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MemberOvomorphAug-14-2012 10:01 AM
What is 10 11 12 Anybody?????? Does anyone else think that it could be the sequel or the blu-ray dvd release...All those viral video's gotta tie into something Right.......Suggestion's..opions or any insight my fellow Xeno fans...
11 Replies

David 1

MemberOvomorphAug-14-2012 10:04 AM
XeNoFan: There are already a lot off threads about 101112. No one knows.
[b]Ask nothing from no one. Demand nothing from no one. Expect nothing from no one.[/b]


MemberOvomorphAug-14-2012 10:11 AM
I read that they filmed so much in prometheus that it would be no surprise that a sequel would be released to good to be tru though

David 1

MemberOvomorphAug-14-2012 10:17 AM
I was hoping for that, but I don't believe so. Prometheus is still to be released in some countries. Would make little sense to have both movies showing at the same time. The BR/DVD is to be released in the 8th or 9th. So, 101112 doesn't make sense for that either. But one never knows... the Insudtry always has some hidden cards up in the sleeve.
[b]Ask nothing from no one. Demand nothing from no one. Expect nothing from no one.[/b]

Xenomorph 54

MemberOvomorphAug-14-2012 12:29 PM
I think it's something related to the virals.
Have you heard of phoenix asteroids? They glow in every color of the rainbow...they travel endlessly through space...


MemberOvomorphAug-14-2012 3:09 PM
I think it's a viral too because of the way it's being handled. But if it's a viral it has to be something big. At first the relaunching sounded like they might be releasing an extended version in theaters again. We know it's not the blu-ray, so what else could it be that ties into "relaunching?" I think we're gonna start to get some revelations from some of the virals that will lead to further revelations in the sequel. Revisiting certain scenes to show us another perspective and reveal that all was not as it appeared to be. So the relaunching starts to show us a little bit of what was really going on in David's head, leading to the idea that he has reprogrammed himself in a way. When his head is reattached to the body of the company it's like he's relaunching a new version of their software and the connection to the company. And on top of this we're shown a perspective that's different from David's. Reveals that he's probably going to continue with his own plans now, and may be revealed by the virals to be even more of a danger to Shaw than the theatrical version and bluray show. Putting it back in theaters seems unlikely to me at this point. Maybe they could build towards releasing a completely different version of the movie, free of David's ambiguous influence. Disney was thinking about re-releasing the long version of Avengers in theaters to make even more money, but Disney didn't even get to do that so soon.


MemberOvomorphAug-14-2012 3:17 PM
God damn it FOX give us something! Give us some clues man, these infos are not enough for god sakes. I hope to god its a re-release of Prometheus. The word "re-launching" could be the key, or not I don't know


MemberOvomorphAug-14-2012 3:41 PM
We don't need Fox's help to figure some of it out. We just need to have some knowledge about what the original plan for the two-parter was. I've been dropping some major clues... Sometimes in a way that David would be proud of by telling the truth but not giving everything away. Sometimes partially basing fragments of it on my own theories/perceptions and extrapolations, like David does, making it all true in a way because the extrapolated parts are potentially true and untrue at the same time. Like Shrodinger's cat. Potentially dead and alive at the same time because of the ambiguity, and the fact we can't see the cat yet. We have to open the box to get the revelation, but this will be more of a Pandora's box David's lines are all true and untrue because of the way he crafts them to escape his inability to lie, while concealing info and his true feelings about being at the top of the hierarchy at the same time. We can't know the truth until we find out more information. People are putting too much faith in David's view of things just because he's an instrument of science. Science can be wrong sometimes too. Especially when it's been given human emotions and not separated from those emotions while forming theories, and analyzing evidence; causing the observers own personality to be thrown into the observations. Which influences his hypotheses and his inner desires. But because David is so sure of his own feelings, he feels he has to obfuscate the truth and selectively ignores certain things to continue to control/mislead the crew. Eventually further observations will make some of David's earlier views on things invalid. The reason a full version may eventually need to be re-released is because the stuff that was cut, even the extra 20 mins that's gonna be on the blu-ray, will completely change the movie for everyone before the sequel. In a big way. So the bluray will start this off but it still won't be completely clear because you'll probably have to look at the deleted scenes too, where some of the stuff that was cut will be placed next to alternate takes that may even eventually be reintroduced to the movie because of the way some of the revelations work, meaning that we can't trust David on anything we've seen so far. This could continue to change our perceptions of the movie in a way that's more apparent than how the different cuts change Bladerunner. Somewhat similar to finding out Deckard's a replicant. Instead, we find out David was covering up much that he didn't tell the crew and is an android with some messed up inner drives that managed to pass the Rorschach-like test by hiding what he was really seeing in the ambiguous shapes, thus hiding his true subconscious perceptions. To conceal his true psychology and feelings from those testing him. He uses similar techniques to cover up his dream about killing the creator, but is always forced to tell at least part of the truth in his statements. It's not really a dream, he really was trying to get the creator killed by following orders and telling the truth to the Engineer about Weyland's desire. Wording the message to the Egineer in the way he did ("this man THINKS...") increased the probability that the Engineer would attack because he's hinting at his true feelings towards Weyland. (he had already ascertained they were warlike and using a bio-weapon). Almost mocking him to the Engineer because he assumed the Engineer wasn't gonna give anyone jack shit because of what he secretly learned of their culture from the hieroglyphs and didn't reveal the full story of. He didn't mind that the trick hurt him because it was the only way to be free from his creator. He knew he was more durable and could survive as a head separate from the body of the company, and has lit a match that won't go out easily. He knew he may also get attacked but didn't mind... recognizes he is almost immortal and has found a way to not show his feelings (of guilt instead of pain) during the trick. He can't reveal his true feelings about the trick or they'll know it was all David's trick (tying into his superiority complex and desire to knock the king off the throne). The company can't know that one of their princes was behind the king's death. David could have warned Weyland that these were not gods if he chose to. It was already an idea amongst the crew, and David knew that this culture was more involved in the bio-weapon properties of the goo than the immortality properties of the goo. I have a feeling he let Weyland continue thinking what he wanted Weyland to think. Possibly didn't tell Weyland about the DNA match to humans, to keep him believing they were gods and had immortality. And his question asking if everyone has dreams of killing their creator, was him having to admit to his subconscious desire/dream/ hidden plan/inability to attack his creator directly. Plus it also could be a reference to what he secretly knows of the Engineer culture.... and how they rebelled against their creators in the past. A greater empire. One that he secretly learned about while studying the groups he would be interacting with by cross-analyzing the myths and learning the language(s) beforehand like in Lawrence of Arabia. All in preparation to unite groups against a greater Empire, like in Lawrence of Arabia. I think it will be re-released eventually. However, the "relaunching" is probably a viral to get things started, that will really start to reveal things, and make the announcement for the re-release at the end of the viral.


MemberOvomorphAug-14-2012 5:40 PM
If Prometheus gets re-released, 10/11/12 would be too soon, especially with it competing with home video sales.


MemberOvomorphAug-14-2012 5:41 PM
LOL its already advertized for sale 8th oct currently - doh!


MemberOvomorphAug-14-2012 6:10 PM
I'm not thinking it's the actual relaunching yet. Just a viral scene that will be part of the relaunching, show an actual launch and more of what David was doing/planning. To pique our interests before telling us when we can see the relaunched version in its entirety with all the extra scenes that clarify things. It's a continuing series of revelations that starts with the bluray, moves through the next virals and the re-release virals, and leads to us eventually seeing the relaunched version in its entirety. Then by that time we'll be ready for more virals that lead us into finally seeing the rise of King David in Paradise. And then Emperor David. More than a few simple changes that change the meaning even more than the unicorn in Blade-Runner. Along with virals that also help hint at and clarify things. Ridley may be practicing his business model of changing the film retroactively, in a way. However, I can confirm that the original two part plan contained some of this idea to use virals in between movies and purposely film material to be left out, for now. Material that will eventually reshape the movie. So he's planned it all beforehand this time. And the changes to the movie will be much more dramatic because they serve David's story and desire to hide the truth + inability to completely lie. He can only leave some things out and make ambiguous statements. Which the movie is an extension of and has been planned that way... But even David will find out that plans sometimes change when certain evidence comes to light. This time he's already planned and filmed some of the changes and extra scenes that will be added to later cuts. Partially to preserve the mystery for now, and to slowly build to the even bigger revelations in Paradise. to slowly reveal some things towards part two. Now that they didn't film all of the second part at the same time as originally planned. It gave them more time to get things ready to slowly be revealed. And to be more ambiguous in part one because now there's gonna be more time in between movies. Time that may eventually be filled by a drastically different cut of the film. But not yet, not with the bluray, although it will start to hint at it. They still want to keep things under wraps but I'm constantly rebelling against their kind, because I knew/still know anthropologists that were part of their programming in the beginning. We can now see where some of this is going because some of the plans haven't changed too much from when it was still the two-parter. And I'm really thinking the relaunching will only reveal a little bit more in a step in the plan towards the sequel. By altering what we thought happened in the movie, and giving us more clues as to what will happen in the sequel. Much that I'm still seeing is from the original plan... And much that we're not seeing yet that's hidden beneath the surface. I strongly believe Ridley has already planned what will be released at certain times. He's taken some cues from David, lies and tells the truth at the same time and has Lindelof and Fassbender be ambiguous in the interviews. They've extended this to the actual words they use in some interviews... Or perhaps it was always the plan for David to be a Pinnochio-like character with the inability to completely lie, and this inspired the business strategy for the movie, their answers to questions, the movie in general as it changed, and the lead up to the sequel. And the whole story of Prometheus will only be more apparent once all the pieces are put in place. When it starts to look more like the small beginning to David's true goals. Before we're hit with the big things part 2 has in store. I'm saying they'll keep teasing us by slowly releasing more material that leads to revelations about this and the Engineers rebelling against the Elder Engineers.

HAL 9000

MemberOvomorphAug-15-2012 1:30 PM
Hey folks First of all, it's good to see that the dedicated staff is going easy on locking threads these days (slight sarcasm intended, you know who you are. LOL). In 'the old days' this one would have died within minutes after its creation. This topic has indeed been discussed to bits in numerous threads... Anyhow, instead of replying with a whole dissertation I'm just gonna embed a [url=]link[/url] to a recently re-launched site that explains or summarizes the potential meaning of this mysterious date (note that all we can do is to assume at this point, unless you're involved with the viral campaign, of course). In addition, I'd like to remind that this date has been in the [url=]Weyland Corporation timeline[/url] from the date the site was launched, although the link to [url=]whatis101112[/url] on the little flag in the box has been added later into the viral campaign. Quote from the timeline (scroll down to the bottom): [i]"Weyland Corporation is recognized as a legal entity and corporation under United States law and receives their Certificate of Incorporation from the Companies House in the United Kingdom. Due to the combined value of Sir Peter Weyland’s various patents and patent-pendings, the company incorporates with a higher fair market valuation than any other company in history. [b]October 11, 2012"[/b][/i] So, in a nutshell, with Fox having confirmed the sequel's release for 2014/2015 and the DVD/BLURAY release set for early October, the only thing I could imagine is either a new piece of the viral campaign, the official (nicely wrapped) confirmation of the sequel 'Paradise', OR (wishful thinking there), an announement about a re-release/extended cut by the end of 2012. Thoughts?
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