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Prometheus: Why We Were So Wrong

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MemberOvomorphAug-07-2012 8:16 PM
A lengthy, scathing review (for Mature Audiences) of Prometheus' sub-stellar qualities, as well as some of the highlights: [url=][/url]
7 Replies


Co-AdminMemberOvomorphAug-07-2012 9:10 PM
He's right ;-)
[url=][img][/img][/url] "Is it dead this time?" "I dunno, poke it with this stick and see."

Patient Leech

MemberFacehuggerAug-07-2012 9:42 PM
Hmm... these are the same annoying complaints that I've heard a hundred times and I still don't think they hold much water. I'll address each of his gripes one at a time ("the stuff that sucked" as he so eloquently puts): [u]The Scientists[/u]: They do things that are seemingly stupid because they are there thinking that they are meeting their benevolent creator. Shaw and Holloway are "believers" so to speak. Hence why they take their helmets off when they see that the air is breathable. [u]Humanoid Engineers[/u]: That's just this guy's opinion and I don't agree at all. Making them humanoid opened the story up for a little more of a unique science fiction canvas rather than simply another bizarre alien race. The origin of man is a far more interesting theme. And as far as the DNA being exact: ape DNA is 98 or 99% the same as human, so yeah, I can totally believe that the Engineer DNA is identical to human DNA. Why is being pale and tall so different? Blacks and Caucasians have the same DNA. It's just melanin in different amounts. [u]Tilobite[/u]: Well, I don't know for sure, but my guess is that this was the original design for the creature (looks a little closer to the facehugger we all know and love)... [img][/img] My guess is the name stuck even though they went into a little different direction with it and it ended up looking more like a squid. Not a big deal, bro. [u]Religious References[/u]: I don't understand why that's a down side. :/ It adds a little more depth. I guess you could say it makes it convoluted, but I think the religious touches are subtle enough to make them work, which is cool. It's literature. They're referencing things to give it credibility, substance. That's a [i]great[/i] thing to me. [u]Not a Standalone Film[/u]: Yeah, I agree that being familiar with [i]Alien[/i] enhances the film quite a bit. So what.. it [i]is[/i] a prequel, no matter how much Ridley likes to say it isn't. I think he just wants people to approach this one differently than they did [i]Alien[/i], which you have to.


Co-AdminMemberOvomorphAug-07-2012 10:21 PM
Patient Leech, I think that anyone going to a new alien world looking for their creators would try to uphold standard scientific rules when approaching any life-forms they discovered on the planet, and in fact I would say be extra cautious about the whole thing. No biologist I have ever met (and my cousin is a marine biologist, so I've met a few of them) would EVER approach an un-known life form, particularly one that quite obviously flared open aggressively like the Hammerpede did, they would immediately leave the creature as far away from themselves as they could and observe it to see what sort of defense mechanisms it possesses. They would NEVER attempt to touch or caress the creature, as that is just the height of stupidity and a good way to get dead. As we saw. As for the Trilobite thing, it still pisses me off that people still use the name Xenomorph, which is a type of fossil, for the Alien, and while it can be used to describe the Alien generically, it's still the name of a type of fossil, so I personally do object to the use of the word Trilobite in regards to Cuddles.
[url=][img][/img][/url] "Is it dead this time?" "I dunno, poke it with this stick and see."

Patient Leech

MemberFacehuggerAug-07-2012 10:40 PM
I did not address the Hammerpede scene specifically. I'll grant that that is a strange way to approach a new, alien lifeform. It's certainly not what [i]I[/i] would do, given the situation. But the world is made up of all kinds. You never know [i]how[/i] some people would react. But I think it's symbolic of man's constant need to push for more and more knowledge and understanding (to the point of going too far, treading toward things he has no business searching for (like "eternal life" for example ;) ). And the chances are they were probably going to die even if they crouched down into a corner, so it just sped up the process and kept the film moving. *shrug* Now, Fifield getting lost when [i]he[/i] was the one who brought the "pups" to create a 3D map of the place was dumb. That was something that should have been explained (and it probably wouldn't have taken more than a couple seconds to explain... just say that his feed to the signal was malfunctioning or something... fancy equipment gets buggy all the time, so that would be perfectly believable). So yeah, [i]that[/i] should have been explained, and seeing how superbly crafted the rest of the film is (like Ridley Scott is known for), it's strange that he missed that. I guess he just wants to leave it to our imagination.. *shrug again*


Co-AdminMemberOvomorphAug-07-2012 11:41 PM
None of the characters that were not Shaw or David really did anything that was explainable. I was just pointing out that a) a real biologist would never have done what Milburn did and b) IF Milburn WAS a biologist, why didn't he stick with the others when they discovered the DEAD BIOLOGICAL CREATURES???? You'd have thunk he'd have been all over that...............
[url=][img][/img][/url] "Is it dead this time?" "I dunno, poke it with this stick and see."


MemberOvomorphAug-08-2012 2:39 AM
Nowhere in the film does a character or machine ever say that the genetic material being compared is, in its entirety, "100% identical". We dont know exactly what elements of the identified genetic material were being tested and compared. We dont know what criteria was used to produce the "match" (match, i believe, is the term used in the film). Point is, the brainturds reviewer extrapolated information from what was objectively present in prometheus.


MemberOvomorphAug-16-2012 5:23 AM
I think the crew were handpicked because they were idiots that were to be experimented on by David. He didn't need them to fly the ship, he spent 2 years studying their dreams to learn how to manipulate them and how to predict their behavior. I suspect he drugged their air supply when they went down to the ship, the geologist is already a stoner, plan being to leave them trapped there and see what happened but some of them got out even though I think one of the vehicles was missing, must have been sent back to the ship on autopilot. David manipulated the computer to show a life form to drive the two clowns to the big head room to get infected, the timing for Vickers to come in and seduce the Capt was very suspiciously coincidental. Alien and Aliens were 'crew expendable', the same with Prometheus. Weyland didn't give a rats about them, the mission was to infect them from the start and that is what David did because that was his job.
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