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What do you expect from a prometheus sequel?

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Nuck Chorris

MemberOvomorphJun-17-2012 2:08 PM
[b]10 Points I expect from the sequel[/b] 1. to come fast, dont want to wait till 2015 to get the puzzle fixed 2. screenplay by another writer, dont trust lindelof at all, dont like his pseudo-intellectual riddler-style 3. weird creator homeplanet/technology that is complete different then we would expect. No cliches, pleaze! 4. some intelligent (!) philosophy about source and dumbness of religious beliefs. 5. a plot that makes me shit my trousers and freezes the blood in my venes. A plot that changes my life... 6. Answers to all major questions of part 1 (meaning of sacrifizing engineer, where we invited to the weapon planet lv-223, who made the engineers, whats the purpose of them, why they wanted to distroy mankind, who did make us, why are we here) 7. deep, unexpected and desillusioning philosophy about the "meaning" of mankind (maybe we were not created, maybe earth was just some kind of "dna waste planet" where the creators desposit their not needed dna and/or poison waste and by pure random these stuff leaded to evolution and mankind? Would be happy if there comes out that life just means nothing at all - our existence is banal and we are no part of a higher plan. Brilliant! 8. dont want at all some "simple" cliche/pseudo-moralized answers like "mankind became bad so they wanted to destroy us" or "creators give us a last chance" blah (like in the day the earth stood still. i want ANSWERS and no new QUESTIONS! 9. some explanation about xenomorphs - designed, or created by accident? Maybe see the development process / some alien scientific experiments... 10. NEW ideas! NEW philosophy! DEEP thoughts! Unseen Look! Make my brain and heart BURN!
55 Replies


MemberOvomorphJun-21-2012 4:22 AM
lindelost, I love those Creator imaginings; nicely Fifield-esque. Anatomy makes more sense, based on original SPACE JOCKEY ossification. [b]Prometheus 2: 2014[/b] OPENING SCENE PARADISE 2098 Four croissant shapes arrive in Earth above the mega-city of Paradise. Croissants interlock like a four-leafed clover. Black Rain starts to pour from their bomb bay doors... Cut to: [b]Noomi Rapace[/b] struggling to control her croissant bomber back through a timewarp dangerhole swirling with electromagnetic flares and lightning strikes. I'm thinking, 'that scene from [url=]Flight of the Navigator[/url]'. David off to one side, watching; smiling. Can Elizabeth Shaw save mankind from what's already taking place? LOL, gimme that scripting job TODAY, I'll f**cken do it. And I'll explain Face of Boe, and Chinese-not-Cuneiform script on canisters of black goo.
2013 sci-fi horror novels 'Custodian' and 'Tandem' available from Amazon, B&N, iTunes etc...


Co-AdminMemberOvomorphJun-23-2012 10:49 PM
A good scary movie without Lindelof involved
[url=][img][/img][/url] "Is it dead this time?" "I dunno, poke it with this stick and see."


MemberOvomorphJun-25-2012 7:23 PM
1.) Answers to at least SOME of the questions raised by Prometheus. 2.) The return of HR Giger to the design team. 3.) Clear progress towards the opening of ALIEN. 4.) A different composer. 5.) More action and more horror. I think Prometheus 2 should be to the prequel trilogy what ALIENS was to the ALIEN films. 6.) Would not mind introduction to yet another alien species. Perhaps a race the Engineers are at war with? 7.) A followup to the Deacon. What happened to it? What was the effect of it's creation?

Forever War

MemberOvomorphJun-25-2012 7:52 PM
THREE HOURS ....credits included


MemberOvomorphJun-25-2012 9:46 PM
I expect it to not be a huge downer/disappointment like Prometheus. That is all... Ok ok.. seriously, though. I don't want it to be a huge letdown. I don't want it to disappoint like Prometheus. I want more Engineer action. I don't want them to turn out to be some bad guys... would be quite lame. More on them, more on their culture. Their purpose/outlook on life. MORE ENGINEERS. No sporadic sequences. No more quick, Alien VS Predator scenes, llike Janek's hand-job scene (Prometheus crashing into the Engineer ship) Finding the temple immediately. DUMB characters. None of that nonesense, and sillyness.


MemberOvomorphJun-26-2012 8:53 AM
1. Shaw fully explore the SJ world. 2. Deacon attack a rescue team from earth and populate LV236 with eggs.


MemberOvomorphJun-29-2012 7:49 PM
What do I expect from ALIEN 8? The same thing I expect from ALIEN 9 and ALIEN 10. I expect it to suck worse than ALIEN 7, which sucked worse than ALIEN 6, which sucked worse than ALIEN 5, which sucked worse than ALIEN 4, which sucked worse than ALIEN 3. ...and I expect I'll probably go see it, anyway.


MemberOvomorphJul-02-2012 3:43 PM
i respectfully disagree, this is a great piece of screenwrite, really.


MemberDeaconJul-04-2012 1:55 PM
I think there will be plot holes if a Earth Mission ends up on LV 223 and survives, if they get there they have to end up nearly all dying and then destroy LV 223. With maybe on survivor who gives nothing away..... or else you imagine the effect on the Alien Universe because in Alien and Aliens the Corp new little or nothing about the Xeno and also why not go visit LV 223 instead of LV 426. I think the movie will go the route of going to the Home World. The reason for the Deacon is to show us that a series of events in Prometheus can lead to a Organism similar to the Xeno. And so makes a connection between Xeno, Engineers and Black Substance.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

JC Jones Cat

MemberOvomorphJul-13-2012 6:21 PM
Some very interesting comments on this site. A lot of food for thought! In a sequel, I'd like to see a bit more of how the Enginners are connected to the Xenos, i.e. more details on how these Engineers created the Xenos, or how they discovered them, used them... In Giger art piece Hieroglyphics for the first Alien movie: [img][/img] We can see the Xeno life cycle, with the Engineers actually present. Egg, facehugger, host (which seems to be an Engineer), and chestburster are all present. What's interesting and peculiar is the Xeno-and-slightly-human figure at the top of the image. Its body and limbs surround the protrait, and it or she is laying the egg in question. Could this be the first type of Xeno Queen? It would be interesting if they explored this in future films. Also, I have some books at home which mention that the Enginners created the Xenos and their Queen as weapons of destruction and creation. But the Xenos here are described as first generation, with characteristics of Human, Xeno and Engineer species (a mixture of organic, humanoid and biomechanical). The books refer to Giger's art piece Li II: [img][/img] They refer to it as a possible representation of the very first Xeno Queen, with characteristics of all species (which are in fact one species). It's beautiful, yet eerie! Lastly, I would love to see the Xeno and/or Engineer Homeworld in a sequel. Hopefully it will have the look of the Engineers' ships and technology and the kind of biomechanical feel of the Xenos, a bit like some of Giger's artwork of Alien Landscapes. Here is one of many: [img][/img] Cheers!

Indy John

MemberOvomorphJul-18-2012 11:44 PM
Is a sequel even possible? I mean if I were in Ridley Scott's shoes,,being aware of how the Prometheus community wants many questions answered .. some eventual connection with 'Alien'... and all tied up in a 2 hour show..he may just decide he can't deliver a quality Prometheus sequel.. It's an impossible job.. However my needs for this movie would be... *More clarification of how and when Weyland Corp. became aware of Aliens// *Engineers,,, are they just pawns of a Creator Race',..,or what. *Flashback to when the Engineers actually check up on Human development ..include interacting with our ancesters. That woukld be a start..
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life

JC Jones Cat

MemberOvomorphJul-20-2012 10:05 PM
I agree with the Weyland Corp comment. That would be interesting! Weyland Corp seems to be aware of the Aliens in the first Alien movie, but I always wondered why no one from the Weyland Company went directly back to the derelict in those 57 years when Ripley was in cryo-sleep! Besides "building better worlds", it always seemed a bit odd to me that nothing was done by "The Company" (when it comes to going directly back into the derelict) in that half-century separating the storylnes of Alien & Aliens.


MemberOvomorphJul-21-2012 6:06 AM
I don't think that there will be answers. Some clarifications may be with other new mysteries. I expect a dark original world of engineers where we discover a black Giger like environment. I think that xenomorphs can have a common source with engineers, as they share the source of their lives. There is no clue that engineers are the xenomorphs creators. A possibility is that that they are just part of a larger plan of Overlords like the Clarke Childhood's End

JC Jones Cat

MemberOvomorphJul-22-2012 12:15 AM
I agree that it would be absolutely thrilling-to-the-core to see some kind of dark "Giger-esque" Homeworld! That's what I've been wanting for quite a while! [img][/img] [img][/img]


MemberOvomorphJul-24-2012 4:57 PM
Do a movie completely in the world of the Engineers. No English dialogue. Never a connection to "Saint Ripley and the Dragon" trilogy. We may see the xenomorphs created and or used but maintain the idea they are an artifact of that earlier race. An agent of destruction used to carry out their design. Always to be kept from contact with Earth. Maybe have Shaw and David in a later movie but only as discovered by travelers in the far, far future of this universe and Shaw is very ancient - almost one of the engineers.


MemberOvomorphJul-28-2012 3:59 PM
1: Prometheus 2 should pick up where part 1 did, in some sense. 2: Include more information on the Engineers and their Agenda. 3: Takes us to their Homeworld, show us a planet/planets way Beyond our imaginations. 4: Proceed to find out who is our "God" or if there is even a True God, because of the fact that we just believed they were. 5: Leak more info about the Deacon and it's relation to the "Aliens". 6: If possible, show any kind of Teasers of the "Predators" pressence for future preferences. "Possible Predator Ship passing by or a Predator itself". I know #6 is a long shot and most likely will never happen. But it'd be a wise move for the film just to Tease a bit like past films.. and thats what I'm here for, to keep the "Predator" relevant.. To these Prometheus films. ;]


MemberOvomorphJul-29-2012 1:04 PM
Remove, bewildering elements, just one examplse, such as the biologist/geologist bewildering fear of dead specimens, which should have fascinated both of them, and their equally bewildering behavior to approach the hammerpede....that had me so confused and livid.


MemberOvomorphJul-29-2012 1:09 PM
Predators?!? C'mon, Jem, you are clearly not making sense.


MemberOvomorphAug-08-2012 9:12 PM
They could go this way: Shaw & David 8 arrived at Engineer home world and learnt more about their culture, system, hierarchy. They are discovered and after thorough examinations the Engineers concluded that these human species are exemplary of the best of the genetic lot they left behind on Earth. These are survivors of the fittest showing strength in mental acuity, ingenuity and physical prowess as well as self-sacrifice, an attitude the Engineers recognize as the highest virtue, that enable her to survive the "game" of LV 223. The bald engineers are survivors of previous "games of genetic elimination." They decide to break down Shaw genetic essence just like the Sacrificial Engineer did in the beginning of PROMETHEUS. There is a strange ritual where Shaw is bound in a cavernous lair deep inside the Engineer's world. She is forced to drink the same fluid we know before and her bodies decompose into a reservoir of swirling water where the Engineers could recover her essence. The Engineers place Shaw genetic materials in a bunch of urns and one of them pilots a Juggernaut to Earth to repopulate the planet with Shaw's "superior" genetic materials. The Engineer ship crash-landed on American soil in a small MidWestern city. FEMA folks in HAZMAT suits cordon the area and recover a genetic sample of Shaw and somehow recognize the Engineers and their method of madness. The Earth scientists are curious folks and they decide to reconstruct a whole human being using Shaw genetic materials. A human clone is born in a lab and they call it Ripley 1. You know the rest.....


MemberOvomorphAug-16-2012 1:39 PM
I think that a Prometheus sequel should be exactly like Prometheus in the sense that it should leave you with more question at the end of the movie then you had at the beginning of the movie, then for the final movie answer all the questions in away that makes sence but also in a way that no one could predict.


MemberOvomorphAug-16-2012 2:06 PM
@Colonial Soldier, I think that if military stuff was in the sequel to Prometheus would be a very sad thing, I mean the fact that Prometheus was so mysterious and asked huge questions was beautiful, very captivating,and quite creepy at times. It made it more then just a stupid military movie that has no substance. Also people who though that Prometheus was stupid because it had no military and stupid blood and gore horror should have not watched the movie in the first place because the way that Prometheus turned out is exactly what Ridley Scott told us it would be. So if you want see a movie with the military I don't think going to see a sequel to Prometheus would not be a great choice for you.


MemberOvomorphAug-22-2012 12:50 PM
it wont happen but, - 1. a second team from Yutani Corp. finds another planetoid, finding a warning from Shaw but, ignore it. 2. development of the xenomorph we know but a not too big leap thats obvious. 3. no cheap link to ripley, dallas or ash 4. more juicy secrets of the engineers but still keeping a certain mystery 5. no hollywood happy ending or seamless link into alien. prequels constantly ruin this. 6. There is no future for Shaw as there is no mention of her in the classic series so she must die in a heroic but horrible death, hushed up by weyland or yutani. or both, OOO and a decent score, loved the trailer music but when i saw the film it felt phoned in...


MemberOvomorphAug-22-2012 3:57 PM
[i]1. to come fast, dont want to wait till 2015 to get the puzzle fixed[/i] Me too. I hope it comes in late 2013 or early 2014 at the latest. [i]3. weird creator homeplanet/technology that is complete different then we would expect. No cliches, pleaze![/i] This! Tired of seeing the same alien civilizations in every piece of sci-fi [i]4. some intelligent (!) philosophy about source and dumbness of religious beliefs.[/i] I agree partly, but if you're insinuating that all religious belief is dumb then I don't agree with that. It annoys me when people think that denying all religion automatically makes them intelligent. [i]6. Answers to all major questions of part 1 (meaning of sacrifizing engineer, where we invited to the weapon planet lv-223, who made the engineers, whats the purpose of them, why they wanted to distroy mankind, who did make us, why are we here)[/i] A lot of the same questions I want answered, but I feel like a lot of these will have no reason. As David said, maybe the engineers created us because they could. [i]7. deep, unexpected and desillusioning philosophy about the "meaning" of mankind (maybe we were not created, maybe earth was just some kind of "dna waste planet" where the creators desposit their not needed dna and/or poison waste and by pure random these stuff leaded to evolution and mankind? Would be happy if there comes out that life just means nothing at all - our existence is banal and we are no part of a higher plan. Brilliant![/i] I wouldn't call this idea "brilliant." The idea of life being meaningless has been around since life began pretty much. I expect there to be a lot of deep philosophical questions in the sequel but I don't think it'll flat out say "life means nothing, go do whatever the fuck you want." [i]8. dont want at all some "simple" cliche/pseudo-moralized answers like "mankind became bad so they wanted to destroy us" or "creators give us a last chance" blah (like in the day the earth stood still. i want ANSWERS and no new QUESTIONS![/i] Again I agree with staying away from the cliche, but I have no doubt that the sequel will raise new questions and not give many answers. It's the way of Hollywood. These people aren't scientists or theologians, after all. [i]9. some explanation about xenomorphs - designed, or created by accident? Maybe see the development process / some alien scientific experiments...[/i] Probably a bit of both. It's a little weird that we see the xenomorphs in the reliefs inside the derelict, considering the deacon is supposed to be the first one. [i]10. NEW ideas! NEW philosophy! DEEP thoughts! Unseen Look! Make my brain and heart BURN![/i] Almost guaranteed to happen. :)

Cry Havoc

MemberOvomorphSep-01-2012 11:03 PM
[quote][i]3. weird creator homeplanet/technology that is complete different then we would expect. No cliches, pleaze![/i][/quote] H.R. Giger + H.P. Lovecraft + Sumerian/Ancient Alien mythology + Gnosticism/Zoroastrism Seeing that the two Engineer ships, the Juggernaut and the circular one at the beginning of the movie, are both based on Giger designs, I bet it will all be biomechanical technology on the 'homeworld'. Given the extra year they are taking to work on the movie, if that 'homeworld' isn't freaking awesome and totally outstanding, somebody's doing something really wrong.


MemberOvomorphSep-26-2012 4:15 PM
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