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MemberOvomorphJun-14-2012 7:33 PMAnyone else miss this [url=][/url]
I feel dumb -_-
Was it important/did it have any meaning when you first saw it in the movie?
17 Replies

MemberOvomorphJun-14-2012 7:51 PM"It implies that they (at some point) engineered creatures over which they had control, IMO."
Or that the mission is to subjegate them.

Doc. Caliban
MemberOvomorphJun-14-2012 7:51 PMWe missed it because the IMAX theater we saw the movie at was too dim for the movie ... the projection bulb was old or something. Everything was a tad too dark and a lot of detail was lost, including being able to see this mural.
I saw the movie again in 'Real3D" at a local cinema and could clearly see the mural.

MemberOvomorphJun-14-2012 7:44 PMThanks for the image. Argh I wish I caught it. I have no idea how i missed it, and it would have made me understand the movie better on my first viewing >_<

Doc. Caliban
MemberOvomorphJun-14-2012 8:02 PMYes ... we could barely make that part out.
Man, at $11 a pop for the tickets, and about $30 worth of concessions, I was really disappointed in the IMAX that we went to ... again, it must have been an old bulb.

MemberOvomorphJun-14-2012 7:58 PMOh so that's what Shawn meant with the "they're changing" line...she meant the murals, as everything was melting sorta

MemberOvomorphJun-14-2012 7:37 PM
I didn't miss it.
You can see it more clearly HERE.
It implies that they (at some point) engineered creatures over which they had [u]control[/u], IMO.

MemberOvomorphJun-14-2012 8:22 PM@aray48
Before going in, I thought that line might refer to the murals telling a story, almost like a slide-show fading in and out......but instead, we only get a glimpse of what appears to be an Engineer with another creature in a subservient pose.
In the shoulder area and arms, there's a definite xeno resemblance.....but this clearly isn't the creature we're already familiar with.

MemberOvomorphJun-14-2012 9:20 PMCheck out the "Art of Prometheus" book. The first couple pages give the above image and another image of a pair of hands, similar to the Xenomorphs, holding an opened egg. Better yet, the Giger version of the lifestyle is at the bottom left and right of the "Crucified" Xeno mural at the back-center of the room where an altar is located in front of it.
Those murals were way more important than we really get to digest.

MemberOvomorphJun-14-2012 9:37 PMThis clear version of the mural shoots a hole in the popular "cavalorn" interpretation... the Engineer does NOT have his abdomen torn open.

MemberOvomorphJun-14-2012 9:57 PMI think the meaning of the mural is that it shows these particular engineers probably created and controlled these creatures as already stated. The mural of the crucified xeno almost seems to be one more of reverence, and Holloway does state it is just another tomb. This implies that it is not just a mural but a door perhaps. I have the Prometheus: the art of film on order, so I hope it shows more of this in detail. I do not think that it shoots a hole in the popular cavalorn because he is just guessing like us; therefore, he does not have to get everything right. I think he is on to something though, but leaving out some of the major things that could have happened, i.e., there was a war in the heavens.

MemberOvomorphJun-14-2012 11:25 PM"shoots a hole in" [b]!=[/b] "utterly demolishes and disproves in every respect"
It only disproves [b]one thing[/b] that he said. Cavalorn still had plenty of other good points to make, and he's been very gracious about admitting his mistake in a followup comment on livejournal.
MemberOvomorphOct-19-2012 10:15 PM Interesting, very interesting what you say, Sukkal. Also, I though there was a hole on the side of the Engineer, there isn't.
They had control over these creatures, so much so, they could approach it?

MemberOvomorphOct-19-2012 11:05 PMThis is driving me nuts because I know how much everyone wants references on where certain quotes come from. I've been pouring over articles and books and interviews to find where I read this but can't find it. Hell, I even talked about this on the forum but don't have time to go thru 900 posts lol.
Anyway, somewhere, Arthur Max said that there were 3 different murals and that they represented creation, life and crucifixion. Obviously, the pic provided is creation and the ultra-morph/proto-xeno mural is the crucifixion. I've yet to see the "middle" mural. From what I've seen they never showed the entire ceiling in the film.

MemberOvomorphOct-19-2012 11:27 PM@ engineering: below is the link to the other fresco mentioned (depicts traditional Alien hand/arm and traditional egg/spore). This piece of artwork is seen in its entirety in the film (though this particular fresco is somewhat deteriorated by the time the audience sees it). Quite interesting... depicts what is clearly a traditional Alien (NOT the deacon) and an egg that is analogous to the ones seen in Alien (1979).

MemberOvomorphOct-20-2012 2:37 PM@Engineering; There were 2 mural on the movie, where s the other one you pointing us?

MemberOvomorphOct-21-2012 12:11 AMthere were 2 frescos and one bas relief in the ampule room. I posted a link to the second fresco at the bottom of the previous page.
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