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MemberOvomorphJun-21-2012 12:22 AMNot sure if anyone else is starting to amass a Prometheus collection yet but I figured I'd throw up a few pics to see what you guys think. Some of the stuff is still in the mail on it's way to me and I haven't included pics of my 2 copies of the Art of the Film book and the numerous magazines containing Prometheus articles.
First up is a wall that is still a work in progress. From left to right is the "Special Order 937" Alien print from New Flesh Prints, the 12:01 poster and finally the Prometheus 4x6 foot IMAX&Bus Shelter poster version 2. I really like the way the "937" print and the 12:01 poster compliment each other. The "937" print having a close up of Ripley in the upper left hand corner and the 12:01 poster with the Engineer monument in the same place as Ripley. The reason I say the wall is a work in progress is because I have the UK quad poster in the pic below on it's way to me. Already have a frame for it so when it gets here I'll rearange the 3 posters on the left side.
This is one of my favorites at the moment. My 27x40 original 3D Lenticular Theatrical Poster which is very rare. With it in one of the pics is the much smaller WonderCon 3D Lenticular Poster. The big, 27x40 one needs a lightbox in order to view it correctly and it looks AMAZING in one. I'll be buying one soon. The smaller version needs no lightbox. Both look pretty good with the flash on them.
Here's a pic of the big one in a lightbox. You really can't see how awesome it is in pics.
These are pretty cool. It's an official promotional shirt along with 2 postcards that were sent out by Fox to media people in Tiawan. They're still in the mail on their way to me.
One of my 2 Prometheus 12:01 shirts. My cat actually clawed holes in one so I'm very glad I have 2!
The rest of my stuff I'll just show. I'll throw in some pics of non-Alien/Prometheus stuff as well.
Just some of my stuff. Anyone else have a geeky collection?
31 Replies

MemberOvomorphOct-16-2012 8:09 PMGot my NECA figures and moved some stuff around. Sucks that I don't have a shelf big enough to put all my Kenner Aliens figures with what's displayed but oh well. The Kenner figures aren't that cool anyway.
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