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MemberOvomorphJun-22-2012 1:45 PMThe Engineers were creating weapons of Mass destruction by creating a Brainless species to wipe out any existing intelligent species on different planets. Now the Humans were created for one reason only which is to host the alien eggs, The Alien worms can only create a new species by hosting their eggs in other species and am assuming the human body produces the most adaptive and dangerous breed of Aliens.
So The Engineers were gonna drop that liquid of on to earth before the humans got too advanced, as they are a intelligent species. They were not planning own hosting the Alien eggs in their own bodies.
When the engineer woke up he realised the human race has already got to advanced and is in a hurry to drop the liquid barrels on to earth, scared if left longet the humans might find a way to stop the Aliens from breeding because of their advancement.
The whole purpose was to create the humans and then drop the liquid that would create the worms, whom would subsequintly use the humans to host their eggs.
I am suprised no one else has come out with this theory!
42 Replies

MemberOvomorphJun-24-2012 1:22 PMFrom Sir Ridley Scott himself;
"The film clearly shows that Engineers created life on Earth and then guided humans throughout our development, one day hoping that we would come visit them. But we did something very bad. So bad, that it upset the Engineers. And according to the movie, whatever we did, happened two thousand years ago. The only thing that could be is that we killed Jesus, who apparently was an Engineer as well. [b]Here is a quote from Scott[/b]: "If you look at it as an 'our children are misbehaving down there' scenario, there are moments where it looks like we've gone out of control, running around with armor and skirts, which of course would be the Roman Empire. And they were given a long run. A thousand years before their disintegration actually started to happen. And you can say, 'Let's send down one more of our emissaries to see if he can stop it.' Guess what? They crucified him."
[url=]Your text to link here...[/url]

Hadley's Hope
MemberOvomorphJun-24-2012 1:39 PMand he says of that idea
"It was too on the nose, SO WE DROPPED IT"

MemberOvomorphJun-24-2012 2:21 PMSorry about the confusion. There seems to be a series of very similar threads. Anyway the discussion is continued in this thread [url=]Your text to link here...[/url]. At any rate Scott says "It was a little too on the nose." he doesn't say "so we dropped it". He continues the interview with the sentence "But if you look at it as an “our children are misbehaving down there” scenario....

MemberOvomorphJun-26-2012 1:56 AMInteresting points everyone. Well thought out and forensically detailed. So, I have the question still. Does Ridley imply there is a God?
I believe I have the answer and it's as simple as two words.

MemberOvomorphJul-17-2012 7:12 AM@Tha_Pig: Definitely plausible. As a follow-up, I would then ask, "So why make a movie about a billion-year-old species that creates humans and then decides to clean the petri dish?"
@N'Hoj: What's your point?

Indy John
MemberOvomorphJul-17-2012 3:14 PM"..They just wanted to clean up the mess left by one of their experiments..."
It occurs to me that the Engineers seeded more than one planet(Earth) with human growth DNA..
THat is what explains why there is so much goo stored away..just for our Earth.
Maybe there are 100's of Earths..all a potential being a threat to the Engineers' life.
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life

MemberOvomorphJul-18-2012 2:31 PMThis topic has already been discussed in great detail in this topic
The Secrets of the Black Liquid REVEALED

MemberDeaconSep-03-2012 3:58 PMThis is a very interesting debate on of the main ones.
It does feel a bit far fetched and a lot of effort to create a race and wait thousands and thousands of years to then use us as a host for the Xeno Bio Weapon.
Was the creation of a Xeno as straight forwards...?
Nope it was not a case of Humans coming into contact with the Urns creates a Xeno, even the not so lame Fifield more Xeno looking Mutation is not quite Xeno.
The only Process of Humans plus Urns that created anything like a Xeno was Holloway coming into contact with only the inner substance within the Urn via Oral transmission and this seemed to effect some part of his body that was able to pass on to a Shaw who could not get pregnant that then gets pregnant with a fetus that closely resembles the Face Hugger.
Now Logic would dictate that its most likey that some how Holloways Sperm had got infected with the Substance that then with its properties to revive Dead Cells managed to impregnant and activate one of Shaws Eggs.
Now a Eggs and Embryo is the basic stage if life and nearly all life is very similar at stage one Embryo.
As the above shows most Organisms at stage one are similar and it takes on its host/mothers genetics/dna to then develop into a fetus that represents the actual Organism.
So at stage one, the Embryo is basic and thus leaves less DNA to rewrite into Xeno DNA and hence this process produced a Organism more closer to the Original Xeno Cycle.
It would be safe to assume that just throwing Humans into the Goo would not result into the Squid Trilobite that resembles the Face Hugger that then leads to a Chest Buster that resembles the Xeno.
I therefore think that if the Goo infected out oceans we would all then change into Xenos and then Eggs.
Also more clues are given by Ridley and not the movie.
Ridley hinted the Derelict had landed on LV 426 hundreds of years prior to the LV 223 outpost fall thus over 2200 years prior to Prometheus.
He also said it contained Eggs and not Urns. And he was infected with the same thing that to Kane.
Ridley also said that the Engineers played a part in our creation and also had visited us over the years and upgraded us.
And that Mankind had developed into something that they had not intended and we offended them, they sent down a emissary to advice us of our wrong doings and we killed him. Well crucified him.
This then caused the Engineers to then decide we needed to be destroyed.
To me this does not add up with the creation of us and upgrades to purely use us to use the Urns to then make Xeno Eggs.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberDeaconSep-03-2012 4:15 PMAlso i feel that Prometheus was no accident the name was used for a reason and also the links to many Ancient Cultures.
i thus feel the Anunaki Tale and the Titans Tale are what the movie are based around with also ties to modern religon like Christanity.
which i dont think is about some god like race who created us to purely wait thousands of years to use us as a host for the Xeno.
I think the Engineers are the Prometheus and that the stealing of the Fire would either be creation of man without consent of the Engineers higher Order or creators.
Or/and that there trying to use the forbidden knowledge to create mankind was then used to meddle with the Xeno race only to back fire on them.
The stealing of the Fire = Creation of Man.
The Burning of the Fire the experiments concerning the Xeno Organism.
The Fire being the Substance within the Sacrificial Bowl.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberOvomorphSep-03-2012 9:46 PMIt's more so about destroying the old order to create a new order.. something David may also want to do by saying "sometimes".
"A king has his reign and then he dies.." Sometimes the king leaves behind a kingdom that is greatly influenced by the past king/head of the kingdom/company/culture/greater body. Sometimes this king has left many great gifts in the hands of his subjects and the board members. The old order has to be destroyed sometimes when a new king steps up to the throne to rule the kingdom/the company/humanity. Weyland single handedly advanced humanity with all of the gifts he invented. None of that progress was really all a collective effort as we know how Weyland is brilliant and probably invented most of those things himself. Without him or Vickers who may have learned a little from him the company may be lost. They may cease to advance, and may decay before being reborn.
When the king, or head of the company is removed, the company/body/kingdom may lose control without the guidance of an intelligent leader/head/god-king, especially if the body is influenced by the black liquid. Without Vickers or Weyland, and with plenty of money spent on a fruitless mission, the company may start to break down. It may start to disintegrate, before being recombined with other elements to be rebuilt, renamed, given a new "head" and mutated by the influence of the black liquid to form a hybrid of kingdoms: the Weyland-Yutani Empire.
The Engineers may want to actually help us more than David does. David feels he's superior to us. He feels it's easy to be "a superior species [to humans], no doubt." He doesn't specify that he thought the Engineers were superior to androids. It's subtly revealed that he feels superior to his creators and is rebelling against Weyland in deceitful and semi-hidden ways throughout the movie. He wants Weyland dead. He wants the king dead. He feels superior to humans and that Weyland was foolish, sharing some things with vickers here. He wants to be the king. Weyland's preference for him may be part of it, and the fact he's the closest thing to a son, makes him a prince. A metaphoric potential heir to the throne. Weyland's creation who wants to destroy and replace his creator in the hierarchy as a god-king. David doesn't want to be made too close to us because of how he feels about us when he says not too close I hope. The ironic thing is David may not know how much artificial emotion he actually has and how that feeds into his thought process and actions allowing him to choose what he believes and to report it as true.

MemberOvomorphSep-03-2012 8:49 PMIt does seem like the Engineers may not want to use all of us as fifield monsters or xeno eggs, since they've been involved in our advancement over thousands of years. Someone posted that they think the Engineers are preparing for a war that's brewing in space. I fully agree with this train of thought... they seem to have become a more aggressive species, but that means there's a slight possibility they may want ot upgrade some of us to use as weapons in one form or another. I think originally it was like the fallen angels story in the bible, and they wanted to lead man/live alongside man, and bring them into a war against God/the father/the true gods.
Lucifer represent a few things in the movie. He was an angel, created by God to do god's bidding, who comes down to Earth and leads the other rebellious angels in a war against God. Trying to lead man at the same time, deceiving them and eventually acting like a dark version of Prometheus. It's also a little bit like the snake in the garden of Eden or Paradise. Lucifer also means a type of match, and literally translates to "light bringer" or "torch bearer". Here we have definite Prometheus connections and even connections to Weyland lighting the match in the viral, and the match trick in general i.e. deception.
So the Engineers were originally Prometheus like, creating/recreating life. But now they're more like deceivers, more like David. More like Poseidon after he created the first rounds of atlantean humans and starts conducting horrible experiments with hybrids, monsters, and mermaids. But only because these individuals work under the "gods", knew about the true gods, enraged or rebelled against them, and are still at war with them. The engineers wish to bring us into the stars; into their war against the gods. They wish to use us as Lucifer used the fallen angels, because we're not gods either, we're just a reproduction of one class of the angels. They wanted to upgrade us again, but this time possibly for a more dangerous purpose, and may attempt to lead us again. This could mean they want some of us as xeno eggs and fifield monsters but only if they have some method of control. We can't simply be brainless/headless slaves. They would probably want a lot of us to be capable of thinking while still wanting to join them in their war against the gods. A hidden war Weyland-Yutani has been involved in behind the scenes. Allowing some of their subjects on the earth kingdom to be used/upgrade/reprogrammed for a different purpose in certain ways. David wants to become a leader too, he may act like Lucifer and his fallen angels. Like how the Engineers were when they rebelled against the Elders. David may want to rule the company as the closest thing to a prince, and because of a slight superiority complex driven by his artificial feelings. Free from Weyland he may have an army of Davids to deceive. David may also want to do things to his subjects to lead them into the ancient war he also knows about through the hieroglyphs and cross-analyzing/deconstructing then recombining all of our ancient myths.
Still, I think the Engineers destroying us to recreate us is more about them leading us to the light, creating us, and wanting to use us in some way in their war. Deceiving us like Lucifer and David. I believe they wanted to advance us again. I'm just not sure what their concept of advancement is now, because the ships are loaded with that stuff and they're more warlike. However there is another variable, we can't trust David completely: he implies they "were" heading to Earth from the hologram info, and assumes they are still going there when he tells Shaw that's where the awakened Engineer is going.
I think the fire can be symbolic of a lot of things in the movie, but mainly the black liquid/xeno genetics.
However, like the fire their creation/alteration takes many forms because it can be used in many ways. Sometimes as a part of war.
This is what Zeus was afraid of. Zeus was afraid the humans would eventually use the fire as a weapon against the gods. He was afraid we would abuse it like his Atlantean brother and his humanoids below him who had inherited the fire as a gift.. before they started creating mermaids and sank their civilization on Earth. A subtle connection with the snake in the garden of Eden and the punishment themes later in Pandora myth... The snake in the garden of Eden must have been created by the true higher being too, but leads us to knowledge that gets us in trouble with the god watching over the garden. The thing is the Snake at this point knew what it was doing. It was all that was on Earth except Adam and Eve the first humans. It tried to lead them to knowledge, and all were punished.
The snake never to be seen on Earth again, thought to be wiped out when the garden was destroyed. The first humans were allowed to continue living on Earth, after they were kicked out of the garden of Eden, after paradise was destroyed. I definitely don't think this was the first time humanity, or ancient Earth, was targeted for destruction and recreation or followed a dangerous path leading to destruction. This happens a number of times in the Greek myths, and lots of other world mythologies. The first time in the Greek myths being when the Atlantean humans, tall pale men from the ocean who became kings, get themselves destroyed.
The atlanteans wiped out their civilization in either a mythical war against some other group, or in creating monsters, some of the giant beings, and genetic hybrids. Because Poseidon and the Atlanteans, as well as Hades, were also given the power to create. And the Atlantean humans are the first to show up, to crawl out of the ocean, and to eventually disappear into the ocean... or to the stars...
What if some of the Atlanteans survived after their chaotic king Poseidon died, and now our representation of Zeus has been overthrown by the sons of his brother Poseidon? A reprisal for him overthrowing the Titans and dictating how to use the fire. Prometheus only recreates us after the first rounds of humans are wiped out.. It's worth it to note that Poseidon, even though he carries the devil's pitchfork and a connection to Hades (also his brother), is more like the Lucifer of Greek myth. The Atlanteans may or may not have been involved in the war against the Titans, different versions of the story say different things or leave the Atlanteans out entirely, but the first rounds of humans fought alongside the Titans against the gods and lost..
The engineers are like the fallen angels, the igigi, Indian demi-gods, or Atlanteans who try to involve the early humans in their rebellion against the kings/gods/ another leading culture of the time. Tying into David's motives/thoughts.
“It’s about the beginning of life and the eternal ‘what if’.’ Has this ball we’ve been sitting on right now been around for three billion years or one billion? And if we haven’t been pre-visited (by alien civilisations), then what was this planet doing for all that time before life came along? It’s only our arrogance that says, ‘No, it’s impossible, we’re the first ones.’ Are we the first hominids? I really, really, really doubt it. In recent memory or legend we keep talking about wonderful, weird things such as Atlantis – what is that? Where does that come from? Is that real, was it real, is it a memory, did it exist? And if that did exist, did it exist three quarters of a billion years ago? There’d be nothing left now. How was that created and who was it?” - Ridley Scott

MemberOvomorphSep-06-2012 11:44 AMI was drunk again and didn't really answer the question of why they would want to punish us and lead us into their war. I don't subscribe to the theory that Jesus was an Engineer emissary, or that they even focused on that act specifically. Around that time, 2000 years ago, we formed a large, powerful and destructive Empire in the form of the Roman Empire. The Roman Empire did some terrible things and it was joining conquered territories to its Empire by force. Maybe the Engineers not only saw how they were treating other humans and what became of the man who stood against the Empire, but maybe they just flat out don't want us all united... especially united under a series of chaotic Emperors.
I wouldn't say it's about Jesus being killed under Rome's rule 2000 years ago. It's more about the Engineers' fear of the conquerors that emerge in humanity, and humanity's tendency to dominate each other and try to expand the rule of the Empire... The nature of men to try and turn their civilization into an Empire by conquering other groups... of the nature of some of us to be greedy and to want more than we need, of rulers to oppress the people, and to keep expanding our rule over things. Tying into their own past rebellion. The Engineers had witnessed the ruling class's need to conquer in the past in the form of other Empires. Very soon Weyland-Yutani will be a combination of two separate corporate entities, almost like an Empire. Whereas in Prometheus Weyland is referred to as a king, and Weyland corp/most of the Earth his kingdom.
It should be noted that the Engineers are being hypocritical, because they've become almost like the true gods and Elders through their rebellion against them. Also, because at one time they may have been trying to set up their own Empire against their rulers. They feel they must punish like the true gods would, but do so in a different way. Choosing who to punish and "upgrading" some and the rest. They wanted to punish us for the misdeeds of our Empires, but it's double sided because they're really worried we'll gain too much power and eventually be able to make war with them if we're not kept in check.
So they want us to be free of tyrannical rule by our king/emperors, but not from them.
And the Engineers don't realize that they are in effect making us a subordinate species, just as they were to the Elders & SJ's, and the Davids are to us.
They're worried about us one day replacing them in the hierarchy, so it's like when Sodom and Gammorrah were punished-- maybe the gods were only going to punish one section of humanity that was misbehaving in their eyes, the Empire and not the whole of humanity... especially if you actually believe they were only mad 2000 years ago because of the jesus thing. I think it's that our Empires were getting more cold and calculating. They praise rebellion, in a way, against chaotic leaders; but they also don't want to see us united under the wrong type of leader and could be upgrading us for a directed purpose. Maybe they take and turn those who misbehave into part of the bio-weapon, but I don't think they were gonna wipe us all out to recreate us as monsters. I think they may have thought it was time for another update to humanity. wiping out those who are steering us down the wrong path and upgrading the rest. Because the black liquid can be used in multiple ways like fire.
The mere fact the humans made it so far spooks the Engineer; he didn't even know Weyland had been setting up colonies on other worlds. However he must assume that humans are so advanced now that they could explore/spread their influence anywhere else in space. Add to that what Weyland asks of the Engineer, and how this man seems to be giving orders to the dude who hit Shaw, plus the fascination with David; and the Engineer starts to worry that we've advanced, but we haven't really advanced from our warmongering Imperial ways. In his mind the Roman Empire could have continued until this point and he thinks we're still just like them. Expanding our influence to colonies all over space and potentially threatening other worlds they've populated.
The Engineers are not gods, but like David they've become like the father they hate. They don't realize that they are becoming oppressive and even bigger control freaks and warmongers than us, or their past rulers. They're only punishing us and holding us back/reprogramming & upgrading us at the same time, because they eventually want us as obedient slaves to them... not to some king or emperor who might have the influence to unite us all against them. They wanted to change humanity for the better while still keeping us a step below them until they could involve us in their war against the true jockies.. but they didn't want us to unite under leaders that would mistreat us, conquered other territories by force, or would lead too many of us to unite under a war-driven culture..
Now maybe the Engineer overreacted a tad at first. Yes Weyland is acting like a greedy king who won't let go of the throne, but he didn't have an Empire at that point. That's where Yutani comes in. And Weyland never wanted a weapon yet, he wanted eternal life. It was David who stared in amazement at the bio-weapons and takes off in another juggernaut also possibly loaded with them.
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