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Engineer attack on Shaw.

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MemberPraetorianAug-09-2012 3:36 AM

Why didn't the Engineer simply go after Shaw before he took off in the Juggernaught? Upon waking up he seems slightly dazed as one would be after so long in cryo. Once he realises he is not alone, he appears curious, before his bout of violence, yet he looks at Shaw with a different expression, almost recognition, or empathy?

If he had wanted her dead, surely he could easily have caught her & subjected her to a similar fate as that of Weyland, Ford, & the mercenary. If he was still trying to carry out a mission, perhaps this explains why he let her escape, as he was hurrying to finish what he started.

It's only after the downing of the Juggernaught that he has little option but to head for the nearest refuge, or perhaps he really is angry at her now & does intend to kill her. As we all know there was an attack scene which was cut from the film, as it supposedly diminished the Engineer. Yet, I have always had the feeling & even more so after 4 viewings, that perhaps the Engineer wanted to communicate with Shaw & was pushing her backwards as if to say, stop a minute, I have something to tell you.

I realise I've probably got this completely wrong, women's intuition failing me, if you will which is why I've held off from posting, but it's been on my mind for a while. Just wondered if anyone else had a similar feeling about this scene?


"Let The Cosmic Incubation Begin" ~ H.R. Giger

13 Replies


MemberOvomorphAug-09-2012 7:40 AM
Yer it makes sense that he initially thought she wasnt a problem and let her go. But changed his mind after getting downed...this is not a massive plot hole/illogical part like some of the other parts! We will see another part were shaw hits the engineer in the head with an axe as he is holding her up by the neck (in the blu ray) - I think it will be apparent that he was not going to be nice!


MemberPraetorianAug-09-2012 7:49 AM
Yeah, knew I should have let go of my silly idea & not posted! *sigh* LOL


"Let The Cosmic Incubation Begin" ~ H.R. Giger


MemberDeaconAug-09-2012 10:26 AM
Well i guess a explanation would be that he was prepared to let her go. Now if you was Bob (Engineer) and if you are not psychic then you would not know who was on the Prometheus Ship you would maybe not have noticed Shaw was not on the ship. Once you get your ship rammed and crash, i guess he would notice that there is some kind of escape pod that escaped from the Prometheus. so i bet he would be very angry and would go and sort out who ever had escaped in that ship. We do not see the full scene but the full scene does look like (especially from the story board) that he confronts Shaw who has a Axe and we know he grabs her by the throat..... now i am sure he could have killed her at this point. When than have to assume Shaw hit him with the Axe that made him drop her and she scurried away on floor only for him to then get back up grab her off the floor and lift her up..... this is the point we see in the movie and prior is cut. Oh makes him look weak... well i am sure Danny Devito would have a chance with Mike Tyson if Danny had a Axe...

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphAug-09-2012 10:56 AM
...the engineer does seem a little confused about his priorities... Kill Earth... then slap around earther creature and play football with android head... return home... bake a cake... staff: Weyland Corp. Dirty Tricks and Subterfuge Department (HR) Mars


MemberPraetorianAug-09-2012 12:08 PM
meh...that'll be a big NO to my last question then! Can staff please delete my stupid thread? Thank you....


"Let The Cosmic Incubation Begin" ~ H.R. Giger


MemberOvomorphAug-09-2012 4:02 PM


MemberOvomorphAug-09-2012 6:11 PM
Please don't boo me for mentioning this, but what about telepathy? I know, telepathy, time travel etc are not alien universe kind of things, more star trekian, but what if maybe the engineers have a sort of telepathy..? The engineer takes a good look a the folks who just woke him up and he can feel that one is semi-evil, the others will shoot at any sign of malevolence, the man talking to him has no energy at all and the woman (shaw) is not friendly with the rest. Maybe he only felt something acceptable from shaw at first and the rest seemed to be a threat?
ALL generalizations are WRONG!


Art DirectorMemberOvomorphAug-09-2012 6:43 PM
Lone, I'm sure the "mercenary" is Jackson!


MemberPraetorianAug-10-2012 5:28 AM
Thanx punx, I meant Ford, AND the mercenary! Now added. :-)


"Let The Cosmic Incubation Begin" ~ H.R. Giger


MemberPraetorianAug-10-2012 5:31 AM
@Nrlfetmefan, Telepathy's a nice concept & could explain his actions!


"Let The Cosmic Incubation Begin" ~ H.R. Giger


MemberOvomorphAug-11-2012 8:49 AM
[u]Lone[/u]: Your OP was not stupid. While [u]Aurorian[/u] intentionally avoided discussing the notion that David and the Engineer had another conversation after the Juggernaut crashed I'll touch on that idea in order to tie together different ideas and scenes that did not make it into the theatrical release. We've been told that there exists a deleted scene that takes place in the "lifeboat" in which Shaw is engaged in a physical battle with the Engineer. If that's true then why would the Engineer want to kill Shaw and how did he know that she was still alive? Well, David was likely privy to the communications that passed between Shaw and Janek, so David knew that Shaw was not on the Prometheus. What David did not know was if Shaw was still alive, hence him trying to reach Shaw via his "com link" after the Juggernaut crashed. Well, what could have David told the Engineer that would concerned the Engineer? David could have told him that Shaw had been impregnated with a "non-traditional fetus" that she had somehow removed from her abdomen. We know that the Pyramid had an artificial atmosphere that supported human breathing functions. We know that the Ampule chamber contains a mural that shows images of Xenos from their infancy to adulthood and that that mural includes an image of a humanoid on a reclining table with an infant Xeno attached to the human's face. So, what happened between the Engineer waking up and him being impregnated by "Cuddles" that made him suddenly hostile to Shaw? Was it just that his ship had been rammed by the humans' ship or was it that David revealed to the Engineer the above mentioned details regarding Shaw's "pregnancy"? If the Engineers had previously used the Black Goo on humans, either on LV-223 or elsewhere, then the Engineer would realize the risk of a human female being alive near the Black Goo. I think that that is why the Engineer chose to track down Shaw. He may have also been en route to the "lifeboat" to track down the aborted "Cuddles".


MemberOvomorphAug-11-2012 1:02 PM
The engineer takes a good look a the folks who just woke him up and he can feel that one is semi-evil, the others will shoot at any sign of malevolence, the man talking to him has no energy at all and the woman (shaw) is not friendly with the rest.

Indy John

MemberOvomorphDec-03-2012 3:39 PM
Why was the Last Engineer running after Shaw? In fact how could he identify just one life form on the moon so quickly after having just suvived his own close call. If he was all about completing the mission then uncovering another Juggernaut, especially now with no opposition, would have been more in line with an Engineer who wanted to complete his mission. The David connection is a very interesting. If on one hand he wanted the Engineer to seek out David's only opposition(Shaw) but quickly realized he has no body hence no way of movement to other Juggernauts. Hmm I guess David was not ready to bring the Last Engineer into his confidence and persuade the one whoi ripped off his head to attach the body parts and go on a space tour together, Yea I would like to see that David and The Last Engineer heading back to Earth or to the Engineer's home planet.
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