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What was heading toward Fifield and Milburn?

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Hive Grown

MemberOvomorphJul-17-2012 5:41 PM
I tried to search for a thread that talked about what I am going to say but could not find anything. So here I go. If I remember correctly while Fifield and Milburn are stuck in the temple during the sandstorm at one point Janek notices that one of the scanners has picked up something. He then radios to the two in the temple and tells them that it is moving towards them, I believe heading West. To which either Milburn or Fifield say then I am heading East (or the opposite direction). After this event is when they stumble upon the hammerpede and we all know what happens next. My question is what was the moving object that was headed towards the two trapped scientist? It seems that the story never went back to this happening and never gave it a second look, just left it hanging. Also, I think that the holes in the sleeping pods and the slime that David found on the controls are really important parts to the story. Why, after 2,000 years was the slime on the controls still pliable, sticky. I would think that it would have dried out after such a long time. I also find it strange that the holes in the sleeping pods is never mentioned by anyone in the film. They had to have noticed them. Sorry I am rambling but here is my final idea. I believe something got out in that temple 2,000 years ago and killed the engineers in the temple. I also think that maybe one of those things may be on the ship that Shaw and David leave on at the end of the film, waiting for the right time to reveal itself. Thanks, and I await you comments.
22 Replies


MemberOvomorphJul-17-2012 6:26 PM
[u]Hive[/u]: 1) There was nothing moving towards F & M. Janek radioed them to ask them their location because of the "pup" that was picking up the intermittent ping of a lifeform. F & M intentionally chose to go in the opposite direction of the ping in order to avoid potentially bumping into an unknown alien lifeform. 2) Regarding the Green Slime (GS): I agree with you about your remark about the GS still being maleable and not brittle when David touches it. Also, when I saw the film the other day for the 5th time I picked up something new about the GS: it seems to actually be inside each recess of the glyphs that David touches in order to activate the holographic playback system. In each of my prior viewings I thought that GS had simply fallen down on the control panel from above, as if some type of Xeno was crawling on the wall or ceiling above the panel. However, given that the GS seems to actually be inside the recesses of the glyphs I had to wonder if some type of creature whose hand was covered in/excretes GS had operated the control panel prior to David. 3) David is the only Prometheus crew member who visits the flight deck prior to the visit that takes place late in the film and so when the latter scene takes place the other crew members are taking in the entirety of the room for the first time. The crew basically follows David into the room and watches as he interfaces with the control console and then the sleeping Engineer's hyper sleep chamber. Some of the crew is aiding an unsteady Weyland and some of them were on security detail. Given all of those facts I think that here really was no time for anyone to take in and make note of the damaged hyper sleep chambers. Still, it's a good and valid observation on your part.


MemberOvomorphJul-17-2012 6:27 PM
Janek said the life sign wasn't moving so I think it was the engineer in stasis.


MemberOvomorphJul-17-2012 10:16 PM
[i]"Why, after 2,000 years was the slime on the controls still pliable, sticky. I would think that it would have dried out after such a long time."[/i] We don't know the origin or purpose of the sticky slime, but it's evident that it does not behave anything at all like regular wet stuff. It seems to be too sticky to be regular alien slime that we've seen in other movies and, of course, is full of those dancing motes that David gets to see and sniff. Mysterious stuff. It could be a lot of things. It could, for example, be a kind of 'rock sweat' exuded by the pyramid as a control lubricant. It could be part of the sensory apparatus of the holographic recorder. It could be a 'projector node' for the holographic playback. I quite like this idea myself because there could be a connection between the dancing motes in the sticky stuff and the dancing light swarms in the playback. Whatever it is, it's super-advanced alien tech.
The most terrifying fact about the universe is not that it is hostile but that it is indifferent


MemberOvomorphJul-18-2012 1:30 AM
My guess is that the sparkle slime was related to to some idea or footage that was cut. They (David) made something of a a big deal out of its having a foul smell. It's another thing that *might* get elucidated in another cut... ...but probably not.


MemberOvomorphJul-18-2012 8:25 AM
The green slime obviously just raw linseed oil. Every use that by accident when you should have use boiled linseed? Takes that crap forever to cure... ;)

Hive Grown

MemberOvomorphJul-18-2012 11:56 PM
Thanks Synthetic, I remembered wrong about the signal from the pup moving, I have only seen the movie once. For me the slime still being sticky and not dried out might mean something has been moving around the temple more recently than 2,000 years. Here is a thought. Let's say that the holes in the stasis tubes sre from chestbusters and then xenos. What if xenos have the ability to hibernate for long periods of time, awaking occasionally to feed on whatever they can find and then returning to a natural state of stasis. Remember, these creatures are viewed as the perfect organism. Could happen, right??


MemberOvomorphJul-19-2012 5:10 AM
So, if the door to the orrey chamber was opening and closing intermittently, causing the "pup" to detect the alien life form, then I've got to ask, and maybe it was explained in the movie I can't recall; What was causing the door to the orrey chamber to malfunction? If it has been malfunctioning for two thousand years, there might be a relationship between that, and why the hologram engineers were running away from the door.

Vickers 8

MemberOvomorphJul-19-2012 6:09 AM
what? the lifeform was obv the snake. i thought everyone knew that? slime- from xenos probably.


MemberOvomorphJul-19-2012 8:53 AM
I think the reason that the life form the pup detected was "intermittent" is because it was picking up the engineer's heart beat - and because he was in stasis or whatever, it was only doing like one beat every couple minutes or so...

Indy John

MemberOvomorphJul-19-2012 9:03 AM
".. engineer's heart beat .." Who is to say what is a 'heartbeat' for an Engineer but soemthing was detected..and it was not clear to me whaile watching the movie if it was a 'glitch'..or an alien. In my mind it was the Engineer in statis,,, Was this the first detectable alien lifeform? I think it is and as such should have caused all kinds of interest...and that time.
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life


MemberOvomorphJul-19-2012 9:04 AM
Too many "should have's" in the movie.

Indy John

MemberOvomorphJul-19-2012 9:28 AM
You may be right 'too many should have's'...and many of those seems to me were everdy human responses,,nothing deep..or mysterios... AS the story is depicted in the movie,,it seems to be written for a different agenda that a coherent script for paying customers..
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life


MemberOvomorphJul-19-2012 9:44 AM
Agreed: Anything in the movie that would have had real scientists saying "WTF??" the script had them saying "WHATEVA LOLZ@"

Indy John

MemberOvomorphJul-19-2012 10:20 AM
".. the script had them saying "WHATEVA LOLZ@".." It occurs to me that (and this is off topic)..that the Engineers have selected Ridley to bring the 'Alien' Universe to the humans of today..and implanted in RS brain a script.for 'Alien'.. Then seeing that the followup movies/books ect .were getting way off target,,inserted in his brain the need to make 'Prometheus',,to sort of set the record straight...and tell the full story of the Engineer/Alien/Human encounters.. The disjointed script is the result..
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life


MemberOvomorphJul-19-2012 10:22 AM
I have a sneaking suspicion that the alien lifeform was not the Engineer because he has the same DNA as humans. Let's see, what else could the alien lifeform have been....hmmmmmm? B


MemberOvomorphJul-19-2012 2:20 PM
[u]tenoh[/u]: You wrote: "What was causing the door to the orrey chamber to malfunction?" I've never seen any suggestion that anywhere that any of the doors to the Juggernaut were malfunctioning. However, your post reminded me of one of the big questions that I have about the film, a question that involves a door. Who damaged/broke the door to the pyramid? And did someone break in or break out of the temple? To me this question is intertwined with the topics of the pile of dead Engineers and the unknown life form that seems to be chasing them in the first holographic video. Sh*t! As I wrote that I had a thought, which was "What if the Engineers were running from their version of Fifield? A Black Goo infected Engineer who was on a rampage." As I wrote that I envisioned a scene that takes place during the events that led to the pile of dead Engineers and in that scene there's an Engineer similar to the one who chases after Shaw and that Engineer has been "impregnated" by some type of Xeno and that Engineer gives birth to a Deacon who then chases after the Engineers. Oh, man. My apologies for the stream of consciousness. The more I read and write about this film the more I think about it and then cycle once again repeats itself...


MemberXenomorphJul-19-2012 3:56 PM
Synthetic69 i feel you are right about the engineer fifield version but i started a thread about the screaching sound before the engineers start to run sounding like the deacon at the end of the movie. do you think that screaching sound was part of the recording ? i think the engineers were attacked while in stasis. i geuss 3 of the engineers were "fifielded" because there were only 3 elepantine suits at the entrance with no dead bodies found not waering a suit( i am not sure) which the pilot got away (maybe the engineer whose head exploded) and the other one remained in stasis (FOR A TOTAL OF 5 ENGINEERS PER SHIP). are you sure about the the damaged stasis chambers ? then the enginners running in the tunnel was from other ships trying to escape whatever : the fifielded engineers but it screached like a deacon ?


MemberOvomorphJul-20-2012 10:27 AM
[u]oduodu[/u]: You raised a good point/idea about whether or not the scream that we heard at the start of the holographic replay is actually part of the content of the video. When one considers that the Green Slime on the control panel to the ampule chamber is still malleable and not brittle one could choose to believe that the scream was not part of the video but the sound of a Xeno that was living in the Pyramid. We have no idea where the hyper-sleep chest bursters went to after they emerged from the sleeping Engineers. We also have no idea how long the Engineers have actually been dead. Remember, when Shaw carbon dates the body of the Decapitated Engineer she has no idea that the head of the body exists on the other side of the door and that a humanoid head is contained beneath the helmet. So, was the carbon dating data that Shaw gathered from the dead Engineer's body the amount of time that it had been dead OR was it when it was that the Engineer was "born"? You also raise an interesting point about the number of figures that stand inside the doorway to the flight deck of the Juggernaut. I'm not sure if you've seen my posts on the subject but I did confirm that the figure that's on David's right hand side that he illuminates with his flashlight does in fact have what seems to be dried Black Goo on it's helmet and that that BG seems to descend from the top of the skull. So, are those figures statues or actual Engineers? If they are the latter then how do they remain upright? Are there supposed to be 4 figures there or only 3? Given what we see in the first 2 scenes involving the flight deck that means that there could be a total of 7 or 8 Engineers per flight deck (and in saying that I'm making a distinction between the flight deck and the ship itself). You wrote: "i think the engineers were attacked while in stasis." Well, the big question regarding that notion is how were they infected? Did someone poison them? Were the Engineers in the flight deck hologram actually inspecting the same scene that David came upon, that being 3 dead Engineers and one sleeping one? And were those living Engineers themselves attacked by the Xenos that emerged from the hyper-sleep chambers? Who knows. This film is quite the enigma and I suspect that a lot of the truth is in front of our eyes and that there is a lot of misdirection taking place via some of the dialog spoken by Shaw and David.

Indy John

MemberOvomorphJul-20-2012 10:33 AM
What was heading toward Fifield and Milburn? With slime in a noticable place(not buried or covered up) it was meant to be found and warn others my vote is for a ZENO..or Deacon.. I would prefer a advance the plot to include their story before the 'Alien' Shipwreck..
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life

Indy John

MemberOvomorphOct-25-2012 9:09 AM
" seems to actually be inside each recess of the glyphs that David touches in order to activate the holographic playback system''" Green Slime why is even on the keypad,,and seeming no other place. The Green Chrystal seems to be a clue..but to what end? There was so much GS that I thought dripped down from above,,rather than being left behind by some entity accessing the next room. This short scene with David having the nslime between his fingers,,saying 'Impressive' is a bit mystifying to me.. Perhaps he marvels at the texture of the slime being pliant after 2,00 or so years.. It is a wonder he didn't a specimen back to the ship to compare it to the Ampule contents It would be of special chek out the dark flakes in the Green Slime,, That is what a scientist would do.
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life

Visionary Alpha

MemberOvomorphOct-30-2012 2:14 AM
The engineers' hyper-sleep chambers weren't damaged. When David brings Weyland there, he even tells everyone "Their hyper-sleep chambers will impress...", and they "do".

Indy John

MemberOvomorphNov-01-2012 10:29 AM
David's comment about the sleep chambers .".will impress.." was curious. Was this comment meant to impress Weyland,,that additional sleep chambers were availible for his use..for another journey? If I were Weyland and I see sleep chambers for the Engineers,,that I thought were gods,, I would be very depress and realize that all efforts frutile to defeat death...except by entering the sleep chambers,,and delaying the evitable,
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life
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