Alien Movie Universe

WOMEN & the engineers.

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MemberOvomorphJun-20-2012 7:01 AM
There is a possibility that WOMEN are at the core of the Engineers spreading the "seed". In order to create women... women need men... obvious. BUT maybe the engineers need more females - I wonder how a woman would react if they ingested the black goo? We know what happens if they shag a partner (cuddles). It is possible that their plan - or a sect of them - are seeding the universe with men and women in their own image and then wiping out the men and taking the spoils. It has happened throughout our history - conquer a society and take them women... It is way out and maybe its the beer from last nite...
2 Replies


MemberOvomorphJun-20-2012 8:36 AM
@RH Don't think you're off base at all. As you say, it always happened in the past and continues to this day of course, albeit it less aggressively (soldiers bringing home war-brides). I think the remains (fossilised remains ?) of Neandertal / Homo Sapien female child were discovered a few years back in Portugal. Your theory would require the Engineers to breed/develop a xeno that would kill only male humans. If you had a human female, though, with some xeno DNA (Elizabeth Shaw?) you might begin a cross-breeding process to destroy human males. Apart from which, read Genesis Chapter 6, verses 1 & 2: "1. And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth and daughters were born unto them" "2. That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair and took them wives of all which they chose." So the very first chapter of the Holy Bible seems to back up your theory. You'd be hard pressed to find a more reputable support. If you drank last nite, don't worry. In Chinese, there is the saying, "After wine blurts truthful speech" just as Pliny the Elder said, "In vino veritas" - in wine there is the truth. so you're in fine company. However, the prospect for today's men in Prometheus' sequel looks a bit bleak if you’re right but as these films are known for their "skin of the teeth" rather than happy endings, perhaps all will be well. Dr Shaw didn't have too happy a childhood and the men in her life left something to be desired so maybe we’ll have to be content with the fact that, if Shaw is Pandora (Greek legend – woman created by the gods to marry Prometheus’ brother Epimetheus with the specific task of punishing mankind for having fire) who let all the evils out of her urn. But hope remained. BTW, Dr Shaw must have undergone some genetic changes. Think of how she fought off men while three months pregnant, could use a male MedPod, had no crippling pain after her “caesarean”, run, jumped, leapt, fought. No human woman could have done these things but a human woman with altered DNA might well be able to do so. Also, her mindset has skewed: she was unconcerned about covering herself when she went into the meeting room (sense of shame gone), referred to the abortion as a caesarean, showing that she didn’t care about what she had birthed, told no one about the creature (trilobite) and is going to visit the Engineers who want to kill humanity to ask why they wish to do that? What sane person would do that? They’d be killed. Yes, your theory has a lot of merit.

amon ra

MemberOvomorphJun-20-2012 9:14 AM
The fact is that there are Mala'kak females (or female engineers) well since they didn't show them, but logic will dictate that they're on their homeworld having their own jobs and duties, and we'll find out sir Scott's sequel "Paradise".
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