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Sequence of events Prometheous and Alien

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Eggs or something

MemberOvomorphAug-16-2012 7:23 AM
I'm pretty sure I have read and interview that the derelict on LV-426 is to be considered older than 2000 years which agrees with the "fossil-like" SJ, the Nostromo crew encounter. This means that the ship would have crash- landed on LV-426 well before the Engineers in Prometheus were preparing to go to earth before something went wrong (hologram scene etc ...). How the company finds out about the warning beacon on LV-426 is a mistery. Happy to be wrong on this as I would prefer a direct link of course and the SJ crash on LV-426 to be a future event. Discuss....
48 Replies


MemberOvomorphAug-21-2012 3:51 PM
Something I just thought of. There was a delay in communications. There was a limit to how far communications could travel and be picked-up. Right after they wake-up and discover they are not home yet...Ripley tries contacting Antarctic control. Nothing. No reply. Presumably because they are out of communications range. Out of communications range... Which means, SO 937 must have come before the crew of the Nostromo entered Cryo sleep. Ash "awoke" with his SO 937 already in his brain. The fact that "Mother is programmed to change course and wake the crew" under certain conditions was a ruse to get them to set down and ( hopefully ) get infected. One way or another, the company would have gotten them to set down there.

Eggs or something

MemberOvomorphAug-22-2012 5:09 AM
@ GoblinShark › With regards to Ash not joining them to investigate the transmission, I assume his strategy was to stay on board to ensure the organism got in if one of the investigating crew got infected. If he had gone with Dallas and Kane, Ripley would have not let them in by law. I agree with regards to the transmissions being down in your latest post although arguably Ash could have been comunicating with the company through a special channel not accessible to the other crew members and then downloaded SO 937 in Mother somehow .... who knows! I still think your theory stacks up though as Dallas did not see the SO 937 when first accessing mother (just Interface 2037)... I think! SO 937 was for the Science Officer's eyes only but it would have popped up on the menu surely like it it did later when Ripley dug deeper with her questions to Mother??? Maybe Dallas disregarded it or paid no attention .... surely he would have asked Ash what that was all about prior landing ion LV-426 as he was the Captain??!! So, going back to my initial question... if you were writing the script of the sequel(s) of Prometheus and was asked by FOX or Scott to link Prometheus with LV-426... in your view, HOW would you let the Company know about the warning signal from the derelict ... its this speculation that fascinates me as will be object of the scripts of future films if a link is created. There is a gap to be filled even after the bigger gap of how the SJ crash lands on LV-426 which is discussed in other threads ...


MemberOvomorphAug-22-2012 8:15 AM
Aside from us seeing the Company inspecting the crash of the derelict first hand, any explanation that points to them knowing what kind of creature is onboard is going to be hamfisted.


MemberOvomorphAug-22-2012 1:56 PM
"any explanation [of how the company knew about it] ... would be hamfisted" Agreed. Some of the main questions I have at the end of each movie are: ALIEN: -Who is the SJ? -Where did the eggs come from? ALIENS: -Answers "who is laying the eggs" - there is a Queen Alien. But not sure where she came from. Was she on the Derelict when it crashed? Did a "normal" alien mutate into a queen when it found itself in an environment where there was no queen? -Was the Derelict destroyed in the explosion? ALIEN 3: -Where did the egg come from that impregnated Ripley? Was it the Queen Alien that brought it with her when she stowed away on the dropship? ALIEN RESURRECTION: -Queen's reproductive cycle came from Ripley? PROMETHEUS: -Some things are answered about the SJ. He was an "Engineer". But the origins of the Engineer still are unknown. -There seems to be a lot more going on with DNA than was ever made clear in previous movies. There seems to be some sort of determination of "what" will come forth based upon what is combined with what. In almost every case, the result seems to bring forth a creature that is dangerous to the organisms around it.


MemberXenomorphAug-25-2012 12:54 PM
The thing that bothers me is that ash says:' you have my sympathies, I admire its purity/ perfection, you have no concept of what you are dealing with'. This seems like pretty clear proof that WT knew exactly what the xenomorph was and about face hugging. Also their is a scene where ash switches of a monitor just as the derelict comes into view as if he didn't anyone else to see it and it also seems as if he recognised as in:' finally - there she is". That some pretty strong evidence to show they knew exactly what was going on and someone definitely was there before them(nostromo crew).


MemberOvomorphAug-27-2012 5:39 PM
@oduodu: [i]The thing that bothers me is that ash says:' you have my sympathies, I admire its purity/ perfection, you have no concept of what you are dealing with'. This seems like pretty clear proof that WT knew exactly what the xenomorph was and about face hugging. [/i] Ash could also say that even if he himself didn't know about the alien. Just saying... [i]Also their is a scene where ash switches of a monitor just as the derelict comes into view as if he didn't anyone else to see it and it also seems as if he recognised as in:' finally - there she is".[/i] I don't recall him doing that. I do recall him going over to another bank of monitors, hoping for better reception.


MemberXenomorphAug-27-2012 9:57 PM
Hercules Point taken. See I don t have copies of the movies. I work purely from memory. So when I quote its almost always not exactly right. I think it was from the director's cut that I saw ash switch of a monitor. Or was it from the script ? See that's my problem. I know I have seen/read that somewhere. Ash's statement that "you have my sympathies, you have no concept of what you are dealing with" should at the very least indicate WY knew what a xenomorph was. It makes no sense that ash would say that and WY didn't know about it. That's all I wanted to convey but i respect your opinion !! OP Yes it would be nice if derelict crash was a future event because what will the plot of P3 be about anyway ? How WY discovered the signal and planned the nostromo to bring back a xeno ? I'd like to see in detail how they discovered that ship but I doubt that will happen in p3. Someone on this blog speculated that there might be a holographic recording on the derelict that shows what happened to sj that would be nice if it could be included. And how W and Y merged. And what technologies they might have gleaned in the process (from discovering the derelict and exploring it. Just a thought). Peace !!!!


MemberOvomorphAug-28-2012 9:26 AM
oduodu: [i]Ash's statement that "you have my sympathies, you have no concept of what you are dealing with" should at the very least indicate WY knew what a xenomorph was.[/i] At most, not at least. Indulge me for a moment, please. Let's say that the Company did suspect that there was a deadly organism that wiped out the crew of the derelict, but [i]didn't know what exactly what it was[/i] and wanted someone to check it out. Ash's knowledge of what the alien was like would be the same as the crew of the [i]Nostromo[/i]. "You have my sympathies. (Yeah, I know the creature took Brett and Dallas and is doing God Knows What to them. It'll do the same to you, and there's nothing you can do about it.)". "You have no idea what you are dealing with. (Neither do I nor do the dumbasses back at Weyland-Yutani headquarters. Who knows what else it's capable of?)". Again, I know it would be illegal to bring back a potentially dangerous lifeform, but if the Company knew what it was that killed off the derelict crew, they would have sent out a well-equipped expedition and still claim that finding the alien and having it onboard was an accident. Hell, they could have taken better precautions to contain it rather then having it run loose, killing off everyone and posing a danger to the boarding party and others back home. Just sayin'... [i]That's all I wanted to convey but i respect your opinion !![/i] And I yours. :)


MemberXenomorphAug-28-2012 11:30 AM
Hercules May I ask you a few questions regarding the alien universe ? I am not going to ask them if you feel you don't want to. So would it be ok ? I asked a few questions elsewhere but never got answered.


MemberOvomorphAug-29-2012 7:35 AM
Please do, oduodu! ;)


MemberTrilobiteAug-29-2012 9:33 AM
Ash - Joined the crew at Thedus Mining Colony, replacing their Science Ofiicer before their return trip back to Earth. SO 937 - Nostromo was re-routed to co-ordinates in the Z2R system to investigate the signal. Ash was planted on board to execute the order and ensure return of a specimen. Hadleys Hope - Colony was established after loss of signal on LV-426, 70+ families used as fodder, specimens of the Aliens. Burke ordered investigation of co-ordinates that Ripley remembered resulting in outbreak. CCTV cameras within Hadleys Hope and results gathered of Facehuggers in Laboratory would have been relayed back to the company via the network, yet the USCM, Ripley and Burke were not informed. Eggs on Sulaco - Only truly viable theory is bishop retrieved them from a lab while Ripley was rescuing Newt, thinking he would have chance to store them safely before entering cryo-sleep, but the Queen screwed up that plan. Fury-161 - Closed after the events of Alien 3, prisoner Morse debriefed and relocated. Samples of Ripleys blood taken by Clemens stored on ice and R&D into selective cloning began. 150 years later Weyland Yutani sold to Wall-Mart. USM acquires all of there projects. 50 years later, USM Auriga after six failed and one partially failed attempt Ripley is successfully cloned, with the Alien Queen inside her chest. Finally IMO W-Y will come to learn about the derelict Juggernaut on LV-426 by a holographic recording similar to what david saw in the Orrery in one of the Prometheus sequels - for and example check my [url=]Prometheus 2 Proposal[/url].


MemberXenomorphAug-29-2012 5:25 PM
Snorkelbottom You have my respect. You really know your stuff. What infuriates me about all of this is where do you start ? Do you read every interview from Scott/Cameron/giler/shuset etc then watch every youtube video ? Do you buy every book written on the subject and after reading all that now all of a sudden you are an alien universe expert ? I think not. I get the impression you intimately know the people who made these movies and that allows you to read between the lines and therefore knows what is going on behind the scenes . How the hell do you do this? I get the destinct feeling you know far more than you are revealing. Some industry insider feeding you info ? LOOL!!!!! Hmmmmm I wonder ..... Hercules I think snorkelbottom answered most of what I wanted to know about whether or not WT knew prior to beacon discovery. I still have a few questions for you. Alien 1 do you have any idea why when Ripley tries to contact Antarctica station why there was no reply ? It was never further discussed in the movie again as to why there is no radio reception . I assume she was trying to ask what the reason was why they came out of hypersleep ? Was this deliberately done by WT ? I also notice in aliens no where at any stage does the marines make radio contact with earth and what I am asking is did the ability exist to make radio contact but it was never needed ? 2) what was the line at the end of alien saying that Ripley reached the frontier in 6 weeks. Does this contradict the fact that she drifted through space for 57 years ? 3) why did WT need to get a xonomorph back to earth ? Couldn't they just have done their testing on a ship while in space ? Aliens 4) how was it possible that there was a colony on lv 426 and they did not know about the derelict ? In the directors cut of alien there was a scene where one of the guys says they got an order to check out something past the illium range. "range" seems to indicate mountain range meaning they should have had very detailed maps of the topography of lv 426. So whoever did the topographical scans of the planet knew exactly where the derelict was. And what about the beacon ? Switched off ? By whom ? 5) did Burke actually visit Ripley when he told her that she drifter through space for 57 years or was that part or her dream ? 6) why does no one remain on the sulaco as a back up in aliens ? 7) why goreman with so little experience ? 8) how was newt able to survive for so long without being captured ? 9) why did Carrie henn never persue An acting career ? 10) how was Burke able to get two facehuggers into that room without waking up Ripley newt without getting hugged himself and removing the pullserifle in the process ? 11) the sentry rifles scene was great !!! Why did they never include that in the theatrical release ? 12) when hadleys hope exploded was the derelict damaged or destroyed in the process ? 13) how the hell did the queen get inside the dropship landing gear so quickly without bishop noticing boyency changes in the dropship ? 14) was Burke acting completely on his own when he sent the coordinates to investigate or was he working with WT ? 15) if the power wasn't cut would Hicks really have wasted Burke ? 16) how can anybody on that mission simply assume authority and nuke hadleys hope without permission from earth command ? 17) does ripleys assessment that the mission was under military jurisdiction indicate that WT and the marine core wasn't in cahoots with each other as Burke couldn't assume authority above Hicks ? 18) why does the pulserifles and the particle beam phalanx sound exactly the same when firing ? 19) was the unstable/inexperienced/triggerhappy crew an accident or intended ? 20) why did they send so few marines ? 21) when the marines go in to find the people from their pdt's there is a scene where you can see the water pipes from the complex run straight into the resin wall arteries. Was the xonomorphs using the water from the cooling towers to feed / hydrate themselves ? Why didn't reactor meltdown occur along time before the marines arrived or are they clever enough to circulate the water back to the pipes they come from ? They knew exactly where to cut the power . 22) are the tentacles the Xenomorphs have at their back used to plug into the water feed of the hive ? Alien rez 23) in resurection why was it neccesary to clone Ripley why didn't they just clone the chestburster ? 24) why the hell do you put creatures with acid for blood in metal housing and not in glass ? 25) it allways seemed that Xenomorph's head was a differently shaped in a4. Am I wrong ? Somehow more rounded . Am I mistaken ? 26) the crash of the usm auriga seemed pretty big. Was anybody still left alive on earth ? 27) what did the one army guy mean when he said "they were supposed to revive the synthetic industry instead they burried it " ? 28) how was col able to acceSs the father mainfraime without passwords ?


MemberOvomorphAug-29-2012 7:19 PM
[i]1 do you have any idea why when Ripley tries to contact Antarctica station why there was no reply ? It was never further discussed in the movie again as to why there is no radio reception . I assume she was trying to ask what the reason was why they came out of hypersleep ? Was this deliberately done by WT ? I also notice in aliens no where at any stage does the marines make radio contact with earth and what I am asking is did the ability exist to make radio contact but it was never needed ?[/i] The reason Ripley was trying to contact Traffic Control in Antarctica was because she and the rest of the crew thought that they were home. Only after this (and Dallas's chat with Mother) did they find out that their trip was interrupted. (Also, Lambert noted that they were in the vicinity of Zeta 2 Reticuli, 30+ light years from Earth.) [i]2) what was the line at the end of alien saying that Ripley reached the frontier in 6 weeks. Does this contradict the fact that she drifted through space for 57 years ?[/i] She simply expected the shuttle to reach the Frontier in six weeks, but, in true [i]Alien[/i] fashion, things didn't go according to plan. According to Burke, Ripley sailed through the Core Systems (the systems closest to Earth) and kept on going. [i]3) why did WT need to get a xonomorph back to earth ? Couldn't they just have done their testing on a ship while in space ?[/i] I don't know. I would imagine that a ship would be a bit limited on resources and that WY would have more goodies back at HQ. [i]4) how was it possible that there was a colony on lv 426 and they did not know about the derelict ? In the directors cut of alien there was a scene where one of the guys says they got an order to check out something past the illium range. "range" seems to indicate mountain range meaning they should have had very detailed maps of the topography of lv 426. So whoever did the topographical scans of the planet knew exactly where the derelict was. And what about the beacon ? Switched off ? By whom ?[/i] IIRC, according to James Cameron in a [i]Starlog[/i] interview, the derelict just blended in with the terrain per radar and other scanning methods and that it was just too cloudy for it to be seen per satellites orbiting the planet. As for the derelict's transmission, I can give you two answers to choose from. In the novelization of [i]Alien[/i], Dallas, still under the impression it was a distress call, switched it off. In the Director's Cut of [i]Aliens[/i], Cameron wanted to imply with the nacelle that was damaged by the lava floe that the transmission was knocked offline by seismic activity. [i]5) did Burke actually visit Ripley when he told her that she drifter through space for 57 years or was that part or her dream ?[/i] Hard to say. It would seem weird for her to go from total consciousness to a dream in that way. I would imagine that it was a dream made from part memory and part fabrication. [i]6) why does no one remain on the sulaco as a back up in aliens ?[/i] It's mostly automated...mostly. (Sorry!) If another ship came by, the sensors should be strong enough to detect it and get the crew ready if they are needed. [i]7) why goreman with so little experience ?[/i] They probably weren't counting on something this extreme. [i]8) how was newt able to survive for so long without being captured ?[/i] As the aliens were finding fewer and fewer colonists, they were probably winding down their search and went into hibernation. Meanwhile, Newt probably stayed close to her hideout, not going out too often and making her trips short. [i]9) why did Carrie henn never persue An acting career ?[/i] Probably not her thing. There are many child actors who dropped out of acting after one movie and went into another career. What's interesting is they seem to go into teaching. [i]10) how was Burke able to get two facehuggers into that room without waking up Ripley newt without getting hugged himself and removing the pullserifle in the process ?[/i] As stressed out as they were, you could probably drop a bomb in the infirmary without waking them. I'm sure Burke had a way to loosen the lids and let the huggers work their way out. (Or, being a slimeball, he managed to negotiate with them.) [i]11) the sentry rifles scene was great !!! Why did they never include that in the theatrical release ?[/i] Most likely for the same reason the other scenes were cut: to make the film shorter for more showings at the cinema. More butts in seats. [i]12) when hadleys hope exploded was the derelict damaged or destroyed in the process ?[/i] According to the [i]Colonial Marines Technical Manual[/i] and one of the Aliens comics, it remained. However, this calls into question why the recovery team was sent to Fiorina and why no one had visited the derelict between [i]Alien³[/i] and [i]Alien Resurrection[/i]. [i]13) how the hell did the queen get inside the dropship landing gear so quickly without bishop noticing boyency changes in the dropship ?[/i] I would call that a plot hole. [i]14) was Burke acting completely on his own when he sent the coordinates to investigate or was he working with WT ?[/i] I would imagine he started it, with the blessing of some people from the bioweapons division and had some assistance here and there in the Company. Tell too many people and you get less profit and a chance to get "fucked over for a goddamned percentage". [i]15) if the power wasn't cut would Hicks really have wasted Burke ?[/i] Probably not. He would listen to Ripley, who didn't want Burke to face frontier justice. Send him back to Earth to face trial and to learn who all was involved with his plan. [i]16) how can anybody on that mission simply assume authority and nuke hadleys hope without permission from earth command ?[/i] Desperate times call for desperate measures. It would take two weeks for a message to reach Earth and two weeks back. I'm sure by the time of that movie, there would be some kind of protocols installed once a team is isolated and has to act on their own. [i]17) does ripleys assessment that the mission was under military jurisdiction indicate that WT and the marine core wasn't in cahoots with each other as Burke couldn't assume authority above Hicks ?[/i] Considering that there were hostilities against the marines, the mission became a military operation. [i]18) why does the pulserifles and the particle beam phalanx sound exactly the same when firing ?[/i] They didn't use the particle beam phalanx. They used pulse rifles, smartguns, sidearms, flamethrowers, and Hicks's trusty shotgun. [i]19) was the unstable/inexperienced/triggerhappy crew an accident or intended ?[/i] I'm sure that the USCM didn't want to waste the time of a more seasoned team for something that wasn't a confirmed combat mission. [i]20) why did they send so few marines ?[/i] They figured they could handle whatever happened and could retreat and wait for backup if needed. [i]21) when the marines go in to find the people from their pdt's there is a scene where you can see the water pipes from the complex run straight into the resin wall arteries. Was the xonomorphs using the water from the cooling towers to feed / hydrate themselves ? Why didn't reactor meltdown occur along time before the marines arrived or are they clever enough to circulate the water back to the pipes they come from ? They knew exactly where to cut the power .[/i] Most likely, it was just where the pipes were. The core probably wasn't at the critical level when they arrived. I doubt if the aliens had engineering degrees. As for them knowing to cut the power, it was most likely an accident that worked to their advantage. They were crawling all over each other to get to the team and most likely severed some cables. My cat once unplugged my TV when he was crawling around behind my cabinet. [i]22) are the tentacles the Xenomorphs have at their back used to plug into the water feed of the hive ?[/i] I doubt it. [i]23) in resurection why was it neccesary to clone Ripley why didn't they just clone the chestburster ?[/i] The DNA came from Ripley's blood samples from Fiorina. It was a package deal. [i]24) why the hell do you put creatures with acid for blood in metal housing and not in glass ?[/i] They probably weren't expecting the aliens to sacrifice one of their own. [i]25) it allways seemed that Xenomorph's head was a differently shaped in a4. Am I wrong ? Somehow more rounded . Am I mistaken ?[/i] It might be. They had more human DNA per Ripley's cloning. [i]26) the crash of the usm auriga seemed pretty big. Was anybody still left alive on earth ?[/i] Yes. [i]27) what did the one army guy mean when he said "they were supposed to revive the synthetic industry instead they burried it " ?[/i] I don't know. [i]28) how was col able to acceSs the father mainfraime without passwords ?[/i] Plot hole?


MemberXenomorphAug-29-2012 9:58 PM
Hercules Thank you. Helps a lot. And wow that was Quick. Once again Thanks. It also helps me understand How you should Interpret a movie.

Necronom 4

MemberNeomorphAug-29-2012 10:16 PM
@Hercules. Nice one. I agree with you on most of those answers, except question and Answer (6) The only way that the eggs could have got to the cryo sleep area onboard the sulaco, is if there was somebody else onboard. There is absolutely nothing in any of the films that suggest that there wasn't anybody else onboard and it would actually make sense if there was. Probably another android? The Queen must have layed some eggs in the dropships landing gear and then a Weyland Yutani employee, carried the eggs to the cryo area. That's the only explination that makes any sense.

The poster was good though!



MemberXenomorphAug-30-2012 12:21 AM
Hercules I always thought vaques and drake were carrying PBPs. But it was actually just larger pulserifles. Thanks


MemberOvomorphSep-01-2012 5:56 AM
[i]Nice one. I agree with you on most of those answers, except question and Answer (6) The only way that the eggs could have got to the cryo sleep area onboard the sulaco, is if there was somebody else onboard.[/i] Except for one small detail: we don't know where the [i]eggs[/i] were. Sure, the [i]facehugger[/i] had found its way to the hypersleep chambers, but it has legs which can transport it from one part of the ship to another. Keep in mind that the egg that was shown was hanging upside down from a grate, like the floor in the cargo bay. Plus, it looked smaller than other eggs, as if it was recently laid. There may be a chance that the queen may have crapped one out sometime when we weren't looking. [i]There is absolutely nothing in any of the films that suggest that there wasn't anybody else onboard and it would actually make sense if there was. Probably another android?[/i] Let's look at the crime scene. There is evidence of a queen alien and there is no evidence of a second android. If one is to assert that there is evidence for a second android, then they should also consider that there is equal evidence for anything else that hadn't been seen on the [i]Sulaco[/i]. Sure, probability and plausibility can rule out unicorns, genies, and other entities, but given the circumstances, a second android is just as evident as they are.

pogue ma hone

MemberOvomorphSep-21-2012 5:31 PM
Hi all... just found this site and I,m interested in what theories peps are coming up with for Prometheus and Alien... couple of things I,v picked up on (apologies if they,ve already been discussed... ).. The point was made at the beginning of the film that the cave drawings were found from different civilisations which had no contact with each other and were in fact from different times in history.. yet the same drawings were found.. would this not suggest the engineers had returned at various times.. ( perhaps to collect people for xenomorph creation..??? which could also lead into the alien film ) but also someone had left this information on where they could be found... why would they do this..?? any ideas...
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