Forum Topic

MemberOvomorphJun-14-2012 12:28 PM********THIS THREAD IS A WORK IN PROGRESS********
These are truncated interpretations of forum members "plot holes" or unaswered questions along with answers and explainations from various members...
1)[u]Is sacrificing one of their kind really the best way they have to create life on earth in the beginning of the film?[/u]
2)[u]Why would Weyland spend so much money to fund a mission with no hard evidence that Shaw and Holloway's theories are correct?[/u]
[b]He's a multi-quadrillionaire or mega-rich for that matter. Money is no object and immortality is his only desire.[/b]
3)[u]Why is Shaw portrayed as a Christian believer yet she forms a hypothesis that contradicts Christian beliefs?[/u]
[b]In the film someone says that her beliefs are incorrect because the Engineers created humans. She answers with "Yes, but who made them?" She has her own beliefs that are obviously based in Christianity but every Christian does not believe or worship in the same way.[/b]
4)[u]Why was Weyland playing like he was dead and hiding in cryo besides plot reasons?[/u]
[b]He was in cryo to preserve the short time he had to live. As far as why he hid it from the crew perhaps he's an eccentric multi-quadrillionaire who likes to mess with people's heads. Or, if the comany and share holders believe he's dead he could be doing it for some business reasons.[/b]
5)[u]Why is Vickers being Weyland's daughter kept a secret?[/u]
[b]Vickers being Weyland's daughter is kept secret from the audience. Never in the film does it suggest that this fact is kept from the crew. She has a different last name but that doesn't mean that the last name was made up. Maybe a married name or she kept her mother's last name.[/b]
6)[u]Why does Vickers even go on the mission when it's against her best intrest in regards to taking over Weyland Industries? It's not in her best intrest if other "sharks" are on earth plotting to take over the company while she's on the mission.[/u]
[b]For one Weyland is not dead so the company is still his. Also, Vickers obviously has daddy issues. Her father prefers a replicant to her. Her father is dying. She expresses that in her opinion the mission is a joke and will not be successful therefore she believes her father is going to die on the mission. She looks at the mission as her last chance to redeem herself or win her father's love away from David.[/b]
7)[u]Why does Weyland take the voyage instead of sending a probe and funding further medical research?[/u]
[b]What medical research is going to uncover immortality?[/b]
8)[u]Why does Weyland think he can appreciate or understand immortality or the Engineers reasoning and capabilities when he himself states that his creatioin, David, cannot appreciate the immortality he has been given because he has no soul?[/u]
[b]Again, he's an eccentric, multi-quadrillionaire. He created another lifeform. He also obviously thinks he is on equal footing with the gods or Engineers. He is incredibly self rightious. And, unlike David, he has a soul.[/b]
9)[u]Why does the crew rush into the temple instead of waiting for the pups to finish mapping?[/u]
[b]They never go into any area of the pyramid that has not been mapped.[/b]
10)[u]Why would the crew remove their helmets when they admit that,
though breathable, it could still be dangerous?[/u]
[b]Once they find out it's breathable they never say anything about a chance of it still being dangerous. In fact, someone states that the air is, in fact, cleaner than earth's air.[/b]
11)[u]Why does David shine a flashlight at a hologram?[/u]
[b]He's in a very dark place and has a flashlight in his hand. When most people are in the dark and hear or see something moving they usually will shine said flashlight in that direction.[/b]
12)[u]How does Fifield and Milburn get lost when Fifield is in charge of the pups?[/u]
[b]The pup readout was loading to the display on the ship, Fifield had a piece of the equipment that showed them the readout however when he and Millburn decided to leave rather near their point of entry he had to leave the equipment with the crew who were staying so they could continue to find their way. Fifield and Millburn being men both think they can find their own way and don't bother contacting Janek for directions. Then the storm hits knocking out contact.[/b]
13)[u]Why are geologist Fifield and biologist Millburn not interested in the uber-important descoveries that the team make in the pyramid?[/u]
[b]It's possible that they are too frightened to care about their careers at that point. Or better yet they are interested but are smart enough to hang back until the pyramid is found to be safe and without threat.[/b]
14)[u]Why is Millburn stupid enough to try to pet the hammerpeede?[/u]
[b]Perhaps his inquisitive, biologist nature that was talked about being absent in question #36 has finally got the better of him. Also, Fifield had just showed him that he had marajuana in his resperator. This could explain why Fifield is super paranoid as well as why Millburn wants to pet the hammerpeede. Fifield is paranoid because he's stoned and Millburn is trying to show off in order to impress Fifield so he'll share the marajuana.[/b]
15)[u]How is human dna and engineer dna a match yet there are differences between them?[/u]
16)[u]Why doesn't the crew ask David to translate Engineer writing when they find out there's a contagion loose?[/u]
[b]When they find out Holloway's infected is the first sign of a contagion. At this point they are in the pyramid and find Millburn's body and see that Fifield is missing. They also see the hammerpeede scuttle off which scares them as well. The sh*t has hit the fan at this point.They don't think about or have time to ask David to translate anything as they are trying to hurry
and get to the Prometheus to help Holloway. Besides, David is off on his own mission at the orrey in the Juggernaut.[/b]
17)[u]Why does Janek go to have sex with Vickers?[/u]
[b]Seriously??? All joking aside, Janek is the captain of the ship. He's not responsible for anything scientific which is what the mapping of the pyramid is. Also, at this point he has told Fifield and Millburn to hunker down and not bugger each other and all is quiet. Finally, at this point, there has been no threat. Just what he believes to be glitches with the pups.[/b]
18)[u]Why does nobody get angry at Janek for dereliction of duty?[/u]
[b]See above answer.[/b]
19)[u]Why does David infect Holloway for no reason?[/u]
[b]Before David infects Holloway he has a conversation with Weyland who is in cryo. When David leaves he comes upon Vickers lurking in the corridors. She askes David what Weyland said. "He said to try harder" he tells her. Weyland wants to find out what the "black goo" is capable of without being the guinea pig. Could it make him immortal? Could it make him morph into an alien? Could it give him the runs? He tells David to infect someone. David picks the person he likes the least of the crew. [/b]
20)[u]Why does infected Holloway act ok and return to the temple putting his girlfriend and crew in danger?[/u]
[b]Holloway has no idea he's infected. He dosn't know what David did. All that happened before they left for the pyramid was what he saw in his eye in the mirror. He could have been thinking he was seeing things due to cryo or space travel or whatever. He didn't display any pain until they were in the ampule room and at that point he asked Shaw if what was going on was bad.[/b]
21)[u]How does David know what 3 months pregnant looks like in terms of an alien?[/u]
[b]David tells Shaw she's 3 months pregnant BEFORE he tells her it's not human. He's telling her she's 3 months pregnant in terms of the size of a human fetus at 3 months. He knows they haven't been there for 3 months and that the alien fetus couldn't be that old as they hadn't been there 3 months.[/b]
22)[u]Why does David put Shaw to sleep when she asks him to take the alien fetus out?[/u]
[b]First, putting Shaw to sleep and in cryo is the most rational actions he could take as the med-pod only works on males and they don't have the personel to do the procedure.[/b]
23)[u]Why does Shaw not mention David's behavior to anyone after the c-section?[/u]
[b]Because his behavior was totally rational.[/b]
24)[u]Why is nobody, especially David,curious about what happened to Shaw and her baby after the c-section?[/u]
[b]David trumped Shaw's pregnancy with the surviving Engineer. After he was found, anything else was secondary - which includes Shaw's baby. And David was the only one who SAW the fetus. I doubt he said much, of if he did, he was deliberately vague. Weyland's only concern was meeting his "maker", and since Shaw was obviously alive and coherent, why would Weyland even care? He was on borrowed time, only days to live - if that. He's not going to give a crap about what Shaw was up to.[/b]
25)[u]Why does Janek assume that LV-233 is an "experimental weapons depot" located far away from the Engineer's home world?[/u]
[b]Janek explains this himself to Shaw in the film.[/b]
26)[u]If LV-233 is in fact an "experimental weapons depot" why would the Engineers give humans a map to it?[/u]
27)[u]Why is the ships control system started by a flute and controlled with buttons instead of being contolled by a flute OR buttons exclusively?[/u]
[b]Do cars start up when you push the gas pedal or stereo buttons? No. They start with keys. The flute is the key the Engineers chose.[/b]
28)[u]Why does the awakened Engineer attack instead of finding out what's going on?[/u]
[b]He has just been awakened early from a long sleep by inferior beings who he and his kind created and now want to destroy. These inferior beings have somehow found them and the rest of his beings on the ship are dead. He sees them somewhat of a threat. He has no idea what they know or what they're capable of. Not physically, he knows he can handle them physically. He's worried about what they know about the Juggernauts on the planet and their plan to destroy mankind.[/b]
29)[u]Why do Janek's co-pilots offer up their lives so readily?[/u]
[b]First ands foremost the fact that the lifeboat can only sustain life for 2 years means they are going to die before anyone can rescue them anyway. Also, Janek seems to be a boss that they definitely look up to and they obviously respect him to the utmost. Plus, how often do you get a chance to save the entire planet instead of running like a coward?[/b]
30)[u]Why doesn't Vickers run sideways to avoid crash?[/u]
31)[u]Why does the Juggernaut fall straight down during the crash instead of at an angle?[/u]
32)[u]How does a rock hold the crashing Juggernaut up, saving Shaw's life?[/u]
[b]If you look you can see that the part of the Juggernaut that lands where Shaw is is sloped inward which means the part of the ship that hit the rock was also lower to the ground when the ship hits. If the ship is sitting flat on flat ground that part of the ship would not be touching the ground.[/b]
33)[u]Why does the Engineer go after Shaw with bare hands when there are more Juggernauts?[/u]
[b]See question #28.[/b]
34)[u]How does Shaw's baby grow so big in a confined area with no food source?[/u]
[b]The trilobite fetus grew at an alarming rate while inside with what would seem to be little nutrition from Shaw as from the time she had intercourse and was impregnated to the time of the c-section she had not eaten anything. The trilobite just continues this trend after the c-section. Or perhaps the trilobite ate some of the crew members we didn't see much of.[/b]
35)[u]Why does Shaw head for the Engineer's home when she knows they want to destroy humans?[/u]
[b]To get answers. She states this at the end of the film. She doesn't care the cost. In her mind she will get answers from the Engineers or die and meet her maker and get answers that way.[/b]
36)[u]How did Shaw manage to acomplish all the feats of strength and daring after a very painful c-section?[/u]
[b]Shaw gives herself painkilling shots during the c-section as well as after. The combination of future surgical tools and techniques, the ability of future drugs to kill pain as well as good ol' adrenaline could have easily helped her along.[/b]
37)[u]How did the Trilobite survive the sterilization process?[/u]
[b]The Trilobite does have some human DNA and perhaps the Pauling Med-pod's sterilization process is not calibrated for human/alien hybrid parasite trilobite.[/b]
38)[u]Why is the Prometheus no equipped with weapons to blow the Juggernaut up instead of having to fly into it?[/u]
[b]Scientific expedition. Not an attack ship.[/b]
363 Replies

MemberOvomorphJun-16-2012 11:56 PMSo in conclusion for budding script writers of the future ....
Ambiguity , conjecture, and supposition, Plus some dubious detection work,
lazy character development, and quite frankly hard to swallow character choices = great intelligent sc-fi script writing,... wow i'm going to have check out that cowboys and aliens, now i bet that's working on multiple levels that my initial intellect didn't pick up on.
i also love Astrology, tarot reading , Psychic Mediums, and religious dogma.
Roll on the new star trek movie lindelof is the james joyce of the scfi world.

MemberOvomorphJun-17-2012 12:51 AM@Lopan on your plotpoints
#2 and #6 They also showed shotguns as well
#8 They also showed David talking to someone that was still in cryo-sleep. The hologram Weyland obviously lied
#9: the only explanation that seems to make any sense is: we don't know how much time passed between the Engineer being infected to the proto-alien's birth. It could have been minutes, it could have been days.

MemberOvomorphJun-17-2012 1:50 AMHi Everyone, I just regged in...
I think in the beginning we see a ritual as someone before me stated.
The engineer wears a very auster robe and his form is very pure.
He looks like a monk, a member of a cult or smg.
Somehow a fallen character seems different, unless the filmmakers do their job badly but I think they knew exactly and very precisely what they
were doing.
So that guy makes a self sacrifice, he undresses, chooses a dramatic spot in nature where water flows rapidly and drinks the goo from a jewel looking
pot. So he is trusted with something very important.
Also important, he doesn't want to fall into a stagnant pool otherwise his dna wouldn't mix with the local protolife.
And his body is not corrupted like those others we see later, not wearing a biomechanical suit.
Based on this I concluded that there are perhaps good and evil ones, the engineers may became corrupted during the millenias and that's why they started experimenting with the xenomorphs.

MemberOvomorphJun-17-2012 3:37 AMKalvash:[i]
- I thnk Janek left them in the alien temple because he really didn't give a crap about them. Probably thought they deserved it for getting lost. He didn't know they were going to die.[/i]
no. that sounds just worse than the movie itself, thats an excuse.
[i]I don't know why they would be so impulsive about zapping the head, but there was a whole pile of dead engineers in the temple, plenty more heads.[/i]
that might have been an excuse for the engineer´s killers , but not for a scientific crew of Prometheus.
[i] I'm not sure the Med Pod wasn't locked. The door doesn't open by itself, Shaw opens it.[/i]
it wasn´t locked. Shaw could open it with one hand (when the engineer is about to grab her), then cuddles is getting him . If she could do that in taht emergency situation, anybody could. anytime.
[i] And she wouldn't have internal bleeding because the machine used a surgical laser that cautarizes the the incisions instantly.[/i]
no, thats your imagination. or interpretatation, she only got an anesthetic.
SHE WOULD JUST DIE. SHE WAS JUST CLAMPED after the fetus was taken from her WOMB. this certainly doesnt grow between two skin layers.
oh, and you forgot the best one:
[b]How was David's body still right next to his head after the ship crashed and rolled?[/b]
if you can answer this one you can add this as number 38 to your list.

Nuck Chorris
MemberOvomorphJun-17-2012 4:33 AMhehe - this questions / answers game is stupid (IMO).
Its that game called "come on folks, big daddy will explain it all to you..".
But in the explanations, there are way lots of "perhaps", "maybees" etc.
That way everbody could "explain" what (maybe..maybe you can interpret this thing so, or maybe not...maybe hints lead us to some big truth... maybe even it leads us to wrong path... WHAT THE HELL) is the sense to this or that. But thats stupid - to me and majority of the audience.
Maybe some (minority) loves to "gues" what it could mean, or those "hey, all the answers are in the movie, you must just see and combine the hints" - but thats idiotic to me.
Why need a sequel to give the answers not given in the prequel?
And that are major questions - the whole plot is a bit questionmark.
They must not open everything - but the way it actually IS, to me its fooling the audience, and thats not nice, and its also not fun to solve an unsolvable puzzle..
For example - that beggining sacrafizing engineer. Scene is over - prometheus in space. In the movie it never comes back to explain directly or indirectly if that was earth, or why he is doing this, willing or forced.
Is that the way they seed life? Why THAT way? Cult? Ritual or something else? Or has he been banned? Or punished? Or will await 77 virgins after his death? Dumb flick!
Holograms (what a stupid shit..). They run from something - but unfortunatelly it does not record from WHAT - dumb. Was the recorder tape at its end or what?
In the ship - david learns how to do a flute blowjob from that recorded holograms - ahh what about security? dumb.
Dereclict starts, and by the call of dr. shaw the captain decides to ramm it in a snatch, and his companions lead him into death with a smile on their face, no emotions at all - dumb. Oh, wasnt this a hint about sacrifice? oh what intelligence, i hate it.
The engineers head scene - after 2000 years they bring it to life. Oh what an idiotic scene, and finally it explodes. Was that green slime some brain-soup or what? really frustrating...
The characters - oh how often this was told here? 520 times?

MemberOvomorphJun-17-2012 5:19 AM@lindelost
right, this thread wants to present itself as the big answer giving- that wouldnt be necessary at all if the script was just better ..
the 37 ´answers´ dont really convince. as you wrote, its all maybe or could be.
dont get me wrong, again, I appreciate the work of those who try to fix the movie faults, BUT..
and right, we dont need ANY NEW sequel to get answers to FIX holes in Prometheus. This isnt a weekly TV show.
This already makes the impression of politics, when politicians try to fix and fix and fix but dont get to the basic problems of a system they are part of.

MemberOvomorphJun-17-2012 5:30 AMI hope the OP realizes that plot holes have to be answered within the actual narrative of the story, for instance saying Weyland funded the mission with little to no evidence because he is rich and crazy is speculation outside what is presented in the story. If there was a scene showing his board of CEO's objecting to funding the mission and Weyland flipped out and said he is funding this mission because it is his last hope then it would not be a plot hole. As far as the film is concerned, we do not know why he funded the mission and chose to go on it instead of just being frozen on earth in an advanced medical facility with a team working on keeping him alive while waiting for the results of the exploratory mission. To be able to fill a plot hole, you should be able to point to an earlier scene that helps to explain a character's later bizarre choices or behavior. Throughout the film there appear to be scenes missing that explain why the character's would act a certain way.

MemberOvomorphJun-17-2012 8:51 AM@LIndelost...
[i]"For example - that beggining sacrafizing engineer. Scene is over - prometheus in space. In the movie it never comes back to explain directly or indirectly if that was earth, or why he is doing this, willing or forced.
Is that the way they seed life? Why THAT way? Cult? Ritual or something else? Or has he been banned? Or punished? Or will await 77 virgins after his death? Dumb flick!"[/i]
Man, you must think Alien and the original Space Jockey sucked as well. [i]Why was he on that ship? Why that cargo? Did he land or crash? Where's the thing that busted out of his chest? Is he skeletal or is that a suit? [/i]
I could go on and on with the same kinds of questions from Alien yet I don't hear haters of Prometheus saying Alien sucks or has "plot holes" or anything. It's laughable. Alien and Prometheus both have questions to be pondered and answered. Prometheus may have more but as that's what was great about Alien they obviously took it up a notch.

MemberOvomorphJun-17-2012 9:07 AM@Ares...I'm sooooo glad you noticed the petroglyph dates being after the Engineers died! I have some ideas as to what I think. It wasn't an invitation but a warning, the Engineers had stayed away from there but decided they had developed tech and procedures to allow them to be able to handle what was on LV-223. They went back, shit hit the fan etc.
THIS is exactly why I love this movie. Revelations of this sort. Obviously some like doing this and some don't. What gets me is that you can watch the movie without thinking about it. But these people who hate the film and think it's stupid to have to discuss it and figure things out and speculate they think up all these questions or plot holes or whatever you want to call them. Then they come here and discuss them. Aren't you guys doing something that you feel is stupid? Why are you here if you think thinking about the film and discussing it is so stupid? Makes no sense to me.
It reminds me of a guy that can't get over their x-girlfriend. They pine and talk about her all the time. Can't let go. Only this is worse. This is like the x-boyfriend hanging out with his x-girlfriend's friends. I mean, her friends obviously like her so why would you hang around with her friends to talk shit to them all day about someone they like???? That whole situation would be pathetic, right?
Sorry to be so straight forward and honest but...

MemberOvomorphJun-17-2012 9:54 AM@Kane77
Ok the first two questions I tried to answer was grasping at straws. However I don't think the giant body hugger would have gotten the control panel to work, seems a stretch that it would have figured out how to open the door.
And I definently didn't imagine the surgical laser. Any form of intense heat will cautarize a wound. I do agree she should have died from the crappy staple job, but not by bleeding to death, probably would have died from nothing inside being reconnected back together.
I can't explain the head. You'd think at least one person on the production crew would have thought of this while setting up the scene. Maybe one of his wires hanging from his neck got caught in a floor crack? J/K

MemberOvomorphJun-17-2012 9:58 AMAlso in case noone looked at the pictures, it looks like the other 2 engineer cryopods have holes in the chest area, with the metal bent outward like something broke out of them. This might explain why only one engineer from the hologram was still alive.

MemberOvomorphJun-17-2012 12:21 PM@Kalwash
as I wrote: [i]death by inner bleeding[/i]. you can staple as much as u like on the outer skin layers. Just a simple comparison: someone gets cut to the stomach from left to right and holds it together with his hands, what do u think, how long does he survive? 1 hour? if you surely want to KILL somebody, cut his belly. welcome to the real world.
the head: right. it is really really a faulty script/ directing, I mean, SO many designers, production designers, editors, cutters etc etc, 200 million dollars.. all paid very well..and all this plot contradictions are overseen? wtf.

Francis K
MemberOvomorphJun-17-2012 1:09 PM#35. My question would be why the heck would Shaw head for the Homeworld of the aliens when she knows they intend to kill the entire human race? Wouldn't the intelligent logical choice of a scientist be to head back to earth as quickly as possible to warn the human race? Instead of selfishly pursuing her own agenda? She "doesnt care the cost"?. Be a little different if she was the only one paying the cost for her decision.
Also. Anybody old enough to remember the "black oil" from the X-Files? Seems the "black goo" in Prometheous is a shameless ripoff of that idea.

Francis K
MemberOvomorphJun-17-2012 1:14 PMOops. I just realized the "black oil" wasnt that long ago after all. Just seems like X-Files has been gone a long time.

MemberOvomorphJun-17-2012 2:54 PMI had the same thought engineering. I was wondering why so many people who hate a film would spend so much time on these forums. I also agree it is a movie that you can let wash over you and not think about primarily because of its aesthetics, but the story can wash over you as well kinda like that movie Vanilla Sky. However, there are some of us who want to take it a step further.
I had one more thought about the dates, and that was I think that those glyphs came from the Americas, which were the most recently populated continents. It is more of a thought. I do not know if it has any meaning. Sorry, I have considered the warning thing, and I just don't know if it works. Ridley said some of the questions could only be answered in a sequel, so I am hoping this is one of them because to me this is the only difficult question to anser. In addition, people argue about whether Harrison Ford was a replicant, and this may just have to be this movies version of that. I hope not because I think this question holds more weight than wheter or not Harrison Ford was a replicant. I never gave a damn about that, but I do this. A common theme in Prometheus is be careful of what you wish for. Maybe I should be careful about getting this questioned answered because I am satisfied with everything else.
Anyway, I have the Art of Film ordered, so I am hoping there are clues in there.

MemberOvomorphJun-17-2012 2:57 PMOh man, I should have read that first, so many typos. I just get overzealous.

MemberOvomorphJun-17-2012 3:24 PM
I could find a fairly obvious answer for all the questions, but here are some of the fun ones because they are kinda obvious.
1)Is sacrificing one of their kind really the best way they have to create life on earth in the beginning of the film?
Um, I think besides everthing that has already been said and what Ridley has said himself. These are obviously religious beings who have devoted themselves to a bigger cause "God". As a matter of fact, I think they are allegories/analogous to angels. To me it also shows that they have faults and are not perfect. Morever, It does not matter if it is earth because we are being shown this is what they do regardless.
25)Why does Janek assume that LV-233 is an "experimental weapons depot" located far away from the Engineer's home world?
Easy, He is a war veteran, and has seen similar sh@#. We are given more than enough information to assume this. I am a war veteran, and I got this immediate vibe from Janek.
30)Why doesn't Vickers run sideways to avoid crash?
Ok, This is part horror film and it is nice just to have fun. I thought Paul Reiser in Aliens. It was a nod to his buddy James Cameron, so was the Deacon.
26)If LV-233 is in fact an "experimental weapons depot" why would the Engineers give humans a map to it?
Putting up here again because the whole story revolves around this, and there is not a good answer for it yet. Sequel?

MemberOvomorphJun-17-2012 3:24 PM
I could find a fairly obvious answer for all the questions, but here are some of the fun ones because they are kinda obvious.
1)Is sacrificing one of their kind really the best way they have to create life on earth in the beginning of the film?
Um, I think besides everthing that has already been said and what Ridley has said himself. These are obviously religious beings who have devoted themselves to a bigger cause "God". As a matter of fact, I think they are allegories/analogous to angels. To me it also shows that they have faults and are not perfect. Morever, It does not matter if it is earth because we are being shown this is what they do regardless.
25)Why does Janek assume that LV-233 is an "experimental weapons depot" located far away from the Engineer's home world?
Easy, He is a war veteran, and has seen similar sh@#. We are given more than enough information to assume this. I am a war veteran, and I got this immediate vibe from Janek.
30)Why doesn't Vickers run sideways to avoid crash?
Ok, This is part horror film and it is nice just to have fun. I thought Paul Reiser in Aliens. It was a nod to his buddy James Cameron, so was the Deacon.
26)If LV-233 is in fact an "experimental weapons depot" why would the Engineers give humans a map to it?
Putting up here again because the whole story revolves around this, and there is not a good answer for it yet. Sequel?

MemberOvomorphJun-17-2012 3:28 PM18)Why does nobody get angry at Janek for dereliction of duty?
Who really care about this one, but who is going to get angry. The boss, Vickers, whom he is fing, or himself who is obviously second in command up to this point.
Ok, I'm done having fun with this.

MemberOvomorphJun-17-2012 3:45 PMI think Deckard being a replicant totally changes the dynamics of the film. I love that Scott was able to put that in there. That's a lot different than the "why did they leave a map to danger" question. IMO, Deckard being a replicant in the DC and FC is not even up for debate. He has a memory of a unicorn which dont exist and Gaff who should have no idea that he has this memory taunts him with a foil oragami unicorn. That is in your face. I know people want to argue things like "you don't know he's not just imagining a unicorn instead of it being a memory" and "maybe Deckard told someone about the unicorn memory." Well, Scott said it was a memory. Also, Scott put the scene of Deckard telling Rachel about the spider egg so that you would know that Gaff leaving the oragami unicorn was Gaff saying "You are a replicant see...I know your memory. I mean to me Deckard being a replicant in the DC and FC is a given and not left ambiguous.
Anyway, enough about Deckard and Balde Runner. We'll be able to talk about the plenty in the future. Like I said, Deckard being a replicant is totally different than the question of why they left the map and imo will have to be explained in the sequel. I'm 100% sure if they make a sequel or sequels we will find out what the Engineers were up to.

MemberOvomorphJun-17-2012 3:47 PMPlease don't think that I'm being lazy and not updating the archive with some of your questions or theories. I'm having a problem with the edit function that I'm trying to get work out with BH.

MemberOvomorphJun-17-2012 3:58 PMAlso, the paintings pointed to what looked a fairly general area if we are taling about space. Who knows how many planets, moons, etc. where located there. I think that one of the simpler explanations is that it may have very well been a bioweapons facility maybe not. However, the crew just got the location plain wrong and where unlucky in the fact that they assumed the most habital moon/planet was where they would find the engineers. They did find some engineers, but maybe not the engineers. I think we will find in a sequel that they stumbled upon the enemy. Considering this, I think it is also likely that the engineers may have not lost control of their bioweapons, and that they were either A. sabotoged (by spy working for different faction), B. under attack (by different faction), or C. they did lose control (and there is only one faction). I think knowing that they a spiritual beings, that it is probably the case not everyones ideologies are in line (just like earth). How many wars have been started over religion. This takes us back to why did the engineers create life in the beginning only to have them want to destroy or change it later. One, millenia may have passed prompting them to change their minds, but I do not think this is the case personally. Everybody is arguing over trivial stuff when I think this is the meat of any conversation concerning this film.

MemberOvomorphJun-17-2012 8:59 PMHi all, I just saw the movie today, and, although I liked it, it was also a disapointment, especially the Engineers being just big weird humans and not the elephant trunk beings we wanted...
about the plot holes, some opinions and thoughts:
1) regarding the expedition and amateur-like behaviors: I guess the whole expedition was set up in a hurry, ASAP schedule. It seems Weiland was desperate because he knew his death was coming, and could accept it, was looking for any solution. So he saw this as his last/only chance, but had little time left and thus set it up as fast as he could. This would explain why things weren´t really planned ahead, it was really a desperate mission...
2) Engineers wanting to destroy Earth: really the most complicated hole, I guesse Scott wants to make the 2nd movie to explain this. What I think is that there was some kind of civil war between engineers a long time ago. Like, some of them wanted to create new life and new planets. And this could even have a religous point, which would explain the engineer killing himself to create new life. Just because they are more advanced technologically doesnt mean they cant be religious or even fanatical. Well, following this idea, at some point Engineers would begin to fight among themselves, some wanting to stop this and even destroy the created worlds. This would explain the behavior of the las Engineer, who just ingored the crew, getting rid of them ASAP and running to the pilot seat to start the ship. Its like he was on a mission, fanatically, and would do anything to finish it. Well, another point would be, then, why would the paints point to that terrible place. It could be that on the time these paintings were made with the influence of friendly visitors, the planet was a nice place, perhaps a religous center. But, later on, it became a major battleground, a place where the rebels would want to destroy... This would explain these major holes.
Another thing I noticed: the engineer flies the ship, on the pilot seat, but survives the crash and dies later on in the other ship. But, in the original alien movie, a fossilized engineer is found in the ship, with his chest burst. Well, this can only mean the ship visited by ripley and crew is not the same ship on this movie....ok, since david says there were many ships, this could be possible, but can anyone can think of a different solution?

MemberOvomorphJun-17-2012 9:08 PMoh, and reading some of the comments about david infecting the other guy, I see no plot hole here. He is a robot, but this doesnt mean he is obliged to follow any kind of rule on not hurting humans. Remeber, this is Aliens world, and here robots tend to put other commands before protecting humans.
Its quite simple, wieland commands him to trey harder to find the creators or anything that could help him. David had studied the goo and probabily realized it would interact on other living species. Since he didnt like the archaeologist who was always reminding him he was just a robot, he would obviously test on him. And that is what he did, a test, following weilands orders of trying harder.

MemberOvomorphJun-17-2012 9:58 PM@Tonybfr. It was not the same ship or moon for that matter. I think you are spot on about a war and religous zealots among the engineers. That was and still is my thought. However, there are two paintings dated after the event on LV-223 suggesting that it was neither a warning or that it was originally a good place in my opinion. I think it is more likely that the Prometheus crew just picked the wrong planet/moon to land on by the Godilocks method we hear so much about lately among current scientists, and that there is likely several engineer outposts and a home planet. I also think you are correct in assuming this can only be answered in a sequel as this is the only burning question I am left with about the film. See my previous posts.

MemberOvomorphJun-18-2012 10:01 AMNote: It's LV-223, not 233.
[u]26) If LV-[b]223[/b] is in fact an "experimental weapons depot" why would the Engineers give humans a map to it?[/u]
The Prometheus has not explored the entire Zeta Reticuli system.
The pyramids on LV-223 are initially setup as a temple to honor the engineers and their history, and as installations with potential of climate terraforming. In case the conditions on Earth become unlivable and the human race would be all that's left of the engineers, humans are to take over the probable extinction of their ancestors and the achievement of certain civilization goals such as space travel. The humans would need the technology as a boost to continue the lineage of terraforming planets.
What went wrong is the evolution of the engineers to a bio-mechanical race who morally refuse the natural cycle of extinction and succession and use the black goo and the xenomorph DNA combined into a weapon of mass destruction to remain in control. The ampule room with the murals and the head became a tribunal where the "unclean" trigger a spread of death and destruction by chemical reaction (reference to Leviticus 22:3). The crew may have survived if they had kept their helmets on, recycled their gases and respected the climate in the room, and proven to be worthy of the engineers on site. But we know that things didn't go to well for them either so the Prometheus crew didn't have the right cards to play with from the beginning.
There you go xD

Zeta Aquilae
MemberOvomorphJun-18-2012 10:35 AM[i]28)Why does the awakened Engineer attack instead of finding out what's going on?28)Why does the awakened Engineer attack instead of finding out what's going on?[/i]
I don't find the answer satisfactory, it basically states [i]he[/i] felt threatened by the intruders.
Unaware of what has happened, or how long he has been asleep he finds the target of the weapon of mass-destruction that he was to deploy have woken him from stasis.
As member of an intelligent, highly developed race with a 3+ billion year old society, capable of performing experiments that stretch over billions of years I would expect a more rational reaction to the situation in which he finds himself.
I would expect him to find out everything he can from them to estimate the real thread these 'victims' can pose, especially when sitting on top of a biological weapon of mass destruction that could threaten his own people. The real threat is not the threat to himself, but potentially) to his kind.
He does not know how many of these humans there are, how many ships they might have or how well they might be armed. He does not know what happened to the other weapon caches. He does not know what has happened or why his kin have not come to rectify the situations, he's been asleep for far longer then intended, 10 years, 100 years, 10000?
Now, we off course know that threat is non-existent, but he can not know that yet, for certain., and the most sensible course of action, imo, would be to determine the extend of this potential thread, not destroying his first source of information and then blindly launching his ship into an unknown universe.

MemberOvomorphJun-18-2012 2:35 PMJust a heads up once again that the archive is "in progress" and while a lot of more interesting answers and questions have been brought up I am having a problem with the "edit post" function and can't make any updates to it. I'm waiting to find out from Bug Hunter/Chris if it can be fixed. If it can't I'm sure we can start the thread over and still have everyone's posts in it.
As soon as this is all figured out I will edit and add quite a bit of questions and answers or speculations.

MemberOvomorphJun-18-2012 4:54 PMThere are many unanswered questions in Prometheus. However if you focus on several key elements that recur throughout, some answers may be available.
Key Elements
Creation of Human Life
Exinction of Human Life
Rise and Fall of Civilizations
The Role of Religion.
I think more needs to made of the cross pendant as a metaphor for the role of faith in defining our universe. One crew member stated that 300 years of Darwinism would be difficult to upend. So there is a series of juxtapositioned elements that point to a greater conflict behind the Engineers than we might think.
The movie begins with a sacrificial and benificent engineer seeding human life into a fertile planet. It ends with a villanous and hostile engineer seeking to exterminate all human life.
The hole in the plot here may only be because of our own assumption that this race of beings are of monolithic motivations and intent. However as we see from the reference to the rise and fall of civilizations within a race, i.e the mayns, egyptians, etc, there can be vastly differing Empires within the history of a race. Moreso we should expect there to be ferociously competing empires in a race at any time in history.
Could the two engineers represent two sects within the race of Aliens? One that loves to give life and spread life, the other that hates all life except thier own and who engineers organisms for the purpose of exterminating what the Good engineers create. Note the different styles of ship. The life giver comes from a sleek and graceful craft that has symmetry. The other s literally a giant sickle cell filled with genetically engineered weopons. The good engineer comes from the sky and its shipbascends back. The bad engineer is buried in the lower parts of the earth like a type of devil in hell with its demons. It tries to rise and take over earth, but again it is a act of heroism conducted as a self sacrifice of three men (trinity) that saves the human race and brings the bad alien crashing back down. So it may be as borrowed from the ancient biblical narrative of a war in the heavens and man is the territory in dispute.
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