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Avatar 4 Under Development – Avatar 3 Finished Filming (The Nexus News - info)

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MemberOvomorphAug-07-2012 6:51 AM
This article whether true or a half-truth or false will be proved or disproved in due course. But needless-to-say, it certainly is compelling information if confirmed to be valid! Please read on... "According to insider information (Avatar’s Cinematographer) Avatar 4 is in the works. Filming is going to take place sometime this year. This has come as a surprise to many since Avatar 2 and Avatar 3 have not yet been released, and now there is news of a fourth sequel. However it should be noted that very similar to Avatar 2 and Avatar 3 situation, when they finished filming Avatar 2, they decided and use the set, the people, the resources at hand and film the third movie, since in the long run it would be much cheaper instead of coordinating all of them again for a third movie shot. Another important note is that Avatar is a heavy Computer Generated Imagery (CGI) franchise and its heavily pendent on animations and computer generated environment, hence why most of the time in making the movie will be spent on creating those environments with the aid of visual effects. Avatar 2 finished filming back in September 2011, and the filming for the third movie started around the same month, now it seems that the filming for the third movie has finished and in order to save resources they are filming for a fourth sequel. This means that they will spend the rest of the time applying and enhancing the CGI effects. A release date has not been announced for Avatar 2, but it is expected and estimated to come around December 2013 since currently has a post production status and is undergoing heavy editing and enhancing. Avatar 3 is predicted for a 2015 or a 2016 depending on the atmospheric situation with the second movie. i.e. hiring a bigger team to finish the CGI job faster." Cameron apparantly has a novel in the works supposedly coming out soon to chart the 15 years of back-story that leads up all the principle characters and evnts that features in Avatar as to how they set off for Pandora in the first place and what occurs prior to their first few weeks of being their, months or years.. we'll see. Is this the supposed 4th Avatar film or, like The Hobbit book and the three succeeding Lord of the Rings trilogy this quintet serves as the entire Avatar saga. Only time and release dates will tell I guess! Stay posted.
17 Replies

Xenomorph 54

MemberOvomorphAug-07-2012 7:06 AM
Wow that's weird...I'm not a real fan of Avatar, I liked it, but not as much as most people. It had some amazing ideas/mythology and visuals but I expected the story to be better and more complex. Anyway, this might be as false as the nexus news leak for prometheus 2, but thanks for posting, very interesting...
Have you heard of phoenix asteroids? They glow in every color of the rainbow...they travel endlessly through space...

Xenomorph 54

MemberOvomorphAug-07-2012 7:06 AM
Wow that's weird...I'm not a real fan of Avatar, I liked it, but not as much as most people. It had some amazing ideas/mythology and visuals but I expected the story to be better and more complex. Anyway, this might be as false as the nexus news leak for prometheus 2, but thanks for posting, very interesting...
Have you heard of phoenix asteroids? They glow in every color of the rainbow...they travel endlessly through space...

Bo Cherry

MemberOvomorphAug-07-2012 8:52 AM
Sounds WAY too good to be true.


MemberOvomorphAug-07-2012 8:53 AM
OMG! Do they realise how awful the first one was - 3 more of them and 15 years of back story - sound like my worst nightmare! But they did make lots of money and like pirates of the caribbean it'll keep rolling out...

David 1

MemberOvomorphAug-07-2012 9:47 AM
I'll skip any Avatar movies. Didn't like the first one at all.
[b]Ask nothing from no one. Demand nothing from no one. Expect nothing from no one.[/b]


MemberOvomorphAug-07-2012 9:50 AM
LOL The Na'vi are more taller than Bob :p

David 1

MemberOvomorphAug-07-2012 9:59 AM
Shambs. ahahah True... and hairy.
[b]Ask nothing from no one. Demand nothing from no one. Expect nothing from no one.[/b]


MemberOvomorphAug-07-2012 10:32 AM
AVATAR is more Pocahontas than JOHN CARTER OF MARS, or the other way around? I think AVATAR is James Cameron's way of doing JOHN CARTER without being shackled to rigidity of adapting a respected classic.


MemberOvomorphAug-07-2012 10:41 AM
I suppose it does have a good message at least I just wish it was a bit more masculine like james's old movies with arnie in :P :( ...

Patient Leech

MemberFacehuggerAug-07-2012 11:06 AM
Um.. yeah... I had no idea they were filming so many more sequels. The first one had an incredibly lame and flimsy story, so how they plan to stretch it out for so long I don't even want to try to think about... *yeesh*


MemberOvomorphAug-07-2012 11:40 AM
What they are going to show in all these movies? That some guy from earth saved the aliens? I mean same save the "alienity" (like humanity) all the time? I don't think it works for me. I am sure it will be a good pop corn movie and 90's kids will watch it with jaw dropped on the floor for the CGI.
Uncertainty is the only certainty there is, and knowing how to live with insecurity is the only security.

David 1

MemberOvomorphAug-07-2012 11:54 AM
Sky: It's just another flick for the New-Agers to adore and spread the word that we are all ascending to the 17th dimension where Elves and funny Gnomes play *lets hugg as many rabbits we can* beause it's all about inconditional love and total respect for others as long as you are a New-Ager and do the exact same things as you've seen in the first flick that got all New-Agers calling themselves to have "Avatar" powers of levitation. No thanks.
[b]Ask nothing from no one. Demand nothing from no one. Expect nothing from no one.[/b]


MemberOvomorphAug-07-2012 1:00 PM
"levitation" :D
Uncertainty is the only certainty there is, and knowing how to live with insecurity is the only security.


MemberOvomorphAug-07-2012 6:25 PM
I hesitate to even post here for fear of retribution from all of the Avatar haters, but I have actual information that is [u]factual[/u] about the upcoming films, so I'll brave the unfriendly waters. Lightstorm is currently only publicly committed to two more films in the franchise. They will begin talking openly about the upcoming productions/timelines, etc. (but NOT the CONTENT of the films) roughly in Q1 of 2013 with no expected theatrical releases (at this point) before the end of 2015 at the earliest. The expectation around "Avatar 4" was a rumor that evolved out of an interview with Sigourney Weaver. It apparently has not been summarily ruled out by Lightstorm, but is at this point only a possibility and not an intention or plan. The source for this information is [url=]Jon Landau[/url]. It is current as of Friday evening 20 July, 2012 PDT (Seattle, WA).


MemberOvomorphAug-07-2012 11:43 PM
Don't blame all of the 90's kids! :P Some of us would much rather sit down and watch Predator, the original The Blob or The Thing then Avatar however I am slightly interested to see where the hell they plan on taking these movies. Might watch to see how Sigourney does in them but... eh, I can live without ;)


MemberOvomorphAug-08-2012 5:59 PM
Well its possible that Cameron is going to give us a reversal of fortune with regards to the certain character arcs he most likely will use to reflect this across to us with Grace Augustine now 'at one' with Eywa. She will serve as a sort of psyche conduit to Sully and any and all humans who will want to open their sixth sense/third eye to mother Pandora whether in Na'Vi guise or human. Then the reverse is true if, human can go Na'Vi then at some point won't Netiri want to somehow experience what it is to be a human being if but for a short time at least? With all that abandoned UpLink equipment could they not just somehow jerry-rig one or outfit one so that it can accomadate a full size Na'Vi being to be uplinked somehow into a human body? But then that beggars the question, whos human body? Are they going to be genetically engineered/grown for humans to escape death and uplink into anothers body who perhaps has died? It raises a whole assortment of questionable and/or ethical dilemmas.. Invasion of an already 'occupied' mind, body & soul... Perhaps there will be more military interest in the powers that Pandora herself can provide (i.e) crystals, unobtanium, resorses, uplinking to the bio-fauna itself and perverting it into military/warfare applications, there is scope for addressing many ethical and unethical morality issues that say Jurassic Park raised and genetics as a whole conjures up. Colonization of a new, rich and fertaile 'land' ripe to be tainted by an alien invasion of sorts... Us! Then there is the concept of revenge by the RDA for what they would ammount to nothing short of a mutiny instigated by Sully himself and the other scientist/military simpithizers. It raises all sorts of uncomfortable questions about imperialism, conquisqadors of the 14 to 1500s Americas, Afgahnistan at present and the Middle East as a whole as well, slavery, the Native Americans of the old American West with connotations of Dances With Wolves in Space and on another planet. I'm personally looking forward to the concept of two more Avatar films being shot back-to-back then cut in half so we watch one and no doubt it will end with an Empire Strikes Back cliff-hanger ending as was the case with Han Solo going into the Carbon Freeze Chamber. You have to watch Return of the Jedi to see how it resolves the story... Good info you provided by the way Sukkal -Informative as well. You wern't being bad with what you were saying and as far as I can tell so far the waters here upon this particular thread in question are fair and reasonable, light, friendly and helping to be informative for the most part... as it should be! lol! I am looking forward to the book that Cameron is writing that serves as a prequel if I remeber that bit correctly.. Any more news I should find or indeed any of you out there about that particular point would be good to see it posted here too... Good reading...!


MemberOvomorphSep-08-2012 4:03 PM
The [url=]REAL SKINNY[/url] on Avatar 4 so far as of 08 September, 2012...
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