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Juggernaut arms 'curvier' than Derelict arms???

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MemberOvomorphAug-16-2012 6:45 AM
I know there's been A LOT of discussion about the differences between the original 'Space Jockey' in Alien and the Prometheus 'pilot seat', lots of differences. Well, here's an image of the Prometheus 'juggernaut': [img]http://i1.creativecow.net[/img] And here's an image of the Alien 'derelict'. [img][/img] Notice how the 'newer' or 'back-engineered' one is a lot curvier in the arc of the 'arms' where the original Giger design is more of a 'straight back, two straight-er arms'. I guess the original Giger design would have trouble 'rolling' the way the Prometheus one did. I'm more and more convinced Prometheus is showing us BACK-ENGINEERED ganesha-oliphant technology; ya know?
2013 sci-fi horror novels 'Custodian' and 'Tandem' available from Amazon, B&N, iTunes etc...
13 Replies

David 1

MemberOvomorphAug-16-2012 7:19 AM
we all love curves. lolol
[b]Ask nothing from no one. Demand nothing from no one. Expect nothing from no one.[/b]


MemberOvomorphAug-16-2012 8:29 AM
i think the main reason they changed it is for practicality reasons in flight, and the rolling scene...they had to make it a functioning ship whereas gigers was just for looks :)
Its a robot...ash is a goddamn robot!


MemberOvomorphAug-16-2012 8:35 AM
Cool:) The arms are thicker too.Not trying to sound trivial but it's being debated that the LV421 Derelict might be older than the Prometheus Juggernaut...makes this even more interesting to me. Thanks for posting this :)

Cry Havoc

MemberOvomorphAug-16-2012 12:11 PM
The design differences could be separated by half a million years if the derelict on LV-426 is very old.


MemberOvomorphAug-16-2012 1:33 PM
Yeah, but DON'T FORGET, the LV-426 one contained a) the massive driver aka Pliphant-Ganesha inspired welded-into-his-seat 'space jockey' and b) ALIEN EGGS. So if LV-426 'derelict' is thousands of years old, Alien eggs came BEFORE black goo. No?
2013 sci-fi horror novels 'Custodian' and 'Tandem' available from Amazon, B&N, iTunes etc...


MemberOvomorphAug-16-2012 3:20 PM
I think it's mentioned it the Art of the Film book that they changed it simply for the scene where it roles as Scott really wanted that implemented into the film. However in terms of "story" it could be for smoother flight and thousands of years of designing and testing new ideas?


MemberOvomorphAug-16-2012 9:37 PM
In the Art of the film book Max states that Scott wanted the Jugg to roll therefore they made it "curvier" so it was able roll. Chalk it up to simple design changes to help things fit the story and the way they were filming. Just like the differences in the Engineers and the Derelict jockey. They wanted to film an actual person and change them digitally as little as possible. Like I said in another thread, Ian Whyte even stood on an apple box during filming in order to look taller. This was so they didn't have to use CG. THis is why he wasn't the size of the derelict SJ. This is why the engineer wasn't as big when compared to the SJ in the cockpit. People can theorize all they want about this. It's cool. I enjoy theorizing about the film. But the differences between the things in Prometheus which we saw in Alien were simple design changes to fit with story and the way they were filming.


MemberOvomorphAug-16-2012 9:44 PM
@FreePlanet...I know you want to hang onto this " Pliphant-Ganesha inspired welded-into-his-seat 'space jockey' " thing you got going on but I really think it's going to cause you even more dissapointment than you've already encountered. Ridley's said it was an Engineer in a suit in Alien. There will be no " Pliphant-Ganesha inspired welded-into-his-seat 'space jockey' " in any Prometheus. Unless you consider an Engineer in a spacesuit one which you obviously don't. Not sure why you can't accept that fact. Or have you and I'm just reading you wrong?


MemberOvomorphAug-17-2012 2:34 AM
you're right, I spelled Oliphant with a P. LOL at me. [b]The Prometheus Oath:[/b] I promise to (in future) turn off my critical faculty and just enjoy any old inconcistencies Hollywood wants to throw at my $10 investment. Kerching! Corporate War Job Slave done, shut up slaves; ACCEPT THIS GRUEL.
2013 sci-fi horror novels 'Custodian' and 'Tandem' available from Amazon, B&N, iTunes etc...

Cry Havoc

MemberOvomorphAug-17-2012 2:27 PM
[quote][i]Chalk it up to simple design changes to help things fit the story and the way they were filming. Just like the differences in the Engineers and the Derelict jockey.[/i][/quote] [quote][i]But the differences between the things in Prometheus which we saw in Alien were simple design changes to fit with story and the way they were filming.[/i][/quote] I'm not so sure. The Jockey/Pilot 'chair' looks to be about the same size in both movies. That would make the Space Jockey in ALIEN about 4 feet taller than the Engineer in PROMETHEUS. Remember that Ridley said he didn't want to 'show us the Gods' in PROMETHEUS. There's something bigger to come. Something that actually fits in the 'chair'. [end tangent]


MemberOvomorphAug-18-2012 9:51 AM
@Cry Havoc...That's exactly what I was saying was a "design" change. In my post I talked about Ian Whyte(Final Engineer) standing on a apple box during filming so he could tower over the humans that much more. They didn't want to augment the engineers digitally. They wanted them to be very close to humans. Therefore, they didn't make the engineers as big as the SJ simply because they didn't want to have to do the Engineers digitally. Scott is a headmaster of the Doug Trumbull school of "if you can do it for real then do it for real" school. They couldn't make the Engineers as tall as the SJ without doing them digitally. Now, I know I could be wrong. Just my opinion. Most of the other changes ie the differences in the Jugg and derelict were changes to suit what they wanted to do visually.


MemberOvomorphAug-18-2012 9:55 AM
Can't edit my post but wanted to add this... @Cry Havoc...Just for the record Ridley said he felt he couldn't show us "God" in the first film, not "the Gods." And I doubt that his version of god is going to be an Engineer that is 4 feet taller than the others. Something big is in store, yes, but if that's it I'm sure everyone will be dissapointed. Another thing to point out is so what if an Engineer is 4 feet taller? Is it that big of a deal? Mabye they differ in size just like humans do. Mountains out of molehills and all that.


MemberTrilobiteAug-18-2012 10:11 AM
@ Free Planet... A little bit late to the party. Heres two images I compared way back when from the first trailer released just before Christmas last year and the following trailer we got a few months later... Christmas Trailer... [IMG][/IMG] Easter Trailer... [IMG][/IMG] @ Engineering - lets be honest here, the difference in size between Dallas, Kane and Lambert and the dead Engineer depends which part of the scene you watch. In this shot (in which Ridley used his children for the shot) the Engineer looks 12-15 feet tall... [img][/img] But yet in this image, using Tom Skerritt in costume the difference in size is much lesser, making the dead Engineer look approximately 8-10 feet tall, which is closer to what we see in Prometheus... [IMG][/IMG]

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