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MemberOvomorphAug-19-2012 4:10 PMI honestly think 80% of the hate comes from the fact damon lindelof's name is attached to the movie.
You know because its a popular thing to hate damon lindelof these days. If the studio didn't reveal damon lindelof as the scriptwriter, i bet there would be lot less criticism for the writing. I never watched Lost so I had no idea who this damon lindelof guy was before Prometheus. I thought the writing was fantastic, and the way he left things ambiguous and mysterious was great. It's a perfect way to setup a sequel.
Then theres plotholes, what exactly are the plotholes they're complaining about? They say "this movie has lots of plotholes", and don't even bother to list them...
and the complaints about every characters' idiotic behaviours. I feel like this complaint is incredibly exaggerated by everybody who hates this movie. The only scene that shows slightly odd behaviour was the pipfield/milburn death scene. And even then, their behaviors can be explained because they were getting high before the cobralien popped up so they were more curious than frightened by it.
That was it, the rest of the movie doesn't show any characters doing things out of context.
and then theres the stupid criticism "It didn't answer any of the questions raised in the movie"
These are the same people who praised Alien even though it didn't even explain what or who were the space jockey were. It took 30 years for Ridely Scott to answer that, and between that period, I don't see anyone criticizing Ridely Scott for not explaining the space jockey origin.
47 Replies

MemberXenomorphAug-23-2012 11:07 PMWait until the dvd is released. Why was all the extra material shot in the first place ? That is a huge amount of extra footage shot by the most efficient director ever. The extra material will make people want to see the film with the extra material included and then eventually an extended cut will be made. Then people won't hate it anymore.
This is an opinion. On something yet to happen. It s called faith.
Or maybe:
Let me see:
fox or brandywine or who ever spends 130 million us dollars to make a movie that is off pace that is too short with not enough character development with holes (not plot holes necessarily.), they then spend a further 50 million us dollars on marketing. Sounds deliberately made the way it was so that you must buy the dvd with all the extra material. Ah damn why wasn't this included, would have been such a beautiful movie if some of the extended / additional scenes were added. And eventually when the extended cut is releaed (after 10 years?) then people will say: I love this.
It would make no sense.
Long live prometheus (I love it)
This just an opinion (humble or otherwise) no factual basis.

MemberDeaconAug-24-2012 6:34 AMThe more i see the movie the more i like it....
At first it was a disappointment because well the bar was raised high by Alien and Blade Runner and also the movie was over hyped, Ridley and Co played with us with the Trailers, the comments that changed and confused us. Other things like the movie will scare the S$"£ out of you etc.
Once the disappointment dust had settled i then could work out a few factors that let the movie down.
Some scenes made no sense.... they seemed to me like someone had just came along and with some scissors just started cutting chunks of the Movie Reel out.
Now we realize that there was a fair share of edited and cut scenes and alternative ones. That once added back in make the movie flow better.
But i understand reasons for them being cut out.
[b]Elder Engineers[/b]....... Because Ridley wanted to retain the Mystery of them for potentially Prometheus 2.
[b]Engineer Conversation with David[/b]...... because it would have gave some answers to our creation and planned destruction or maybe because Ridley felt it took some of the allure and mystery away from the Engineer.
I think once we see the full scene and have subs for it, then the scene would make sense as opposed to the knee jerk violent reaction he had taken when at first he looked intrigued
[b]Alternative Fifield[/b]........ Due to Ridley wanting to limit the Xeno DNA elements until the Shaws Baby and its Life Cycle.
[b]The Shaw vs Engineer Scene[/b]........ Because he felt as Shaw puts up a good fight, when the Engineer disposed of the other crew with ease, made the Engineer not look as powerful as intended.
Then we have alternative and cuts scenes that reduce the level of Gore and Violence to get the movie to be shown to under 18s.
These aside the movie still had flaws...
I felt some Characters acted out of Character my two biggest ones was...
1) Janek.... he seemed little concerned about the safety of two members of the crew trapped in the Temple Over Night and more interested in flirting with Vickers.... this did not fit in with the Heroic Character we see portrayed with his Sacrifice to Ram Prometheus into the Juggernaut.
2) Vickers..... when she was being flirted with by Janek, i liked her responses until when he asked "Miss Vickers are you a Robot" Her reply did not fit with the Cold Character she portrayed....... She should have said.... "well i am off to my room and you will never find out.... good night".
So aside from a few cuts that effected the flow of the movie and some bad use of Characters.
The movie was not bad not bad at all, and its a shame Ridley was not allowed to have this movie made as either a 2.5 to 3 hour movie or a two part 1.5 hour or so one.
As i felt another 40 min would have allowed the movie to tell its tale to do justice to the scope of the plot.
Overall i gave it 3.5/5..... after seeing a uncut version with alternative scenes that may go to a 4/5.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberXenomorphAug-24-2012 7:28 AMI agree100 percent with everything you say bigdave.
It would make no sense if it was otherwise.

MemberDeaconAug-24-2012 3:05 PMThe scope of the movie is massive, and Prometheus 2 and 3 could be epic.
I feel Lindlof has great ideas, but i feel he should not have been given as much creative control to put those ideas on paper into a draft.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberOvomorphAug-27-2012 8:31 PMYou guys can keep telling yourself that.
Sooner or later, you'll realize that faith in Prometheus 2 or 3 is misguided and fruitless.
I'm only posting here because I'm in the middle of a boring meeting and I wondered what flavor of Kool-aid was going around here.

MemberXenomorphAug-28-2012 3:59 AMXenotron
My friend I respect your opinion. But remember when the final extended cut is released and fans rave about it that I said it will become an all time classic. I depends on whether or not ridley directs p2 and p3 to really seal the deal.
(Disclaimer: this just an opinion - humble or otherwise until indicated otherwise - no factual basis)

MemberOvomorphAug-28-2012 6:30 AMpersonally, i liked the movie. the only negativity i have towards it is the same as a crackhead... i wanted more and was disappointed by the amount i was given ~_^
1.i felt the hammerpede scene happened too fast and with no explanation. how did it kill?
suffocation, ate internal organs, sucked out blood and other fluids? did it lay eggs inside the body? i wanted more info..... perhaps a dissection/analyzing scene like in the original alien.
2. WTF was the space jockie's problem, and what happened to all of his buddies? obviously there was some huge problem that made them run for their lives and killed them off. if it was a creature, where was it? shouldnt it have been hanging around someplace? if it had a short life cycle, its body should be laying around just like the pile of jockey bodies.
3. MORE MUTANT. jeebus.... that is the one thing i was hyped about and dying to see. obviously they made many timeline mutations and we didnt get to see any of them!! we just got what everyone is calling a "caveman" instead of the super cool/creepy mutant form we now see in many pics recently.
i felt like i saw 1/3 of a movie.
what i saw i loved, but i felt like i must have repeatedly blacked out and missed chunks of the movie.
but one small reason i have went dormant a few times on the site is because of all of the bitching about this movie. i stopped going to the facebook site because of that also. on EVERY single update some negative nancy has to say "that movie blew".
everyone is entitled to an opinion, but to have the same people saying the same thing in every update and every thread is so damned annoying.
btw, if you hate the movie so much why are you still "liked" on facebook and active in the forum just to constantly say the same unimaginative insults?
personally when i dont like something i avoid it. recently i have seen movies and tv shows i found very insulting towards women and it pissed me off, so i stopped watching it when i became offended, then gave it the lowest rating possible.
if it REALLY pissed me off i left a bad review, and then i put something better on to watch and left it at that. i dont dwell on shows and movies i hate, why bother? it will just make my hair more grey and make my tummy ulcers bigger, no one wins.
i leave that as advice to people that absolutely hate this movie with a passion. dont watch it, put on a movie you love instead, enjoy it, feel better and have a great day.

MemberOvomorphAug-28-2012 11:31 AMFrom what I hear, the extended cut is supposed to have an additional 30 minutes of footage. I'm wondering if it has anything to do with the[url=] Space Jesus theory[/url] and that may be why it was cut out.
The extended edition also supposedly has the original script by Lindelof, so we'll see.
It's different with this movie somehow. I try to leave it alone, but I just keep thinking about it.

MemberOvomorphAug-29-2012 4:31 AMI think that the hate began with the trailers. The expectation was very high and the fake alien fans did want more of the xenomorf. I believe that if the movie didn't had any publicity no trailers and sell the idea of a sci-fi in space finding the origins of human race. The punch of showing the space jockey responsable for the creation of mankind and alien DNA, showing the alien ship and a SJ operating shoudl been too much for the hearts of people.
The problem is called internet and trailers, try to take that away and you have people going nuts because of some movie talking about the alien universe and SJ and the origins of alien as a bio weapon.

MemberDeaconAug-29-2012 7:37 AMYour correct and that was one of my gripes, this movie had a lot of scope and sadly the movie needed at least another 45 min to do the plot some justice.
As far as the cuts scenes, well some scenes that was cut and others that showed little of the Hammerpedes are done so as that the movie is not riddled with Xeno DNA. Ridley wanted to make this movie about the Engineers and us rather than about the Xeno.
He has left it very open and cleverly done because while he wants to leave the xeno behind he knows depending on the reception and critics the following movies can avoid the Xeno... or if thats what he feels demand is for a money for fox he can explore the Xeno and Deacon in future movies.
The Engineer scenes was cut because Ridley wanted to maybe not show so much of them or any dialog as he wants to explore them in Prometheus 2.
R.I.P Sox 01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017

MemberOvomorphAug-29-2012 3:21 PMI would disagree about the anticipation being caused by the internet and so forth. Even if that was the case, you'd have to ask yourself why Prometheus didn't deliver. This would be like Michael Phelps taking home the bronze; you know he can do better. The movie wouldn't have sold if it had no ties to Ridley Scott or Alien and it didn't deliver because it disregarded why people liked the first movie (which was not the Alien, by the way).
My reaction to Prometheus is based on how the movie was confused about the elements of story, character, tone, and coherence. Prometheus is a puzzle with half of the pieces missing. Because of all of this, it makes Prometheus more akin to a product--similar to a remake of Texas Chainsaw Massacre or Amazing Spider-man--and not a film.

MemberOvomorphSep-04-2012 2:35 PMI've had a good deal of time to reflect on the film and the uneasy place it has found itself in, caught between those who love it to pieces and those who feel betrayed. At the core, I think Prometheus is actually more of an unintentional reboot, rather than a prequel per say. The writers were originally going in the sequel direction and at some point in that journey it stopped feeling right to them. Maybe it felt too derivative and this led to creative stagnation. Thinking back further, I began to see discontent emerge when he said "That's wasn't a skeleton, that was a suit":
See by him doing this, it took away the alien mystique surrounding that creature and made it kind of equal to human beings. Because no matter how tall you make the Engineer, what suit he's wearing or how weird he behaves, in the end it's just a tall man. We don't experience that otherworldly uneasiness like we did the first we saw that skeleton, or when they are walking down that long, damp corrider leading to SJ that made you feel they were in something alive as opposed to just a ship. A chestburster could have popped out of the walls themselves... and it wouldn't have seemed out of place! For those who wanted that feeling back, they were absolutely betrayed, no doubt about it.

Ash! Ash!!
MemberOvomorphSep-05-2012 10:08 AMI agree with David 1. First of all I was bothered by the amount of information released before the movie. All the key scenes (except the xeno at the end) were basically revealed and shown, so it sort of left little after seeing it. What bothers me most, is how unorganized the whole expedition felt. A trail trip to Yosemite with my friends would be better organized than what they did, it felt toally unbelievable. Scientific expedition my ***.

MemberOvomorphSep-07-2012 10:31 PMi made sure to avoid the trailers prior to viewing the film (i watched the ted conference and davids birthday). As far as disappointment with prometheus...Although there are some legitimate criticisms of the film, i think the core of the vast majority of the disappointment out there stems from personal expectations. In many ways, prometheus is a great departure from the other films in the franchise. I think some people just wanted a different type of movie. They had built the film up in their minds (replete with various presuppositions)...In the end, the film that had been fabricated in the imagination was dramatically different from the film that was seen on screen.

MemberXenomorphOct-02-2012 1:30 PMXenotron
It seems you were right all along.
There seems to be no indication that the extended / cut scenes will ad anything to answer any questions and even if there is an extended cut it won't add anything .
So then maybe some of the other stuff like documentaries or such may provide some answers .....
You were right all along ! This is the directors cut.
As Ridley has said all along ,
Cheers !!

MemberOvomorphOct-02-2012 1:59 PMI dont hate the movie but I can see how some would get irritated at the repetition and lack of creative development in the characters.
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