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Amazons and Valkyries: The female Engineers

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amon ra

MemberOvomorphAug-15-2012 1:25 PM
As everybody Know the whole female engineers speculations, but if they are even present, it will be probably be based upon the Amazons of greek Mythology and valkyries of nordic Mythology. since the male engineers are or some what based on greco-roman statues and are viewed as the creator gods, but what makes the female? are they just breeders for male engineers, and what role do they have? are they too warriors? what do you think.
19 Replies


MemberTrilobiteAug-15-2012 1:29 PM
Female Engineers are called Juggernauts


MemberOvomorphAug-15-2012 1:38 PM
snorkel, nice mind.
2013 sci-fi horror novels 'Custodian' and 'Tandem' available from Amazon, B&N, iTunes etc...

amon ra

MemberOvomorphAug-15-2012 2:01 PM
@snorkel, wait is it the name of the cargo ship is called juggernaut?


MemberOvomorphAug-15-2012 2:25 PM
*thinks Snork is a wise cracker and is on to something... very funny...*


MemberTrilobiteAug-15-2012 3:00 PM
Er, why not, the Juggernauts have female elements, and we've seen living ships in Sci-Fi before.


MemberOvomorphAug-15-2012 3:03 PM
What exactly is being suggested here? the engineers mate with the spaceship? lolz

David 1

MemberOvomorphAug-15-2012 5:16 PM
They might as well be clones or hermaphrodites... or the feemales be bald and just as ugly.
[b]Ask nothing from no one. Demand nothing from no one. Expect nothing from no one.[/b]


MemberTrilobiteAug-15-2012 5:26 PM
While piloting in the canon-chair - why not, very gigeresque

David 1

MemberOvomorphAug-15-2012 5:27 PM
I agree with that vision Snorks. Actually the SJ was fused with the Ship. But, as always, if Sir Ridley makes changes... we go along with them.
[b]Ask nothing from no one. Demand nothing from no one. Expect nothing from no one.[/b]

amon ra

MemberOvomorphAug-15-2012 6:34 PM
@snorkel Well i'm not sure that the engineers mated with a ship. If you look H.R Giger's artwork, there are women and biomechanoid females in his drawings. So a ship giving birth to infant engineers is highly not the case, and besides Giger's females seems to be dominant in his artwork.

Patient Leech

MemberFacehuggerAug-15-2012 8:08 PM
Yeah, the female Engineers should be patterned at least somewhat on the female figures in Giger's artwork. I hope they don't exaggerate the musculature, though, like they did with the males. They'll look like female body builders and that's no good...


MemberOvomorphAug-16-2012 12:50 AM
There's no need for sex when your gods


MemberOvomorphAug-16-2012 1:02 AM
snorkel, this is a brilliant conceptual (no pun intended) path to explore. Original SPACE JOCKEY is like a partial twin or Ectopic Pregnancy, lodged within the female womb that is the ship. He's like a self-impregnating sperm-ova interaction directing his mother though spacetime, choose a peristaltic vector. I LOVE the idea that the ship is the female of the Engineer species and this Giger image, and the three sexual portals of the juggernaut certainly support your seemingly-insane theory. [img][/img]
2013 sci-fi horror novels 'Custodian' and 'Tandem' available from Amazon, B&N, iTunes etc...


MemberOvomorphAug-16-2012 3:59 AM
I think female engineers resemble human females only they are pale, white and a little stronger.

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David 1

MemberOvomorphAug-16-2012 7:38 AM
bk101 › thank the gods I'm not a god then.
[b]Ask nothing from no one. Demand nothing from no one. Expect nothing from no one.[/b]


MemberTrilobiteAug-16-2012 8:05 AM
Not such a crazy idea as you seem to think, Check this well known picture depicting the Alien's lifecycle from Alien, taking especial not of the large female figure dominating the image... [img][/img] ...And now compare it to the image of a Juggernaut... [img][/img] ...The fin arm is the fused hands, the hammerhead the fused feet, the center is the abdomen, the three openings are (well FreePlanet covered that), the cargo bay is the womb, the pilots chair is a representation of the males masculinity and fertility etc. etc.


MemberOvomorphAug-16-2012 7:51 PM
What the hell are we talking about?

amon ra

MemberOvomorphAug-16-2012 11:13 PM
@bk101 Well if you look at greco-roman mythology, Sumero-akkadian myth and lore, and egyptian mythology there gods mated with and made cosort to goddess's. like zeus who mated with hera, or El (elohim) who is the husband of ashura (i think thats her name?) in canaanite mythology. So if the male engineers are male gods, than the females engineers are goddesses.


MemberOvomorphSep-08-2012 1:12 PM
It is quite unsure they still exist. As people pointed, females could have been extinct. But the anathomy of the Ingenieers suggest they are MAMMALS and, if not they, their ancestors were a male/female species. So the female ancestors of the Ingenieers should have looked like this (minus the hair): And I would vote for the females not being Amazons or warriors or soldiers at all. Sorry but that woudn't make any sense at all. Still it's quite possible SOME females became soldiers, as in our civilization, but ALL OF THEM, anathomicaly and biologically soldiers, like the males? That makes zero sense. The absence of females on what we know about the Ingenieers culture is a huge important fact, imo. Male militars only. That must be for a reason.
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