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There were TWO Types of Engineers in the film

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MemberOvomorphJun-22-2012 12:01 AM
Not sure if this has been mentioned or not, but the engineer they "revive" in the ship is completely different from the one in the opening scene of the film. Engineer on Ship: Pic 1 --> [url=http://geektyrantsquared.squarespace.com/storage/2011-post-images/prometheus-bts-engineerhd5.jpg][img]http://geektyrantsquared.squarespace.com/storage/2011-post-images/prometheus-bts-engineerhd5.jpg[/img][/url] Pic 2 --> [url=http://geektyrant.com/storage/2011-post-images/prometheus-bts-engineer10.jpg][img]http://geektyrant.com/storage/2011-post-images/prometheus-bts-engineer10.jpg[/img][/url] Pic 3 --> [url=http://geektyrant.com/storage/2011-post-images/prometheus-bts-engineer12.jpg][img]http://geektyrant.com/storage/2011-post-images/prometheus-bts-engineer12.jpg[/img][/url] He is not wearing a suit/armor, which I first thought, but this is actually his flesh, he's essentially naked. Picture 2 shows his neck, and picture 3 shows his forearms. He has essentially a "militarized" body when contrasted against the engineer from the opening scene, on the waterfall. The "militarized" engineer's body even has ports in the flesh for the stasis pod (pic 1) ">Very interesting, I just noticed it when looking at close up screenshots. "
29 Replies


MemberTrilobiteJun-22-2012 4:18 AM
Damn good find, will have to study the ramifications of this. Thanks

Hadley's Hope

MemberOvomorphJun-22-2012 4:29 AM
Kind of explains how a Xeno could have such a biomech look as well eh?

Hadley's Hope

MemberOvomorphJun-22-2012 4:32 AM
[u]Good luck using their pod to sleep in while traveling to find the answers. It's connected straight into the Engineer.[/u] They may not need to hypersleep. Their ship may be much faster than Prometheus, and the homeworld closer to LV 223 than Earth (approx 35 light years). But if they can't rig it to work, and it takes months, then yeah, David's going to arrive there with the corpse of Shaw dead from dehydration and starvation.


MemberTrilobiteJun-22-2012 4:32 AM
In that the Engineers are obviously experts in genetic and bio-mechanical engineering, yes.


MemberOvomorphJun-22-2012 12:10 AM
This is called the "Pressure Suit". [url=http://www.bbicn.com/smallimg/8016.jpg][img]http://www.bbicn.com/smallimg/8016.jpg[/img][/url] In your picture it seems to be bonded to his skin making him look very "biomechanoid". The art-book shows concept images of them being almost completely "biomechanoid". Great post!


Co-AdminMemberOvomorphJun-22-2012 12:22 AM
^agreed. Looks like it's impossible to take off
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MemberOvomorphJun-22-2012 2:15 AM
Good luck using their pod to sleep in while traveling to find the answers. It's connected straight into the Engineer.


MemberOvomorphJun-22-2012 3:11 AM
You don't reckon there is one lying around in an engineer storage cabinet that Shaw can retrofit to her bod? j/k OK, so this "bio-mech-skin" seems quite firmly bonded to the engineer. Was it put on surgically? Did they drink something and it grew on them like a symbiote? Are they born/cloned this way? No need for genitals? When are humans going to get theirs?


MemberOvomorphJun-22-2012 5:12 AM
Neither of them have nipples - that scares me : D


MemberOvomorphJun-22-2012 4:56 AM
[url]http://www.prometheus-movie.com/community/forums/topic/8262[/url] The ports definitely feed into the body somehow by the looks of it Otherwise if it's a pressure suit, there must be a "seal" of sorts, in which case the biomech connection seems to facilitate that It's too obvious a design for it not to be considered some form of merging here. Ridley did state we would see bio-mech... to me this is the only apparent case


MemberDeaconJun-22-2012 5:17 AM
I have covered this subject many of times..... The Engineers are naked, those on LV 223 where a kind of pressure suit and also a space suit.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphJun-22-2012 5:47 AM
I did mention this before, suggesting they use dna of an original xeno likie on mural and that makes there body strong suited. something might have gone wrong making one or more of the engineers change into the biomech alien we al saw in Alien.


MemberDeaconJun-22-2012 5:53 AM
My thoughts on the Xeno and Prometheus are that the Xeno was created by the Engineers or was some creature they experimented on.... They then concluded that they was hard to contain/store and control and that they could instead break down the DNA of the Xeno and store it into the Urns as a safer way and more convenient way to store the Bio Weapon.... using a similar process of how the Sacrificial Engineer broke down his DNA so as it dissolved into the Water Fall. Thats not to say that the Xeno was created via something related to using a Pressure Suited Engineer in the first place.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberDeaconJun-22-2012 5:56 AM
I think the Term Bio Mechanical that Ridley means is not that the Engineers are as such... Just that their Technology and their Space Gear is living Material and Mechanical. There Pressure Suit when worn, not only becomes skin tight like our Swim/Diving ones do, but it then attaches itself to the body and becomes part of it just as say a Snake wears its skin as opposed to how we wear a coat made from Snake Skin.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphJun-22-2012 7:57 AM
The opening scene took place a very long time ago. Perhaps they "evolved" to the bio-mechanoid look. Maybe this guy is security or military.


MemberOvomorphJun-22-2012 8:01 AM
Maybe the engineers were experimenting on themselves, the black goo is toxic waste rather than a weapon?


MemberOvomorphJun-22-2012 8:02 AM
Maybe the engineers were experimenting on themselves, black goo is toxic waste rather than a weapon?


MemberOvomorphJun-22-2012 8:09 AM
Maybe but then again maybe the black goo is from a god like being that we have not seen yet that rules these engineers or is imprisoned by them who knows - Its just weird how there's like a massive picture of one near that green crystal in the head room. And yes I was thinking the same as you Rsand...


MemberOvomorphJun-22-2012 8:25 AM
Look at the deacon birth scene. As the deacon cuts the engineer open and then bursts out, there are no ribs or anything beneath the suit. This would seem to indicate they either engineered or evolved into the exo-suit to actually be part of their bodies.


MemberOvomorphNov-16-2012 10:47 PM
So many interesting topics submitted by so many people, I will have to begin here and ask: Let's go with this assumption: If the ancient Engineers have, indeed, mastered travelling far across the cosmos in distances so mind boggling to imagine, you see, that they have not altered their bodies, whatsoever. Let me assume that the planet the ancient Engineer we witnessed sacrificing himself for a cause is our Earth. Now, with the passage of eons of time, we arrive to the altered body Engineer. Still a great distance cosmos travelling race. The first had no use for such body alterations. Therefore, the contemporary Engineer altered their bodies but not for the purposes of space travel. Why then?

Indy John

MemberOvomorphNov-17-2012 8:33 AM
Survivial seems to the best reason, A physical specimen that can physically move around other species as needed,,but with the mind of an experienced explorer. With the meeting of the facehugger in the escape pod,it shows that the Enginers are not the top physical speciman anymore. The winner of the xeno/Engineer/human/David throwdawn will require a critical mind adept at understanding the realities of the RS world.
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life


MemberOvomorphNov-17-2012 9:51 AM
looks like armour that is partly made partly organic hence 'bio-mechanoid' like a exoskeleton that grows onto the soldier/pilot from a cuticle i think its a marvelous idea! but he'd need to go through a moulting process at some point and who knows what dietary requirements would be incurred to maintain such a thing, the same way every month or so davids need to replenish their white fluid, maybe thats why hes eating semolina and jam (how english even his taste in food is mimicking the 1950's british/o'toole) or maybe thats just for his hair?


MemberOvomorphNov-17-2012 3:47 PM
That's the assumption, though, Indy John, that stuff about 'top physical speciman', nobody suggested that in Ridley's team, the fans did.


MemberOvomorphNov-17-2012 4:23 PM
@ Caenorhabhditis: 'Looks like armour....' The 'armour' did not protect the Engineer from the trilobite attack.


MemberOvomorphNov-17-2012 4:31 PM
yeh true but he wasnt fully suited up ok its more of a tough pressure suit but shaw still had to take a number of whacks with her axe to find a weak point so its partial armour


MemberOvomorphNov-18-2012 8:19 AM
I don’t think the engineers in the hologram sequency were running from xenos they created. I think there was a revolt or rebel coup in their world that arose to destroy the other side. There are two kinds of engineers, mystics and religious, and the other militaristic engineers. There is a feasible duality opposed, faith vs. science, mystics at the beginning of the film and warriors and belligerents or maybe own evolution till then.

Indy John

MemberOvomorphNov-20-2012 6:43 AM
Hmm revolting Engineers is causeing me look into the little we know of the group. perhaps our forefathers. Why was only one Engineer lookiing back? Why was he tripping over a what is depicted by our crew as beinbg somewhat level tunnel floor? I sort of like your idea but still where are all the Engineers? There should be at least some evidence of their existance for all of the attention posters have commented on and other than The Last Engineer evidence is slim.
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life


MemberOvomorphNov-20-2012 7:55 AM
i think one tried to get into head room and the others ran on and piled up where fifield and milburn found them at another closed door the fear and tripping well they were infected look at how it affected holloway i think the ship was going to leave without them and thats what caused the panic stations type behaviour

Indy John

MemberOvomorphNov-20-2012 8:11 AM
I watched this scene yesterday running engineers. and the way I saw the scene was that the running engineers ran past the door,,with the tripping guy deciding to enter the Big Head Room and didn't quite make it. Maybe the slow Engineer knowing that he was a goner wanted to sacrifice himself to whatever was chasing them,,hoping his buddies get away. Ir was hard to tell from the camera angles if the running group actually turned into the Big Head Room,,but in looking at this scene again I am not sure. It happens so fast and there are not a continuous depiction of the scene. I need to check out other threads on this subject.
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life
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