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Are the Engineers really a threat?

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MemberOvomorphAug-10-2012 6:59 AM
Hello there. I am a new member of this great board, and do have my own perspective of the engineers from the movie. English is not my native tongue so some grammar, punctuation and idioms might be misspelled or incorrectly cited (sorry for that in advanced). Nevertheless: I hope you find my thoughts regarding the engineers and what kind of a threat they really are interesting or at least entertaining :) Here we go: What puzzles me the most about the engineers is the obvious low tech the engineers are using. They are not that much advanced than the technology displayed by the weyland corp. Actually: There is nothing really more advanced on those engineers at all (with the exception that they are taller, stronger and building bigger ships and devastating bioweapons (which weyland scientists could develop by themselfs as well with a similiar horrible outcome, I believe)). Look at the timeframe: The engineers seeded earth with life 3.8 billion (!) Years ago - now the prometheus crew encounters an engineer military base (of some sort) with a technology which doesn't exceed much of that of the egineers 3.8 billion years ago. Imagine: How would humankind look like in 3.8 billion years (assuming that our civilisation will last that long)? Do you think, that we would still rely on spaceships, bioweapons and direct physical violence to get rid of another race (which the humans are in the point of view of those engineers)? I highly doubt that. I am not even sure, if the "humans" in 3.8 billion years would have physical bodys at all - or would be in the need of destroying another race like the egineers intend to do with mankind. So, if those Engineers are the "first born" sentient civilisation in the universe, then they are also the only race, which is unable to advance technologicaly or biologiacly fast enough to catch up with a way more younger race like mankind definately is. As for the particular engineer of this movie and his intentions to carry out his old desire to destroy all life on earth with his payload of horrible bioweapons aboard his ship: The Universe of weyland consists out of millions of humans living on dozens of alien planets and moons in a radius of more than 3000 lightyears around earth... ... this fact renders the intention of this engineer virtualy useless, because destroying earth will not destroy his "enemy" (mankind). Mankind has invented the FTL Drive and is activly establishing numerous outposts and colonys in space rapidly - thus making mankind virtualy "immortal" as a civilisation. Sure, this engineer can not know anything about the colonys at this time - but there were standing a bunch of humans in spacesuits, firearms and with an self-made android directly in front of him. Would it be too much of a speculation, assuming that this engineer should deduct the idea, that mankind have been andvanced into a interstellar civilisation (especialy when they are manage to visit him; waking him up on a distant planet far away from earth; the origin of those creepy human creatures who just interrupted his 2000 years lasting hypersleep - and being able to do so)? Actually the actions of this engineer are a bit dumb by ignoring this completely and going nuts; starting his ship and trying to carry out a destruction plan which was planed for a mankind of the bronze age. Those engineers would have to start an interstellar war against us to have a chance in destroying us. But even then: Humans are not just sitting on their hands; waiting to get erradicated by a lunatic race ravaging through space in an effort to destroy mankind. No, the mankind of this "universe" would defend themselfs (or even fighting back - Shaw believes to know the exact position of the engineers "homeworld" - what would the military do with such a definit information? "My dear Engineer homeplanet: Say hello to a bunch of thermo-nuclear weapons from earth... and have a nice day"); they could also flee the fight with their FTL driven spaceships. What does it take to bring down an engineer spaceship? Crashing a science ship into it. What kind of a difference would have been made, if the prometheus would have been a warship of some sort?... ... those engineers are actually no threat at all to mankind. Just a hostile lunatic old race from outer space who believes to be superior to us (which they obviously don't). Just my opinion regarding those engineers :) Greetings Tristan
24 Replies


MemberOvomorphAug-10-2012 7:53 AM
Well there is still an argument to whether the engineers started life on this planet or others or they merely alter the DNA so the time frame is debatable. I also argued (in previous threads) that even 100 years would see the engineers change dramatically with there skills of bio-engineering let alone thousands or millions or billions! The only explanation I have for this is they have a very strong religious order that essentially keeps the engineers almost the same while say maybe the elders / other things in this empire change more ? And we also dont know whether the engineers were helping us or getting us ready like a crop or to destroy us thanks to the totally open way the story was - and the only reason people are still hanging around that didn't like it!


MemberOvomorphAug-10-2012 7:45 AM
Hello Tristan! Welcome. There are many aspects of your post that I could debate, but I'll keep it to a minimum. About your perception of their technological level. I don't think that we know enough about their race to assume a position of their tech level or capabilities. They obviously have a much greater understanding of genetic engineering than we humans. They also have a greater understanding of space travel, propulsion and interstellar ship building. We cannot assume that we are on par with them on any level technologically speaking. Yes we may have nukes to throw at them, but based on what we have seen of their technology, I wouldn't want to go head first into a shooting war with them...who knows what they have to throw back. I think that we know so little about them and that we really do not know their level of understanding about us. When the engineer is woken up by us, he overpowers everyone and then takes off without any regard for what we may know or can possibly do to stop him. I think that he vastly underestimates the human will to survive or the extent we will go to protect our own. This to me is why he/they come across a bit dumb and nearsighted. If he had taken a moment to analyze the situation, the engineer could have easily prevented his own demise. He did not however and decided to take off without any regard for what we might throw at him...the Prometheus science vessal. I am going to only touch base on that at this point, bu if your thread gathers more interest, I'll bet that someone will elaborate on their opinions about your points regarding engineer evolution over billions of years etc.
ALL generalizations are WRONG!


MemberOvomorphAug-10-2012 8:03 AM
You are right, but the technology visible (2000 years old - at least in the movie) from those engineers are not this marvelous. I have no other choice than relying on this what is displayed of their technology in the movie (I don't know what theiy are capable of above that level of technology; so this relys completely to the field of speculation). And why should someone restrain themselfs for 3.8 billion years of advancement? It is implausible to believe, that they would have advanced in the last 2000 years more as they did in the 3.8 billion years before. That is the point I try to define. :) As for the nukes: Yes, a first strike would be a bad Idea. With "fighting back" I mean that we are commiting a counterstrike (so they have to strike us first before we should do a genocidal (is that the correct term?) act against them and "making" their homeplanet "familiar" with our level of advancement in thermonuclear weaponry). ;) Biotech: Well... it's the year 2093/2094... and genetics are definately more advanced than it is today. That brings up another implausible point of the movie: At this time the genetic problem of getting old should'nt be so problematic as it is stated in the movie. In fact: Todays scientists believe, that the effects of age would be lowered a lot at this time. Peter Weyland very old - but he doesn't reflect the actual advancement genetics would have seen by this. It's an inaccuracy in this movie which is a plotpoint needed to tell the story in this particular manner (So acutally I am not critizising this from a dramativ point of view). I didn't see any Engineer-Androids in the movie - that's a bit odd too.


MemberOvomorphAug-10-2012 8:11 AM
@Crabfart (is that really your nickname? ;) ): Yeah, I remember seeing "green" on some landscapes at the beginning of the movie. Algy? Some kind of plant life for sure. So you are right: Engineers didn't seed life on earth (or they did - a long time before this engineer sacrificed himself into the waterfall). But even when we take this cut in time into account: multicelular lifeforms which crawled the landmasses have appeared between 380 million to 420 million years ago. Even then: They didn't advanced much (or even at all). Even strong religion ordenance would'nt last that long to restrain the advancment of a whole interstellar race like the engineers are (interstellar civilisation means: isolated from the rest of the galaxy for a relative long time - word don't spread fast enough to keep all those distant engineer planets restrained in the same manner, as they might have been at the first place. At least one "tribe" of engineers must have thought in this long timeframe "Nah - enough of the restrainings! I want to advance in to a real godlike creature which evolution or direct manipulation could offer me!"). And: I do like this movie a lot - just have some thoughts about certain plotpoints which makes me scratch my head :) ;)


MemberOvomorphAug-10-2012 10:35 AM
Sharks haven't changed much in hundreds of millions of years of evolution. I'll bet that if you found life on a planet that has oceans, there would be something that looks very much like a Great White. They have, in a sense, reached the pinnacle of evolution for the environment that they inhabit. Maybe something similar is going on with the Engineers. They themselves are likely to be engineered, by themselves or another. Maybe "The Designer" thinks he has something that can't be improved upon, and maybe it's a direction that humans are heading.
The most terrifying fact about the universe is not that it is hostile but that it is indifferent


MemberOvomorphAug-10-2012 11:05 AM
@ZZPlural: That is an interesting point! In fact some scientists do think the same about us humans. They say our brain is not getting bigger because of the transmission distances between the neurons which would be lower in efficiency with a bigger brain; thus humans are not likely to evolve much further. That's just a speculation, but a fascinating one. As for non changing life: Besides the Sharks (which did alter a lot the past several millions of years) there is a more dramatic halt in advancement regarding a lifeform: Single Cellular Organisms. The first 3.2 Billion years of life on earth exactly nothing happened within the oceans. No multicellular organisms for 3.2 billion years. And then: Boom! The so called cambric "explosion" generated a vast amount of different multicellular species. The reason for this almost sudden change in earthbound evolution is vastly unknown... but drastic enviromental changes are in the talks to have caused this cambric explosion of different species (there were some very odd creatures among those early cambric multicellular lifeforms who did not fall into the categorys such as "animals" or "plants" or "fungee"... the three main distinctions of todays lifeforms - so actually there were once 'alien-like' life on earth (but not from outer space) - it just died out). It's more convenient to be a single cell organism than to be a multicell. Long story short: Yes, there are circumstances wherein life stagnates for a long period of time without any dramatic changes at all. But multicellular life usually alters over time. Evolution never stops - that's actually the beauty of this :) So if the engineers did not evolve - then this halt in evolution is caused by purpose (e.g.: All by themselfes).


MemberOvomorphAug-10-2012 11:13 AM
Wow... there are a lot of words here... I just wanted to say welcome aboard and I hope you enjoy it here...there are a lot new movies coming out and this network of forums will be showcasing them just like this site. staff: Weyland Corp. House Warming and Gift Shop Icarus Merchant Ship


MemberOvomorphAug-10-2012 11:23 AM
Thank you :) And: Yeah - I do talk a lot ;) ;)


MemberDeaconAug-10-2012 11:41 AM
Well there is a lot we dont know about the Engineers. 1) We dont know what there Home World looks like, what ships they have, what tech they have, we do not know how more advanced they are compared to the tech we see on LV 223. 2) We also do not know if the Engineers are the supreme creators and first intelligent race or only other one besides mankind. And indeed if the Engineers are themselves a creation by some other race or being. 3) Prometheus did not state how long ago Earth was seeded by the Engineers. 4) We dont know how old the Engineer race may be, they may only be Millions of years old, there Tech is highly advanced, and we do not know who advanced mankind would be in so many years, as hell many movies even as far as 80's predicted we would have flying Cars by now and not rely on Fossil Fuels. 5) While it states that Weyland had been colonizing planets it would be safe to assume we dont know how many and how far they have come in their task. It would also be safe to assume that Prometheus mission is by far the furthest that Mankind had traveled. And that we have yet as of Prometheus not found intelligent life on other worlds. 6) 2000 years ago when the Engineers was about to try to wipe out mankind, mankind was no threat we had no Space Travel, maybe they saw how far we would advance and what our race had became and decided we needed to be stopped then, because if we was allowed to advance to the level of FTL Travel we would be a major threat to the Galaxy. 7) Maybe the Engineer never wanted us all dead, maybe he had pity and he indeed was the reason that the mission 2000 years ago failed, but after he saw how far we had came and how we are a greedy race who want to use the Engineers Tech to become like Gods, he knew then that his brothers were correct and mankind must be stopped. 8) Safe to assume had he got to Earth and deployed the Black Goo Bio Weapon, then not much of Mankind would escape. Maybe not enough to pose as greater threat as would if let alone to advance more. 9) The concept work showed many kinds of craft the Engineers have, and we do not see any weapons on the Derelict but we can not say for sure that they dont have any cannons etc, i would assume their purpose is simply Cargo Craft. If some rogue nation created a disease that is contained in Water that when released would spread and pass as fast as Flu or the Common Cold and its effects are far worse than Ebola and it has no cure, if this rogue nation wanted to use this against the USA they would not need Warplanes they only need Cargo planes or some other craft that can ship and then drop barrels of the infected water onto the land or into the Waters of the USA. 10) We do not know if they reached near perfection as far as some Tech Goes, the Term goes if its not broken dont fix it. Why do we use Forks for Eating? Has the Soccer/Football really evolved much over the years. some devices have reached there perfection as far as their purpose and they do not need improving as they are good enough for the task at hand. Take the Mirror same Tech as it has been for many many years.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberDeaconAug-10-2012 11:53 AM
@Tristan We have to remember this is a movie and is not going to be factual, if we go by the Bible then hey its all irrelevant as all life and plants was created on Earth 6000 years ago... So while some aspects of the movies creation scenario does not tie in with what science says as far as how old the Earth and its first forms of life are , it does not matter. Here is food for thought, the Earth or what ever planet the Sacrifice Engineer had Sacrificed himself on; had water, it had trees. It had oxygen etc. It was terraformed. Here is the thing, we do not know if they created all life... all we saw was that it was trying to link that the Sacrificial Engineers DNA was dissolved onto a material that could mutate and change and somehow Mankind at very least had evolved from this process. Take a look at the Black Goo in Prometheus, it never really created any life, all it did was mutate the lifeforms it came into contact with into Organisms that had some traits of the Original Xeno. This depended on the interaction with the Goo. We never saw what would had became of Holloway, as far as Fifield well the concept works all had a more Xeno influenced look to them, the actual Fifield they used was more Toxic Avenger, it was bland but maybe they went for that look so as that the movie did not contain too much Xeno DNA until the end of the movie. There was indeed many ideas for what Fifield would change into and most of them looked very Alien. If we look at that idea and look at all the concept work for the Black Goo mutations then indeed yes the Goo seems to mutate the victims DNA into something that has Xeno DNA.... Now Humans carry Engineer DNA which makes me think that the substance the Sacrificial Engineer had taken broke down his DNA and this DNA mutated early lifeforms on Earth to take on Engineer or Mammal DNA. I thus think that the stuff in the Urns is not the same as what the Engineer drank at the start of the movie, but indeed that the same stuff/process that happened to him was used on Xenos to break there DNA down and contain it inside those Urns.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphAug-10-2012 12:19 PM
@BigDave: Thanks for your answer :) 1.) Yeas. But we do know what the technology looks like in the movies. Thats the only hint we got. And this technology might be a bit more advanced than those of the humans in Prometheus (but not much, as I pressume). 2.) That's correct. But: It is not important at all. If they got "created" doesn't answer the question of their motivations. 3.) The Beginning of the movie indicates, that the engineer "seeded" earth with DNA (not RNA but real DNA). Following back this trail - and assuming, earth was in "need" to get seeded with DNA - it must have been at least 420 Million years ago. If there were DNA already on earth: Why seeding it with? 4.) We are 0.77 on the Kardashev Scale (Type 0; which actually doesn't exist on this scale). The Human Society (a interstellar society) in this movie is somewhere between Type 1.8 to Type II Civilisation. The Engineers seems to be stuck at Type II and not advancing to Type III. There is no need to assume, that we would stop at Type II. Fosile Fuel usage will go down in the 50 years to come... Kardashev Type I we are coming! :) 5.) We can state this for sure: The official Website of this Movie has a very interesting "space simulator" wherein one can "fly" (with the mousewheel) all the way down to the most remote Outpost of the weyland colonized uiniverse: In the Section "Discover New Worlds" you'll see how far those guys imagined their weyland universe (its fun to play with). About 200 Million people living outside the earth on dozens of alien (colonized) planets, spreaded over a radius of more than 3000 Lightyears. The Engineers would have to wipe out those colonys as well - Earth would just be the first step to do so. 6.) Exactly! And that's why those engineers should reconsider their plans in attacking mankind. It's a difference destroying a bronze age society, or a interstellar society like the weyland universe displays with ca. 200 Million people living NOT on Earth ;) The aggressive action of the engineer (the holographic display of earth on his spaceships bridge depicts a course leading directly to earth) is just not a good move; tactical speaking. Pissing off a interstellar society which are in the possession of such weapons like nuclear warheads is not a good idea - we are no longer roman spear-throwers ;) 7.) Possibly. Would make them more human. 8.) Well, as I said: 200 Million might not be such a thread than 12 Billion people on earth at this time. But: At least there is enough high tech out there on enough habitable worlds, to spüread out enough people to regain power and fight back. All in all: Earth is not enough (now THAT would be a good title for a James Bond Movie - don't ya think? ;) ). 9.) I would assume: If they got bioweapons for the purpose of destroying a whole species like us humans, then they would definately have more than just cannons in their arsenals... I would expect a superweapon of at least the yield of the strongest nuke possible to build. The Egineers wouldn't be an easy prey to catch. But the same counts for us. That's for sure. 10.) But there is a difference between a fork and a space ship. You could state the same with a wooden spear: It's accurate and efficient enough to kill an enemy... nevertheless: The Handgun had been invented anyway. There are more than just one reason why develompent of space travel should be pushed and improved with future inventions. ;) Thanks again for your answer - very interesting and reasonable points (thats the way discussion do make a lot of fun) :) :) Greetz Tristan


MemberOvomorphAug-10-2012 12:34 PM
@BigDave: Yes. You are right with everthing of your last posting. Yes... all this logical inaccuracy does not cut the fun of the movie. And it's not my intention to say "this movie is bad because this or that makes no sense" - otherwise i could not be a fan of Star Trek, Farscape and this TV Show called "eureka" which I really like. My girlfriend said about prometheus: "No! Not another Alien-Movie!" And I said: "What!? C'mon - it's fun! Really" She: "Everything have to be Alien with you!" Well I have to say, she likes movies like "you got mail" which I am... well... not very "fond" of (ya know? But don't tell her - she's stronger than me ; ) ). What I wanna say is this: Yeah! This Movie is great and I am eager to see the next one. I just discuss the logical inaccuracies and enjoying to do so. And I love to see the opinions of others like you. That doesn't mean this movie is bad - It's actually quite the opposite :)


MemberOvomorphAug-10-2012 2:19 PM
Good questions Tristan I definitely think we're a threat to them because of how fast we've advanced, even since the neolithic, and I agree they may not have changed too much over time. We were already starting Empires on earth 2000 years ago, now Weyland almost has an Empire in space. But for this movie we were dealing with themes around kingdoms. The line of succession, king inevitably dying, Weyland corp being the kingdom/body of the company and Weyland the former "head". The head the Engineers worship may have been a great past king or a past king who led them to war with the gods. The Engineers seem to have become more warlike and I really think the bioweapons are not only for us but also for some other group. The numerous mythologies referenced in the movie that contain multiple groups rebelling against and fighting the others in the hierarchy almost makes me certain that there will be more groups or at least factions. I don't think the Engineers were necessarily trying to seed human life. I'll say it again Atlanteans. The tall advanced humanoid ones who created mermaids and monsters in the greek myths, precede us and were originally said to be very human. I think we're a byproduct of the first Earth kingdom being set up, and they were only starting a new Engineer colony/kingdom for their empire. That's how they reproduce, sacrifice one and give birth to a whole kingdom of servants. Servants who rebelled and launched a war against the heavens/greater empire like the fallen angels and mysteriously disappeared from the Earth when their island kingdoms vanished. Leaving some survivors on and around the earth to interact with our ancient civilizations. They were an earlier round of humanity also created by the gods/ titans, who misused their science/ the fire. Survived after the king died and their civilization on Earth vanished, became more warlike and took to the heavens to challenge the creator. They at one point acted like the titans, wanting humanity to have knowledge as well. But the engineers were being more like the snake in the garden of eden at that point. Only trying to make us eat from the tree of knowledge and showing us the way to bring us into their war against the gods and use us as they see fit. Because they now think we deserve to be punished as they were when they became more warlike. They've seen how we've started to build our empires and know we may become a challenge to them. And they're still not at the top of the hierarchy as they wish to be so they have to annihilate/use any groups they perceive as inferior but on the way up. They Atlantean Engineers were punished for misusing their science which is a totally different thing, but in line with the overall themes. The surviving Engineer we met in the film actually had gills on him... As our older brothers, and us the younger ones they're jealous of, they still wished to lead us to their war against the fathers. Now, however they simply wish to punish us in their own way, emulating the father by creating something new out of us... and want to make us an actual part of the bioweapon they use in the war against the creators of us and them. We never saw what crawled out of the ocean first. I think all life on Earth is a byproduct of their reproduction method and their genetics altering everything else on Earth but reproducing the Engineers as the mythical kings of Atlantis who were punished for taking their science too far, or mostly destroyed themselves with it. A paradise servant kingdom to the gods that eventually rebelled and had to be wiped out on Earth before Zeus overthrew the Titans and made sure humans would never get the fire. While the humans were spared the Atlanteans/Engineers were forced out of the garden as the paradise was destroyed. The survivors left the earth to attempt to kill our father, the true creators. But they've gone stagnant because they're locked in a millions of years long war with them. They constantly use their technology against them to fight fire with fire and have turned to trying to use us as part of their war against the heavens. They started emulating the true gods. Wanting to punish worlds as they were punished in the past on earth and on other worlds. Only now they do so in their own way instead of trying to completely wipe out the failed experiments, they probably want us as part of the bioweapon as David hints. They're jealous of us their younger brothers because we got to live in their past kingdom, and the Elders didn't punish us as severely as they did them and the Titans. After we followed them and after the garden the Gods left for us was destroyed through their machinations angering the Elders in charge. When the Paradise on earth was lost, and they were forced to slither out of the garden to retreat to the other Paradise worlds who wished to rebel against the greater Empire. Like Lawrence in Lawrence of Arabia David learned much about the groups and empires he would be dealing with before setting out. And he learned more than just the engineer culture and language and their true position in the hierarchy and empire (an Empire only he knows about from cross-analyzing the myths and hieroglyphs, and then didn't inform Weyland they were not gods). Really he aims to unite them against an Empire like in Lawrence of Arabia and will become King David in a sense, and then Emperor David... “It’s about the beginning of life and the eternal ‘what if’.’ Has this ball we’ve been sitting on right now been around for three billion years or one billion? And if we haven’t been pre-visited (by alien civilisations), then what was this planet doing for all that time before life came along? It’s only our arrogance that says, ‘No, it’s impossible, we’re the first ones.’ Are we the first hominids? I really, really, really doubt it. In recent memory or legend we keep talking about wonderful, weird things such as Atlantis – what is that? Where does that come from? Is that real, was it real, is it a memory, did it exist? And if that did exist, did it exist three quarters of a billion years ago? There’d be nothing left now. How was that created and who was it?”

David 1

MemberOvomorphAug-10-2012 4:50 PM
Hi mate: My personal position in the matter is that a Civilization with million years of advancement over Humanity would be unrecognizable to the point of maybe having no interest at all with newer civilizations. Maybe they have grown, declined, grown again, changed, moved on...
[b]Ask nothing from no one. Demand nothing from no one. Expect nothing from no one.[/b]


MemberOvomorphAug-11-2012 3:49 PM
@Mala 'Kak: Thanks for your answer. I understand your point (and I have to admit, that I did not conceive it this way). As an agnostic atheist I have a problem linking metaphysical concepts into this matter, but I do understand the overall speculation about their motivations. Thing is: A war which lasts millions of years? That sounds a bit unlikely. But I do understand the need of those concepts because the filmmakers wanted it this way (so I'm cool with that). :) - @David 1: Well, yes... that's actually what I try to say. A Type III civilisation would so much more advanced than we are, that we would'nt even be able to talk to them (the old paradox of "try to explain einsteins theory of relativity to... an ant!") - it would be pretty much the same with us and a Type III civilisation who might be interested in teaching us a very complex concept of space (or whatever) itself. We might not be able to understand them in any way. In the wake of this concept the egineers are really not advanced in any way - they are stuck at almost the same level of advancement for at least several hundred millions of years. Should we be pity on them? Maybe... but in the end: We do not have this problem at all. And this makes us very dangerous - to them. ... well... that might be the reason why they want us to get killed. They are afraid of us.


MemberOvomorphAug-12-2012 3:51 PM
Sorry if I missed this being talked about but I didn't have time to read it all but. Yes what I was talking about with them not advancing was that either the elders or this god like being (which is'nt the creator of the universe type god) which ridley has already talked about being in future parts. Has been keeping the engineers from developing via a religious kind of order as such - the engineers are maybe clones or slaves kept in order so as not to challenge the higher beings controlling them possibly? Anyway we shall find out in the next1 / 2 parts. And yes if they were allowed to developed they would be way more advanced or varied this is why I thought this must be one of the only explanations.


MemberDeaconAug-12-2012 2:40 PM
Some interesting ideas. And yes i agree i think there is a lot to the story we do not know about, i think indeed yes the Engineers and Elders may not be the main creators and yes they may had been at war with their creators and created us for some reason. Or they created us without the consent of their creators the Engineers are thus Prometheus stealing the fire to create mankind. Who knows hopefully Prometheus 2 and 3 will touch upon a similar idea. As i said the idea may had been to wipe us out years ago before we had learned to travel with and amongst the Stars. This never happened and for some reason the Engineer who woke up had changed his mind, or even continued the failed mission (but then why not do so in past?) So yes while Weyland may have colonies in space, the Engineer may not have been aware of how many we have and even so he would know that the majority of our species are on Earth and that he could wipe us out or least attempt to, than led mankind advance and thrive. We do not know as far as Prometheus goes how far in space mankind had colonized the movie does not say. It appears that in context of the movie that at that point mankind had not yet detected life on other Worlds certainly not advanced life. As far as the Ship we only see one in Prometheus that the Juggernaut in detail we do see a glimpse of the Saucer at the beginning but not much and the concept work suggest the Engineers have many kinds of ship. So the Juggernauts purpose is to carry Cargo across Space, this it appears it can do to a satisfactory level. We have to assume it can travel the stars far more faster than Prometheus could, or else why would Shaw say if we dont stop it there wont be any home to get back to. If Prometheus could get to Earth faster or as fast it could warn Earth who could send out Battle Ships (if we have them by then) to stop the Juggernaut. This i feel in context of the movie was the point, that the Juggernaut would reach Earth way before Prometheus could get back and send a warning. We can not assume how far mankind would advance to in years to come, yes if Evolution is correct we have advanced from Apes, but then really can we advance to a level where we are like Gods without need for physical bodies? Which brings me to timeline and Evolution it is a movie and so has Science discards the Bible creation story as not true due to evidence of life being Millions of years old. We do not know as far as this movie how many years ago the Sacrificial Engineer scene was. Or if it showed the creation and seed of all life, or just the DNA that would mutate life into either other life like Mammals etc, or indeed if it mutated Mammals into mankind. Most of the questions asked on this thread may be answered in Prometheus 2.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphAug-13-2012 7:25 AM
@BigDave: Yes. That's right. This Engineer (Juggernaut) must have the impression he could be faster than the humans. But: How did he know that? What makes him so sure about this? He didn't even analyse the situation directly following his awakening (he actually does not know anything enough about the humans at this time - except, that they are advanced enough to visit him on his moon/Planet to be able to wake him up). And: Is this really the truth? What if there is a universal principle that FTL Drive only have one speed - or do have a speed limit like the speed of light has a limit? And why should'nt we already reached that maximum FTL speed (which the engineer could'nt be aware of either)? We can't answer those questions because the filmmakers never really explained how FTL Drive works in the movie (unlike in Star Trek where a whole Theory is established - or in reality... the Alcubiere Metric is a way to achieve a "warpfield" (but will never work like in star trek)). And for the theory that the engineers have created us for their eternal war against their creators: It's not likely, because it took millions of years to evolve from our ape like ancestors to the modern humans. It's actually not efficient constructing a species which needs to evolve a whole eternity to get ready to join the fight against their creators. Think of it: What would you do, if you would be in need of an army and have the ability to create it through genetics? Would you seed a planet with your DNA and say "Okay, that's it... letz check back in some hundred millions of years and hope that it will be successful!"? Possibly... but very unlikely. At least I wouldn't do it that inefficient way. No, something more is going on here - something which Ridley Scott is not telling us. And that's why we rely on speculations ;)


MemberDeaconAug-13-2012 10:33 AM
Yeah i agree i never brought two ideas about our creation and being host for Xenos. They are... 1) We was seeded to eventually be used as hosts for the Xeno... dont buy it. 2) The message was a trap set for when we can find the temple on LV 223 so we can then get ourselves infected.... dont buy it. As far as the Engineer intentions when he woke up from Cryosleep well we dont know the full deal, because there apparently is a longer version of the conversation with David in which its a two way dialog if this is the case then this deleted scene would answer a lot of questions.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphAug-13-2012 11:44 AM
Exactly :) At least we do know of two more species which can be hosts to the Xenos: A Dog and a Cow (the Cow thing has been deleted from Alien 3 and was replaced woth the dog theme - but in an extended Version there is a full fletched VFX "birth" of a Xeno crawling directly out of a Cows belly). In the history of life on earth there were hundreds of thousands of species which could have been host to the xenos. So, you are absolutely right: The whole "they need us as hosts for xenos" is declined by the franchise storyline itself. The most plausible speculation why they created us is this: They did this not with the intention to create men, but with the intention to mimic their masters/creators. And just want us to die because mankind is just an accident which could compete with them (the engineers). Well, something like that would make a bit of sense. But if this is the case, then the engineer from Prometheus did the mistake in believing destroying men on earth would destroy them all... which is not likely because they were advanced enough to visit him on his remote moon (thus making it likely that makind has reached and colonized other planets). But maybe he was just nuts - that's not really unlikely because he behaved like a madman. ;)

Indy John

MemberOvomorphJan-21-2013 7:28 PM
"..What puzzles me the most about the engineers is the obvious low tech the engineers are using..." I pulled these few words from the thread heading. In all of the threads since i don't think this issue jas not fully addressed. I mean except for the Juggernaut and maybe the orrery almost all then other tech stuff...including the goo could have been designed, planned discovered by eartrhlings Maybe even Weyland Corp.. How hi tech is it for an Engineer to throw around the crew to get his way? This is the result of 1,000,000,000 timeline? It more like what we are seeing on this LV-223 moon is what a higher being is presenting to our crew so they can comprehend a Universal story. Like the Creators are dumbing down the tech so our charactirs can understand this part of the human story. And since have sort of passed the test now Shaw/David can advance to the next level to see truly amazing technology and evolved species. Where this leads to and how it ties into our Alien movie is yet to be seen. If LV-223 is showing the low tech stuff,,please bring on the real high tech stuff our fans deserve to see.
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life


MemberOvomorphJan-21-2013 9:48 PM
The space jockeys would make great bouncers. That's about the limit of their abilities.

Indy John

MemberOvomorphJan-21-2013 9:54 PM
Yea i would like to see it's resume: Pilot and Bouncer.
Be choicelessly aware as you move through life


MemberOvomorphJan-21-2013 10:06 PM
Truck driver might be better than pilot. And the truck belongs to someone else.
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