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Prometheus: The Restoration Cut

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MemberOvomorphJul-08-2012 5:34 PM
I watched the Director's Cut of [i]Kingdom of Heaven[/i] last night. All 3+ hours of it. Guess what. The story makes sense. The characters behave according to their characters. The events (even though they are largely historically inaccurate) unfold according to a logic based in rational human experience. Some of the non-English is subtitled and some of it is not. It is more violent and gruesome than the original theatrical release. It is more complex than the original theatrical release. It is a FAR SUPERIOR FILM to the original theatrical release. According to Wikipedia, FOX freaked over the original product created by Ridley, and hacked it into a "love story" that (predictably) underperformed at the US box office. Sound familiar? I am of the opinion that [i]The Restoration Cut[/i] cannot come quickly enough. I am forced to refer to this theoretical product as a "Restoration Cut" due to the fact that Mr. Scott has already stated publicly that [url=]this theatrical release essentially IS the "Director's Cut"[/url]. I for one am not inclined to pay for one (or more) set(s) of physical media that do(es) not include the full story; as a [u]coherent[/u] story. I have said it before and will repeat it again now. Ridley Scott is fundamentally a better director than [i]Prometheus[/i] as we have seen it so far is as a film. Something is wrong; beyond bad writing. When will the Restoration Cut be released?
35 Replies


MemberOvomorphJul-17-2012 9:24 AM
Sukkal, don't you think like Harry's 'Life' sounds like it belongs in one of those 1970's Big Country-like wagon-train prospector westerns? PS: Ridley Scott's an ARTIST, a TWEAKER.
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MemberOvomorphJul-17-2012 10:09 AM
Yes lots of people dont realise that directors dont have a grip on everything that happens they merley guide it much like writers too - the writer has no control over how the actor interprets the script etc. etc. . The director only sees a tiny percentage of the work being done on a film - agreed its the most important parts normally. Even the editing is done with input from another person...


MemberOvomorphJul-17-2012 5:50 PM
@Engineering— I addressed you directly due to: [quote=Engineering][i]...Anyway, point is, Prometheus has it's flaws. I know and accept that. I think a DC or extended cut COULD be better but I also think it might not be better as well. [u]It all depends on what Scott held back.[/u] I'm sure we all remember right before the rating was released when Fox and Scott saying that not a frame would be cut to earn a PG-13. That what was going to be given to the ratings board was Scott's vision. Personally, if what we've seen is in fact Scott's vision and those statements weren't just lip service, then I'm happy with what we have. [u]However, if Scott was asked to hold back certain things because they "went off on a tangent" like they said about KoH then I will be super fu%king excited as what we may have in store could be something great indeed.[/u][/i][/quote] I'm sorry if you felt I was challenging you. I was not. I can see certain people at FOX considering an Engineer "Life Creation Ceremony" as a [u]tangent[/u]. I can also see others at FOX considering it something that is big enough that it could get people [u]super fu%king excited[/u]. I call it the "Restoration Cut" because I want to see the FULL CONTENT *RESTORED* to the film; as in the case of [i]Kingdom of Heaven[/i]. Having the Engineers conceived, cast, dressed by wardrobe and made up with prosthetics, and taught lines in their own unique language, which was developed by a PhD; and then having that captured on film and intentionally REMOVED from the story seems uncomfortably *ODD* to me. My [u]intuition[/u] is at play here, undeniably, but something is not quite right. It is completely *possible* that during the filmmaking process Ridley had a radical "change of heart" about who the Engineers are and what role they are supposed to play in the bigger picture of the story (assuming the vision of [i]Paradise[/i] is to come to fruition). It is conceivable that the shot and in-the-can dialogue or behavior was at odds with that *modified* vision. If that is the case, then I can see excising them from the film to the extent that that has been done. [u]However[/u], it then becomes QUITE odd for FOX to have released the stills of the Elders that they have; almost like *teasers*. It is difficult for me to imagine extra footage of the Engineers speaking and engaging in traditional behaviors in the same league as "it was a mistake for Noomi to beat up on Ian with an ax; because it belittled his majesty." Excepting David 8, there is NOTHING in the film more interesting to me than the characters of the Engineers (and all that relates to THEM and that they imply), so I find it more than strange for them to have been CUT and then LEAKED by FOX... @FreePlanet— Yes, I definitely get that vibe out of the horns in [i]Life[/i], but it's "bigger" and more majestic than that too. Though, it's hard to be bigger than the Grand Canyon and it's quite evocative of that kind of scenery. There is almost no "West" wilder than a virtually lifeless planet, huh?


MemberOvomorphAug-16-2012 9:00 PM
I surrender and am quite dubious about purchasing [url=]this blu-ray release[/url].


MemberOvomorphAug-16-2012 10:40 PM
@Sukkal...This thread being bumped made me realize I never read you're response. Here's mine... Quote=Sukkal... [b][i]"I can see certain people at FOX considering an Engineer "Life Creation Ceremony" as a tangent. I can also see others at FOX considering it something that is big enough that it could get people super fu%king excited. "[/i][/b] I know what this statement 'means' I guess I just don't quite get what you're trying to say. If you mean that maybe Fox cut out the "Life Creation Ceremony" because they felt it wenty off on a tangent then that point is moot if what both Fox and Scott have said about the theatrical being Scott's cut and that he didn't take anything out that he didn't want to. As far as everything being "restored" I guess I'm nitpicking but that would be called the "workprint" not the "restoration cut." In the case of the Kingdom of Heaven Director's Cut, that was a totally different situation. That was in no way a "restoration cut" as the film was made 2 ways. One with and one without. One is the theatrical and one is the director's cut. Scott cut scenes from both of those. Great point about Ridley changing his mind about the Engineers and their roles. That could very well be the case. Personally, I think he just wanted to keep them more mysterious, fitting with how the SJ was in Alien, or Freddy was in the first Nighmare on Elm Street or any number of other example of a character being much more interesting if you see them less or know less about them. But knowing about the "space Jesus theory" and how Scott said they were going to go with it but it was too obvious points to a change of direction. It'll be very interesting to find out. I find the Engineers more interesting than David. It's close and I think David's story might be more dominant though.
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