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MemberOvomorphJun-16-2012 4:54 PM
It starts out and captures your attention. Then, it moves to its next premise and then the next. The action begins, then doubles and then triples finally leaving us with shaws attitude in the end...She wanted to know more and so do we The movie works from start to finish....2 pleasant and time well spent...leave it at that
9 Replies

David 1

MemberOvomorphJun-16-2012 5:08 PM
It's starts as it should, that much I agree. Beautiful scene that one was. A tad to the short side, but beautiful never the less
[b]Ask nothing from no one. Demand nothing from no one. Expect nothing from no one.[/b]


MemberOvomorphJun-16-2012 5:13 PM
David 1....we remain connesuers of fine sci-fi....YES?

David 1

MemberOvomorphJun-16-2012 5:17 PM
Richie: I hope so... love Sci-fi. Love any good movie actually. lol
[b]Ask nothing from no one. Demand nothing from no one. Expect nothing from no one.[/b]


MemberOvomorphJun-16-2012 6:03 PM
Well said sir.Best thing happening film wise in a long time!


MemberOvomorphJun-16-2012 6:16 PM
I immediately wanted to know and knew It would "prolly" be forever till I actually found out, [b]who and or what is in that huge white mothership?[/b]


MemberOvomorphJun-16-2012 8:25 PM hooked us and then reeled us in for two whole beautiful hours...When you got these many questions as this forum does, you got a good movie on your hands...Good commenting people

Hadley's Hope

MemberOvomorphJun-16-2012 8:45 PM
I reviewed it as being a [url=]FACEHUGGER of a film[/url]. Latches on, plants its deviously little trickster inside you and what bursts out depends partially on what's in you already. It's not meant to be a simple story of 16 humand and an android, and just some odd scenarios they end up in. It's really about figuring out why they believe or do, certain things - which may be completely right, or completely wrong, depending on how you interpret the plot. Almost NOTHING is conclusive, and I can say that on my first viewing, I disliked the film, thinking it made huge leaps, and plotholes, indulged mythology and defied logic just to get the hero, Shaw, to the final scenes with David. After second viewing, where I found the film to be a brilliant, dark satire, I thought Shaw, far from being a hero, is a dangerous idiotic zealot who gets people killed on little more than assumptions and a belief that "We have a maker" and "The End is Nigh". Totally suckered into the superficial interpretation the first time, I am glad I went again, to see how expertly we were mislead by suggestion, rather than evidence of what was on screen.

Hadley's Hope

MemberOvomorphJun-17-2012 6:10 AM
By the way, I thought it was a clever trick to start with the scene of the guy on a planet with ([url=]almost)[/url] no sign of life. Most of us know that the start of the bible is Genesis. So, to make a scene like this at the start (while SAYING NOTHING, no dialogue no onscreen text) we are already inclined to believe we are watching the deliberate seeing of life which is called exo[b]genesis[/b][size=200][/size]. Look at how the next two scenes directly follow the implantation of this idea Cell mitosis, could be earth rather than planet X, but we're mean to assume those are the same place. Skye (the Isle of Skye, Scotland) and what's that centre shot? A friggin MONOLITH literally a single standing stone, and cinematically a suggestion of Kubricks monolith from 2001... which was about increased perception... first in the dawn of man, but in other films he snook it in as a way of saying, pay attention here, I'm going to trick you. (there are subtle monoliths in Full Metal Jacket, burning in the background of a city battle scene, and elsewhere.) But even more simply the stone in the shot was very similar to the image of the disc ship (at an angle and now pointing nose up) from scene 1. all these suggest continuity, but there is no proof. Is Ridley Scott feigning left to go right? And enjoying the mindf*ck that he puts us through if we reach the end of the film scratching our heads?


MemberOvomorphJun-18-2012 11:55 AM
I too noticed no life including trees, bushes, etc...just rock and water...The movie takes us on one of a thousand diffrent ways this journey could have gone...Here is one of them. No matter whihc one you choose, it will leave you with questions..Hey, Bowman in 2001 should have never left the ship, but he does...
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