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Necronom 4
MemberNeomorphAug-19-2012 1:45 PMMy top 3 favourite scenes in Prometheus are:
1) The opening Scene, with the Engineer drinking that Mingin Stuff! That was defo a WOW scene for me! It showed Ridleys Great imagination and Visual prowess and also showed, that once Unimaginable horror of a very Misterious, long dead Alien God, from Alien, in a completely different light!
2) The scene with David8 alone on the Ship for 2 years, keeping himself occupied in a variety of different ways! Brilliant and completely unexpected!
3) The scene where they first enter the Temple and David8 triggers the Engineer Holograms. That scene, to me, projected exactly the kind of scene i was expecting from an Alien prequel! and again it showed Ridleys Visual prowess and Imagination.
From that point on, the rest of the Film started to decline, in way of Imagination!
Tell me what your 3 Favourite Scenes were and Why?
The poster was good though!
17 Replies

MemberOvomorphAug-19-2012 2:25 PMMy favorite scenes are:
1. The "ghosts" of the Engineers running through the corridor and discovery of the Engineer body.
2. The pool table discussion with Holloway & David.
3. David in the stellar map scene.
I know, boring right?

Necronom 4
MemberNeomorphAug-19-2012 2:43 PMNot at all! I love them scenes also! And the Scene with Shaw and Holloway being briefed by Vickers, in her quarters, with the big screen in the Background! The Snow in the Picture and then Cap Janek decorating the Christmas Tree, will make for good viewing at Christmas! With my Christmas Songs Collection playing in the Background!
The poster was good though!
MemberOvomorphAug-19-2012 3:45 PMi loved everything about the movie. every scene was unique and beautifully shot.
and i agree, the opening with the engineer drinking the black goo was great. Probably the top 3 best intro in movies.
1. Prometheus crashing into Juggernaut. Juggernaut falling to the ground while Shaw and Vickers are running for their lives. That is probably the best action sequence ever in my opinion.
2. Shaw's C-section. Terrifying....
3a.The Intro Sacrificial Engineer. The way the engineer disintegrate, showing the DNA rotting. The engineer's leg is detached, thus sending him off the river.
3b. David in the orrery scene and the sandstorm scene(both of these scenes has to be seen in IMAX, just breath-taking and beautiful.)

Necronom 4
MemberNeomorphAug-19-2012 3:57 PMI liked most aspects of the Film and Loved a Few! But the scenes like the Milburn, Fifield, Cheesy, penis, Weyland logo Snake and the Giant Octopuss attacking the Engineer scenes, were NOT good, in my opinion!
The poster was good though!

Major Noob
MemberOvomorphAug-19-2012 4:35 PMN4 I'm shocked! Those beasties were great! My favorites are:
1/ the whole opening sequence
3/ Shaw stalking the Engineer with an axe
4/ everything else!

David 1
MemberOvomorphAug-19-2012 5:25 PM1. The Opening. Truely beautiful scene. Should have been longer though.
2. Bob ripping David's head and hitting Weyland with it. that was GOLD,
3. The hollograms.
[b]Ask nothing from no one. Demand nothing from no one. Expect nothing from no one.[/b]

NCC 1701
Veteran MemberMemberOvomorphAug-19-2012 6:14 PM1 - The landing
2- S/j getting ready , and firing up the derelict
3 - Prometheus crashes into the derelict

MemberOvomorphAug-19-2012 6:36 PM1. The Opening and David inside of the Prometheus before landing.
2. The Big Head moment.
3. MEDPOD and Deacon.
I know that should be 3 but what the hell...

MemberOvomorphAug-19-2012 11:36 PM1. The "ghosts" of the Engineers running through the corridor and discovery of the Engineer body.
2. Engineer killing weyland.
Uncertainty is the only certainty there is, and knowing how to live with insecurity is the only security.

MemberOvomorphAug-20-2012 12:38 AMMy personal favourites from the movie are these:
1.The opening scene- give a little magical feeling and was breath taking
2.David and the orrey+engineers- I always thought that David looked like a little kid while swirling around the orrey while the engineers do their thing And Bob's breathing/heart beat.
3.The last Engineer- How he rips and punches guys through the room but still loses to a trilobite.
This is my forum signature.

MemberOvomorphAug-20-2012 12:50 AM1. The juggernaut, that seconds of sielnce were epic to me, they conclud a whole life waiting...
2. the opening scene, incluiding the title introducton
3.the sandstorm

MemberOvomorphAug-20-2012 4:03 AM1. The Engineer and the waterfall. OK, maybe I was biased because I stood on the same spot as the Engineer about 1 year prior to filming and had a sentimental soft spot. Nah, it was brilliant, regardless.
2. The map room. Beautiful visuals and a depiction of truly alien technology, a black-box recording that mixes particulate holograms with real-world moving parts. Extraordinary.
3. The exploding Juggernaut. Looks and sounds fantastic on the Big Screen.
The most terrifying fact about the universe is not that it is hostile but that it is indifferent

MemberOvomorphAug-20-2012 7:55 AM1. Ok the opening scene was awesome...those good cg as well and the face of the engineer...those eyes and waxy skin...beautifull and scary both at the same time!
2. When Vickers torched Halloway and Shaw went completely hysterical....I thought it was a sad and intensely powerful moment!
3. I loved the brutality of the hanger scene.....and the same can be said for the awakening of the engineer when he goes from gentle giant to raging beast...loved it!!!!
4. The end fight.... trilobite versus engineer....epic!!!
The medpod scene is also worth a mention...not to mention Milburn and Fifields demise....classic!

MemberOvomorphAug-20-2012 10:23 PM@ncc1701 Loved the scene with the Engineer powering up the Juggernaut for takeoff. Gave me the chills. Ok, that's on my list too as number 4.

MemberChestbursterAug-20-2012 10:49 PM1) engineer hologram scene
2) when the team first sees the giant head and shaw says Prometheus, are you seeing this
3)the hammerpede sceene(Milburn and Fifield dying)
Not a map, an invitation

MemberOvomorphAug-20-2012 11:21 PM1. All the scenes in the cockpit area of the Juggernaut. Including Waking up the engineer. Engineer firing up the ship. David interacting with the flute and the universe map thing whatever you want to call it.
All three of those are just awesome
2. Opening scene = Epic, Crazy, and WTF all at the same time.
3. I dont know if I can include it as one scene or not but the first time they enter the temple is unbelievable. From exiting the Prometheus cargo hold, the cinematography while driving to the temple, to walking in the temple showing the helmet cams, David turning on the recording, seeing the body, and then the head room.
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