberOvomorphJun-14-2012 7:25 PM
How long will it take for the rest of the people on this site to realize that the movie was pure crapola. You have to be very simple and easy to please to like something of this sort when it turned out so cheap and unintellectual.


MemberOvomorphJun-14-2012 2:08 PM
Bang-o. Good topic. Very few full-on plot holes in the movie though (at this stage)- more like questions waiting to be answered. Faith in the sequel(s). We'll see. Here's a big one: -IF the creators were a prometheus-like faction of their own race who broke away to come create life on earth... -AND there was a militaristic installation on a planet cultivating a bio-parasite weapon of mass destruction that could wipe us out -THEN why would the creators lead us back (leave a map/invitation) to [i]that[/i] horrific outpost? -In short, why would a map proposing contact lead to a terrible weapons installation where someone's trying to kill us? -Why tf would our creators lead us THERE of all places??? Right into the shit!? Speculations: Not an invitation. A WARNING. A map to what we should go blow up... OR The creators were not a prometheus-like splinter from the rest of their species, they all just decided to create and then destroy us, BUT THEN why leave us the map INTHEFIRSTF*KING PLACE... AND STILL- why the f*k would the map (left before they changed their minds) lead to some barren deadly outpost instead of a place where contact can happen? Did the outpost used to be something different and nice? Was it then changed when the engineers decided to wipe us out? AND It seems way out of character for a race who'd evolved that far to not even try to dialogue with us upon seeing that we'd solved their map and reached the destination planet. ...Maybe the maps weren't meant for us? WTF IS GOING ON???? WHY DECIDE TO CREATE AND DESTROY US (the film asks) and I add to that- if they wanted to destroy us, WHY LEAVE US A F*KING MAP PROPOSING CONTACT, to THAT F*KING DEATH TRAP of ALL PLACES. -Was it meant to be a trap? -Or was the installation formerly all lovely-dovey? -Or was it a warning from "rebellious creators" that their authorities were mounting our doom? Whole premise for the movie needs justification, and is possibly implausible or too weakly thought through, depending on answers in sequel. The truth had better not be "so we could get our heroes off-planet and make a movie." Right now I love it, but if the sequel(s) skip these answers, I will change my opinion to "retards."


MemberOvomorphJun-14-2012 12:28 PM


MemberOvomorphJun-14-2012 12:29 PM


MemberOvomorphJun-14-2012 12:29 PM


MemberOvomorphJun-14-2012 12:29 PM


MemberOvomorphJun-14-2012 12:29 PM
Sorry engineer, dont want to destress you at all. Looking forward to some explanations. But as i did read explanations here for days, i can already say that it SUCKs that a hollywood sci-fi plot is SO FILLED UP WITH HINTS that you need days and forums and extra-information to get the picture completed - NEVER KNOWING IF YOU ARE ON THE RIGHT PATH! Where i come from, they call this "TO MUCK AROUND WITH SOMEONE." But as WE are the CUSTOMERS, why they dont give the customers what they want? Some customers want brain-off movies with exploding titts (Battleship). 1-dimensional flick with good vs. bad and some nice CGI Effekts. Other customers want intelligent sci-fi movies with fresh look and inspiring story. Something you can think about. But with some believable answers. What these types of customers DONT want is a 80% miracle-mystery-question-show with hints here, some hint there, and those hints COULD lead you to some "answer", but maybe that hint was put there to lead you to a even WRONGER conclusion? HELL- we talk here about a hollywood sci-fi plot and not about some ARTHOUSE-SHIT for nerdz or rich people who even never understand whats going on, but they THINK they understand...


MemberOvomorphJun-14-2012 12:32 PM
C'mon, spacyfreak. I'd really like this thread to work and I'm sure you understand those post spaces are reseved for the information in this thread to be organized. Not sarcastic jokes.


MemberOvomorphJun-14-2012 12:33 PM
"groundless substantiation" that's a Lindelof plot-hole, right there; surely. ;)
2013 sci-fi horror novels 'Custodian' and 'Tandem' available from Amazon, B&N, iTunes etc...


MemberOvomorphJun-14-2012 12:34 PM
Please be more specific.


MemberOvomorphJun-14-2012 12:35 PM
Plot Hole Level: Damon Lindelof [img][/img]


MemberOvomorphJun-14-2012 12:35 PM
Also, this is tipical of most bad talk about the film on forums. It's usually "It sucks" and "It's crap" with nothing to back it up.


MemberOvomorphJun-14-2012 12:36 PM
Wow, screw it. Haters obviously can't talk about the "plot holes" intelligently. Maybe you guys are scared or maybe there are none???


MemberOvomorphJun-14-2012 12:40 PM
Fine, I'll be a little more specific, these are a few from Julian Sanchez's blog. The movie opens with an alien “Engineer” preparing to seed a primordial planet—presumably Earth—with life. He accomplishes this by drinking a black goop which causes him to die in agony, disintegrating at the cellular level. It looks cool, but forces you to wonder: Is this really the best means available for this incredibly advanced species to introduce genetic material to a planet? It’s a little like finding out that Prometheus brought fire to humanity by setting himself on fire despite the ready availability of kindling. As with many, many other bizarre moments in this movie, this makes sense at a thematic and allegorical level, but fails at the level of elementary plot logic. This is why doing allegory well is hard: Your story actually has to work at a second level without shattering the viewer’s suspension of disbelief on the first level. Throughout the movie, you get the sense that the authors have decided that if it works symbolically, it doesn’t need to make sense narratively. The movie proper begins with the discovery of a glyph that appears in the art of many human civilizations separated by vast distances in time and space. Apparently the configuration of five stars, depicted at the resolution of cave paintings, is sufficient to uniquely identify one area of space 35 light years away. Noomi Rapace concludes that this is an invitation from the aforementioned aliens, who not only visited earth in ancient times, but actually created the human species. Not one shred of evidence for this hypothesis is ever provided, but it’s what Noomi “chooses to believe,” even though this is in fairly obvious tension with Christian doctrine, which she also “chooses to believe.”(She later suggests that maybe God made the aliens, without any acknowledgement that this would rescue deism, not Christianity.) Nevertheless, this is all it takes to persuade the Weyland Corporation to spend a trillion dollars sending not an unmanned probe but a ship full of human scientists on a two-year voyage in cryostasis to see if Erich von Daniken was right after all. A big chunk of this tedious exposition is delivered by a hologram of CEO Peter Weyland, who is inexplicably played by Guy Pearce in bad latex makeup rather than an actual old person, even though no younger version of the character is ever seen. Weyland claims he will have died by the time they see this recording, but this turns out to be a deception: He’s actually also in cryostasis on the ship. Since Weyland’s plan involves him being revived once they’ve made contact with the aliens, he must know that this will be exposed as a deception within a day or two, making the whole elaborate ruse completely pointless, except as a setup for a lame third-act reveal. Ditto the fact that Charlize Theron is Weyland’s daughter: This is kept secret for no reason beyond setting up a meh-inducing late reveal. Her motives are even more opaque. She believes the entire mission is just a hazardous wild goose chase, and only wants to inherit her father’s empire. She joins them on this 4-year-plus mission because she doesn’t want to hang around squabbling over who runs the company… even though her best-case scenario would appear to involve doing this when she gets back from the perilous mission, having given her rivals 5 years to scheme in her absence. Weyland’s primary motive, we eventually learn, is the hope of learning from the aliens some means of further prolonging his life, as he has hit the limits of artificial extension and is near death. Except he can apparently remain alive in cryostasis indefinitely. So instead of funding a probe and further medical research while he waits on ice for the next breakthrough, he has packed himself on this unprecedented and incredibly hazardous voyage. Weyland also takes off on a forced and clunky tangent about how his Android “son” David can’t appreciate his own immortality because he lacks a soul. There’s no hint that scientific supergenius Weyland detects any tension between this quaint notion and his apparent conviction that humans, too, have been “engineered” by an advanced biological race. Upon arriving at their destination, we see that the team has incredibly sophisticated mapping probes, but charge into an alien facility themselves without waiting for the probes to finish scanning the structure. Immediately upon discovering that there’s a breathable atmosphere within the facility, one Dr. Holloway brazenly pulls off his helmet—chiding his colleague and lover to not “be a skeptic,” because apparently skepticism is anathema to good scientists. Though it’s later confirmed they have no way of being sure the air isn’t full of strange pathogens, and everyone else points out that this is insane, the rest of the team nevertheless immediately follows suit when it doesn’t result in his instant death. A hologram recording showing the apparent deaths of many of the aliens millennia earlier is triggered. The supposedly superintelligent android shines a flashlight on the holograms in an effort to see them better. The Shaggy and Scooby of the film—a biologist and a geologist—freak out at the sight of dead alien bodies, despite having been willing to truck 35 light years on a perilous exploratory mission, and hasten to head back to the ship in a panic. They get lost, despite the fact that the geologist is the one with mapping expertise. This fear then evaporates as quickly as it appeared, as the biologist decides he should recklessly cozy up to a terrifying alien serpent creature. To nobody’s surprise, it quickly kills the biologist, while his geologist colleague is dissolved in black goop, only to later reappear as a zombie in a completely pointless fight scene. This is a pattern. In almost every scene, members of this handpicked group of top scientists for a trillion-dollar mission routinely make the kind of wildly irrational blunders that we strain to accept when it’s half-drunk teenagers in slasher pics. Nobody, at any time, acts remotely like a scientist The DNA of the alien Engineers is apparently a perfect match for human DNA, despite the fact that they’re like 8-feet tall with grey skin, no body hair, and completely black eyes. Just how this could actually be true so many millions of years later remains a puzzle for the viewer. Android David indicates that he thinks he can read the alien language. Nobody follows up with him on this or suggests that deciphering their records might be urgent, especially when it’s clear they’ve got a lethal contagion on the loose. With half the team out exploring the hazardous alien facility, Space Captain Stringer Bell decides to abandon his post at the comms station to bang Charlize Theron. Which, at some level, fair enough… but nobody ever suggests this is a gross dereliction of duty. Android David infects one of the scientists with the black alien slime for no apparent reason, despite the obvious danger this poses. (Oddly, David’s actions do make sense if you assume he has the same goal as the treacherous android Ash in Alien—to preserve the xenomorph as a biological weapon—though there’s no indication of this, and it would seem to require knowledge none of the characters could possibly have.) The aforementioned infected scientist can see there’s something obviously wrong with him, but instead of immediately seeking medical attention, decides to risk himself and the entire crew—including the love of his life—by pretending he’s just hunky dory until he literally collapses. Android David tells Noomi she seems to be about “three months pregnant” (about ten minutes after we awkwardly introduce the idea that she’s infertile for the first time)—then immediately reveals that the “fetus” is an alien squid thing. Maybe he read something about the normal gestational cycle of alien squid things in the hieroglyphs? Because… how the hell does he know what “three months” looks like? When she pleads with him to cut it out, he attempt to knock her out and put her in stasis, again for reasons unclear. She then neglects to mention this unsporting behavior to anyone, and nobody seems at all curious when she shows up bloodied and bedraggled after performing an emergency auto-caesarian. David, who was previously so keen to retrieve squid-fetus for whatever reason, exhibits no interest in what might have happened to it. At one point, Space Captain Stringer Bell abruptly intuits that they’ve landed at a WMD manufacturing plant wisely situated far from the Engineers’ home world, though it’s not remotely clear that his explanation is anything more than a wild guess. Maybe it’s just what he “chooses to believe”? This raises the additional question: Why did the aliens leave us with an invitation to their weapons depot? The sophisticated alien computer has a sort of flute-like control mechanism, apparently used exclusively to turn the system on, at which point it’s operated by buttons. Which is like having a remote control for your TV, except for the power button, which takes the form of a flute. Why don’t they just have an on button? Or an entirely flute-based control system? Because space, shut up. A member of this incredibly advanced species that created humanity is found in stasis and awakened. Confronted by a group of humans, including an android that speaks its language, and obviously lacking any knowledge of how many others there might be, or what weaponry they might have, this advanced being makes no effort to gather any information. It roars and begins acting like a space monster, attacking the party with its bare hands. When Space Captain Stringer Bell decides he must sacrifice himself to stop the Engineer from returning to earth and destroying humanity, his crew almost gleefully volunteer to join him, on the grounds that he is a bad pilot and will need their help… to ram a spaceship the size of a city block. (As a commenter suggests, it’s possible that this is said sarcastically, and they’re actually just needlessly throwing their lives away in a gesture of solidarity. Hey, what are buddies for?) Charlize Theron is crushed to death when said ship topples because she runs along its falling length instead of, you know, going sideways. (In an apparent repudiation of Newton along with Darwin, the fast-moving ship basically drops out of the sky in a straight line rather than falling in an arc to crash miles away.) Noomi survives because the gazillion ton space ship that has just fallen out of the sky in flames hits… a rock or something. So the ship halts a few inches above her head. The Engineer survives this crash and almost instantly locates Noomi Rapace in order to continue the effort to kill her, again with his bare hands. The rationale for this is, again, totally opaque, especially given that we then learn there are dozens of other ships—possibly including other Engineers in stasis, though nobody exhibits any curiosity about this possibility either. Noomi’s squid-fetus, meanwhile, has grown to monstrous proportions despite being locked in a small room with no sources of food or other places for the additional mass to have come from. We end with Noomi heading for the homeworld of the creatures who we’ve just learned are determined to immediately kill any human they see.


MemberOvomorphJun-14-2012 12:41 PM
Plotholes.. Plotholes. I would rather say, according to my "expactations", some (or many?) of the reactions of the actors were not "believable". Some call it "lazy writing". Is that a plothole? Plotholes: - whats this guy in the beginning? on earth? when? why? what? All this has been said in maybe hundreds of posts here.. [b]Brief summary of not authentic scenes / acting:[/b] - engineer head scene where it explodes was complete childish crap - the scene with that big squid working on engineer was crap - the alien coming out of engineer was crap ("letz put ONE alien inside, so that nobody can say that there was no alien...") - did not like vickers character at all. Its "her" ship, but noone cares or does what she says, and that does not have any consequences - what did FORD do? complete wasted role. Shaw beats here, and 5 minutes later ford is there with weyland and the engineer... - geologist and biologist dont are there finding the most interesting thing of all times - and they dont want to stay? - why geologist (!) with superb tech. instruments can be LOST in that cave? - biologist finds alien snake and wants to pet.. alllll right... hm - shaw has hard operation, and then she walks and jumps - shaw comes to the weyland room after operation, nobody is interested why she is bleeding and where is this blood coming form? hmmm - squid baby was sterilized after operation, some hours later there is a 3 meter squid and feels very alife... hm - weyland and david go to the engineer who did sleep for 2000 years, and after he opens his eyes, they ask immidiately for "eternal life".. hm - no security on the ship. Dont they have some rockets to shoot the derelict, NO they have to do kamikaze. Aha. Just to fit this "mystery sacrifize theme" i think.. but thats very unreal - vickers is unfriendly without a reason, no leader would be that way. no authority by nature, wrong actress for that role if you ask me ......


MemberOvomorphJun-14-2012 1:23 PM
I will play Devil's Advocate here and defend the film against spacyfreak's plothole allegations: - engineer head scene where it explodes was complete childish crap This is not a description of a plot hole, you simply did not like this scene it seems. - the scene with that big squid working on engineer was crap Once again, this is not a description of a plot hole. - the alien coming out of engineer was crap ("letz put ONE alien inside, so that nobody can say that there was no alien...") Yet another example of something you did not like but that was not a plot hole. - did not like vickers character at all. Its "her" ship, but noone cares or does what she says, and that does not have any consequences Not a plot hole. - what did FORD do? complete wasted role. Shaw beats here, and 5 minutes later ford is there with weyland and the engineer... Not a plot hole. - geologist and biologist dont are there finding the most interesting thing of all times - and they dont want to stay? It could be possible that they were simply too frightened to care about their careers at that point. - why geologist (!) with superb tech. instruments can be LOST in that cave? The map readout was loading to the display on the ship, the geologist did not have the map and lost contact with the ship due to the storm. - biologist finds alien snake and wants to pet.. alllll right... hm He may have simply calmed down enough to finally let his inquisitive nature get the better of him. - shaw has hard operation, and then she walks and jumps Well they did show her injecting herself with painkillers after the operation and in the future painkillers maybe much stronger than they are now. - shaw comes to the weyland room after operation, nobody is interested why she is bleeding and where is this blood coming form? hmmm Perhaps Weyland assumed that his team had extracted the fetus from Shaw and stored it as a sample and now she was here. This is just speculation of course, this is a legitimate plot hole as nothing shown in the film can actually account for the casual reaction they show. - squid baby was sterilized after operation, some hours later there is a 3 meter squid and feels very alife... hm The sterilization measures programmed into the med pod probably are not calibrated for human/alien hybrid parasite squid. - weyland and david go to the engineer who did sleep for 2000 years, and after he opens his eyes, they ask immidiately for "eternal life".. hm Not sure how this is a plot hole, maybe silly on their part but Weyland is old and has one thing on his mind. - no security on the ship. Dont they have some rockets to shoot the derelict, NO they have to do kamikaze. Aha. Just to fit this "mystery sacrifize theme" i think.. but thats very unreal Well outfitting a scientific exploratory vessel with missiles probably seemed like overkill as most people probably did not think they would find alien life or, if they did, that they would engage in aerial combat. - vickers is unfriendly without a reason, no leader would be that way. no authority by nature, wrong actress for that role if you ask me Many authority figures are unfriendly, and throughout history there have been some truly evil and sadistic individuals who rose to positions of power. This is not a plot hole.


MemberOvomorphJun-14-2012 2:33 PM
AHH that was really HELPFULL. As said, you can talk everything and anything in which way it SHOULD (or could?) be seen so that it sounds like "it makes sense", but my feeling (FEELING) and the feeling of many others is - there are lots of scenes (mentioned above) that dont give you the idea "this is real, i am THERE". I was not there the most time, i was wondering what the shit all these "scientists" are doing. In comparison, when i see ALIEN, that crew acts different. Believable! They talk the funny "bonus-situation". i had a good laugh on these two mechanics doing their jokes. But the captain (and ash) tell them about the bonus situation. When ripley comes to the two mechanics and there is some "gas" coming out of the wall, and they can not talk as its so loud. When she leaves, the put it OFF. Funny, BELIEVABLE guys. Maybe most things mentioned are just QUESTION OF TASTE. So as discussed a dozend times, i am ready with it. Enjoy the movie - i did. Though it did not deliver in the way i hoped for. Hopefully sequel will deliver the rest puzzles i miss desperatlly. ***************************************************************************** END OF TRANSMISSION ABOUT PLOTHOLES LINDELOST AND BAD ACTORS.


MemberOvomorphJun-14-2012 1:43 PM
[quote]Android David infects one of the scientists with the black alien slime for no apparent reason, despite the obvious danger this poses. (Oddly, David’s actions do make sense if you assume he has the same goal as the treacherous android Ash in Alien—to preserve the xenomorph as a biological weapon—though there’s no indication of this, and it would seem to require knowledge none of the characters could possibly have.) [/quote] I'm really surprised this keeps being labeled as a plot hole. The scene prior, David is talking with someone (Weyland) in cryostasis. It's obvious Weyland is ordering David to "try harder", aka, "find out everything you can about these Engineers". David looks uncertain when he's bringing the bottle of wine for Holloway, as if he's unsure whether or not to go through with it. Holloway of course makes it easier by being a dick, and David asks "How far would you go to get your answers? What would you be willing to do?" To me, this is David rationalizing what he's about to do, and even asking permission in a backwards way. Again, Weyland ordered David to study the goo. David chose the human he disliked the most to infect. The pieces are there for you to connect. Must everything be spelled out? Not a plot hole.


MemberOvomorphJun-14-2012 1:55 PM
Come on - so just to find out what the goo does to a human, the robot (you remember the 3 robot laws??) just "asks" him what he would do for truth, and as holloway says "everything & anything", thats enough reason for David to use him as a genua pig? KIDDING? I would expect some animals for testing, or simply do some chemical testing, i did not see ANYBODY do a chemical scientific test, WHAT is inside of this GOO ! PLOTHOLE! NOT BELIEVABLE!


MemberOvomorphJun-14-2012 1:58 PM
ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING can be explained "SOMEHOW", but isnt it strange that we NEED some explanations for a sci-fi movie? By the way - WHAT WAS THE MEANING OF THE VERY LAST SCENE IN KUBRICKS 2001 WHERE THIS ASTRONAUT IS AN OLD MAN AND THAN A BABY etc? That scene - to ME - means - in other "dimensions" you may have COMPLETE DIFFERENT rulez, which have nothing to do with physical/intellectual rulez we are used to as humans living on earth and having limited knowledge/intellectual skills/imagination..


MemberOvomorphJun-14-2012 2:06 PM
@ spaceyfreak Alright, those are some plotholes that can be plugged if you'll care to listen. - The head exploding: they did not know it was a helmet so upon removing it they decided to see what they could learn about the nervous system. They "trick" the nervous system in to believing it was alive (we do this with frogs in biology class). Upon the electricity being introduced Shaw notices rapid cellular growth NOT indigenous to the Engineer's biology (she says as much). She orders the stimulus to be removed but the current flowing through a brain can still remain long after the impulses have stopped (once again biology), Now, since it's a foreign substance that is meant to be spread (ala` spores similar to the X-Files episode "F. Emasculata) which violently erupt after reaching a certain gestation period, it's not far fetched to believe this is the same principle here as the electricity could've accelerated the cell deterioration or the black goo's propigation to where it needed to exit the hose. Also, later in the movie Milburn and FitField find the bodies of more Engineers and upon examination discover they were killed through violent explosions from within, the "Art of Prometheus" book shows the model used for this scene, and guess what, holes in their heads. - The Huggoth/Trilobite - Now, consider for a moment that in Earth's early biological development there were things known as arthropods which were distant cousins to squids and octopi. Now, biologists have discovered that while arthropods may be born tiny (some as small as 3 inches in length) they can grow rapidly into much larger creatures, think of giant squids and how big they get 11ft-66ft (their eggs begin at less than an inch long and wide). So this is not as far fetched as you might think and simple biology coupled with the fact that if the black goo is responsible for our get the idea. - Now I will agree that The Deacon felt slightly tacked-on, but it was hinted at from the very onset of them entering the Ampule Chamber. The murals depict it in several different forms before you reach the one that's been "crucified." So having a living one "pop" out at the end, while a little tacked-on, isn't a plothole. It's simply an opinion of whether we needed to see it Also, it could have been the studio saying "Scott, we need to see this<" and since they're the ones putting up the money? In it went. But it's not a plothole. - Once again with Vickers, opinion, not plothole. Her character plays the role of Burke from ALIENS as a representative of the company that funded the expedition. Therefore she's there as the "manager" role. How many managers do you know that people 100% pay attention to at all times? Also, Weyland states that the scientists, Shaw and Elizabeth, are in charge and they're running things, and they aren't privy to Vicker's little, "I'm the queen bee" speech to them later, ergo, as far as everyone else is concerned she's just "the suit" in the room. Now, as far as her not being obeyed nor there being no consequences for people disobeying her? There were. Right off the bat she tells the team she's shutting the doors to the ship when the storm picks up, so they leave the temple and head back, knowing she will keep her word, which she does. Also Janek orders the hanger doors opened so they could get Halloway back inside. Vickers orders the men to leave it shut. They do. Janek continues his orders but the door is not opened until Vickers says, "Okay, open it." Also, she blatantly states that Halloway is not entering her ship, and we have a stand-off. Halloway does sacrifice himself, but it is clear that Vickers did not understand his intention at the time she poured napalm into his face. Once last thing, at the end, they witness Weyland die, and as his vitals go out, she orders the ship to leave, which they immediately begin prepping for. So yes, there were consequences. - Ford, agreed about a wasted character, BUT, in terms of plot, we don't what happened between the moments of Shaw knocking her out and Weyland waking up. Yes she is in the room prepping Weyland, but honestly, David knew that Shaw wannted the creature out and knew she was going to, so after she ran to do so, he could've simply let her go and called Ford in to finish the original mission, which was for Weyland. That makes logical sense. - Geologist, Fitfield. You're right. He DOESN'T care about finding EBEs, he just likes rocks lol. He says as much in the movie, which was a great line I thought. He's there to get paid, which he also explains to Milburn and therefore finding these things wasn't his pay grade. Bilogist, Milburn. Seeing as how Shaw and Ford are there and are obviously versed in biology and medical I'm not sure why Milburn was there originally. However, his reaction to something that stood a good 3.5-4 ft above him and was decapitated on the floor of an ALIEN planet was pretty human. He was scared sh*****. Also, he was trying to make friends with Fitfield anyway for whatever reason and when he bolted, Milburn "followed the leader," in this case. It happens in social circles all the time. Also, they weren't told what they were after when they signed up and when they were, neither of these guys believed it was gonna happen. So when they're proven wrong, everything Milburn possibly knew about biology, evolution and creation coulda went right out the window, which any normal person would need a minute to go, "Okay, f*** this I'm gonna need a minute." - LOST - haha I wondered about this myself actually. That is until I realized something, the "pups" hadn't finished mapping the whole structure yet, and the data that they were receiving wasn't 100% completed yet. Also, they followed the holograms that David inadvertantly set off to the Ampule Chamber, not the pups. So when he checks out from the main party, he makes a couple of guesses that were wrong. Also, the team wasn't much paying attention to them from the ship or the team as they'd just found the Ampule Chamber, otherwise they might've been able to redirect them. Also, the storm coming up as quickly as it did and they're truncated time constraints could've played a part in their not realizing they were gone. When they got back Shaw said they should've been back by now, and Janek states that they'd lost contact with em as soon as the storm hit. Not 100% explained and still felt a little weird as well, but it is somewhat answered on screen. - This scene honestly isn't as bad everyone keeps making it out to be. Watch a nature show on Discovery Channel or Animal Planet, almost every time, when I biologist finds something that isn't immedately threatening, they try and either talk to it, or try to make physical contact with it. It's a natural reaction to try and touch things and make tangible contact with it. This moment happens for all of 2 minutes, from meeting to attack, and in those 2 minutes I see nothing that resembles anything out of the ordinary. Also, when Kane first discovers the Eggs in ALIEN he puts his face over an unknown biological entity that he himself states has "movement," and yet no one seems to find that out of the ordinary, which by the same logic applied here would cause that scene to have the same reaction as an Executive Officer onboard a ship would never place themselves in harms way most of the time. So I'm sorry, but this isn't a plothole for me. - The Operation - everyone mentions this, but everyone also forgets that she does not move without difficulty for the rest of the movie. Also, immediately afterward, in her room, and before she suits up, she takes a shot, a handfull of pills, and more pills. Painkillers, adrenaline, force of will and her need to finish what she started and what her boyfriend died for can cause people to do many things. Also, the staples are seen later and we can clearly see that her scar has healed incredibly. We don't know what kind of medical advances happen in the 70+ years in the future this takes place. Therefore we don't know if the medication or surgical pod applied a regenerative component upon sewing her back up. It's a question yes, but honestly, it's not too unbelievable as I said, the rest of the movie she does issues moving about. Whenever she runs, we see her only able to do so for short fits, while hobbling and then needs to rest and recover (escaping the engineer). - Squid Baby - Okay, this one is just deconstruction analyzing. This creature was sterilized, and decontaminated but since it contains traces of human DNA the pod possibly recognized it as such and didn't kill it. Also, since arthropods (stated above) can breathe underwater, in highly concentrated atmospheres of methane and CO2, does stripping the atmosphere kill it? Maybe not. Also, the Xenomorph and the facehuggers, and all biological entities associated with them and their reproductive lifecycle are known to be able to survive in Zero-G space. It's one of the reasons why the creature is created/revered. So once again, not a plothole. It's shown unmoving to the audience to give the illusion that it's dead, so when it comes back it's a surprise. It's a movie trick and nothing more. - Why is this a plothole? That was Weyland's mission from the get go. Therefore they complete their mission, it just didn't turn out the way they thought. I mean, big dude's been asleep for 2000 years and his last mission was to eradicate the very thing that's now standing in front of him. Not only that, but it's brought it's own creation with them, and abomination that's learned how to read, understand, and speak it's language while it's own creation (humanity) hasn't learned didly. I'd be pretty pissed too. - Uh, SCIENCE vessel? Why would they need onboard weapons for a ship that's passing through space not being intercepted by hostile forces. I mean, if you wanna go down that route why didn't they ask for military support? Oh wait, the mission's classifed. Ergo, they don't want the military involved. Therefore placing weapons on a science vessel would be a warning light to the USMC. Not only that, but they had a security team brought with them with projectile weapons and flamethrowers. So there was security onboard. Janek himself states that it's not a warship therefore it has no onboard weapons that are able to bring down the Juggernaught. Once gain, not a plothole. - Uh, you ever worked in retail? Or any job for that matter? I've seen countless people get fired or "disciplined" due to cold, heartless managers. It's the nature of the beast. I mean she's an allegory for the faceless corporations that use and abuse people for their own means and don't give a flying flip about the consequences. And she's also not mean to everyone. Her dialogue and interaction with Janek is personable and friendly. She lets her guard down around him. She's only cold to the scientists (who she feels is wasting time and money) and David (who she sees as direct competition for Weyland's affections). And whether or not Theron was right for the part is opinion and not a plothole. Any more questions?


MemberOvomorphJun-14-2012 2:35 PM
Yeah the more and more I think about this film, the more I hate it. I wanted it to be so good, but when you add it up, it's pretty bad. Whether or not they are plot holes or things that just didn't make sense, this movie has too many to count. Once you find an answer to 1 question, you just create more questions. Fifield for example...Hes freaking out, going crazy, tells everyone him and the other guy are leaving. OK..Why was he freakin out? Oh he smoked pot and was getting paranoid. WTF was he doing smoking pot? Crack team of scientists on the greatest discovery and this guy is getting baked in his space suit. So the rest of the team leaves...No body notices that the van and quads are all there, no body thinks oh they must have walked? Fifield finds out theres a lifeform west of him, so he runs east, but he was lost. How could he know where east was? Then cozies up with a space snake. Cuz if its a space snake its gotta be more friendly than earth snake. So they die. Then nobody notices Fifields helmet cam going all the way from the tomb to Prometheus until its on the ramp? That's just 1 scenerio, there are too many others. Just poor writing.


MemberOvomorphJun-14-2012 2:56 PM
Here are the plot issues I identified and found to be the most glaring, but by no means the only plot holes: 1. Shaw's Squid Baby/Proto-Facehugger Growth. -I understand the gray goo has amazing transformative and mutagenic properties but how did this things grow from at most 10 kgs. to at least 150 kgs. in a couple of hours in a sealed room? Growing from sperm cell size to 3 month foetus size makes sense given that the parasite was growing from Shaw, but this doesn't work in a sealed room; where did it get all the matter and energy to grow so large so fast? You can't make mass from nothing. If the Engineers could create matter from nothing they would be pretty much omnipotent, it's a complete violation of Thermodynamic Law. 2. Terrible Mission Design. -It's a trillion dollar operation but the mission had like a dozen flaws. Why did it have so few security personnel? Why didn't the scientists have an armed escort? Why weren't there guards posted in the corridors? Why didn't they send out remote controlled probes to scout the base? Why weren't the scientists ordered to wait until the dust storm had passed before exploring the ruins? Why not set up a forward base with communications equipment, a fall-back point, why did the ship not even have basic weaponry, what if they needed to blast apart rocks or space debris, et cetera?. I understand it isn't a military operation but shouldn't it be handled as such given the environment and risks are pretty much completely unknown? 3. Unrealistic Character Responses. -There were a great deal of these. The geologist and biologist decide one of the greatest scientific discoveries in history isn't to their liking to they head back to the ship, that's dumb. What sorry excuses for scientists they are, these are the best Weyland the trillionaire can find? -Relatedly, the expert geologist gets lost in the derelict spaceship, can't he use a compass? -Halloway sees a worm crawling in his eye and begins to feel ill and he never goes to the doctor, that's weird, I would be panicking. -Janek convinces Shaw and the crew members that the Engineers must be hostile, with the grey goo being developed as a bio-weapon in like... four sentences? -Characters never seem to know what other characters are doing. Why wasn't there a mission briefing after each visit to the Pyramid? Shouldn't the scientists be submitting their findings for review and analysis? -Edit: Millburn goes from a scared, disoriented, probably cold and hungry scientist to a curious explorer in moments. Fifield and Millburn are told there's movement to the west so they run east, but then Millburn is stretching out a hand towards the space-cobra-parasite? I don't but it. The issue isn't that the scientist is acting unreasonably to a new organism, it's that moments earlier he's shown a much more cautious and even frightened response to the idea.


MemberOvomorphJun-14-2012 4:53 PM
HOLY CRAP! My eyes just popped out of their sockets! I don't think I reserved enough space. I thought my taunting would start a nice discussion but I had no idea there would be this much input so soon. Awesome. I will get to taking this apart. Obviously I'm going to have to truncate the proposed plot holes to their essentials so they don't take up too much space. I'm obviously going to have to do this with the answers and theories given as to why they are not plot holes as well. This will take some time but I think it can be pretty cool and informative. Hopefully this thread will change the minds of some people that don't like the film but I'm sure it could do the opposite as well. I just hope it doesn't. To work!


MemberDeaconJun-14-2012 5:36 PM
There are plot holes, but it depends what you call a plot hole. Yes there is some unexplained stuf... thats not plot hole. Yes there seems to be some missing scenes again not plot hole... for instance why Engineer Sacreficed himself and the Flying Saucer, well this is not a plot hole it was a unexplained scene and one that apeared to needed a reason/another scene and thus now with the new leaked Elder Engineer scene, indeed that explains the above. There are a number of out of character performances that kind of go against the personality given for certain characters... these are not plot holes but just bad use of Characters. I think some plot holes are down to human nature and when excitement over takes rational thought.... for instance Holloway taking his helmet off, then Shaw but dont forget they are not true Scientists they are archaeologist. Milburns rather silly attempt to pet a unknown species... well maybe he got over excited and his emotions of finding a alien organism overode his common scense. I dont think such things really distract from the movie, as i am sure you could pick plot holes in Alien and Blade Runner they are after all Sci Fi which is Fiction.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberDeaconJun-14-2012 5:50 PM
Regarding David and Weyland and the Goo and Try Harder... Yes this is no plot hole... yes there is a scene thats unexplained that never happened and thats what did Weyland say to David... We can only assume... 1) David tells Weyland he found the Urn and maybe has a rough idea whats inside, Weyland wants to know if what he found could in anyway give him the answers he wants as far as extend life. David does not know, Weyland wants him to try harder. 2) David as non biological may not know the effect of the black substance, he would need some way to find out what it does.... After conversation with Holloway and how he claims he would do anything for answers, David sees this as a opportunity to test a small amount of the Black Substance on a Human.... I do not think that David would know that this goo would then make Holloways Sperm make a Shaw who cant get pregnant, become with child that is a hybrid of Human and Alien DNA. The more concerning plot hole for me was that David seemed very interested the the fact Shaw was carrying a Alien Embryo/Fetus and seemed interested and having Shaw and her unborn hybrid child put into cryostasis so that when the Ship returns they can extract and examine the Organism in a more controlled enviroment... But what bugged me was that after Shaw managed to get away and get to the Med Table and get the Organism cut out of her and then make her way and collapse infront of David and Weyland, they both never seemed bothered about what Shaw had got upto... This for me was the biggest plot hole in the movie for me, because it was a massive part of the plot and surely why after being very interested did they seem to not care or came across as they never even knew she was carrying anything....

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphJun-14-2012 5:58 PM
However, I can accept the shoddy science. Nothing ever said they were a team of real pros. or crack scientists-- that was our assumption. In fact they looked pretty patchwork from minute 1. This was a team of people hired by a corporate nut. Weyland's hubris and pathology shows all the way from the team he funded, through the patricidal philosophy in David's algorithms, to the seething bitch that is his neglected daughter. They were all morons. The mission was private from the beginning, & Weyland funded these enthusiasts who were good at reading cave paintings and reporting their findings to him. But not nec. pros at true expeditionary science & logistics--these were people who would follow their passion and sign up for a PRIVATE mission for THIS ASSHOLE, which of course had very poor safety protocols & no accountability. --It's really just a bunch of dumb kids, cluelessly marching into the woods like reckless eager beavers b/c some old bastard tricked them into blazing a trail, so they'd show him where the deadfalls were by falling in them. They put their faith in Weyland and were wrong to. It is a criticism of expeditionary ineptitude, reckless planning & naivete in following a corporate nut's greed, impatience & hubris. So that all makes sense for me. Common themes of Scott's are the dangers of poor science, selfish leaders, and not treating our technology with respect. It's not what solid people would do, it's what amateurs, a bitch & some morons hired by an impatient & selfish old bastard would do, with a robot programmed by that bastard. That's Scott's point. Weyland's antics are to blame for the xenomorph. And his traits being part of human nature, perhaps the reasons the Engineers decided to wipe us out. However, the sequels better explain the rest, dammit. WHY LEAVE A MAP??? WHO LEFT IT REALLY??? TO WHERE??? DID OUR D'BAGS LAND ON THE RIGHT ROCK??? ARRRRRGGGHHHH >>>:)


MemberOvomorphJun-14-2012 6:03 PM
Plot hole or just a continuity issue: How was David's body still right next to his head after the ship crashed and rolled?


MemberOvomorphJun-14-2012 6:09 PM
@Jesperjotun Thanks for the analysis, and I wish others that posted after you would have read it because you answered many of their questions in a logical, thoughtful manner. [quote][i]But what bugged me was that after Shaw managed to get away and get to the Med Table and get the Organism cut out of her and then make her way and collapse infront of David and Weyland, they both never seemed bothered about what Shaw had got upto...[/[/i]quote] David trumped Shaw's pregnancy with the surviving Engineer. After he was found, anything else was secondary - which includes Shaw's baby. And David was the only one who SAW the fetus. I doubt he said much, of if he did, he was deliberately vague. Weyland's only concern was meeting his "maker", and since Shaw was obviously alive and coherent, why would Weyland even care? He was on borrowed time, only days to live - if that. He's not going to give a crap about what Shaw was up to.
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