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the similarities of the alien plot and human mythology?

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MemberOvomorphAug-20-2012 10:06 AM
Hello, everybopy, its a single but long posting. I hope its interesting to read. Pardon if some typing mistakes should have remained! We saw the film here in Germany very late ( start: Aug- 09) and I surely don`t known what to say on it. I just felt very touched - rather concerned" at the end out of any reason. The reason likely was that I could not really imagine , what that has to do with menkind history., resp what has that film in common with known human history or mythology? First PROMETHEUS scene The person obviously set out by a space craft on this "alien planet ". Is it the Titan Prometheus ( by Greece mythology described as the creator of tha lst species of menkind) . This mythological figure is by the church mainly identified as the devil", not saying that we then were created by that devil then ! No its hard to understand mythology and I am afraid nobody yet does... s. Synopsis The alien as biological weapon and the planet turning out being just a military bases was anyway brilliant. The religious idea of the 666,666 (unlimited number) beast" ? ) I understand as animal instinct combined with human intelligence in a certain comical environment ) The alien planet turning out as the place of the apocalyptic bad- as our " alien2 is some kind of the worst kind biological weapons imaginable... The biological arsenal of any modern terrestrial dictator is just pleasure against that... So the next part of that story might logically be a visit at the "titan gods" themselves. Its easy to fall here in a pattern of clischees or traditional religious imaginations and interpretations. I would say about myself I am an artist with the main subject being music . as learned gardener =I`m doing sometimes some smaller garden redesign just nor for the very rich ones- , to earn some money if a job is available. But a was always very interested in mythology / religion ( one comes in fact from the other) , But also science ( science fiction . So I was especially interested what Ridley Scott makes out of what he said before he had adapted from Eric Dänikens and othes idea , the anchestors of the human race were "just " another advanced travelling extraterrestrial raceor so. I am not a storywriter at all, But with interprating [url=]the Mayan long count calendar ( here a link to my homepage[/url] in years and not days ( here the first English version I wrote around 2004: [url=]Your text to link here...[/url]) I thought a key of understanding our cosmical neighborhood opened before myself. I couldn`t find a final clue so I decided to write an screenplay ( its betterand easier than a roman) of yn mysterious story out of that hypothesis I would describe as the story behind space odyssey) the mysterious dissapearing is caused by a black hole we surround since ages. I believed it must be told to everybody. So what i did m with my first and only screenplay ( story In have ever written was just to offer it by email to Script shark, which is an agency inn which Ridley script participates, For ( atb this time aroundn 150 $) they would read your script whatever bull*** it may be in their eyes and make a "recommended" or "pass" on it. I soon got anwser, they are not allowed to read that script. I must first register it at WGA and than pay the fees. I dot wanna say i found some similar scenes in Prometheus, but at least 3 scenes or so were very similar ( the pyramid, hidden in the ground, ghostly spirits. Anywhere I also have seen that" scene with the house of the hundred doors" I had the idea that this would be the perfect entrance to a labyrinth when i was in greece The original idea / house of 100 doros" comes from an island called Paros in the Greek/ Aegean sea ? Just there was built an byzanth church upon that place later. ) However: any story leans on anything known before esp science fiction has to be based on what we think its common realistic scientific backgrounds ,Same with Mythology on the other side- so the most credible theory- tried to explain something to simple human those did not understand technologies or science at that time. I did step 1 but then I just called from Munich to L.A at lightstorm entertainment asking what about to send them my script. The first answer was ( In had to laugh about) we receive 90% bullshit". I told here its my first story but its very interesting so she explained me how i can submit them my script ( alöready registered at WHY at that time) After while a lector there called mr Tom Cohen write per mail he will have a look at. He did so and honestly said the story was not bad at all, but LE does currently work on rather realistic stories. I was pretty powered out after thinking 6 years about that first story. Without clue to Mythology no clue to that story. Okay ( to come to an end) After I had seen " Prometheus" I thought about to publish my first script on my homepage ( not decided yet) but more to start a new story ( which wouold be the previous stoy that happened 35.000 years prior to my mystical one. The new story is just something In would decrice as " historical science fiction" aI wnat to " translate " Mythology (as far as known and that is the problem after countless religious wars beginning in ancient times 4000 B.C ) into Science fiction. If the theoryof the extraterrestrial creators is true) it must match to 100 %., allthough If I would not find all the clues. IF the story gets ready soon I will, likely offer it to script shark this time ( for approval)My story treats rather human history Its not that I would pick up any idea of prometheus Its just the way Ridely scott does it. By the way: had( for my taste) maybe a bit too many " ALien nostalgy" the last sentence " here speaks ... the last survivor of the prometheus".
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