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MemberOvomorphJun-17-2012 6:42 PM
Before David even spoke the Engineer language, Shaw went at it non-stop asking the engineer why did you make this death and why are you destroying what you created...(not quotes). The engineer was so focused and disturbed at her questioning and would have gotten angrier if the old man didint have her shut up. Then, David speaks...and we know the rest. Aftdr the crash, he seeks her out with a vengenace...There is a personel connection here with the Egnineer and Shaw...She was asking the right questions
22 Replies


MemberOvomorphJan-01-2013 7:05 AM
i doubt he was supposed to understand a word she was saying but her behaviour and the fact that unlike david she was speaking a language foreign to him wouldve explained his sort of puzzled intent look. the fact he seems to care whats being said at all is interesting as though it could have gone differently if theyd just behaved civil also i totally get why he hunted her down after all first he lets her run away and the result is she has the ship rammed hes not going to risk her stopping him a second time! im sure theres deleted scenes will show him getting out to check the damage and seeing her run off into the lifeboat unit i doubt this was an intended plot feature but she does say the word why! emphatically a lot and in proto-indo-european (wai!) is an expression of woe like 'alas'


MemberOvomorphJan-01-2013 3:19 AM
All of your guys' answers are very interesting and has definately got my attention regarding Shaw and the Engineer. I have always had a though about how much of his attention was on her and then annoying ass Weyland got his ass handed to him......or shall I say head. I agree with ForeverWar and Richie there has to be something that either he understood her or he just went crazy because of the Weyland circumstances with David.

The Anunnaki were on the earth in those days--and also afterward--when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, mighty men of high reno

Forever War

MemberOvomorphJun-17-2012 7:07 PM
I didn't think the Engineer was disturbed, as you put it, by Shaw's questioning but I agree he was focused intensely on her. listening, obviously understanding her words. And I dont't think he was angry by what he heard from her, but for the fact that Weyland ordered his goon to silence Shaw..THAT was when he started to realize just what the intent of these humans in his presence meant and who was who. I agree, Shaw was asking the right questions, but there was no vengence in seeking her out after the crash of his ship...he could have left in another ship..but he wanted to confront Shaw..I beleive he saw in her the opposite side of Weylands arrogance...but she freaked out..who wouldnt?..and took action that killed him.

Hadley's Hope

MemberOvomorphJun-17-2012 7:15 PM
Indeed, I have a[url=] thread on that[/url].


MemberDeaconJun-17-2012 7:18 PM
He seemed intrigued to me.... but then when he saw how the Merc at Weyland request hit Shaw and then i assume David kind of told him that Weyland wants to learn from the Engineers and wants secret to longer life. The Engineer realized that mankind are selfish and violent race. It does seem that after the Crash he went after Shaw and not just to have a chat but with intent on making sure no Humans remained.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphJun-17-2012 7:21 PM
I don't know how he could be understanding Shaw speaking. If he's been in hibernation for 2,000 years, the language she was speaking did not even exist when he went into cryo.


MemberOvomorphJun-17-2012 7:24 PM
@forever War...good points and opinion and it is not hard to agree with you. I just saw the flick and the acting emphasized what I posted...of course subject to personal interpretation as your point proves... HH..I should have suspected that you had a thread. You always are one step of us all...I am going there now. thank you HH..ruler of all he surverys @big dave...Yes, once we have twhat David siad, this scenrio will be complete for us all. Until then, for a superior being to go after shaw instead of another ship bears some looking into...He could have contined the mission but he chose to get into it with her?


MemberOvomorphJun-17-2012 7:35 PM
Alright..I went to Hadleys Hope and of course he has a thread on the whole movie....I still have trouble beleiving that the Engineer could lose his emtions and his focus and not get into another ship...And how David knew he was coming after her struck me when I seen it..How did he know?


AdminPraetorianJun-17-2012 7:37 PM
I agree with Forever War, somehow I think him seeing a male gutpunch an already wounded female pi$$ed him off. However, I do not think he was going to spare her, I think he wanted to kill her as much as the others. They were buggin him LOL


MemberOvomorphJun-17-2012 7:44 PM
the engineer didnt seem to understand shaw at all, but seemed intrigued that she appeared hostile toward him with her shouting. he was very passive until david spoke to him. after david spoke the engineer seemed to have made up his mind because if it was shaw that pissed him off, it took him till after david was done talking for the engineer to go Anakin on everyone....

Forever War

MemberOvomorphJun-17-2012 7:48 PM
The Engineer could have been out of there right away in another ship, yep, leaving Shaw to most certainly die on the why does he take the trouble to run her down?...and just grab her and pick her up and pin her against a wall? I think at this point before a DVD comes out, all I got is a guess...He recognized her as different from Weyland..and he wanted her alive, and he wanted something from her..what? Unknown, a big if. sukkai..another 'if' in regards to that particular Engineer hibernating for 2000 was noted by Holloway and Shaw at the briefing that the Earth had been visited on and off for a very long time.


MemberDeaconJun-17-2012 8:02 PM
I am not sure he understood Shaw.... But if we saw the movie for first time dubbed in say Russian or some other Language we would not understand her but we could maybe conclude things from her actions and tone and then the actions of the others. I think how close Weyland got to him and then what David said was what set him off... Mind you maybe he was half asleep at first, i am sure many of us have got up sometimes from good sleep and not fully woken up, where we may be a little groggy and not really pay much attention to stuff until like few seconds latter etc. Yes indeed one has to wonder why the Engineer could not just make it to another ship.... maybe the other ships do not have any Cargo on board that can complete the mission he set out to do? Maybe he was unaware that maybe the Lifeboat was out of action? who knows... seemed to me like he wanted to make 100% sure that no survivors was left before he set back off on another ship.... Then again he never knew that Prometheus was going to ram his ship and so would have know that not only was their survivors but they had a ship and so must have felt confident his ship would reach Earth and Deliver its Cargo before the Human Ship Prometheus could get to Earth or Warn us.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphJun-17-2012 8:05 PM
The engineer was out of emtional control. It didint look like he was trying to save her for a goo experiment either...He was ticked off at her when they met and definetly ticked off after the crash...the guy needs to calm down and act like an Adult Engineer here....

scifi 3d zoo

MemberOvomorphJun-17-2012 8:19 PM
I think David knew the Engineer was after Shaw b/c his head was functioning and still on the bridge of that ship. He could see what the engineer was doing. And that was probably using all those fancy holograms and computers to watch her. I still don't understand how we know they created us. That planet in the beginning could have been any life supporting planet. How do 5 circles on a cave wall act as a star map? Just our galaxy is so big.. there's probably millions of such systems. Those ships they have obviously don't have weapons. It's like a stealth bomber. They can't do anything but drop their eggs. I'm sure if he could find and see Shaw he could see them trying to ram him.


MemberOvomorphJun-17-2012 8:36 PM
The star map they claimed matched the star system they went too so I am okay with that... As to the rest of your questions...Yes, he had to be able to have outside montors...he cannot be flying blind. Our DNA matches theres and we did not create them so they must have created us is my thinking good input scifi 3d zoo


MemberOvomorphJun-18-2012 10:59 PM
Can somebody tell me why the Engineer tried to destroy everyone to begin with, and why he was so livid? I mean, if somebody woke me up after 2,000 years of cryostasis I'd be pissed off, too. Also, were the dead engineers in the hallway about to set off on a mission to wipe out life on earth before something slaughtered them? That seems to be the general consensus between myself and others I've spoken to. Sorry if I seem a bit behind the times.


MemberOvomorphJun-19-2012 9:06 AM
Great question...the guy who woke up swinging so to speak did it on purpose...Why is what has us all guessing. On your othyer comment, we dont know if they were going to destory earth...we do know they had an imprtant agenda...what that is makes for good discussion... The goo is the key to it my opinion


MemberOvomorphJun-19-2012 9:54 PM
Isn't it possible that Shaw, a human female being silenced in such an abrupt manner by Weyland's thug, just so a mechanical copy of his own race's creation could speak was what distressed the Engineer so much? Granted, that doesn't explain why he came at her in the survival pod in such an aggressive manner. Perhaps it was the 2,000 year stasis. Hell, Shaw was damn near barfing up her own feet after two years... The engineer certainly analysed David quizzically (My take on his body language) before he became aggressive. I think he was more dazed and confused than anything else. The other thought I had was that perhaps there were two groups of Engineers with different ideologies. One group had decided to wipe out the humans and the others were out to stop them. That could explain the running figures in the holo-vids. It also means our sleeping Engineer might have been from the 'wipe 'em out' club. That's my 2 cents, YMMV...


MemberOvomorphJun-20-2012 6:08 PM
Talos63...The engineer was really listening to her and what she was asking. He understood her questions is my take...If she was closer, I think her head would have come off first...But then again.....? I wonder. On the rest of your comments...long live sci-fi, the effect it has on us and thank you Talos63 for sharing some good points


MemberOvomorphMay-22-2013 10:41 AM
I think that sole surviving Engineer's reaction to individuals invading his ship - individuals coming from a species he was ordered to annihilate two millenia ago - could be a clue as to the possible motivation of the Engineer civilization to wipe Earth clean of humanity . . . OR . . . it could be (as has been suggested here) that particular Engineer's reaction to Weyland's megalomaniacal demands/goals and the humans' violent behaviour (bringing weapons into his hyper-sleep chamber, the beating of Dr. Shaw by one of the bodyguards).

Apocalyptic Queen

MemberOvomorphJul-15-2013 10:08 AM
There is a very interesting link here which contains a deleted scene: My interpretation of this that there are a multitude of reasons why the Engineer acted as he did. He does indeed seem to be very calm, intrigued and even amenable in expression when he first encounters the humans. But, for me, he appears particularly interested in at least three points of dialogue; most notably, Shaw's shouting, Weyland's treatment of her, and then Weyland's request. Weyland's dialogue (transcribed through David) smacks of breathtaking arrogance, asking for more life, and likening himself to a God - using his own creation of David to prove his point. In this version, it is then that the Engineer seems to be tipped off the edge - perhaps realising that humans have become too out of control, too unruly and too corrupt and that they ought to be destroyed once and for all. While these scenes were deleted from the final version, they may still give us some indication as to the motives of the Engineers. Weyland stating to the Engineer, "You and I are like Gods and Gods never die" seems to infuriate the Engineer and are particularly poignant, perhaps revealing that they may well be Human Gods themselves (or at least perceive themselves to be) who are then in turn horrified to learn that their creations have tried to emulate their creators. It all smacks of the modern notion of man believing that he has the capacity to control and outsmart mother nature.


MemberDeaconJul-15-2013 1:01 PM
Well it depends how we are suposed to see the movie and interpret it... There are 3 main versions of the Prometheus movie, each shows a different set of conclusions if you interpret the clues.... 1) Theatrical release.... Here the Engineer is awoken he looks startled a bit shocked and and surprised and we can interpret this as imagine your asleep for so long and then woken up by the race you was supposed to had wiped out 2000 years ago... You would be surprised and shocked but then after gather your composure then you hear them speak... At first the Engineer seemed intrigued by the crew and especially the emotion in Shaws voice... Then David speaks in a tongue the Engineer can understand... (we have to remember the first few dialect was not shown, only after Weyland tells David "tell him why i came" as in what Weyland wants.. The Engineer then puts his hand on Davids head and then rips it off hits Weyland with it and goes bat crazy... What appears to happen is this... Engineer awakens is surprised and more so with Shaws emotional rant, then Engineer sees Weyland order her to be silence and order David a command, then David speaks to the Engineer and basically going by the dialect he speaks in the movie and compare it to the same in the deleted scene... in the deleted scene the Engineer speaks after the only dialect we get in the theatrical and Weyland asks what did he say... David says "i told him you want to live for ever" So we can thus assume that after Shaw is silenced the Engineer notes that this old man is in charge and he has no care for the other crew and uses David to translate... And David there for tells the Engineer that basically this old man has come to ask the Engineers for Immortality or longer life. The Engineer then senses something and places his hand on Davids head, realizes he is not Mortal and with that decides to punish the old man with the head of his own creation. We get the impression the Engineer is not happy with Mankind and having witnessed the way Weyland bosses and commands the others to silence Shaw and then ask a robot to ask the Engineer for more life, basically reaffirms the reasons the Engineers deemed we needed to be reset or wiped out... 2) The Deleted Scene, shows that before the Engineer gets out of his Cryo Pod and falls to his knees David is asked (by Weyland) to tell the Engineer that the crew came just as the Engineer had asked (Star Map invitation). Once David relays that message it soon gets the Engineers attention has he recognizes that one of them can speak the Engineers tongue this makes the Engineer very intrigued. The Engineer then takes a breath and falls to his knees and asks David... Why have the Humans come! This is when Shaw starts to ask questions the Engineer seems very intrigued with her and especially the emotion she is showing. Then he sees Weyland order her to be silenced and the Engineers face shows only concern for what she wants to know. Then Weyland interrupts and asks the David to tell the Engineer why he came (Weyland) and David tells the Engineer that Weyland wants to live forever... The Engineer shows a look of disgust on his face and his jestures seem to sugest he is offended that he has been asked such a thing, and the Engineer speaks in a angred voice. Weyland ask what he said, David says he told him that Weyland wants to live for ever, and David says the Engineer ask why... This is when Weyland points to David and rables on about how he created David and he sees himself as a creator and god like the Engineer and Gods never die.. We get a quick glance that the Engineer seems to reach to touch Weyland but it appears a shot is cut.... then the Engineer touches Davids Head and goes berserk.. I can only assume the Engineer touched Weyland and knew he was Mortal and Genetic and then touched David and knew he was not like the others and not Biological and thus then put 2+2 and roughly understood why Weyland wanted to be like the Engineers and live for ever because the old man deemed himself as a God. This did not set well with our Engineer and he decided to attack the crew... This explains more than the Theatrical Release, and gives clues that this Engineer was more surprised and intrigued by the crew and did not act aggressive until she saw how Weyland behaved ordering his Robot and Merc to speak for him and silence Shaw... The Engineer at this point, had confirmed that Mankind would have ended up as his brothers had feared and that Mankind would be a selfish race, who see themselves as Gods in their own right.. This could imply that it was mankinds attitude to serving the Engineers and doing stuff that disobeyed what the Engineers had intended for us... 3) We have the yet unseen Shots, now Fassbender said he had to learn page after page of dialect that he had to speak to the Engineer this could imply there may had been yet more dialect. The Sacrificial Engineer Actor Daniel James said he had to learn some Alien Dialect that he used in the Sacrificial Scene.... This implies the Scene had dialect between himself and the Elder. We have a scene that was not in the deleted scenes, of the Engineer kneeling down and reading a book found in Vickers quarters and this is at the same scene when he stares in admiration and intrigue at the Violin Girl and smiles... The watching of the Violin Girl shows the Engineer is very interested in how we have advanced and our culture and Music which may play a important factor with their race (Flute to activate the Control Console in Orrey Room).. If we add the not shown scene of him also taking a interest in the book he found on the floor, it all again adds to a different interpretation of these Engineers. It would appear that way that we was created by the Engineers/Elders or a fraction of them for a reason we do not know, but toes in that they had been to visit and nurture our people (explains the Star Maps). But there became a time that we had grown to be selfish, out of control, defiant and not subservient to the Engineer/Elders. I get the impression that a council or order of the Engineers decided that Mankind had to be punished and got rid of, just as God of the Bible did with the Great Flood... Only in the Bible God decided to save Noah and his sons as he saw them as good servants and clean... Maybe thus some of the Engineers thought there was hope for Mankind and we should be given a chance and that destroying the beloved creation is not the way to go.... Maybe this explains why the Last Engineer in deleted scenes did not seem that aggressive at first, maybe this is why the mission failed and he was the only survivor.. But his encounter with the crew showed him that Mankind had gone on to still be selfish, and that some of us would see our selves as God like and we have advanced and created life in our image to serve us (David). This Engineer realized at that point maybe the other Engineers who ordered our destruction was correct, and also that Mankind can now travel the Stars and found the LV 223 outpost and that if the Engineer did not stop all of us... then there is every possibility that more of us would come to LV 223 and get our hands on the Technology of the Engineers and the Forbidden Fruit that is contained within the Urns.. The Engineer would no doubt also know that the Androids can talk the Engineer tongue and no doubt also read their writing and use their Technology.. Ultimately if the Engineer had let us be, then there is the chance more of us would turn up and with Androids who could potentially work their Technology and as we see at the end of the movie that is the case... Well it depends how we are suposed to see the movie and interpret it... There are 3 main versions of the Prometheus movie, each shows a different set of conclusions if you interpret the clues.... 1) Theatrical release.... Here the Engineer is awoken he looks startled a bit shocked and and surprised and we can interpret this as imagine your asleep for so long and then woken up by the race you was supposed to had wiped out 2000 years ago... You would be surprised and shocked but then after gather your composure then you hear them speak... At first the Engineer seemed intrigued by the crew and especially the emotion in Shaws voice... Then David speaks in a tongue the Engineer can understand... (we have to remember the first few dialect was not shown, only after Weyland tells David "tell him why i came" as in what Weyland wants.. The Engineer then puts his hand on Davids head and then rips it off hits Weyland with it and goes bat crazy... What appears to happen is this... Engineer awakens is surprised and more so with Shaws emotional rant, then Engineer sees Weyland order her to be silence and order David a command, then David speaks to the Engineer and basically going by the dialect he speaks in the movie and compare it to the same in the deleted scene... in the deleted scene the Engineer speaks after the only dialect we get in the theatrical and Weyland asks what did he say... David says "i told him you want to live for ever" So we can thus assume that after Shaw is silenced the Engineer notes that this old man is in charge and he has no care for the other crew and uses David to translate... And David there for tells the Engineer that basically this old man has come to ask the Engineers for Immortality or longer life. The Engineer then senses something and places his hand on Davids head, realizes he is not Mortal and with that decides to punish the old man with the head of his own creation. We get the impression the Engineer is not happy with Mankind and having witnessed the way Weyland bosses and commands the others to silence Shaw and then ask a robot to ask the Engineer for more life, basically reaffirms the reasons the Engineers deemed we needed to be reset or wiped out... 2) The Deleted Scene, shows that before the Engineer gets out of his Cryo Pod and falls to his knees David is asked (by Weyland) to tell the Engineer that the crew came just as the Engineer had asked (Star Map invitation). Once David relays that message it soon gets the Engineers attention has he recognizes that one of them can speak the Engineers tongue this makes the Engineer very intrigued. The Engineer then takes a breath and falls to his knees and asks David... Why have the Humans come! This is when Shaw starts to ask questions the Engineer seems very intrigued with her and especially the emotion she is showing. Then he sees Weyland order her to be silenced and the Engineers face shows only concern for what she wants to know. Then Weyland interrupts and asks the David to tell the Engineer why he came (Weyland) and David tells the Engineer that Weyland wants to live forever... The Engineer shows a look of disgust on his face and his jestures seem to sugest he is offended that he has been asked such a thing, and the Engineer speaks in a angred voice. Weyland ask what he said, David says he told him that Weyland wants to live for ever, and David says the Engineer ask why... This is when Weyland points to David and rables on about how he created David and he sees himself as a creator and god like the Engineer and Gods never die.. We get a quick glance that the Engineer seems to reach to touch Weyland but it appears a shot is cut.... then the Engineer touches Davids Head and goes berserk.. I can only assume the Engineer touched Weyland and knew he was Mortal and Genetic and then touched David and knew he was not like the others and not Biological and thus then put 2+2 and roughly understood why Weyland wanted to be like the Engineers and live for ever because the old man deemed himself as a God. This did not set well with our Engineer and he decided to attack the crew... This explains more than the Theatrical Release, and gives clues that this Engineer was more surprised and intrigued by the crew and did not act aggressive until she saw how Weyland behaved ordering his Robot and Merc to speak for him and silence Shaw... The Engineer at this point, had confirmed that Mankind would have ended up as his brothers had feared and that Mankind would be a selfish race, who see themselves as Gods in their own right.. This could imply that it was mankinds attitude to serving the Engineers and doing stuff that disobeyed what the Engineers had intended for us... 3) We have the yet unseen Shots, now Fassbender said he had to learn page after page of dialect that he had to speak to the Engineer this could imply there may had been yet more dialect. The Sacrificial Engineer Actor Daniel James said he had to learn some Alien Dialect that he used in the Sacrificial Scene.... This implies the Scene had dialect between himself and the Elder. We have a scene that was not in the deleted scenes, of the Engineer kneeling down and reading a book found in Vickers quarters and this is at the same scene when he stares in admiration and intrigue at the Violin Girl and smiles... The watching of the Violin Girl shows the Engineer is very interested in how we have advanced and our culture and Music which may play a important factor with their race (Flute to activate the Control Console in Orrey Room).. If we add the not shown scene of him also taking a interest in the book he found on the floor, it all again adds to a different interpretation of these Engineers. It would appear that way that we was created by the Engineers/Elders or a fraction of them for a reason we do not know, but toes in that they had been to visit and nurture our people (explains the Star Maps). But there became a time that we had grown to be selfish, out of control, defiant and not subservient to the Engineer/Elders. I get the impression that a council or order of the Engineers decided that Mankind had to be punished and got rid of, just as God of the Bible did with the Great Flood... Only in the Bible God decided to save Noah and his sons as he saw them as good servants and clean... Maybe thus some of the Engineers thought there was hope for Mankind and we should be given a chance and that destroying the beloved creation is not the way to go.... Maybe this explains why the Last Engineer in deleted scenes did not seem that aggressive at first, maybe this is why the mission failed and he was the only survivor.. But his encounter with the crew showed him that Mankind had gone on to still be selfish, and that some of us would see our selves as God like and we have advanced and created life in our image to serve us (David). This Engineer realized at that point maybe the other Engineers who ordered our destruction was correct, and also that Mankind can now travel the Stars and found the LV 223 outpost and that if the Engineer did not stop all of us... then there is every possibility that more of us would come to LV 223 and get our hands on the Technology of the Engineers and the Forbidden Fruit that is contained within the Urns.. The Engineer would no doubt also know that the Androids can talk the Engineer tongue and no doubt also read their writing and use their Technology.. Ultimately if the Engineer had let us be, then there is the chance more of us would turn up and with Androids who could potentially work their Technology and as we see at the end of the movie that is the case... Well having Mankind using Androids to collect, and test the Urns and control the Juggernauts is well a TRUE HORROR! that can not be allowed to happen.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

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