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big question answered?

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MemberOvomorphAug-19-2012 7:45 PM
Here is a quote from ridley scott that i pulled from a screen rant interview. Remarkably, Scott addresses the age (roughly) of the derelict craft on LV 426. Maybe some of you have read this, but given the amount of discussion we've engaged in regarding the age of the derelict on lv 426, id say im not the only one who missed this little tidbit. Below is the quote as it appears in the screen rant interview. ( "For all intents and purposes this is very loosely a prequel, very. The very simple question was ‘Who the hell was in that ship? Who is sitting in that seat?’ and ‘Why that cargo?’ and ‘Where was he going?’ no one asked the question, so I thought ‘Duh.’ It’s a ‘duh,’ isn’t it? And then you say ‘But how did that ship evolve in the first Alien?’ Then I would say ‘Actually he’s one of the group that had gone off and his cargo had gotten out of control,’ because he was heading somewhere else and it got out of control and actually he had died in the process and that would be the story there. That ship happened to be a brother to the ship that you see that comes out of the ground at the end. They are roughly of the same period give or take a couple hundred years, right?" (ridley scott) So the derelict is not millions upon millions of years old (i had kind of hoped that it was)?!?! Also, we will not be seeing the derelict crash land on LV 426 in any of the sequels (thank goodness!). Although some room for interpretation still exists (scott's comments are somewhat loose), i took the above quote to mean that the juggernaut that crash landed on LV 426 took off from LV 223 (headed somewhere other than earth) around the same time that things went to hell in the facility on LV 223. As im typing, im realizing that there may be several ways to read Scotts statement. I dont have the time to continue with this right now so ill come back later and post. Having said that, i still think this little tidbit of info is worth discussing. Thoughts?
26 Replies


MemberOvomorphAug-19-2012 8:31 PM
The incident with the Engineers in LV-223 was 2000 years ago. According to Scott there is a difference of a few hundred years, but this could be 200 years before this ancient event or also 200 years later. Then the Derelict is old, unless of course that Ridley change his any case it is likely that this evolves into a spin-off...but who knows.

Necronom 4

MemberNeomorphAug-19-2012 8:53 PM
There is a Audio version of that interview, somewhere. I saw it a while back and it sheds a bit more light on it, because you can hear the different tones and expressions in his voice which translates as seriousness, sarcasm, wit etc etc. Which gives a bit more insight! i will look for it and give Link.

The poster was good though!



MemberOvomorphAug-19-2012 9:13 PM
There is also a [url=!]video[/url] of one of his interviews.


MemberOvomorphAug-19-2012 9:38 PM
Im aware of the fact that the contamination of the facility on LV 223 occurred over 2000 years ago. My point is that ridley (in the interview i linked to) is explicitly stating that the juggernaut at the end of prometheus is a "brother" (and exists in approximately the same window of time) to the juggernaut that went down on LV 426. This bit of news is a revelation (is it not?!) There was a time when we (as well as ridley) thought that the juggernaut on lv 426 went down millions upon millions of years prior to the events that took place approximately 2000 years before the events of the movie prometheus. According to the interview i linked to, ridley is unequivocally stating that is not the case. both juggernauts are separated by a relatively short window of time. thats f*ckin wild! i guess ridley re-arranged the timeline a bit.


MemberOvomorphAug-19-2012 10:07 PM
So, in that case...this are very interesting news to discuss, certainly would be great to see the original Derelict. HOWEVER I would also like to see new things, in fact I believe that it is possible to establish a definitive connection with Alien and then continue to expand the universe, but in parallel...IMHO of course.

Necronom 4

MemberNeomorphAug-19-2012 10:09 PM
Here's the link for the version with audio. If you're interested? When you get to the page, you have to click the "click here" for audio. I too thought the Derelict, on LV 426 had been there for alot longer and i was hoping so. But remember Ridley Said, a while back, that the SJ in ALIEN was a Gentle Giant (i definately heard that somewhere). So i think we should take that comment about him only being there for a couple of thousand years, lightly. He may change his mind about it, if he gets round to telling the story of that paticular SJ.

The poster was good though!



MemberOvomorphAug-19-2012 11:20 PM
Yeah, it is the same interview...thanks for the link @nec...and maybe there is even a possibility for that Ridley Scott can tell the story (or in part) of the original Space Jockey.


MemberXenomorphAug-20-2012 7:33 AM
Surely this indicates that the two ship are the same in design, shape and size. So why were there no hyper sleep chambers on the bridge of the derelict ? Is there also a chair on the derelict as we see on the jugg in prometheus were david sits when he pays the flute ?


MemberXenomorphAug-20-2012 7:33 AM
This then is a very certain indication that prometheus can be used as a definite source of info as to what may have happened to the derelict on lv 426 but it doesn't seem to prove that it crashed on lv 426 directly after taking of from lv 223.


MemberOvomorphAug-20-2012 7:38 AM
A brother ship does not necessarily mean that it has the same exact design or purpose. I imagine that such ships are 'grown', if that is an appropriate word, to order, and every one might have differences.
The most terrifying fact about the universe is not that it is hostile but that it is indifferent


MemberXenomorphAug-20-2012 7:42 AM
Good point


MemberXenomorphAug-20-2012 10:01 AM
Here's hoping. Yes hoping that the final few minutes of prometheus 3 - the real alien prequel shows us exactly what happened to the sj and how the derelict crashed. Here's hoping. Would be one of the greatest moments in sci fi movie history.


MemberOvomorphAug-23-2012 1:08 AM
I would actually prefer not seeing the derelict crashing. I think its better in that original mysterious way; we know what happened anyway, one egg got loose and the pilot got facehugged, over. Then thousands of years later, Lambert, Dallas and Kane go inside the giant vagina to explore the ship.


MemberXenomorphAug-23-2012 2:52 AM
Spacejock I suspect it is the ambiguity of it all that keeps people coming back. You see that's why I said the movie watching public is very messed up because the more you give them what they want the more they want- they want it now and it must be something different to keep them happy - eventually you run out of ideas and now you must kEep the mystery and ambiguity alive to keep people interested - that's basic phychology. So that's why prometheus was made too ambiguous. It was the only way to keep people watching the movie. So if somebody asks you explain the mystery of the sj then aren't destroying the very basis of the alien franchise: mystery and ambiguity ? If that question gets answered than revenue will go for fox. And people will find something else to do. With all the technology we have now why are we turning back to bladerunner and robocop. Because its about the story and how we as people relate to it. Ridley was in advertising for many years. Using so little to do so much and speaking to the person in you with his beautiful artistic style. But that's just my opinion


MemberOvomorphAug-23-2012 7:06 AM
The Juggernaught didn't even make it off LV233 Maybe the derelict began it's course on LV426 and again failed to take off


MemberDeaconAug-23-2012 7:40 AM
I cant remember where but Ridley did in another interview say that the Derelict ships crash had happened 200 years prior to the outbreak on LV 223 2000 years ago. So give or take we are looking at the Derelict landing on LV 426 around 200BC to 0 AD Ridley has said the ships are the same kind and they are Millions of years old as far as Technology goes.... Remember Mankind discovered Electricity about 350 or so years ago, the Car is just over 110 years old. Yes there are differences and Ridley has said that is because the Derelict in Alien is damaged and aged, while the on in Prometheus was kept in pristine condition. As far as a few internal differences and external take a look at these... [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] These are all Boeing 747 interior shots, and also the outside of the craft can be modified to be different also. [img][/img] [img][/img] So why cant the Juggernauts have more than one task and modification. I think this would answer the question regarding why the one on LV 426 never had any Sarcophagus.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberDeaconAug-23-2012 7:46 AM
As far as the Space Jockey, i am sure Ridely implied he was Benevolent. Thats leaves a lot open to debate... Was their a Civil War? Was that Space Jockey attempting to get rid of or Quarantine the Xeno Organism, was their no Sarcophagus because his mission was a one way one and thus a Sacrificial one. These would imply his intentions was not evil. Like the Engineer in Prometheus he did not appear to be Hostile at First and maybe the full uncut scene could cast some light on that subject. You have to ask why was he only alive? Why did a advanced race suffer a Outbreak did someone sabotage something. And likewise why did no craft escape to carry on its mission to Earth. And why did the Last Engineer also not carry on the mission and wait until he was awakened by the Crew...? This tells me, like with Mankind that the Engineers do not all share the same intentions.

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberTrilobiteAug-23-2012 7:52 AM
I too remember the quote of which you are referring to BigDave, not to be picky but in that quote Ridley said "maybe a couple of hundred years around the time of the fallout on LV-223". Now although that infers approximately 200 years, sometimes people, especially from Ridleys neck of the woods in Glasgow say "a couple of" when they mean more or less than 2 times of something, often using instead of "a few of", which is often accepted to mean 3 times of something. So I think it would be more prudent to say "between 100-300 years before or after" rather than saying "200". And remember, this is a guy who if his voice was used in a sat-nav would lead you in circles because of his affinity for the word right (Harry-Dean Stanton probably took the mannerism from Ridley).


MemberOvomorphAug-23-2012 6:49 PM


MemberXenomorphAug-23-2012 10:18 PM
Spacejock If you are not interested in seeing what happens to the to the sj etc why did you go to see prometheus ? Am I to believe that you went to see prometheus with no expectations to finding any answers regarding the sj ? Riight....


MemberDeaconAug-24-2012 5:57 AM
Yeah Snorky, i may have been mistaken and the quote i saw may had been the couple of hundred years. But i think he said prior not sure. But Ridley also said in other interviews the Derelict had been then before the outbreak but dont quote me on that. I cant remember where i read those things as it was a while ago, but if we only go by what your interpretation of the quote you put then yes 150-300 years prior or after the downfall of LV 223 cant be ruled out. I am sure he also said that it was leaving LV 223? I would assume that maybe it all hints to that they was shipping the Xenos from LV 223 to some other place. But due to a outbreak in Cargo Hold it only got as far as LV 426. He did say the distance it got was not far. (which in inter stellar terms does not mean same system). Ridley also hinted that the Space Jockey before working on Prometheus was Benevolent and i think he also suggested but not sure which words he used that he was performing a heroic act. Which to me suggests his mission was a one way trip to Quarantine the Cargo. I think they was trying to re-engineer the Xeno Organism, and they either kept a few at LV 223 to test and shipped the rest to Quarantine. Or that after the fall of LV 223. One Engineer decided to then leave with the remainder of the Xeno Eggs while another went into Cryo Sleep...... Who knows hopefully we will get answers in Prometheus 3. your right

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


MemberOvomorphAug-24-2012 4:24 PM
oduodu, I was really just opened for anything; I dont say I firmly oppose seeing a footage on what happened to our old sj. I just mean that I was happy that prometheus didnt shove that down our throat, instead it went ambiguous and still gave answers. I agree with you it could be cool, but then maybe some hint of it instead of a direct link. As long as Ridley is at the helm of it, we're safe anyway. After that someone will fuck it up down the line lol.


MemberXenomorphAug-24-2012 11:10 PM
Spacejock I feel bad for posting that now. Sorry. You don't need to explain yourself to me. What really messes me up about all of this is that a thread was started to explore all the mysteries and no one really seems to be interested. I thought people would fall over their feet to participate and to my utter surprise I realised: THAT IS OBVIOUSLY NOT THE CASE AS TO THE COMPLETE LACK OF INTEREST SHOWN. I then realised that this has been attempted before and people reacted the same way. I have however learned more about the alien universe than ever before because of it. But I won't take it outside that thread again. Live long and prosper !!


MemberOvomorphAug-25-2012 11:45 AM
indeed. im a bit surprised that more people arent interested in the this discussion. I thought this was going to be new info (oops). Although there are still uncertainties (ridley isnt terribly clear in the interview), we at least know now that, at the time of said interview, ridley does NOT view the original juggernaut crash (derelict on lv 426) as millions upon millions of years old. thats big right there. At the very least, we know that the juggernaut found on LV 426 and the juggernaut found on LV 223 are from the same general era (meaning that the events that make each ship relevant to us as fans take place within several hundred years of one another). I personally hope that the derelict that went down on LV 426 went down prior to or because of the "outbreak" on LV 223. I wouldnt be too happy with seeing the derelict crash land on LV 426. I like the idea that juggernaut number 1 (ultimately found on LV 426) was heading away from the outbreak on LV 223 (for whatever reason...there could be several) with eggs in his cargo hold (because the engineers were experimenting with xenomorph bio/genetic material and incorporating the fruits of such experiments into the ampules) when one of the eggs flowered and a facehugger got on him (and somehow penetrated the helmet).


MemberOvomorphNov-10-2012 1:08 PM
Joeyjoe- Nice, man! I'm reading this thread now, and it's nice to have confirmation. @MVMNT- if he was "part of the group" but then he "headed somewhere else" that sure sounds like he would have departed from the same place. Also, sharing the same fate as his 'brothers' (becoming infected/impregnated) definitely makes it seem like he was part of the same outbreak on LV223.


MemberOvomorphNov-10-2012 3:09 PM
thanks. i thought it was interesting info. At this point, i think its clear that the "derelict" juggernaut that went down on LV 426 came from LV 223. An engineer managed to get out of the facility on LV 223 (albeit infected) and was forced down onto LV 426 when he went into to speak. SO...both juggernauts are from the same general timeframe and the crashed juggernaut on LV 426 was already sitting there on LV 426 by the time the crew of the prometheus put down on LV 223 (derelict had been sitting on LV 426 for approximately 2000 years by the time the crew of prometheus got to LV 223). This is the whole reason why ridley showed us the outbreak on LV 223. He was, in fact, showing us why, how, and approximately when, the derelict went down on LV 426. I love that ridley was able to intimate the story of the derelict craft without actually showing the vessel go down on LV 426. This way... we get some general answers, a great mystery/puzzle, and the real mystery and mystique of the original derelict is kept intact (because ridley didnt show the ship crashing. that would have been way too on the nose IMO). As long as the sequel is a real quality film, im totally on board. I like the narrative a great deal.
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